The Hug Page

The Hug Page is here. Because, even in a brand new blog, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…

tumblr_mt70botJg81qc4uvwo1_500[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear. “chibird” is written on the bear’s leg and in the bottom right corner]


  • OKAY WOW I haven’t commented a whole lot because there’s been a lot of really stupid stuff going on lately.

    First, please pray for Snakepaw. Her dad is in the hospital right now and he’s getting surgery. It’s a fairly common surgery but we’re all still really worried about the cost and if it’s going to go well, so please pray for her if you can.

    And then secondly, some of you know I have a friend who is really depressed right now and has BPD. I was thinking of sending her a letter but I haven’t come through with it yet due to so many stupid doubts. If I can end up talking to her at all then I can ask if she’s home so she can like, be there to receive the letter and stuff. I’m really, really worried about her and I can’t talk to anybody about it because they either don’t know her/can’t relate, and then the two people that know her (that I know as well), she kind of hates right now. And I kind of hate them both right now too. I was reading a book last night and in it a younger boy tries to commit suicide and I just saw my friend doing that and I couldn’t stop crying.

    I don’t know just please pray for her and give her a lot of hugs because I can’t stop thinking about it and it really sucks when you can’t talk to anyone about it, including the person you’re worrying about. I’m going to try to talk to one of my church leaders about it, just to kind of get it all out, but aside from that and the letter, there’s nothing I can really do.

    • I have a couple of friends going through similar stuff to what your friend is going through, and I can relate to just being worried about them and not getting to see them often (they live 2 hours away and about 4 hours away). You and Snakey are both in my thoughts and prayers. *hugs*

    • Oh my gosh oh no!!!!! (Was the book you read the honest truth?) you should tell someone that she tried to commit suicied… Because this is serious…. You might have said this in other posts but is she going to anyone about this because that could help. I’m so sorry you, Snakepaw, and your friend are going through all this bad stuff!

      • No, it was The Kite Runner. It was a good book but it had a bit of cursing and a mature theme thing so I wouldn’t recommend it for younger people 🙂

        My friend’s in therapy right now (she hates it) but she’s talked about suicide before and it scares me and stuff. I don’t think she ever would do it but it still really scares me.

    • First off, of course I will pray for Snakepaw, surgery is scary for anyone, whether they themselves are going through it or a loved one is. And secondly, reach out to your friend. She probably wants someone to talk to or someone to at l sat show that they are there for her. I know it’s hard is you don’t personally now what she is going through but just show her you are there and that could help in more ways then you know.

      • I can’t talk to her at all. Her mom’s taken away all her internet and even if she snuck on I couldn’t reach her because I’m not allowed on anything that she has an account on. And there’s absolutely no way I can see her IRL, she lives six hours away. Thank you for the prayers 🙂

    • With regards to Snakepaw, of course I will pray for her, I’m so sorry she is going through a hard time. Please let her know I am here for her <3

      With regards to your friend, I would really try to get in touch with her, an ignore the what ifs. I know a few people like that, so I understand what you are going through. I know she would love to hear from you, and a letter can make all the difference If you are seriously concerned for your friend,you can contact the authorities, but I assume her parents are aware of the situation, and are doing their best to keep it under control. Best of luck *hugs*

      • Thank you, I will.

        I can’t get in touch with her at all. The only way I possibly could is through the letter, and I’ll try to ignore the what-ifs and send it in 🙂 Her parents have known about this for a while (since January), and she’s been in therapy, but she’s only improved minimally and I’m just really worried about her. I really wish I could talk to her but her mom’s taken away her internet and my mom won’t let me talk to her (due to a huge thingy that ended in my phone getting taken away). Thank you for the hugs and for praying, Gecky

  • First off I’m sorry that this is a long essay of feelings
    second off There’s this person who’s been with me and taken care of me my whole life. Let’s Call her Petalheart. Petalheart has been with me since before I could speak and I’ve been very close with her ever since. She’s kinda like a nanny but she’s much more than that. About a month ago she was diagnosed with cancer. I think it’s breast cancer. This hit me hardest the most cu I was one of the closest people to her. I try not to think about it and be happy and stay strong for her but now it’s getting a bit hard for me and I don’t know how I can make it through the school year. They caught it a bit earlier so people say that she will be fine but she’s really really really sick because of the therapy and really weak as well and I’ve never been more scared. What’s worse is that I can’t really talk to people or anything about it because no one really understands how I’m feeling about this…they just don’t get it. So basically long story short I stopped talking to anyone which led to this big argument with my parents which now has made things worse for me. But whats more important to me is Petalheart and I’m really worried for her and I’m scared about anything else that might happen….

