The Hug Page

The Hug Page is here. Because, even in a brand new blog, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…

tumblr_mt70botJg81qc4uvwo1_500[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear. “chibird” is written on the bear’s leg and in the bottom right corner]


  • AAAAGGGGGHHHHH Don’t you hate it when people are jerks in comments of videos? So, in a music video someone was complaining about “What a piece of crap” The song was. I said that it was beautiful music and it was rude to insult it and that nobody wanted to hear them complaining. They then said rude things to me, like, “oh, pull that stick out of your butt. Stop telling me what to do!” Why? Do people find it enjoyable being mean? Do they like it? I then had to report them. I know this is minor and more of an irritation, but still. *Sighs* I tried to do the right thing. I just need some hugs because I am annoyed. And I just needed to tell someone. That always helps me. 🙂

    • Ahh, I re-read this and realized how silly it sounded. Anyway, I’m cool. Sorry for bothering you all! 🙂

      • It’s not silly at all! *hugs* You were totally right to report them, jeez, they shouldn’t have talked to you like that! Some people just want to criticize everything…
        It’s okay Willow, I hate it when people are like that too…

      • *stills huggles* It doesn’t sound silly and you could never bother us no matter what kinda problem you’re having. <3

      • It’s not silly! You felt annoyed, you get hugs 🙂 *hugs* There are a lot of people like that who comment awful things, and I don’t know why. It’s sadly like that in a lot of videos, for YouTube and other places on the internet.

        • Yeah, it sucks. My mom found out and flipped out XD. Thanks for the hugs! 😀

      • Yes! It’s really annoying when people say mean things on videos just because they don’t like it! I saw on one music video, their were a lot of people that liked the song but their was one person that didn’t and just because that person didn’t they were saying really mean things and trying to get other people to hate it too. And even though I don’t have a YouTube acount I was still just like “Dude! If you don’t like the song then just leave and go to a song you do like! It’s that simple!” (Though I don’t have a YouTube account so I couldn’t say that)

          • and it isn’t silly to be annoyed by that kind of stuff because it really is a huge problem that the internet has. It’s called “Syber Bullying” and It’s not any better than phyically bullying

      • Yeah, it sucks. They seem to think just because they don’t know the other person means they can be mean to them… But anyway, thanks! It’s nice to know someone else is on my side with that kinda thing.. 🙂

    • *huggles* I HATE those people! Anyone who is bored and mean and dumb enough to go around bullying random people and saying rude things on the Interent should be reported. You did the right thing! It’s not silly at all. I’m sure the person who made the video is really grateful that you stood up for their hard work. I certainly would. When those jerks say rude things to you because you rebutted them, don’t let what they say get to you. They have the time to go and do that, so they obviously have no life 🙂

      • Aww, thanks Wavey! <3 What you said really made me feel good! *Huggles* Thank you! Like seriously, even though it wasn't much of a problem, you made me feel great!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Ugh, don’t listen to those people. If they wanna be rude and obnoxious that’s their problem. It was so good of you to try and call the person out, but be careful, because these people will try their best to hurt you. My suggestion is to just ignore them, and if you think it is necessary report them. I hope this helps *huggles*

      • Thank you Gecky! That made me feel better! <3 And yeah, I do think I am going to start just leaving it and quietly reporting them. 🙂

    • It’s not silly I hate it when I play a game someone starts being rude to me or someone else or everybody on the server (it has happened) * hugs * “just don’t let them see that they get to you” Nick Wild

  • Mistlepaw (Misty) (Mistletail) (Mistletoe on Wrong Night/Mistle That Hangs on Doorway Though it Ain't Supposed to Be There On Halloween) says:

    I need a hug….


    For the sake of it 🙂

  • alright so
    im sure you all have heard of the payasos
    a kid that was sitting next to me in the bus said that they planned to attack the middle school i attend to in Friday but when i search it up it doesn’t show that my middle school has been threatened???
    but they /are/ going to LA
    and im a couple of hours away from LA
    i keep on trying to believe those clowns do nothing
    but after reading what they did to a person im having such a huge paranoia that i dont even want to go to school or be out of home nor see my brothers and my dad go out of the house
    sheesh those smackbrains that record people’s reaction for popularity
    its driving me nuts
    and more than 50 deadpaws
    sooo i might possibly be off for almost the entire day in thursday

    • Aww! I hope everything will be okay where you live, stay safe! *Huggles*

    • Ooh!! I know! The clowns are so freaky now! I never used to be afraid of clowns, but now they are around ten miles away from my house, the last sighting! Gaaaah! *Huugles*

    • I’m really scared too. I found out that they’re in my state now. *huggles tight* stay away from LA!

    • Okay, so, apparently, I found a list of the schools. The Elementary school nearby my home and Kestrelpaw’s (my mid-aged brother) high school weren’t threatened, gladly. But my Middle school was. Tomorrow.
      I’m seriously going to beg my dad to not bring me to the school. Everyone had been talking about them coming tomorrow (a minimum day, what a perfect choice) and being absent. In my third period class (which is in one of the corners of the school) three students managed to see a clown. oi if they do attack my middle school this song is going to be the second one driving me crazy)
      also seven schools including mine are in it???

    • These creeps are in my state too 😑 My suggestion is to report anything you think is suspicious, and talk to your family about how to stay safe *hugggles*

    • Those people are awful. Awful awful awful. Just… why? What kind of attention is worth that?? And yeah, yesterday I found out there have been sightings not too far from where I live, and that was scary. *big hugs for you* I suggest staying close with at least one friend or family member whenever you have to go out, preferably with an adult. You’ve probably heard that advice a million times before, but it never hurts to say it again.

