The Hug Page

The Hug Page is here. Because, even in a brand new blog, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…

tumblr_mt70botJg81qc4uvwo1_500[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear. “chibird” is written on the bear’s leg and in the bottom right corner]


  • I haven’t been here in forever! (By forever, I mean two weeks or so 😛 ) I hope everyone’s doing fine. You are loved more than you can imagine so never forget that. BlogClan is here for you whenever you need us. <3

  • So
    This day has been terrible
    first off, i woke up sometie around 6am, when I heard my dorm mate say that i’d woke her up at 4am and she hadn’t slept since. I thought that was a dream but it turned out it wasn’t and that I’d been screaming and yelling stuff in the middle of the night and I didn’t remember it AT ALL i htink that was in my sleep, but they all think I did it on purpose and told me to stop pretending it didn’t happen. And then they told me after school pokemon don’t matter, and even if they were real life animals they had no purpose of existing and I love pokemon and stuff and it got me really mad and i sort went louder than I meant ot and they all started giving me suepr weird looks and ten they all moved awqy. THEN i swear i could here people laughing at me whenever i walked past.

  • That really sucks Streamy 🙁 Remember bad things will come to an end. Tomorrow it’ll all be better. *huggles* <3

  • Omigosh ahhhhhhh!!!!!! I have a 3000 word research essay due on monday and i don’t even have any sources!! Even worse, my teacher gave another assignment on top of that and idk how i’m gonna finish. I also have math, ecology, psychology, physics and government homework.


    • Aww! *Hugs* Try not to freak out. I know that’s lame advice, but I’m sure everything will turn out alright in the end! 😉 I hope you do well, and remember, BlogClan is here for you! 😀

    • :O
      Oh my StarClan…
      Just a quick thing – Once you finish, you’ll be super relived 😀 Maybe do the big work first, then the smaller and less time-consuming ones after and after, so you won’t have to think about the assignment later on!

  • Okay, I know this isn’t nearly as bad as some of your guys’ problems, but it still feels good to vent.

    I lost two, REALLY good friends. Like BEST friends. For life. We were extremely good friends in seventh grade, but now we’ve grown apart. Partly because I went off on one of my friends for spilling water on me and she’s said she wasn’t bothered by it, but my other friend came to me and said it does bother her. I want to apologize but I know things will never be the same between us. It’s made me realize that my friends will never stick. It’s quite pointless honestly. But I don’t want to lose them. They were such great friends and I’ve made countless memories with them. But I know that friends will never stay. I really want them back, but I just can’t find it in myself to apologize (I’m not a person who apologizes much anyway) What should I do? I REALLY don’t want to lose these guys. 😓

    • Try to apologize! Maybe they will understand. And I’m really sorry that happened to you. I wish I could give better advice.. 🙁 *Hugs*

    • Well, which do you prioritize? Your friends or your pride? If you want your friends back, apologize! Having water spilled on you is NOT a big deal, and you are overreacting to this. Just say sorry, and this will all blow over 🙂

      • I just get ticked off easily. But I know things will never be the same if I apologize, so to me its kind of fruitless.

    • Just explain to them that it was an accident, and try to apologize if you offended them. It would be a huge mistake to let your friends go over something as silly as water. I hope this works out *hugs*

      • She purposely spilled the water on me, and she’s too busy with her boyfriend (whose cheated on her TWICE) to even care so, whats the point?

    • Your problems are just as importaint and others… Try apologizing, I almost lost a best friend once. But we both apologized, and we’re friends now, so it worked, maybe it will work for you.

    • Even though you can’t find yourself to apologize, please try to do! Whether you think it’ll become worse, have no effect, or become better, it is always worth a shot. Better than having lower chances of becoming best friends again. You could even try bringing her something (like something she likes [maybe candy or somthing? Note?]) and then apologize. Try telling her more than saying “Sorry” though, tell her what you really want (like really want her to come back together and be friends again) Even if this probably didn’t do anything, just do it 🙂

  • Welp. Now my dorm mates just told me I made them all sick and they’re not letting me into the dorm.