    • Awww I’m so sorry you are going through this. My friend’s mom had breast cancer too, so I understand what you’re going through. My advice is not to focus on how she looks now, but imagine her before cancer and remember that before you know it she will be back to that state. And if you can’t talk to anyone you know, try seeing if you can find a councillor in your area. I really hope this helps, and best of luck <3

    • Ashy, I’m so sorry! That has to be incredibly rough, to know that someone you love is sick. 🙁 I can’t say I know exactly how you are feeling right now, but I have dealt with the constant sickness of 2 elderly friends, one of whom had colin cancer and the other can’t walk. It was really hard sometimes to just be there for them. But it is important to talk to people about how you are feeling when it comes to something as big as this. Is there anyone you can talk to, even if they can’t directly relate to what you’re going through? So many times I’ve thought that people wouldn’t understand me, but in reality, they did. They’d just been keeping quiet themselves. Regardless, I will keep you and Petalheart in my prayers. 🙂

    • No apologies necessary. You’re feeling bad and you need someone to talk to.
      I will keep Petalheart in my thoughts during this tough time for you. I understand the feeling that nobody understands your fears, and I hate it. Sometimes you have to be afraid, or you’ll stop caring. You have a right to be afraid for Petalheart if she’s that important to you. And Ashy, as I said below to Gladepaw, silence is the worst thing that you can do to yourself. It got me nothing but loneliness and I don’t want the same for you. I’ll be here for you if you ever need to talk again, and I’m sure that the rest of BlogClan will be too.

    • Cancer and chemo affect everyone differently. I lost like 45 pounds in a month when I went through it. But she’s going to get used to it and it’s going to be get easier. It’s always scary and it’s ok to be scared. Try to focus on how she’s doing instead of what might happen. You just have to focus on her and believe she’ll get better. If you ever need to talk to someone just remember we’re all here for you.

    • Aww no! Cancer sucks, I think we can all agree about that. My aunt had that kind of cancer and she went through all that as well.. But guess what, she was cured! So she’s all good now, so we should all hope that Prtalhearts fate is the same… We are always here for you, and Petal will be in my thoughts.

    • That sucks. 🙁 When my grandmother had cancer I felt about the same way, she was one of the people I was closer to. Just try not to think about what could happen, and if you do think of the good stuff, like her making a recovery. 🙂 She’ll get her strength back over time, and it’ll be fine. And it’s totally understandable if you don’t want to talk to people about it or anything, but there might be a friend or somebody who’s been through that who’ll listen. Anyway, just forget about the argument with your parents so you can keep moving on. 🙂 *hugs*

    • I am so sorry for you. My friend also had cancer, and it was really sad. Luckily, she was a survivor. Good luck and good wishes to you and Petalheart 😄

    • I’m SO sorry, Ashy! *huggles super tightly* If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here for you. My grandpa was diagnosed with cancer a couple months ago and it’s been really hard. Again, I’m so so sorry.

    • Oh no! I’m so sorry! Tip: If you have a dog, grab it and squeeze it and hug it and tell him/her what happened and your dog will often automatically (my dog Boo does this) lick your face until you laugh and laugh. Pets always make things better. Don’t try this on a fish.

    • Awww! 🙁 I’m so sorry! It must be so hard going through all this! It’s really hard when you know a loved one is sick and you feel helpless. 😭

      I’m sure if you visited her, she would be so happy! If ever you feel down cuddle with your pet!! Sterling was always there for me! (He’s my horse) 🙂

      Good luck!!! I will keep Petalheart and your family in my thoughts! ❤️😃

    • I’m so sorry Ash!! If you ever need someone to talk to, we’re here and we’ll do as much as we can to try and help you. I’ll keep Petalheart in my thoughts, and I’m so sorry again

