The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
“Okay,” Sunbreeze said, clearly pleased by the support she’d been given. “Here’s another song.”
And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat
that’s all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red
a lion still has claws.
And mine are long and sharp, my lord
as long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Castamere.
But now the rains weep o’er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes now the rains weep o’er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.
Peo applauds. “Bravo! Bravo!”
Moona walked in, dragging a *totally not stolen from her brother cause u know they played it too for like a year and quit* drum set behind them. “Ok like, I know I’m gonna get slapped with a cookie, but…
crow slaps moona with a cookie
*continuing conversation with Silver from other page*
Peb smiles and pops a chip into her mouth, crunching and swallowing before she says, “Homeschooling is fun because you can do things on your own schedule. We alternate books and subjects with the days, too, so that’s cool. I’ve never been to public/private school. What’s that like?”
*jumps into conversation*
“you don’t want to go to my school aka a private school. everyone’s crazy like me,” crow muttered, “but i guess its pretty good because you get to hang out with your friends at recess and stuff.”
“Now everyone is homeschooled! AND ITS CALLED QUARANTINE/DINSTANCE LEARNING!!!!”
(Sorry I took so long to reply, I forgot this page existed 😛 )
Silver sips her Cherryade thoughtfully. “Well, I go to a public school,” she said. “We usually have different periods, and we have to transition from classroom to classroom. We also have lockers to put our stuff in. We have the same subjects everyday, and you go to the same class at the same time. At my school, we eat lunch with our third period class. You also have connections, which aren’t like regular classes. They’re classes like art, or business, or computer science, or whatever your school does. It gets dull after a while, really. I’ll be in high school in this next school year, so that will be fun. Also, we have no breaks. Like, at all. Occasionally, like, once a month, we’ll have thirty minutes of free time, but that’s pretty much it.” Silver put down her drink and took another chip, crunching and swallowing before continuing. “Oh, and we have different types of classes. Like advanced classes and on level classes. In math you have on level, advanced, and accelerated. But that’s only in middle school. In high school, you have these things called APs, which stand for advanced placement.” Silver paused, racking her brains for anything else. “Yeah, I think that’s pretty much it.”
Sunbreeze perked up. “You folks actually use lockers, and you have no breaks at all? Wow.”
Silver nodded. “Mhm. Are you homeschooled?” She pushed the basket of chips toward Sunbreeze. “Want one?”
(sorry it took me so long 😛 )
Peo finishes off her chocolaty, creamy hot chocolate. “Neat!”
(hjfghsjfgnk sorryyyy I keep forgetting about this pageee 😛 )
Silver shrugs. “It gets a bit dull after a while. It’d be nice to experience being homeschooled.” She paused. “Well, I suppose we’re all being homeschooled right now, aren’t we?”
(More Phantom thread 😛)
“Are any of you watching the concert on YouTube, tomorrow night?” Aquila asks the POTO lovers.
“I think there will be POTO songs in it so I am 😛” she mews, “Unfortunately there won’t be any LND because the concert is from 1998 and LND was made in 2010!”
“Um, heck yeah! It will be amazing!”
“I know!!!!! I’m soooo excited!!!!!!!!” screams Aquila
I know how to play them on th piano. I cant learn the official ones, they are too hard. WHERE IS THIS CONCERT?!?
My reply to this got eaten twice but if you search it up on YouTube it will come up 🙂
“On YouTube on the ‘The Shows Must Go On’ channel!” mews Aquila
“Ahhhh there was a song called ‘The Heart Is Slow To Learn’ in the concert and it was the tune of Love Never Dies!!!!!!!” yells Aquila, “Honestly it shocked me so much when it started play I was screeching its love never dies it’s love never dies really loudly! 😛”
“Also I realised I can recognise phantom of the opera just from the first chord, is that a bad thing? 😛”
Nope. I think I can do it too
crow winks and he plays that drum sound that they put after a meme. “who wants to raid the kitchen with me?” he asks as he eats a cookie
Peb’s (yikes it turned into Deb’s no please not another nickname have mercy) paw flies up.
She gets up and scurries toward grow, grinning. “Kitchen raid #1 ago,” she whispers.
“I’m up for it!” yowls Aquila
fawn yelps a little to loudly,
ah, YEAH.
as long as there is cookies!!
and chocolate!!
I call the icecream!!!”
suddenly no one can find fawn…
“Let’s go!”
“ALRIGHT YA’LL,” screeches crow as he tosses his drumsticks away, “I AM THE LEADER OF THIS KITCHEN RAID!! YOU ALL MUST BOW BEFORE MEEEE!”
