The Hug Page

The Hug Page is here. Because, even in a brand new blog, we still need hugs.ย This is still the best place to come if youโ€™re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClanโ€ฆ

tumblr_mt70botJg81qc4uvwo1_500[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear. “chibird” is written on the bear’s leg and in the bottom right corner]


  • I’m at high school football game with my friends and none of them will talk to me ๐Ÿ˜“

      • I’m back from the game now. I learned that I don’t need (lets call her nightfrost)
        Nightfrost anymore. Nightfrost got a new boyfriend even though her other friend clearly cares about her more. She won’t talk to me anymore.

        • Aww I’m sorry! Here are some cookies! Maybe they’ll talk to you ๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช๐Ÿช

        • Aw I’m so sorry. I used to have a friend like that who just abandoned me for other people. If Nightfrost is a true friend, she’ll come back. You’ll always have friends on BlogClan so don’t worry if you feel alone. *huggles* <3

  • Okay I know this is probably not a very terrible problem. Recently I’ve been very busy planning important things for Girl Scouts since I’m assistant patrol leader. I really work hard on making sure everything works out and the information is accurate. The problem is that no one actually bothers to read any emails I send out or respond if I need people to sign up for things. It just makes me feel really sad that no one cares about it at all except for me. ๐Ÿ˜”

    • Awwwww I’m sorry…….. Do you have their phone numbers? Most pope, read texts more then email, maybe that will work! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • It’s actually gotten a bit better since some people are actually responding. Thanks for the support you guys! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

  • Ok, so this problem isn’t as bad as some of you guys’ problems, but I’m sad and sick of it. My parents are SO restricting! During the school week (school starts on Monday for me) I’m not allowed to use Youtube, play games on my laptop, or watch TV. Which I’m totally fine with, as I usually don’t have time to do these thing anyways. But today, I asked my parents if I could have a little bit of time for Blogclan each day as long as I finished all my homework. I explained to them that I wanted to continue writing my fanfiction, write articles, and just have time to unwind. Well, the said no. I’m in middle school now, I should be able to use my computer for 20 minutes a day and have some time for myself! My school year is always all work, with the extracurricular math I have to do. So then my mom said MAYBE I could have 15 minutes maybe once or twice a week. That is NOT enough time to write a chapter of a fanfic. So I kept trying to convince them, and eventually my mom said I could have some time each day on Blogclan. But she said she wants me to show her what I’m doing. Which makes me SO uncomfortable. I feel like I don’t have any privacy at all. I’m so fed up! ๐Ÿ™

    • Ugh, I know how you feel. It’s impossible to keep a secret in my house. You can either abide by these rules until your Mom loosens her grip (and that might not happen) or you could break the rules. It’s risky, because if they catch you, they’ll just get stricter (that’s from personal experience). But this tablet I’m typing on? I had it with me all night when I wasn’t supposed to. I don’t do that every night, but we came home late and my parents were tired, so it would be easier to slip a tablet past them. You can’t break the rules all the time. It depends on the situation, so BE CAREFUL, and good luck ๐Ÿ˜‰

      omg what is this I sound like I’m convincing you to do drugs I’m a bad SW bad bad bad

      • cyp i laughed while reading your thing xD My parents are really restricting, but i’ve been a bad child lately oops

        @ Dewpaw Maybe you could talk to them about it? Tell them you wish for a bit of privacy and that you haven’t done anything bad in the past.

      • Aw, that sucks. ๐Ÿ™ I completely understand how you feel, my parents are the same way. But if you look at it from their perspective, they’re just trying to keep you safe from all those dangerous things found on the Internet. Something that works for me is being really on top of my schoolwork and trying my best to be responsible. *hugs* <3

    • Aww, I understand. My parents are pretty overprotective too! Sometimes it hard to understand parents, but they’re just trying to keep you safe. The internet is pretty dangerous, after all. Maybe if you can show them that you’re being responsible when you use your computer, they’ll let you have a bit more privacy later. *hugs*

    • Aw, I’m sorry. ๐Ÿ™ My parents aren’t that restricting but awhile ago, I found out my mom had been going through my stuff on BlogClan and invading my privacy. It made me SO mad. Just show her the nice comments made by everyone on the Tavern and let her look at the nice articles. BlogClan is a modded so it’s safe. She shouldn’t have to worry. And I know how you feel ๐Ÿ™ I was commenting on the Blog one day and my brother was looking over my shoulder and he said that he was going to come onto the Blog. I lost it because I felt like BlogClan was my private space away from my family. But he soon forgot about it and I don’t think he ever came on. ๐Ÿ˜› Everything will be okay. *huggles*

    • I’m sorry you have to go through all this. Remember that they are putting these restrictions because they care about you. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with them. Try giving a reasonable argument why you should have less restrictions at the same time as respecting their thoughts.