    • Aww don’t worry Ashy! My mom’s friend had breast cancer, but she’s fine now! Don’t worry about it, she’ll be fine! 😀

    • I sorry that she is sick and this happened to me a wile ago but my grand father died from lukimia (lung cancer) and he was so kind and loving I haven’t gotten over his death and I was about two years ago in March he died… And march is my birth month so it didn’t really help me at all

    • *throws all my Warriors books, leftover brothers birthday cake, my 7 squawking adorable budgies (ok, you can stop squawking now…..) giggles, hugs, purrs, and anything else that is comfy.*

  • Okay, so I know this is pretty insignificant compared to the rest of the stuff you guys are going through, and sorry if I sound selfish or anything, but I felt the need to post it anyway.

    I started at my new school around a week ago (boohoo) and it’s just so big of a change. I have pretty much no friends there because everyone already knows each other from last year, and it sucks. Even if I do try to socialize and join in the conversation, nobody really pays attention to me. There are other new kids too, but they’ve all integrated into a social group of some kind, and I’m basically the only one who hasn’t. I don’t know what it is about me, because everyone else made friends so easily and got invited into a group or whatever, but I didn’t. I’m hoping it’ll get better with time, but it might not.

    And I found out I’m developing allergies to my cat, who I’ve had for 4 years. 🙁

    • My advice is to listen to some of the girls’ conversations, and try to pick up on things you relate to. Then trying to talk privately to the girl who mentioned it, such as saying “Hey, I understand you have an interest in geckos. Funny enough, I happen to keep some myself….” I was new once as well, so I know how you feel, and I really hope you begin to form friendships soon *hugs*

    • That’s not selfish! That’s exactly how I felt at camp this summer. My friend had to go home early, so by the time she left, everyone else had already paired up and made friends, and I was alone. 🙁 *hugs* I’ll keep you in my prayers.

    • Awwwww! Your feelings are important too! Just be yourself, and don’t pull a Laurelpaw (the action of not talking to anybody at school unless absolutely necessary for a period of years). I had a similar problem when I was a kit (I go to a private school, so cliques are really bad), and I was sort of accepted by a group, but didn’t feel like I was really a part of it for 3 years……. but at least I had friends……. I wasn’t truly an important member until I really opened up to them (and now we’re really close). So yeah, I understand how you feel. So yes, it should get better with time, but for now just be nice to everyone and maybe someone will be nice to you. And with your cat, I am so sorry that that happened. That must be miserable for you. Maybe you could try giving him/her a bath more often…..

    • Aww!!! Don’t worry, I’m sure everyone will realize how awesome you are soon, and if they don’t, well, their loss.. 😛 until they realize how great you are on their own you should go up to them, introduce yourself and see if you have any common interests. 🙂 and I’m so sorry about the cat stuff, I was allergic to my rat, but we still kept her, hopefully it will be the same with your cat. 🙂

    • I move a lot, and its hard to make friends when you only stay for half a year. But I think i’m staying for good (yay!) and I did make some friends. I think the best thing you can do is try to open up and talk to people. I know you said they ignore you, but maybe it will help. When I first moved here I was shocked at how quickly all the other new kids made friends. But I hope things get better, *hugs*

    • *hugs* Aww, I’m sorry. 🙁 If people are ignoring you or leaving you out, you shouldn’t spend your time on them. Just be yourself and someone will talk to you eventually and become your friend. 🙂

    • hm…………………. i dont know since i dont even WANT to have any (im so weird oh wait wrong time to say this) but *hugs and shoves cookies through computer screen*

    • I know how it feels to be at a new school. On the first day at my new school a few years ago, one girl started teasing me and she said that she didn’t like me (she also tried to steal my friends by pushing me away and telling then a bunch of fake stuff about me.) Over time, I got used to her. And I made a ton of new friends. I bet you can, too 😃 Just ask people questions about themselves and try to find a common interest with them 😄

      About your cat-
      Try taking a parent or doctor approved medication to help with your allergies. My friend’s brother was allergic to their cat, so they bought a special fan that helped clean the air to remove bad things that he was allergic to.

