The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Roselet suddenly appears out of nowhere and starts eating all the dinosaurs.
“I HAVE FINALLY ARRIVED!” she announces while throwing blueberries at everyone. “wait, why is everyone a dinosaur?” she asks, stealing Dinosaurhollykit’s ice-cream and eating it also.
dinosaurmoonshade rawrs
“nOO” says Roselet “dinosaurs are my favorite fooddddd.” She then starts eating dinosaurmoonshade.
dinosaurmoonshade teleports and pulls out a lightsaber
Dinosaurhollykit inhales Roselet. “There. All accounted for.”
Roselet uninhales herself.
“OoOOh what do dinosaurs taste like? You gotta tell us!”
“They taste like cookies,” Roselet says, “with frosting and spinkles and chocolate chips. Hey does anyone want some?” she asks, offering dinosaurdinopaw, who is covered in frosting, to Primrosepaw.
“YES PLEASE” Primrosepaw eats dinosaurdinopaw and smiles “Dinosaurs are so tasty!”
“Aww, my ice cream. I don’t even like ice cream—but still,” Dinosaurhollykit says.
“HEY” She shouts getting a ball of snow in her face she magically summons A hot sauce-filled water gun a shoot it at Scorchmist”MUAHAHAHHAAAAAA”
“I’m not going near that vending machine again!” unless they offer free cookies” Primrosepaw mews behind Woodheart before getting splashed by a nearby broken can of soda
Primrosepaw grabs a ton of cookies before jumping onto the counter in a panic “WHERE- ARE THE DRGONS?1! I THOUGH THEY WOULD BE TRYING To BURN DOWN OUR CHRISTMAS TREES BY NOWww <:0)
“They’re here Prim!” Scorch yells as she grabs a fire-breathing dragonet’s neck and brings them inside the tavern. “I’m going to adopt them! Their name is Duolingo!”
Duolingo roars in fury as they burn down the trees.
“Thank Starclan! also why Doulingo? Doulingo (not the dragon) has come for me once, it went down epicly, even though I already knew Spanish”
Scorch dumps a huge stack of dollars into the vending machine. “Don’t worry, all the money that goes in is donated to the macaws.”
Owlpaw sprints away from Duolingo’s teeth yelping”WATCH WERE YOUR SWINGING THAT DRAGON” She yells at Scorchlight”CONTROL YOUR CHILD” She shouts
“FREE CANDY!” Roselet yells and tries to grab all the cookies. “free dinosaur cookies!”
“Aaaaaah” Primrosepaw replies
Hazel pops their head into the absolute chaos and decides to sit outside and read her favourite book
dinoaurmoonshade grabs her giant stack of books and follows Hazie
“Chaos is overrated,” she rawrs, sticking her head into a Wildwood book
Silverkit nods in agreement. She goes to follow them but realises that she didn’t bring any books.
“I guess I have to stay here.” Silverkit grins.
Lionflakepaw finally wakes up to see A. More Christmas tree crushing/destroying, B. Skye is here and C. Lionflakepaw has things drawn on face.
“Why am I not surprised. You fall asleep for 15 minutes, I think, and you miss out on crazy stuff. And get drawn on.” Lionflakepaw yawns and as a lion it is very loud and tree falls on him again. “Yup. Not surprised.”
Sparkpaw wanders in, tilting her head. “Wait, what did I miss? I was out hunting for…” She pauses. “Uhhh… I don’t know, a moon?”
Hazel pops up behind Sparkpaw. “No idea what you missed, I sat outside with dinosaurmoonshade for a while.” They then jumps over Sparkpaw. “TIME TO JOIN THE CHAOS!!!” She shouts and throws Christmas candy all over the Hazelpage
Sparkpaw ducks as Hazel jumps over her. “Hm. Seems like the tavern could do with some on-fire Christmas trees!” She grins evilly, pulling out her yellow lightsaber.
Scorch flutters in her harpy form around Duolingo, which roars something like “Beg for your life in German!”.
Ich bettele auf Deutsch
dinosaurmoonshade rawrs in response
Sparkpaw watches unimpressed. “Bramblestar google translated ten times is fungus formed.” She walks away to destroy some Christmas trees.
“FABRICA DE PELOTA DE TENIS! NO ME MATES PORFAVOR! ” primrosepaw begs hopeing Doulingo doesn’t realize she spoke Spanish
dinosaurdino stutters in broken german “uhh meine leiblingsfarbe is green?”
“Well said, friend.” Dinosaurhollykit dips her head in respect of the wise message.
(this reminds me of this one scene in a book I wrote: “My paws are getting hot,” replied Magmaflow calmly. )