The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitinglyย and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rusticย carumย bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls,ย three floorsย and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top!ย We’ve returned, freeย from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up yourย HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Iceshard stepped into the new room. Scanning his surroundings he found a collections of monitors. All turned off. He walked up and tapped the keyboard. The whole room instantly lit up. Light luminated the white walls, the monitors started up, and the Time Bubble’s platform started to rise.
Lionpaw forward rolled onto the platform moments before it rose, “Icy, wait for me!” She yelled to her. “I really wanna see what these aliens look like, I have a wild imagination and I think they look like this. Am I right?”
“Yes, they are from Shaun the Sheep.” Lionpaw sighed.
Wavepaw froze. “You know, that might not be a good idea…”
“When in doubt, start pressing buttons,” Emberpaw sighed sarcastically.
“And spill chocolate spread all over it purposely!” Lionpaw said reaching for a spare pot she kept under her fedora. “Take that!” She smashed the jar on some random controls, “And that!” She smeared it between levers and buttons. She clearly did not get Ember’s sarcasm. ๐
Wavepaw facepawed. “Where’s Shaun, then? And the sheep?”
“Uhh. In their barn sleeping in the hay?” Lionpaw said sarcastically.
Russetfeather sat quietly on the bar stool and rolled her eyes. “I wonder what this red button will do?”, she said sarcastically.
“It gives you a secret passage / wormhole to outer space.” Lionpaw said, “Don’t ask how I know…. Or don’t look out the window.” She giggled nervously before throwing herself on a beanbag she had dragged near the entrance of Time Bubble.
Iceshard jumped when he saw the Time Bubble start to spin. “Guys get out!” He screamed. The group raced toward the door knob, but made a gesture to say it was locked. “Everyone not in the bubble hit any of these controls. We need to get them out!”
Lionpaw screamed, though it was muffled through a thick layer of beanbag, “Iceshard, how areโ” She ducked as a stool fell over and flew towards her, “How are we going to get out?!” She hid in the beanbag to avoid any more flying chairs, lights and other random objects that had flown around the Time Bubble after the gravity change when it had begun to spin like mad.
Wavepaw slammed her hands down on the buttons. And put a foot on some, for good measure.
Emberpaw smashed his fist on some buttons.
Iceflower raced forward and banged on random doors until she reached the room containing her friends. “Guys, what’s going on?” She yelled, gripping the doorknob tightly.
“No idea,” Wavepaw yelled back.
“Why won’t the door open?” Iceflower yelled, kicking the door for good measure.
Lionpaw shrugged “Ask Wavepaw.” She said before hiding under her beanbag again. ๐
Suddenly, the whole room flared a bright green and the buttons stopped pressing down. Wavepaw slammed another hand down on them, but it was no use. They stayed in place.
The Time Bubble slowly whirled to a stop and another flash of green light occurred as a hidden panel slid open and out walked three aliens, in full gear.
“Well, well,” the first one grinned, taking in the room. “A little surprise, I see. How lovely.”
Emberaw drew his laser gun.
Lionpaw yelped and slid into a corner, but accidentally knocked over a fizzing bottle of green liquid. “Whoops.” She said to the aliens. “Someone broke that…”
“I have a feeling that that was something important…” Emberpaw trailed off as the aliens pointed their weapons at Lionpaw.
“Yeah… Me too…” She turned to the aliens. “I come in peace… Totally… Well, I was actually here because you guys locked me in, but thats not the point.” She hesitated, “Besides, nice beanbag where did you get it from?” One alien blinked slowly before glaring at the steaming puddle of green slime. “Yeah, about that, I’ll fix that later, but do you mind unlocking the door?”
Wavepaw grinned. “I think they’re angry. Nice job.”
The aliens glared at her.
Lionpaw thought fast, ” Wavey! Duck!!” She called, as Wavepaw ducked, she threw the remains of the glass bottle at the aliens.
Whoops that was an accident – ignore that ๐
Iceflower flung herself at the door again as she heard a new voice. “Who’s that?” She demanded. “I will break this door down, you hear me?”
Lionpaw looked at the door, “Icy?” She glanced at one of the aliens who were pointing a laser gun at the door. “Don’t come in! There’s aliens on the loose.” She took a step forward, but her paw slipped in the green liquid, her paw became invisible! She shook it around, but still couldn’t see it. While the aliens were distracted she pulled out her phone and texted Wavey – the message read ‘Wipe green stuff on you, you become invisible, I’ll distract the aliens – Tell the others.’
“Wha- That’s precisely why I should come in!” Iceflower yelled, kicking at the door harder.
Lionpaw smiled, “There’s a window around the back, don’t come in through the door, the aliens are there.” She unlatched the window behind her.
Iceflower scowled and grabbed a small leather pouch from her bag, gripping it in one hand. She found the window and peered inside, eyes narrowing. She clutched the window tightly, the pouch dangling from her arm.
Emberpaw fired his laser gun, but the bright beams barely seemed to have any effect. He hid behind a bookshelf. “Either these things are really strong, or there’s some other potion thing is that’s making them stronger,” Emberpaw guessed loudly before throwing a dictionary at one of the aliens.