      I hope your school year is great, and good luck with your cat! 😄

    • Aww, 🙁 !! Try to find out some things some of the girls like that you like/are good at too! Don’t just be quiet… I would try to just engage in their conversations like for example if they’re talking about a movie or something (I dunno) that you saw too, you could say, “Oh yeah, I watched that movie too! I really liked it when that person did whatever… you get the point 😛 If everything fails then they don’t deserve a friend as amazing as you!!! 🙂

      I’m sorry about your allergies to your cat!!! 🙁 I heard there are some cats that aren’t allergenic… 🙂 (For ex. A Russian Blue. They’re very cute!) but that would be for your next cat if you were still wanting a cat because it would be devastating to give up your current cat for allergies!!! I’m not sure what you can do… make sure to clean that cat hair off your sofa, bed, etc. to prevent the constant cat hair around you (which would probably increase your allergies)

      Good luck with everything!!!!!
      -Lots and lots of hugs and cookies- <3
      ~ Frosty

    • Aw Gladepaw, I’m sorry! *hugs* My advice would be to try and find friends who have the same interest in a book or something, and try and become friends over that. A lot of my friends are my friends because we originally talked about a book or TV series we both enjoyed. Or maybe if you like a certain sport, you might be able to try out for a school team? You could make friends with people on your team.

    • Everyone’s problems deserve to be heard out! Keep trying, maybe someone will listen and want to be your friend! And I’m sorry about your cat, hopefully everything will turn out fine!

    • Last year I was in 6th grade, at a new middle school. Everybody practically new each other from elementary school, and I felt so left out…..try making friends with people you sit next to in class, or people that look lonely like you! Just try to be yourself at all times…

  • Alright this is not that big compared to the huge problems most of you are going through, but I’m having trouble making friends.

    I try to join in with the popular girls’ conversations, but I realized that no one pays attention to me. I try to stand out by being funny and random, because, c’mon, who wouldn’t want a funny and random friend? People then just think I’m weird and don’t want to be friends with me. I don’t know what to do! How can I stand out without people thinking I’m weird…and not the good kind of weird? 🙁

    • If they just ignore you, find some other people who include you better. There’s no good or bad type of weird and I think you should just try again later or find other people to be with. 🙂 *hugs*

    • Quite honestly, what you’re going through is something I kinda struggle with, but in reverse. My friends are all loud and funny and laugh a lot, and while I like to be happy, in reality, I’m a more serious and emotionally invested person. I still haven’t figured it all out yet, but I try to do what I’m good at—truly listening to people. (It’s a skill in short supply). We all have some skills that we have been given. Maybe the trick is to find out what you’re good at and go on from there. 🙂 Either way, you’re not alone. Many people (especially teenagers/preteens) have trouble fitting in and even those who do “fit in” are constantly insecure and are doing whatever they can to stay there.

    • Just be you. Don’t feel like you need to change your personality just to be popular. Someone will like you for who you are and if they can’t except that then you don’t want them to be your friends. (That sounded like something an oblivious guidance counselor would say but trust me) 😊

    • Well, sometimes the popular group are not the best to hang out with. Try to find some one with a common interest, and make sure you know you can relax 😀 I hope that a friend comes along for you soon *hugs*

    • your not alone. I used to try and join in but then i gave up because thats what i do, and im weird without trying to be anything. so dont give up whoever you are, but i have no advice, only hugs and cookies *gives hugs and cookies*

    • Hmm, well anonymous….. Maybe hanging out with the popular girls isn’t what you should do if they have already sort of blocked you ou, because they are steriotipicly exsulsive. Maybe try and find some other people who don’t really have a large group of friends and hang out with them, or find something you have in common with someone and strike up a conversation, who knows, maybe you will find another warriors fan!

    • Maybe there are other people there that have similar personalities to you. Try to talk to them. I have funny and random friends, and we lots of fun together. Laurelpaw (meh sister) told me that some older people think I’m annoying, but I don’t really care. I just do what I do, and most people don’t have a problem with that. Just be yourself and you’ll probably make some really good friends.

    • I’ve been through this too, and I’ve realized that the people who don’t like you being yourself aren’t going to be good friends. Try to find people who appreciate you and have similar interests! (I joined the school musical and met some amazing friends!)