      Also, threatening schools? What kind of psychopaths do that? If you don’t feel safe I really hope you don’t have to go to school. If you do go, tell your teachers about it or something. This is serious stuff. *more hugs* Stay safe, Lup <3

    • Mistlepaw (Misty) (Mistletail) (Mistletoe on Wrong Night/Mistle That Hangs on Doorway Though it Ain't Supposed to Be There On Halloween) says:

      in my school
      teachers are using the clowns as an excuse to stop the students from hanging out in the bathroom after school
      sooo the clowns will attack anyone who stays after school

  • Hi I might not be on here much cuz I’m always at hospital with my mom cuz she has cancer but it’s hard and I don’t know what to do at this point I mean besides try to stay positive and stuff but it’s hard:'( does anyone here know what I can do to try to stay more hopeful?:(

    • Awww no!!!! I’m soooooo sorry! That terrible! I hope things get better!!!!!!

    • Oh no! I’m very sorry. I hope she feels much better soon!!!! I’m sorry I can’t give any advice, I can’t even imagine what you are going through now! Just remember, BlogClan is here if you need anything! *Huggles* <3

    • Aw, I’m so sorry. 🙁 I haven’t dealt with these kinds of things so I don’t have much advice. I did find some quotes about hope to make you feel better though, which I will post below. I really hope she gets better soon and I’ll keep your family in my prayers. *huggles infinite times* *sends pies* <3

    • Oh I’m so sorry! There’s always a good chance that she will get better soon.And think about it,each day more medicine is made.

    • Oh my gosh!!!! I’m so so sorry!! There is nothing I can say that will change your situation, but my advice is to find a support group. Confide in friends you trust. Just to let you know, you can talk to me too, and I will certainly be praying for your mom 💙💜💙

    • *Huggles forever* Have hope and don’t give up. She can still get better.

    • I’m so sorry! Just try to keep your head up and you’ll pass though the strom.

    • Aww you Can always come too us if you ned something *huggles*

    • Whenever I feel rilly down I just go out and do something like to an arcade with some friends and do something fun to keep you mind off it (I did this 2 times this summer) *hugs* I will keeper in prayer 🙂

    • Oh no! I’m so sorry! *huggles* Hmm, try to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. You can also do fun activities with your mom like watch a movie together 🙂

  • might not be on here much cuz I’m always at hospital with my mom cuz she has cancer but it’s hard and I don’t know what to do at this point I mean besides try to stay positive and stuff but it’s hard:'( does anyone here know what I can do to try to stay more hopeful?

  • I just wanted to day I an so grateful for all the support BlogClan gave me, even for such a minor problem! I totally appreciate it guys! <3 So, thank you so much again everyone! *Hugs everyone*

  • Ok I am keeping some people well more like alot ok ok I am thinking about everyone in Florida with hurricane Matthew comeing at them I hope they are ok

    • Yeah. same. Stay safe guys, Hurricanes are no joke! *Hugs everyone in florida tight*

    • Me too. It’s really scary how fast that happens and what it can do. I know at least one BlogClanner for sure lives in that area and had to evacuate, and my grandparents live in North Carolina and they’re preparing to as well. 🙁 *huggles*

      • Really? I live there, but I am far away from the coast so I am safe. I hope they are alright. 🙂

  • People are jerks and have no lives they just want to feel better about themselves when u “shrink” it’s their way of saying there “better” then u which isn’t true. U are all beautiful in your own way and no one can change who u r so they can live in a basement for all I care u are a beautiful individual and people care about u.

  • So my cat like to go outside a lot and stay out there for maybe a few hours at the most and then she comes back inside, but recently she’s been going outside and running under our back porch and staying out there for like the whole day until I can finally grab her and bring her back inside. I try to keep it inside, but I have so many siblings that it’s hard to do. What shoud I do?

    • Aww… *Huggles* I don’t have any advice, because all my family’s cats have been indoors. I hope you can resolve the situation with your cat! <3

    • Your cat’s a she-cat? If so, has she been spayed? She might have found a mate if she hasn’t been spayed. Try being more affectionate to her, maybe. *huggles*

    • Aw *huggles* Donut worry, my cat leaves for a whole day all the time! Some cats just like the outdoors (I like to imagine they run off and make their own little warrior clans for a day 😛 )

      • Donut worry? Who could worry when there are DONUTS involved!?!

        XD I’m just kidding! 😛

      • Mistlepaw (Misty) (Mistletail) (Mistletoe on Wrong Night/Mistle That Hangs on Doorway Though it Ain't Supposed to Be There On Halloween) says:




    • It’s okay now. She hasn’t been acting weird any more. I don’t know why she was before though. Cats are strange creatures 😄

    • *huggles* I don’t really know for sure, since my cats are all inside cats, but maybe she’s pregnant? A friend of mine had a cat who would run out all the time and she ended having kits. Also, I don’t want to worry you or sound morbid, but some cats like to hide when they’re sick or dying. Does she hide inside too? Maybe she needs to go to the vet. Or, is there a chance a human being has hurt her recently? Even if it was an accident or they’re too young to know better, tail pulling or hitting or something. Sometimes that makes cats afraid of humans or other cats. Maybe that’s it? I’m sooooo sowwy if this doesn’t help. *hugs*

  • I need some hugs because:

    1. My cousins are over and I have almost no time to be by myself.
    2. Because my cousins are over, I can’t visit my best friend who I haven’t seen since summer ended.
    3. I’m just sad.

  • Guys, I need some serious hugs right now. My poor little hamster Tony, is dying. It’s heart breaking bcuz I see his little lungs struggling to breath and I am trying to comfort him the best I can but he still seems to be in pain and it’s breaking my heart to see him like the and know that there’s nothing I can do about it. Please pray for me an Tony. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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