    • Awww I’m sorry. I know how you feel, so my suggestion is to sit dowpdowpn with your parents and try to work out a compromise. Just tell them how you feel, and maybe they will be willing to be flexible. This may not always work, but I wish you luck ๐Ÿ’™

    • Wow. And I thought I was the only one with restriction problems. And StarClan’s kits, I hate it when people try to intrude like that. Maybe your mom will see that BC’s a safe, usually fun place in a while. And maybe you could try to keep a low-ish profile for the time being? Also, this is going to sound weird/rude/off topic/definitely not a solution, but some antivirus programs *cough Kaspersky cough* have a locking thing, that my parents just love using (it isn’t useful if you keep deleting your history/cache like me). *huggles*

  • Hi I’m new and I don’t know anybody so I could totally use a hug right now๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  • can someone tell me how i can write an article. do you go to submit your article and write there or is there something else you have to do. I’m sort of stressed out because my aunt and uncle are visiting and we have to really soon to go to the jfk airport, which is 5 hours away because we live in Philly. so i could totally use the article advice while on the road.excited and yet nervous

  • Hugs for anyone who is feeling sad! *infinite huggles* *hands out pies* We’re always here for you if you need any support. ๐Ÿ™‚ โค๏ธ

  • I’m sick with the flew and I feel like foxdung, because I’m sick I have to miss out on a maths sac meaning I’ll fail this unit. Ugh I hate being sick

  • Ugh, I am bit stressed for school this year.

    Everything is changing, like all my ye hers and stuff. Worst of all, we have been with the clas below us for many years and we’re so close, and this year we are separated. We are with the grade above (and God, do they suck) and they’re with the grade below (worst grade in the school, honestly) so it’s just kinda depressing. And, my least favourite teacher is ,y Homeroom teacher. The good news is I’m his favorite studen,t because I’m a suck up and he teaches songwriting and poetry and I’m good at that. Also, the worst teacher in the school (in terms of actual teaching) the principal, is my MATH teacher. >:( I don’t overly enjoy math, but this year I did because my teacher was really good. And though it was hard, I actually LEARNED useful things.

    And then my fav science teacher is leaving, and I get to school three days late so I’ll be kinda clueless (like last year). Idk, I have weird problems.

    And I hate 13 year old boys. They’re just eeeeeeewwwwwww. I can’t talk to them I only Abe one friend who I don’t even like :P. All of my friends are girls, which explains why I don’t go mad with the horrendously overwhelming population of females here (jk jk I think)

    But yeah. Stuff. School. I’m in high school next year, well, in USA standards, so yaaaaay lucky me….

    • Aww, Winter. I can relate to a lot of that. Kids who have had my math teacher other years have told me that I’ll end up mostly teaching myself Geometry, which I’m not looking forward to. My science teacher left too, and she was the best. But school is okay, there are things in life that are more entertaining, but once you get used to things school will get better. Also, I bet you’ll like high school next year better than middle school.
      Good luck! *duck rib huggles* ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I’m sorry. Just try to focus on something your excited for, even little things, as you’re at school. Do your assignments and pay attention, and then after school, spend time doing the thing you made yourself excited for after homework. Don’t be afraid to take little breaks from your work.

    • Aww winter. I’m sorry your going through this. ๐Ÿ™ *Huggles* yeah boys are weird XD not you though. Anyone who likes Warriors or Harry Potter is awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ at least by my standerds. I hope things get better!

    • School is stressful. SO MUCH WORK. Just tune out the haters, make new friends, and focus on your work. Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

    • That’s annoying. Like heck, school sounds really horrible for you ๐Ÿ™
      I’m in a small school, and teacher come and go all the time. It’s saddening, but… yeah, I can relate. This last year, almost half of the teachers left, and now there’s a ton of new teachers. I’m sorry that’s happening to you. Hugglez ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Win I’m so sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž My advice is to stick with one person you know and hang out with them until you are ready to try and branch out. Hopefully your teachers won’t turn out as bad as you think, there’s always a chance! Good luck, and I’m always here if you need me ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

    • *hugs* Yeah, it sucks when everything changes like that! It might seem like a hard year now, but maybe it’ll get better? And if worst comes to worst, BlogClan’s always here for ya ๐Ÿ™‚

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