Lionpaw smiled as the dictionary hit one in the face, “Nice shot Ember!” She raised her voice so the aliens could hear her, “Maybe you should throw one of the World Enyclopedias at them!” She laughed hysterically, before reaching for an enyclopedia.
Iceshard jumped backward to avoid an aliens’ lasers. That’s when he hit a shelf containing a blue potion. It spilled all over his fur.
“Ew! It’s all wet!!!”
Then an alien stepped forward and pointed a laser toward Ice’s forehead. “Surrender to our kind or suffer the consiquences.”
Iceshard shook his head. “We defeated you once we can do it again.”
The alien shrugged. “Very well then.” As the bullet was fired, Iceshard held up his hands to form a human shield. He waited for his death, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes, to find the alien contained in a block of ice.
“I have Ice Powers!!!!” Iceshard yelled. “Guys, the potions!!! Each one gives you a different super power! Use this to your advantage!!!””
Iceflower rolled through the window, ducked to avoid a laser, and snatched a light green bottle from the shelf. “Well, here goes nothing.” She uncorked the bottle and took a drink. “Blech. Don’t drink that one.” She glanced around and frowned. “Is it hot in here?” She tugged at her hoodie and noticed her hand/paw/thing encased in flames. “Great. That one must give you fire powers.” She smirked and looked at the others. “I guess this isn’t the time to sing ‘This Girl Is On Fire’, is it?”
Iceshard shook his head. “Not unless you’ve got sonic singing or something.” Then he motioned for Iceflower to come close. “Let’s use our powers together to short circuit the alien’s weapons. Snow and fire equal…”
“A very confused ecosystem.” Iceflower said sarcastically. She stuck out her hand (I’m just going to call it a hand since I’m not sure ๐ ) and shot a stream of fire towards a bookshelf. “Oops. Well, now we know how that works.”
“Water…?” Emberpaw guessed.
Lionpaw looked at the super-cats, “Let me try one!” She fan for a multi-coloured one, and drank it. Rainbows ๐ flew from her claws, “Nice one!” She whispered to herself.
“Oh dear” foxshadow whispered before grabbing a dark green bottle and downing it. “ew ew ew,” she squealed “I hope these don’t have meat in or something!” suddenly green vines bursted from the ground as she threw the empty bottle to the ground.
“cool, nature powers!” she motioned her limbs and they moved to her command.
“okay, this is the best thing ever! plants attack!” she yelled as she thrusted her arms forward and more vines appeared charging at their enemies
“What do typos and whatever equal? What even is my power? Why am asking questions? Why am I not simply Asking Josephina? Have any problems, questions, or concerns? Ask Josephina! Go to today to ask Josephina! She gives completely honest and reliable answers, 100% of the time! That’s!”
Wollow generally bugged everyone, but then an alien came up behind her. She looked shocked for a second or two, but then dodged. And doged. “Why did I even bother dodging and doging if I can like teleport or something? Good question, me.” She bumped into someone, then looked at the Ices. “Is there anything I should do?”
Asterpaw suddenly charged in, slamming into the shelf. A silver potion tipped over and spilled all over her, getting in her mouth. “AGH!” Asterpaw screamed, and suddenly another version of her appeared beside her. “Whoa, that’s cool!” she exclaimed. “Guess this one gives you the power to clone yourself!”
Emberpaw downed the rest of the orange contents of the flask. He winced. “Lemon-y tasting juice for superpowers anyday.”
Wollow looked up from some unknown object. “Oops, got distracted. So what happened? All I know is aliens attacked and we’re throwing books at them. Fun!” She stepped behind a bookshelf and began throwing books such as Little Women and a few volumes of the World Encyclopedia at the aliens. It’s unknown how she even lifted them, because Wollow has no strength at all.
(Sorry I haven’t been here in forever so I’ll just lurk here until I kinda figure out what’s happening ๐ )
(What is this wonderfulness?)
Iceflower jumped back as a particularly thorny vine snaked towards her. “Watch your plants!” She pointed toward an alien. “Get him, not me!” She slowly turned her head to look at the alien and frowned. “Um. Sorry. I think I set you on fire.”
(Ooh, does that alien need some cold water for that
Even if it does, don’t give it any ๐ )
“eep sorry, this is kinda hard to control!”
Emberpaw shot fire at an alien who was still rubbing their eye from being hit with an encyclopedia thrown by Lionpaw. “Hah, take that!” he yelled while also maniacally firing his laser gun.
A clone of Asterpaw appeared beside her actual self. She grabbed a random book- “The Complete Works of Shakespeare” – and hurled it at the alien. It bounced off its head with a loud thump.
Lionpaw smiled, she liked this style (throwing books I mean). She grinned evilly and rubbed her paws together ; a large bookshelf was at her side. “Evil laughter!” She said, “Insert evilness here!” She ran for a book – The Encyclopedia To Everything On The Planet / Universe to be exact. Grunting with effort to lift it from its wooden bookcasy prison, and hurled it at an unsuspecting alien. “Take that you Shaun The Sheep fiend!”