“I bow to no one,” flowerpaw says proudly, ” and you can’t stop me from getting my icecream. I would be to fast for you.”
“whatever i’m the leader here” crow says, rolling his eyes. he charges off into the kitchen screeching a battle yowl “aaAaAaAaaA”
Brightwing enters in wonder, having forgotten the path to the Hazelpage many years ago. Everything is just a delightful as she’d remembered, and grins to herself as she takes a cookie and begins to nibble it. She overhears Crow mention something about raiding the kitchen, and her head turns in interest. She walks hesitantly to where their table is and then says-
“Hey! You probably don’t know who I am, but I’m in!”
“Welcome!” says Moons. “This place scares me slightly.”
“what do you mean??” fawn replies, then she exclaims “this is the place where people don’t judge me if I steal ten pounds of icecream and eat it all in one sitting, this place is awesome.”
“I know right! I can scream about Phantom Of The Opera without people judging me immensely!” mews Aquila, “I mean, they probably still judge me immensely…”
“Nope, I just scream it right along with you! That way, they judge both of us immensely!” Red calls from the other side of the room, somehow hearing Aquila through all the madness……………….
“Yay!!” meows Aquila.
She takes a breath and begins to sing in her best Christine voice (which sounds terrible as she is a terrible singer)
“In sleep he sung to me,
In dreams he cameee,
That voice that calls to me,
That speaks my nameee,
And do I dream again, for now I fiinddd
The phaaantom-of-the-opera is there.
Inside my mind.”
She pauses hoping Red will continue the song.
“Sing once again with me, our strange duet!
My power ooooover you grows stronger yetttt
And though you turn from me, to glance behind
the Phaaaaaaaaaantom of the opera is theeerrrrrreeeeeee,
inside your mind”
Red sings (though an octave higher because she is a girl) whilst standing on a table to be better heard.
Red gestures to Aquila to take over.
“Those who have seen your face,
Draw back in feaarrr,
I am the mask you wear”
She pauses for Red to sing the phantom’s line before continuing with:
“My spirit and my voice
In one combinedddddddd
The phaaaaantom-of-the-opera is there.
Inside my mind.”
She smiles singing Christine and Erik’s duet with Red.
(The phantom’s part)
“It’s me they hear!”
“Your/My spirit and my/your voice in one combined
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my/your mind”
(random people in the background)
“He’s there, the Phantom of the Opera! Beware, the Phantom of the Opera!”
Red bows on top of her table towards Aquila to continue, smiling
Aquila grins and continues the song!
She waits for Red to sing the first to lines of the next verse before continuing with:
“Were both in you,
And in this labyrinth, where night is blinddddd,
The Phaaaaantom of the Opera is hereee
Inside my mind…”
She smiles happily, yowling the lyrics.
“In all your fantasies, you always knew
that man and mystery,”
Red pauses for Aquila to sing her verse
Sing for me
Sing my Angel of Music!
Sing for me!”
Red pauses, letting Aquila sing the next verse
(wait, after we do this, are we moving on to Music of the Night?)
“Aaaaahaaahahaaaahhhhh” screams Aquila doing Christine’s opera thing, she continues moving it up a key until she gets to the note before the high e.
“Aaaah , aaaah” she screams, “eeeeeeee” she hits the high e (I would never actually be able to do this irl 😛)
She smiles at Red gesturing for her to continue.
(Lets we should definitely to music of the night!!!!!!!)
I have needed you with me, to serve me, to sing
for my music,
my music…”
(Let’s make a new post for Music of the Night.)
(edit: waaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt. Are we going through the entire musical????)
I’ll continue on new page! 😄
“brindle, i know everyone,” says crow, “sure, we’re heading off right now :>”
Lilaca walks through the wall with a boat carrying a very tall present.
and then she rows her boat through the wall again leaving the present on the ground.
I do not likes maths, yet I’m good at maths…
I don’t pay attention in class, somehow I’m in accelerated maths…
I’m not smart enough to see the thing I’m looking for that’s in front of my face, but I can figure out 7th grade problems like BAM, I’m in 6th grade.
my brain only reaches human hearts, food, nerdie things, and math… logic is out of the question…can someone please explain… OvO
“I like maths!” mews Aquila, “Because of my teacher! He just lets us do no work and mess around and play on our phones (and my school has a strict no phones rule) I make warrior name generators and make warriors comics with my friend!! Honestly once these boys were watching YouTube and the volume was really loud and my teacher started shouting at them, but to turn the volume down so the other teachers didn’t hear and catch all of us 😛😂”
“our teacher lets us maths-draw in maths”
my mom would be proud!!