  • And now they just told me there’s no point in Pokemon and it’s stupid and so is wattpsd and its my period and I threw my pad thingy in the bin but it wasn’t and they’re making me confess even though there’s nothing to confess and they’re laughing behind my back all the time it’s so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    • can you maybe report their bullying to someone? you could switch dorms, possibly?

      anyways, i’m really really sorry, that sucks *hugs*

      they’re really immature, i mean it’s something girls experience throughout their life. you’re absolutely amazing, we love you <3

    • I have a guess that they are expecting a reaction or something soooo

      – Ignore them as much as you can
      – Report to someone
      – Have them move away if possible

      -Sends a load of cookie-flavor cupcakes-

      • Aw, I’m sorry Streamy. Like the others said, try reporting it to an adult or ignoring them or switching dorms. Don’t let their negativity change how you feel. Here’s a quote: “Don’t you worry your pretty mind, people throw rocks at things that shine.” We love you and if you ever need anything we’re here for you <3 *huggles*

  • So, some of you may remember when I posted on here about this girl named Brackenpaw, that was like four months ago thiugh, so most of you may not. Anyway, Brackenpaw is this girl who is really mean to basicly everyone, especially me and my friends Snowpaw, Mistpaw and Lightpaw. Today we were on the bus driving back from the school camping trip. I was near the back, sitting next to Snowpaw, with Mistpaw and Lightpaw across the aisle. Brackenpaw was sitting near the front, she called back ‘Is Owlpaw asleep?’ And some people answered that yes, he is asleep. Then she threw this huge tube of lipstick coated in metal at the back of the bus, I was chatting with Snowpaw about naming dogs after Harry Potter characters, when the metal coated lipgloss flew at me before I could even react and hit me in the head. Apparently she was trying to get a girl sitting near Owlpaw to put Lipstick on him, so she decided it would be a good idea to chuck the Lipgloss to the back of a moving bus. If you wanna know how hard it hit me, all the metal cracked on the tube, and I now have this risen bump on my head. A teacher was sitting a row infront of me and she’s got really mad, she tried to get Brackenpaw to apologize, but Brackenpaw refused to, she even said ‘I was trying to toss it it Darkpaw, we made eye contact and I said I was going to’ First of all, this never happened, and it would also been impossible for her to make eye contact with me, because I am very short for my age, so I can’t even see over the seat. This back and forth between her and the teacher went on for a while, and Brackenpaw kept blaming other people, this made the teacher really mad, and she made Brackenpaw apologize, and when Brackenpaw did after we got to school, after I walked away I herd her mumble something under her breath. The good thing is, everyone that saw it happen (except for Brackenpaw) was really nice, and they checked on me to make sure I was okay. Lightpaw even drew a comic where I was a super hero that could break anything with my head. It was all really sweet. Sorry for ranting…. I just don’t feel good.

    • What do you mean, sorry? What that girl deserves is a good whoop to the old ones!

      Not really, but you get my point 😛

      In any case, maybe put some ice on the bump. That sounds like one nasty bump!

      • Aww! Well, Brackenpaw sounds really mean, and I’m sorry that happened to you! 🙁 Hope your head feels better soon!

        • I’m really sorry. There are always those kinds of people in the world, and we just have to deal with them. But there are amazingly nice people in the world too! 🙂 Hope your head gets better! *huggles* <3

    • Oh StarClan… it’s fantastic to hear that the others were worrying about you there though 🙂 I really hope that the bump / pain will fade eventually…!

    • Don’t apologize it’s not your fault at all! I’m so sorry that girl is mean to you, and I hope your head feels better

  • I had a nightmare last night.

    I also happen to have a chronic fear of nightmares, ever since I was told if you die in a nightmare, you doe in real life.

    So the nightmare was pretty much me dying in a car crash and going to the afterlife, which was just my room, but without a door. I kept myself busy for a while, with some of the games and puzzles, but I started feeling lonely and crying, screaming, hitting the walls and that stuff. It was scarier than you think.

    • Aww, I’m so sorry! And that does sound very scary!! I wish I could give you some good advice, but I am terrified of nightmares too, so I have the same problem except smaller. 😛 *Hugs*

    • I sure as heck hope that wasn’t scarier than I think because that sounds terrifying. It also sounds like it would make a great book. But mostly the terrifying part.