    • *hugs* I know pretty much everyone says this but be yourself. Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t because they might not be friends with you then, but the person you’re trying to be. Also, I’m sure there are other people who want to be friends that aren’t from the popular crowd, but I’m sure they’d be great friends too 🙂

    • The best thing to do is just be yourself! “Weird” is just another word for “unique” which is another word for “special”! You may find someone who has a lot of things in common with you, and they’ll want to be your friend! Why fit in when you can stand out? 😀

    • Well standing out can give you a false reputation if you don’t do it naturally. Wouldn’t you love to have friends who are friends with you because you are yourself? I’ve been in that place before, and it is no fun. One important thing to remember is that you don’t have to be ‘popular’ to be happy.

    • Be yourself. I know that sounds like, really not understanding, but that’s how I made my besties…
      *hugs and purrs*, Shadowpaw

  • Okay, I don’t know if some of you know this or not, but I have emetophobia, , and I’m constantly nauseous in my life. I’m not joking. I feel sick every moment of my life. So I hate leaving my comfort zone. I hate long car rides and get carsick like, every time I go in the car. Every day I don’t have school, if I could do anything I want, I’d stay home and watch youtube and stuff.

    I’m going on this vacation August 14th-21st. Usually, we go to Virginia, and see my cousins in their Lake House, or their vacation home for a week! Fun, right? But they sold it :(. And they are allowing us to come visit their house, but only for a couple nights because they will be busy after. I’m fine with that, but my parents weren’t. They said that they didn’t want to drive all the way to Virginia, only to stay a couple of nights. So they found us a hotel to stay in on Virginia Beach! Let me tell you something about that. I HATE going away from home. I get homesick reaaally easily, and I didn’t mind going to my cousins house, because their dog, Max, a Miniature Schnauzer, I am IN LOVE with. Plus, I know my cousins, so I’ll be fine at their place. But a HOTEL?! Too far ;(. I just know I’ll cry about wanting to be home on the first day, and I will miss home so much. I’m not lying when I say I just teared up while typing that. Now I’m crying because I never talk about this, because my mind is putting it off for now. I know it’s not so bad to others, but here’s the part that makes me want to curl up and sob in a corner. THERE’S NO PETS ALLOWED IN THE HOTEL. That means no Guinea pigs!!!! I am SO USED to seeing my guinea pig, Daisy, multiple times every day, and she’s all I have left of comfort at the hotel. I know I will be upset because I went camping last summer for TWO DAYS, and I cried myself asleep in the tent because I couldn’t bring Daisy. Last summer, when we went to Lake George, we brought her, and I loved it. I don’t know what I’m going to do in the hotel!!!! I already know my friend Flamestorm will watch her while I’m gone, and I trust her with all my heart, but I just can’t bear to be apart from my little Daisy bear. I am still crying and the keyboard is wet. Help?


    • i know you do, and thats fine. you can live with it. try thinking its hime where you are and…. idk i travel A LOT and im practically immune to travel sickness and jet lag and such BUT *hugs and catmails cookies*

    • Hmm, well for the homesick part bring something from home, like a pillow or a blanket or a stuffed animal or something. Then Daisy. I get upset when I have to leave my two precious dogs at home, so what I do it I bring something of theirs, like their puppy collar that’s too small for them, I know you can’t do that with a Guinea pig, but I bet she has something of hers that she won’t ,I don’t you taking on a trip. Then after you find something for you leave something from you for her. I usually do an old sock that has my scent on it, so it’s like on their with them sort of. But you can choose what you wanna use. Hope this helped!

    • Sometimes we go to our grandparents’ house and sometimes we can’t take Boo (like I said above Boo is my dog). It’s so weird sometimes not having this adorable brown face jamming his nose into my face and licking it until I start to pet him and then bolts off like “YAY YOU’RE AWAKE!!!”. I know how you feel, but if you have a gmail account with Hangouts, you can video call your friend who is watching Daisy and she can show you how she’s doing. When I was at my grandparents’ house by myself last, Laurelpaw (like I said above Laurelpaw is my sister) video called me and showed me Boo, who was busy begging for food and didn’t seem to notice me on her computer. He concentrates so hard when he really wants food! (drooling and giving you these adorable brown eyes)
      Hope this helps!
      by the way this is Boo:

    • I just had the same problem! I went off to camp for the first time since we’ve had Melodie and my parents went to Vancouver so we had to leave her in a kitty hotel. 😭 I’m sure Flamestorm will take great care of Daisy and maybe you can Skype or FaceTime or something with her every day so you can see her. But trips are really fun. Go and enjoy it! Daisy would want you to <3

    • The advice I would have given has already been suggested, but I just wanted to say I’m so sorry for what you’re going through, and I’m always here if you need to talk 💞

    • I know how you feel. I have anxiety and depression problems which came into their prime when I moved from my lifelong home in Georgia to Connecticut. I thought I’d be okay, but I didn’t realize that a lot of the confidence I did have was only because I was so familiar with everything. My school and town were not as nice as they sounded on all the websites. I was having a really hard time and then my dog since I was six years old, Spring the chocolate Labrador retriever (who I might have mentioned before idk), passed away due to a medical condition that was terminal and nothing could be done. I cried literally every single day from September that year to the second day of April the next (I’m overly emotional anyway but it was extra bad). And since then things have gotten better but my anxiety and depression triggers have made life a lot harder than it was back in Georgia. My stomach often becomes knotted for days and I can barely eat and I’m nauseous all the time. I’ve found that having a stuffed animal can be a big comfort in dealing with anxiety and feeling home sick. I have a white tiger named Aurora and a Pusheen the cat plushy who I often hold whenever I can during my bad days. I used to become homesick and anxiety riddled as a baby and child whenever we went someplace too so whenever we went to visit my grandparents, someone would get me a stuffed animal and I could look forward to taking it home and introducing them to all my other stuffies. Idk if this will help you, but maybe you could get some kind of stuffed animal or trinket that you like to collect that you can hold when it feels really bad and know that you’re going to be taking it home to the rest of them. Maybe something Guinea pig related?

      You aren’t alone, a lot of people struggle with anxiety problems like the one you’re describing. I’m not sure if anything I just said was helpful or if I just ended up rambling about my own issues but, sending you a big hug and wishing you all the best <3

    • I’m so sorry! *huggles* <3 <3 <3 Is there anyway you can sneak Daisy into the hotel? Would your parents be fine with that? Since she's a small animal that doesn't make much noise, there is a very very very good chance you could get away with that! I know I have in the past! Either way, stay strong! *hugs* When I had to leave my rat, Pam, at home over Christmas vacation, it was so nerve-racking! I thought of her every day and wished she was with me. But, just think, after days of being away with Daisy . . . you'll get to see her again, and it'll be all the better!

    • *hugs* Maybe bring a stuffed animal or something that reminds you of Daisy, like other people have said? And, like you said, Daisy is being looked after by your friend, so if you miss Daisy just remember that your friend will take good care of her.

    • Thank you all! I read all of your comments *munches on cookies* and right at this very moment I am in the hotel room, on my mac. It’s the first day, and knowing that my BlogClan friends are here for me really comforts me. *returns all hugs*

    • Omg, I have the same EXACT THING!!!!!!!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
      Sorry for being dramatic, it’s just I’ve never stumbled across someone who has it. I am ALWAYS nauseous, and that leads me to feel anxious about throwing up. This sounds hard, and is very hard, but try to think of an affirmation to say when you start to feel sad. Try to think of positive things. I know your mind will say, “there is NO POSITIVE THING!!!!”, but there always is. An affirmation can be also very simple like “I can do this. I am a brave person.” Or “I am a strong, courageous person and I will get through this.”
      Once you repeat it several times (in your head or not) , you should take like 3 or more deep breaths. Remember, this won’t take 1 minute to work, but keep persevering!

      *hugs*and *purrs*, Shadowpaw

  • My friend’s mom had cancer and she passed away. I feel really bad for my friend but I don’t know how to talk to her. She acts distant, and I can’t blame her, but I really wish we could be friends again 🙁

    • I’m so sorry! I’ve had friends and family who’ve died of cancer and know exactly how it feels. 🙁 I think she’s still grieving, I’m sure you won’t always feel this distant. Don’t bring up the cancer if she doesn’t, but be ready to talk to her about it if she needs too. Honestly I think being there is enough. *hugs for your friend and you* 🙂

    • She’s probably grieving and she probably wants a friend to talk to. It’s always hard when someone you care about is struggling and you don’t feel like you can do anything to help. But it’ll be ok. Just reach out to her.