“Vegan food is nice!!!” yells Aquila
“nah, my mother likes its though…” a dark look comes across flowerpaw’s face,
“and somehow she can tell what I’m eating before I open my mouth…it’s like her extra mother sense…it’s more creepy than cool…”
“Whoa!” Aquila’s eyes widen, “once my mum made ‘dead leaves’ for lunch, very vegan but they were digusting in my opinion 😛 I looked up the name of the dead leaves things and apparently they’re called Cavalo Nero 😛”
“CaVoLaSA NrEo wHaT’s It’S? that sounds… deafening,” flowerpaw chirped, “I’m glad you’re still with us.”
“It’s a type of Kale!” laughs Aquila, “I never finished my plate of ‘dead leaves’ I got up and made myself a sandwich instead :P”
Aquila sits down, plugs in her headphones to her phone, opens YouTube and starts watching the main theme from Phantom of the opera on repeat, her eyes entranced by the beautiful video.
“It’s the clip from the 25th anniversary edition – my favourite edition!!!” she mews to everyone, eventhough they probably aren’t interested.
then in the shadows flowerpaw watches everything that happens with great interest, eating icecream and stalking people, “I find it most INterESTing.”
“I think it’s beautiful.” mews Aquila, quoting LND, “Come watch the video!”
She angles her phone so Flowerpaw can see it.
“heheheh,” flowerpaw grinns, “see mother I can make friends.”
flowerpaw watches intensely, secretly listening to the group of cats at table five…
“Table fIvE?!?!?!?!” gasps Aquila with her mindreading skills, “Box five is the phantom’s box in the musical!!!!!!”
“Me , Red and Dewy will turn you into a phantom of the opera obsessed person! mUaH hAhAhAhA” she laughs evilly.
“Let’s do ittttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Red cries from next to Aquila
“Yesssssss” screeches Aquila happily, “Flower start with the main theme, it’s called Phantom of the Opera, the Royal Albert Hall version is better than the movie one in my opinion, there’s a clip of the main theme on YouTube!!!” (I’ve watched that particular clip at least 15 times 😛)
I here!
Prima Donna First Lady of the Stage! Your devotees are on their knees to implore you!Can you bow out while their shouting your name?
Think of how they all adore youuuu
(Oof I had to search up the lyrics as Prima Donna is not one of my personal favourites so I don’t know all the lyrics 😛)
Prima donna, enchant us once again!
(Me too, Aquila. me too)
I love it, it follows the notes song
Some say there the same song
My list
1. Point of No Return
2. Notes/ Prima Donna
3. Masquerade
Of cours the theme song is the absolute best song in the world and I love it so much and I love it so much
“Hello!” Katt said. “I haven’t been here in a while.”
“Hi!” replies Peb.
“don’t order any cake,” flower advised.
“why not?” asked a random cat.
“I ate all of it,” flower said flatly, “and the icecream, but I like I left a few cookie crumbs if you want them?”
“Cookie crumbs?” A new cat who walked in the door asked. Her black coat shimmered from the dim light, and her blue eyes sparkled. “Who wants cookie crumbs? I came here for a juicy mouse or a vole.” She settled in an empty spot next to Flower. “I’m only sitting here until another spot opens up,” she growled. “I would much rather not sit by someone who eats Cookie Crumbs.”
“In my opinion, I’d prefer cookie crumbs,” calls Peb from the fireplace.
She stood up and headed across the room as a ginger tomcat left. “Hi!” The silver she-cat next to the black cat mewed. “My name is Mintfang. Who are you?” “I’d rather stay anonymous,” growled the black cat. Her blue eyes reflected the silver cat. “Then I’ll keep bothering you until you say!” Purred Mintfang. She started jumping around. “Tell me! Tell me!” She called. “Oh, fine,” grumbled the black cat. “I was a loner named Moon until about a moon ago. Now I’m a BlogClan warrior named Moonfall.” “Nice to meet you, Moonfall! Mintfang mewed, exitedly.
Moonfall walked over to another group of cats. “What are your names?” She asked.
“I’m Peb,” a cat with fluffy, shimmery silver fur and already flaming eyes of which reflecting the tongues fire she sat in front of like a mirror, make them appear to be made of flames. She has a purple nose like a speck of dahlia flower.
“Full name is Pebblerose. You?”
Hello! I am a Dewfeather and I am obsessed with Phantom of the Opera. Fun fact: in Minecraft the skin is a character from my book