    • Aww nightmares are terrible!!! Just to reassure you, when you die in a nightmare you don’t die in real life. I’ve died in plenty of dreams before 🙂 notice I said dreams. Sometimes if your dreaming, you can realize, your dreaming, it’s sort of like taking in all the facts, here’s and example; so I once had a dream that I was in a hotel lobby, and then a whole circus walked right through it, there were elephants, band marshals, ect, they all fit into the elevator, and the doors closed. That’s when I realized, hmm, this is not physically possible… I must be dreaming!’ Your probably wondering who a circus in the elevator could help you….well, once you realize your dreaming, you can do anything, you can control the dream. You could say ‘I want to fly’ and poof, your in the air, focus on something else you want too do, and it happens. It’s your dream and you control it. It also works on nightmares. I once had one that I was kidnapped and about to be thrown of a cliff with my friend, when I herd gun shots, my brother had been shot in the knee! I took in everything around me, and realized that the trees were constantly changing between purple and blue, and right as I was being thrown of a cliff, I grabbed my friend and soared upward to help my brother. I went from the victim yo the hero, all because of some trees. In a dream, there’s always something that’s not possible, try counting your fingers, or taking off shoes, the actions will most likely be diffrent, and that’s when you can make the dream how you want it to be. Hope this helped!

    • I’ve had a whole lot of nightmares (but starclan that nightmare… really does sound terrifying!) so I’ll say this –

      – Try your best to not think of the “dying in nightmare” thing, try putting other happy memories or funny things in mind, whatever will stop you from having the fear (although its hard for me to sleep while thinking soooo in that case dont think of anything) or think of an upcoming good dream

      I’m really awful at giving adviceeee but tried to hereeee but anyhoo I really hope you don’t experience anymore nightmares… I’ll cross my fingers in hope you don’t have nightmares! -Crosses fingers-

    • I’m sorry, Blizzard. Also, it does sound pretty scary, but it was just a dream. I get some scary dreams too, and if you wake up in the middle of the night, maybe read or listen to music for a bit to take your mind off of it.

  • I know this isn’t a big problem, but want to post it anyway. I keep trying to get my friends to read warriors, but they just laugh and say that it’s just fighting cats. I really wish someone in my school read Warriors, because I want to be able to talk about it without being teased about it. The only person who liked Warriors in my school moved away a month ago.

    • Ugh, tell me about it! I have only two friend who read Warriors, and one’s still on TPB and the other is more into Undertale and Pokemon Go than Warriors.
      Have you tried getting any relatives to read it, if you have some about your age? I tried doing that, but it didn’t really work because he got more into Wings of Fire instead. But hey, that’s great too! 😛
      Anyways, we both have BlogClan! Yay! 😀😀😀

    • Aww…. I’m sorry. Tell them If they choose not to listen to you or read the books, they will be missing out on a life-changing story! *Hugs*

    • Fighting cats? Pffffft, they don’t know the half of it. Chances are, they think think it’s a kid’s series too.

      But anyway, can you get in touch with your friend?

    • Kestrelstupidbrainheadpaw (Kestrelpaw, one of my two brothers) does the same and I keep on trying to convince him and I shoved it up his face when he didn’t know what to read and read a bit then left it, soooo ill say that in case you hear you friend say something about being bored, you can tell them 😛 Maybe you can also give them a detailed summary about Warriors?

  • I need hugs 🙁 My cat is missing 🙁 And it’s my fault 🙁 And his brother died three years ago because he got out 🙁 And it was my fault then too 🙁

    • Noooo Sunny -hugs and gives a pieful of cookies- How long has he / she been missing? Ive had a cat missing for a week but then she came back, so -crosses fingers- Hope that your cat will come back! (And please dont say its your fault omg)

    • aww, *hugs* sunny, I know how you feel, at one point I lost my dog for 2 months, but we found her again. And youre going to find youre cat again too, just remember cats are really good at serviving on there own, so try not to worry too much!

    • Oh no, Sunny. I’m sure he’ll be okay! I’ll have you and him in my thoughts <3 I hope you find him soon!

  • Wow first comment. Well who cares.Ugh, help. My parents say I have to start reading something else if I ever want to be a lawyer ( that’s my dream.) Anyway, I can’t stop reading them. I only just got a slight preview of shattered sky, and it seems pretty interesting. I’ve tried giving one of my best speeches with words even blogclanners in college would never understand, unless they are studying law. And I’m only in my first year in high school! I need help from a senior warrior please!

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