    • Just try to comfort your friend and support her. When one of my relatives died, all I needed was a friend to talk to. If you let her share her feelings, you might become better friends. 😄

    • Just be supportive and there for her. Try not to bring it up and just tell her that you’re there for her no matter what. *huggles for you and her*

    • Try to reach her by talking about other, more positive topics. When someone is said, they usually want to be distracted from their grief. Once she feels, comfortable I’m sure she will open up to you. If she does, sometimes it’s best not to speak at all, just nod and tell her you’re so sorry for what’s she is going through. I hope this advice helps 💜

    • Oh no! im so sorry! Let her know that you will always be there for her, even if it’s just sitting silently by her. She may not want to admit it, but she needs you the most right now.

    • I’m so sorry! Huggles for you and your friend <3 she may not want to talk about it and go on as normal or cry on your shoulder. Make it clear that whatever she wants/needs, you're there for her, and don't push it.

    • Oh no!! I’m so sorry! 🙁 She’s grieving right now and needs some time. The best thing you can do for her is just to be there with her, don’t talk about the cancer unless she wants too, and sometimes just silently hanging around with her is fine!

    • I’m so sorry for your friend’s mom! I think your friend just needs some time, and I don’t think they’re being distant to hurt your feelings *hugs*

  • Recently, I’ve had quite the rush of paranoia.

    It started small quite some time ago. The Jian Ghomeshi case. Partway through the trial, the idea occurred to me- “What if one of these women accused him just to ride the publicity wave?” The idea started burning in my head ever since, and still does. Eventually, it snowballed into “What if he didn’t actually assault half of these women?” That’s when I started questioning pretty much everything the news said in some form. Sexual assault? Sensationalism. Terrorists? Fear politics. Pride parade coverage? Sympathy stunt.

    It sometimes bleeds into friendships too, especially online ones. I have quite a few friends online with depression and/or (usually and) social anxiety. After this wave of paranoia, I thought to myself “That’s rather unlikely”. So now, whenever they post to vent about their family, their school life or their metal conditions, the back of my mind is always yelling “FAKER!” or something like that.

    Tbh, the same part of my mind is probably going to assume that all the replies are just to be polite. I posted this here to vent, since it’s the only real ‘safe’ vent spot I know.

  • *sighs* Guys, I’m not really going through anything emotional lately, but my tablet lost pen pressure. well, actually painttoolSai did… But anyway I just wanted a hug and some recommendations on good cheap or free drawing programs

    • I was trying out some free trials for some programs, and other than Paint Tool Sai, Photoshop actually isn’t bad.

    • FireAlpaca maybe? I don’t have a tablet, but I found it pretty easy to use after a few months of practising and learning the general things. It’s also free and updates frequently. I’m not sure about pen pressure and things like that since I can’t use them. Photoshop is also good but the price Adobe sets…….gasp. You could also try GIMP. And it sucks that SAI lost pen pressure for you – from what I’ve heard, it’s a pretty good graphics/drawing software. *hugs*

    • Ugh, that sucks. 🙁

      I just got a tablet in the mail and the software bundled with it wouldn’t download. I’m still waiting for a response from tech support.

      And about drawing programs, Krita is a good one. It’s still experimental on Macs, but I’m assuming you have a Windows computer since Painttool Sai doesn’t download on Macs. I hope your problem gets fixed soon!


  • My best.. I guess friends names: Let’s just call them Silverheart and Arcticgaze. So, when I logged on to my favorite site, Silverheart tells me that I’m going to hate her, and then she asks me to call her. So I call her. Then she tells me some stuff about what she told Arcticgaze and then Arcticgaze says to me: ‘Thanks for talking behind my back.’ She smiles, and goes back to her home in the online game. I try to talk to her, because I don’t understand what’s going on, and she says, ‘sorry.’ And then immediately she unfriends me and locks me out of her home. Silverheart and I haven’t told anyone… and Arcticgaze won’t respond, text, or email us.. 🙁

    And I don’t know what to do.. so I came here, because BlogClan is really understanding and supportive.

    • Uhhhhhh,
      Did that make you happy?

