The Hazelpage

The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitinglyย and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rusticย carumย bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.


[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]

Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls,ย three floorsย and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top!ย We’ve returned, freeย from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up yourย HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.

Notice Board:
Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.


  • Iris sat with her glass of lemonade, down panting. “Lets take a break guys.” Iris said as she sat down at the bar. “Snowswirl, Silentsong, want to sit down?” she asked, guesturing to the empty seats next to her .

      • Iris handed Snowy (can I call you that? Or do you prefer Snow?) a lemonade . “So, what books have you been reading lately” Iris asked, because she is a fangirly bookworm ๐Ÿ˜›

        • (yes you can call me Snowy)”thanks for the lemonade, I’m currently reading Airborn and The Winnowing both of which pretty good so far. What about you?” Snowy said while taking a sip of lemonade

          • “I literally just started the Hunger Games and I just finished reading the Divergent trilogy and it was AMAZING!!!!” Iris looked around for someone to fan-girl with Iris leaned over the counter, a mischievous gleam in her eyes, “Hey Embix, do you have a carbonator?” she asked, smiling. Turning to Snowy, ‘I’m going to try and carbonate my lemonade.” she paused, thinking, “I wonder what else would taste good carbonated?” ๐Ÿ˜€

            • “maybe carbonated hot chocolate? I have no idea what would taste good carbonated besides pop” Snowy said “although I am now interested” Snow wanted to help in the investigation

              • Iris smiled. “I wonder what would happen if you got a brownie, made a hole in it, and tried to carbonate it from the inside?!” Iris wondered out loud as she waited to see if Embix could lend them a carbonator.

                • Robin sat down on the bench next to her fellow congaliners and said, “I think that carbonated brownies would taste weird… ooh, but seltzer water? I tried it one time, and it is the GROSSEST. CARBONATED. THING. EVER!! It tastes like Sprite without the sugar.” Robin shuddered at the horrid memory while sipping her lemonade. (One of the lemonades is for me, right?)

  • Ha, we replied to my comment so many times it won’t let us reply anymore! Picking up from where we left off…
    “Of course Robin!” Iris said. “Also, I like seltzer water…” ๐Ÿ˜›

    • “hmm I’ve never had seltzer water before, anyways. Does anybody else have ideas for what we should carbonate or want to talk with us?” Snowy asked

          • Softpaw walked up, laughing. “What about salted carbonated milk?” She asked teasingly.

            • “we are trying to figure out what would taste the best/worst things would be if we carbonated them. Want some lemonade?” Snowy explained

  • Shadowedpaw walked into the hazelpage for the first time in months. She smiled, looking at everyone having a good time, then froze. Sitting at the bar, laughing and talking, was Softpaw. Something inside Shadowedpaw frosted over when she saw what Softpaw was wearing. A hoodie. My hoodie.

    • Shady, you are confusing me… ๐Ÿ˜› (who am I supposed to be friends with, you or Softpaw ๐Ÿ˜› )

      • Thank you.๐Ÿ˜› Idk the Shady character I’m role playing with is quite shy, so I geuss Softpaw because she’s more outgoing. (And now my role play self hates my other role play self. I think I’m confusing myself)

        • You know what, I’m already “know” Softpaw from Christmastime roleplay here and you from the blog so I’m just gonna be friends with you both I guess? ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Iris waved SHady over to sit down next to her.
    “Hiya SHady!” she says, smiling. “We were just talking about trying to blow up a brownie with a carbonator! Do you happen to have a carbonator on you,? ” Iris says with a little laugh that quickly dies in her throat when she sees Shady’s expression. SHe was staring at Softpaw with utter hate. “Umm, are you okay Shady?” Iris asked, a bit worried.

    • Shady shook her head. “Yeah. I um- I just really hate Under Armor hoodies…” She said awkwardly. “And no, I don’t have a carbonator”

      • (Note: Under Armor is the hoodie brand Softpaw is currently wearing)

      • Iris looked at Shady skeptically, and shrugged, “If your sure..” she said uncertaintly. “If you ever need to talk about something, I’m a good listener.” she added, before turning back to the task at hand, blowing up a brownie. ,

  • Lion appeared from out of nowhere, “What appears to be the gist, physicists?” She hesitated, “I mean, what’s been happening ’round here since I last visited.” She coughed, “Probably years ago.” She coughed again.

