The Hug Page

The Hug Page is here. Because, even in a brand new blog, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…

tumblr_mt70botJg81qc4uvwo1_500[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear. “chibird” is written on the bear’s leg and in the bottom right corner]



    i know this seems stupid but is makes me SO mad >: (

  • This isn’t a big problem, but I could still use a hug.

    Our eldest dog, Daisy, had a seizure yesterday and it was worse than the ones she’s had in the past. She’s almost nine and has a bad back and I’m worried about her.

  • EVERYONE!!! Goldie needs a hug. 🙂 Since I’m posting on her behalf (without asking her first — it’s a surprise!!! 😛 ), her reasons are anonymous . . . but she needs a hug all the same!!! So tackle her with love!!! >:D SHE NEEDS A BILLION AND ONE!!!

  • School starts in one week and I know its not REALLY a big problem but still it makes me sad that summer is ending

    • I’ve still got roughly two weeks, but we only get a month for a holiday, and that holiday is partly being spoiled because I’m STILL only allowed to use the laptop on weekends. But when summer ends this year TAS comes out so that’s something to look forward to. *huggles all the same*

    • ‘Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened’
      -Someone whose name I don’t remember

    • My school starts in 2 weeks from tomorrow (24th), but summer break starts really late for us. I am not as sad as I am nervous, though. *gives brownies to Dawnflower*

  • On July 31st to August 6th (Today) I was at a camp for a week. I had a lot of fun, but now I’m really sad that I had to leave. I’m gonna miss all of my friends and counselors even though I write to them. I got really emotional leaving, but that’s what I always do, but still…. Not a big deal, but I need hugs and cookies 😉

  • Wow… my first actual hug-comment on this page.

    I’m kinda permanently banned from Wikia for a bit of messing around and “BARNEY WILL EAT YOUR HAIRSPRAY” that ended in me impersonating Juni.

    Bad move, Wollow.

    Juni kinda didn’t know and kinda reported me to wikia and I’m kinda banned now and somehow they stalk my VPN. Outsmarting Wollow is hard, and somehow they managed to do it.

    • Welp, good news, now I can get ONE account unbanned. RIP alter egos, RIP *eye roll*, but oh well, better than nothing.

      • And that’s going to take ages. And ages. No chat tonight. Urgh. This is basically my life. If I lose it…

        • If you lose it you’ll start the Third World War (and they don’t track your VPN, they track the account)

          • I changed browsers, IP addresses, and accounts. They still found me. They might have checked which accounts are mine, I got away with a new one on a different email. Apparently I get unbanned in “up to 2 business days” which means I could live without chat until Tuesday, because Flo and Goldie are paranoid.

    • oh also they didn’t find my Hollysnow123 account but nobody will let me chat because they’re like “too dangerous no”\


  • Oh Starclan no… my 9-year-old sister was on my computer and found Blogclan… she now wants to be a Blogclan member… HELP ME


      It can be either encouragement or anger – People usually encourage people by saying bad things about them so they can endure it in the future; angry people can say stuff without meaning… don’t worry, you aren’t useless at all!

    • Dear ….
      I’m sorry to hear that. Is there a counsellor or teacher at your school you can ask for help and support?

    • What? Aww. Don’t worry, whoever you are, you are not fat nor useless. We will always be here for you… Dont let the harsh words get you down. :Huggles:

    • I know how that feels. 🙁 My mom has said things to me before that hurt my feelings, and I know it’s terrible and heart-breaking. Though I’ve come to realize that in the heat of people’s anger, they say lots of things they don’t mean and would never say normally. After every argument I always go to my mom and apologize for whatever made her angry in the first place, then repeat to her what she said and why I didn’t like it, and I also ask her to be a little more kind next time. She always accepts my aplology and I accept hers. I’d recommend that you do the same thing. Just know that your mother loves you and wouldn’t give you up for anything. You’re not fat, you’re not useless, you’re a wonderful person. *huggles*

      • thing is she says it all the time and its the truth, i cant do anything thats any use in the real world i dont even KNOW what i did to make her mad it just happens and howver big it is its the same or worse and its making me like her too….

        • It’s not the truth, you are not unless, from what I can tell your brave, you shared your feelings with a bunch of strangers, knowing that we may tease you, but we didn’t, and you still shared. I cannot tell if you are a tad overweight, but if you are, there’s more of you to love. More of my to hug, and a bigger smile.

    • Well she is wrong. We are all Putin earth for a reason, so please don’t listen to her! We are all here for you, but I suggest you find RL help. Good luck <3

    • Whoever you are, I think that you are an amazing person. Why? You were brave enough to come here looking for help instead of keeping your feelings in. You are not useless. You’re awesome. I hope that we’ll see you around the blog sometime.

  • i won’t disclose my name. this is my first time ever commenting on the blog. i’m here to ask for your support because i simply cannot support myself anymore. i’ve been struggling through things in these past 6 months that i never knew existed. i won’t list them here for your sake. if you decide to take the time to comment, thank you.

    • I’m really sorry you are struggling 🙁 But I know you’ll find your way through. Blog clan is always here if you need to talk, and I’ll definitely be sure to keep you in my prayers 💜💙💜

    • 🙁 *hugs* ….. you are not useless; you are loved. BlogClan loves you, and more importantly, God loves you (Psalm 34:8). Is there anyone in your life you can talk to about this? Even if they don’t seem like it, most people are open to talking and comforting, but they have to know that someone needs that comfort first. I know it feels like you’re alone, but you are not. You will be in my thoughts and my prayers. 🙂

    • Aww, were here for you if you ever wanna spill out your feeling, we will listen, if you wanna rant we will listen, if you wanna cry y
      We will comfort you. I’m sorry for your last 6th months, whatever happened then I’m sorry. Please except my Huggles and cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 *Huggles*

    • I’m sorry you’ve been having a rough time. Life sucks sometimes. This next part is going to sound cheesy, overly-optimistic, and cliché but just take it one day at a time. Don’t focus on what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow, focus on getting yourself through today. I know personally that it’s harder than it seems because when I was diagnosed with cancer and then medical trauma-induced depression, I didn’t want to function because every cell in my body was fighting against itself, harming, and killing itself. But I powered through it. It wasn’t easy and it really sucked. But I did it and I feel great, but I still have days when I just can’t, and that’s ok. Once you fight through this, which you will, it won’t be completely better, which is ok, because you’ll know you fought to get yourself where you were, and you’ll recognize that you are an amazing, awesome person, that deserves to be happy. So believe in yourself, keep fighting and remember that you’re super mega awesome person! Just take it day by day and I promise you can do this.

    • That’s terrible. 🙁 I’ll always support you, and if you want to chat with me about it sometime, I’m always open to on the wiki private chat or something. I really really hope things get better for you and I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    • I am so sorry that you have to go through with whatever it is. You have my whole-hearted support and unlimited cookie supply. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.

  • Just remember BlogClan is always here for you no matter what. Whatever you are going through, you are strong enough to get past all those obstacles. I really hope things get better. After every storm, there is always a rainbow. 🙂 *hugs* <3

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