The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Sits in the corner and rocks themselves to sleep whilst chaos rains from every inch of the room
A jar of ice cream slams into the ground in front of her, spraying her with half-melted ice cream. “Oops!” Blazestrike called from where he was chucking assorted food items at random people. “Sorry about that.”
Smiles happily and yells “No prob” at blaze
Sits quietly in corner then starts walking around and strategically placing sticks of dynamite on chairs (don’t ask why)
Frosty struts into the Hazelpage, suspiciously sniffing.
“Hmm… I smell explosive trouble brewing!”
“Isn’t it such a pleasant aroma?” Doepaw commented.
“Ah yes, there’s nothing like the sweet scent of explosive trouble. Which reminds me, I’ve got to explode some more stuff!”
From a popcorn machine on the ceiling, Firepaw yells,”I’m up here if you want my help!”
“There’s nothing quite like the sweet smell of napalm in the morning.” Blazestrike told Frosti while he organized grenades in neat piles. “Now, where did that block of nitroglycerine go…”
“Up here?” Firepaw called from the ceiling. “It might be on that corner of the ceiling. I dunno.”
Yoinks a flaming torch from the wall and runs around setting them on fire. She leaps in the air as they all go off, getting flung onto the ceiling with singed fur. She grabs pancakes and jumps back down onto Prismpaw’s head.
aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa YOU FORGOT THE MAPLE SYRUP Prismpaw screams. he hands Willowpaw and explosive jar of maple syrup
Frogpaw calmly strolls onto the Hazelpage. She walks over to the side and takes a rainbow colored drink. Eyeing the chaos all around her, she takes a sip from her drink. “I’ll be over here in this corner if anybody needs me.” she says.
Leopardkit grabbed a pink smoothie. She wiggled her tail and a walking ice cream machine grew out of the ground. “Should I duplicate this?”
“Yeah!” Frosti grinned. “That way we’ll have two times more ice cream!”
“ICE CREAM!” Firepaw shouted as she dropped down from the ceiling.
“Here we go again…” Captain mutters to herself as she walks into the Hazelpage. She sits at a booth and sighs. She then orders a Dr. Pepper and a platter of Colby Jack cheese.
“Hi, Captain!” Shimmers cried, bouncing over. “How are you?” she asked.
“Oh, heya, Shimmers. I’m well, and you?” Captain scooted over on the bench and cocked her head to the side, inviting Shimmers over.
“I’m good!” Shimmers said, plopping down next to Captain. “Do you have any clue what’s going on?” she asked, surveying the chaos.
The waitress gives him a doctor made out of pepper and a chunk of cheese named Jack.
“Don’t know why you want them,” says the waitress. “Jack is a stinky boi and Mr. Pepper here doesn’t fix my sneezes, he makes them worse.” She walks away without another word.
Shimmers gave a violent sneeze.
how did i not know about this page and what the heck is it
“A chaos party!” yells Willowpaw as she falls from the ceiling and drops pancakes on Prismpaw’s head.
(Hey, Prismpaw! We’re glad you’re here. We do a kind of fun chaos roleplay and you just roleplay lots of random, chaotic, sometimes dangerous stuff!)
Her fur is all singed
“Yes” Rainstripe shouts placing Dinamite in all of the food and drinks, then took a tnt and dropped it into the fireplace “whoops, ah well” he says as he blows all of the walls to peases, then glances up as the ceiling falls smashing all the cats, “That was fun”
It seems like Osprey decided to bring a squeaky pig dog toy onto the Hazelpage. While protecting that pig from any explosions, she quickly ordered an iced chocolate and sat at the counter, periodically speaking the pig toy.
WHirly slams the doors open and yells “Whirleh in the house!!!!!” She jumps away to find some cahos to create or add to
Blazestrike was, as usual, blowing things up, and he gleefully lobbed smoke grenades everywhere.
Firepaw pulls out some matches and (somehow) sucessfully lights them all, then runs around carrying lit matches and a lighter from the pocket dimension. Firepaw lights a window on fire.
Navy strolled in. “Let’s pretend that I haven’t been gone for months on end.” She signalled to the bartender for an orange juice and produced a book from her overly large backpack. “You don’t want to know how many more unread books I have in here.”
20 ice cream machines appear. “Ice cream machine!” Leopardkit meowed. “Yum!”
“I’ll take them!” Frosti cries, bouncing over and pressing a shiny red button on each of the ice cream machines that say: “Infinite Ice Creams”.
“Heyyyyyy hunny bunnysss” (anyone actually get that reference?) Mistfeather strolled in and pulled up a chair to watch the chaos.
Ospreymist pulled up a chair next to Mistfeather.
“It’s like an amazing movie,” she commented, surveying the chaos.
Leopardkit (who is like, tiny compared to everyone in the Hazelpage) growled at Ospreymist. “NO MOVIE!!!” She screamed and chanted a spell “asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm, asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm!” Millions of water balloons flew at Ospreymist and smacked every inch of her body with water balloons.
Osprey looked vaguely confused.
Leopardkit’s clone entered the Hazelpage calmly. She threw a rock at the floor and a sword case with millions of sword grew out from under the floor. “Surrender to me or die, dumbdumbs.” The real Leopardkit poured water on the fake Leopardkit screaming “She hates water” over and over again.
( im new to the hazelpage so if i got anything wrong or something then idk )
Flamepaw walked into the Hazelpage, she was confused by all the murming. Her ears pinned back, she yowled “ What is this place? “
Ospreymist glances at Flamepaw.
“A place that has 3 metre thick concrete walls and still somehow manages to get blown up on a daily basis.”
“Hey, you gotta have some way for us to have fun!” Blazestrike shouted as he swung from the ceiling, laughing wildly and chucking firecrackers.
Minnow walks in, explosives in hand. “Hi. What should I do with this?” As she says this, she grins and tosses a strange-shaped thing. It explodes in midair.
“I think you should eat them,” Tyrantstorm yells across the room and catches one in his mouth along with his chocolate sundae.
Leopardkit blinked twice. The Hazelpage suddenly turned into a place where you could do anything ice cream related. She threw a ice cream yoga ball at Blazestrike.
The yoga ball smashed into Blazestrike’s face, throwing him halfway across the room and into the wall. For a second, everything was silent. Then, there was the sound of slurping and Blazestrike’s garbled voice. “Zishh ish dulizhis!” he mumbled as he devoured the ice cream.
“Oops.” Leopardkit meowed, not looking sorry at all.
Firepaw just goes back to the ceiling and is depressed.
The lights go out. A black swirling portal appears from the ceiling, 2 dragon and 1 female dragon-kitten swoop out of it. “WE ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Moonkit (Dragon-kitten form) yowls, her crescent moon glowing in the dark as she swoop around breathing fire, she accidentally sets Leopardkit on fire. “AACK!!!” she yelps and quickly breathes some water, drenching Leopardkit. “At least ur not on fire anymore” The 2 dragons quickly flap down and land next to Moonkit. On Moonwatcher there is Blacky (Blackkit) who is juggling knives which he proceeds to chuck at the ice cream machine, destroying it, and on the metalwing, Blade, the is Stormy (Stormpaw) who is wearing see through diamond armor
Leopardkit frowns. ¨Must you destroy my amazing ice cream machine? Also, your not the only dritten. Watch this.” In a blink of an eye, Leopardkit had green wings that glowed slightly and her eyes were glowing even more. ¨Besides, that’s the easy way to juggle.” Leopardkit flew to the ceiling and did flips in the air while juggling flaming swords.