  • My cousin just got divorced, which means his kid, technically my niece (what is it with Chinese relations) is now motherless. She’s only like almost 2 and doesn’t have memory yet but when she grows up I’m really afraid for her so guys pray for her future
    I’m not going to reveal my name because i feel like I’m breaking the law saying this
    Also I have a bellyache and I feel awful and my younger sister ever so kindly decided to kick me off the chair where we all went to have lunch with my moms old friend and when we got back home she came in and trashed my whole room, deleted a lot of important pictures and I get the blame. This day has been GREAT. Just GREAT.

    • Does your cousin have full custody over your niece? Also, I really wouldn’t sweat it. What’s the percentage now a’ days . . . 1/2 of marriages end in divorce? So many kids grow up with only one parent and turn out fine. Also, since your cousin is only two, she won’t even remember. Imagine if she was older and had to go through the same thing. Also, maybe your cousin will date and marry someone new that can act as a mother for her, which would be nice. 🙂 Awww, I’m sorry for your bellyache! Those are the worst! *hugs* I hate sister-sabotage! Grrrr! Is there any way you can get the pictures back? Maybe look in the trash folder? Drat, it’s even worse when you get the blame for their misdeeds! *hugs again* Stay strong <3

    • Aww I’m sorry person… Well, your niece may not have a mother, but she has an awesome aunt! Sorry about your bad day, hopefully tomorrow will be better!

    • I’m so sorry 🙁 I’m guessing she won’t remember though because after all, she’s only 2. I’ll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully everything turns out all right. Stomach aches suck, they’re terrible! Aw, annoying siblings are the worst, especially when you get in trouble when it’s not even your fault. “Hey little fighter, soon things will be brighter.” Keep on keeping on! BlogClan is here for you. 🙂 *huggles* <3

    • I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin. But from what I understand, there is no reason your niece will not be able to visit her mom. And besides, she has you 😀 I’m sure with some guidance, she’ll turn out just fine <3 And I'm really sorry about your stomachs, I hope you feel better soon * hugs*

    • Aww, your sisters a piece of mouse dung! I feel sorry for you, sounds like you are having a very hard life right now! But sometimes, the people who have hard lives do great things in the future. Keep perservering!

  • So some of you have heard of this on the wiki but we put down my oldest dog, Kelly, today. She was 16 and older than me. We knew it was going to happen soon because she was going blind and she was totally deaf. But today she fell down the stairs and wasn’t putting weight on her paw so we took her to the vet and they told us she had broken it and would need to wear a cast for 6 weeks, which would have given her no good quality of life. So we decided to put her down. If she had been in better shape then we would have put the cast on her put she had other problems besides the leg. She went fast and wasn’t in pain. I’m really at peace with it but I just need a hug.

    • Oh my gosh I’m so sorry 🙁 I’m glad to hear she didn’t suffer though. I’m always here if you need me *huggles*

    • I’m so sorry!!!!!!! Having your dog suffer is terrible, and putting a dog down is the humane way of stopping that suffering. I’m so sorry for your loss, so sorry!

    • I’m so sorry you had to deal with that Russet. 🙁 Remember Kelly is in a better place and she’ll always be with you no matter what. *huggles* <3

    • Aww!!! 🙁 I’m so sorry to hear that!! I know what it feels like to lose a pet so I know what you’re going through! 🙁 <3
      -Lots of hugs and cookies-

    • *pelts Russetfeather with cookies, ice cream, cake, blankets, pillows, a teddy bear, and tons and tons of hugs*
      I’m so sorry! We had four cats once, and they were really old, about 16, and we had to put them all down. No other dog can replace Kelly, nor can any other cat replace Sweet Pea, Lily, Isabella, or Ferdinand. All were loved and cared for, and that’s what matters. If you love a pet, and they die, just think about how happy they will be in heaven. Feel better soon!

    • I am so very sorry to hear that she got put down. *hugs* I’m happy she didn’t have to suffer, though I’m sure it must still be hard. *hugs again*

    • Oh, that’s so sad! But, hey, she’s in Dog StarClan now! Think of it that way. Once I was cleaning my betta fish’s cage, and by accident he fell down the drain. I still feel mad at myself as I am typing about it right now. A pet death sucks, and when people say “Just get over with it” it makes me feel worse. So try to treat yourself someday.

      *Hugs* and *Purrs*, Shadowpaw

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