    • Iris looked nervously over at Shady, but turned to face Lion.
      “Hi Lion!” she said as cheerfully. “Want a lemonade? Come, sit down!”
      Iris pointed to a sit at the bar next to her and Aster, while handing Lion a lemonade.
      “We’re trying to figure out if someone can make a brownie explode with a carbonator. Do you happen to have a carbonator?” Iris asked, peering at Lion with a smile. ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Snowy went through her backpack. “Wait! Iris, I found a carbonator in my backpack! you have no idea what I can find in my backpack ๐Ÿ˜› ” Snowy handed it to Iris

          • “I haven’t a clue.” Iris said, looking at Lion. “Snowy and I have pretty much just been offering anyone who comes in lemonade. We’re putting it on the Blogclan tab. I’m definently, pretty sure that it exists, to aid all of those people out there know need lemonade or hot cocoa to survive but sorta kinda forgot their wallets in a tree somewhere. Not that I know anyone like that of course.” Iris laughs nervously. ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Iris rolled her eyes at Robin, though she was smiling.
      “Thanks Snowy!” she said, accepting the carbonator from Snowy, she held it up dramatically.
      “Who wants to watch some brownies explode!!!” she yelled. ๐Ÿ˜€

      • “I do! I do!” Snowy called while half jumping in her stooly thing. “Make one explode, I’ll eat it after” Snowy offered

        • Lion laughed, “I can’t wait to see this, save some brownies for me though.” She added winking.

          • Softpaw laughed. “I have some safety goggles in my pockets! We can use them to avoid getting brownies in our eyes!” She said excitedly, pulling out about a dozen safety goggles from her pockets.

            • Iris waved Softpaw off as the others accepted the goggles.
              “I don’t need no safety googles” she said jokingly.
              Iris held up the carbonator like a screwdriver, and squeezed the handle, and received a jet stream of bubbles and water in her eye.
              “OMSC!” she screamed, jumping back, laughing, clutching her eye.
              “You were holding it backward!” Snowy said, laughing.
              “And you didn’t tell me?” Iris said, but her voice was light.
              “You know Softpaw, I think I’ll take some goggles now!” Iris said, laughing.”

                • Iris laughed.
                  “That’s probably a good idea” Iris joked, turning the carbonator around.

    • “Hi Duskpaw!” Iris said, turning to Duskpaw, carbonator in hand.
      “Come on over, were trying to make a brownie explode!” Iris said waving Duskpaw over.

  • Iceflower glowered from behind the bar, sulking. “Whatever you blow up, I’m not cleaning it up.” She said, looking morose.

  • “Don’t worry!” Iris said to Icy, “We’ll clean it up!”
    Iris, with the carbonator positioned correctly in her hand, stuck the top of the carbonator in the brownies, and pressed the handle.
    There was a pop, and suddenly there were pieces of brownies flying everywhere.
    Iris screamed, more form laughter than anything. As soon as she opened her mouth, a huge chuck of brownie flew into it.
    Iris chocked on the brownie for a second, but managed to swallow it.
    When Iris opened her eyes, there was wet brownie everywhere. One the floor, the counter, Icy’s shirt, Snowy’s hair, Softpaws’s shoe, Shady’s goggles, you name it.
    Iris picked a piece of brownie off her arm and stuck it in her mouth.
    ๐Ÿ˜€ Yay, we finally exploded the brownie ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Softpaw started laughing, then laughing more until she was wheezing. “ICY, CAN WE BORROW A MOP?” She called between laughs.

      Shady took off her goggles and wiped them off. Her face showed a tight smile, as though she was trying not to laugh or giggle.

      • Iris looked over at Shady, who was staring at Softpaw again with that weird look on her face. Determined to lighten the mood, she picked a piece of brownie of of the counter, and threw it at Shady.
        “BROWNIE FIGHT!!!”she yelled, gabbing another piece from out of her hair and throwing it at Snowy.

        • Softpaw jumped in surprise, then took a peice of brownie off her face and threw it back at Iris. ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Snowy laughed when it exploded and attempted to catch some in her mouth and got some in her mouth too ๐Ÿ™‚ then proceeded to pick the one piece out of her hair and eat it “good job Iris that was fun” she said as she started to pick up the pieces that landed on the bar and some nearby unoccupied tables and chairs

  • Robin put on the “Clean Up Song” while cleaning up the brownies and began singing it:
    Clean up clean up
    everybody everywhere
    clean up clean up
    um… I forget the rest
    She began to eat brownie pieces off the floor because she’s weird like that :)>

    • “Nuuuuu!” Iris called at Robin.
      “Don’t clean the brownies up yet! I’m still throwing them!”
      Iris picked up a piece of brownie and threw it at Robin, laughing. ๐Ÿ˜›
      (i just realized that I laugh a lot apparently ๐Ÿ˜› )

  • Lion looked up at the brownie mess, “Any whole brownies left?” She asked, whilst sipping pink milk.

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