The Hug Page

The Hug Page is here. Because, even in a brand new blog, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…

tumblr_mt70botJg81qc4uvwo1_500[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear. “chibird” is written on the bear’s leg and in the bottom right corner]


  • *hugs* don’t worry cinder your parents still love u your going through a tough time so I’ll support u till the end 😀

  • Also recently my aunt died and I’m trying my best to stay positive but I can’t stop thinking about her and she was very close to the family and now someone’s got to take care of her dog meffy and he used to follow my aunt everywhere so they were also very close😢😢😢

  • Just going to let out things that put me in a awful mood today…
    – A sub that is loud and apparently thought I was stealing from my teacher when I only bent down to close my backpack??? wow itll be a amazing day if she writes a note about that tomorrow
    – Apparently I don’t think we’re going to Disneyland because my dad just missed the tickets in Saturday because my brothers had to go to the gym??? no tickets yet in monday, and I probably won’t be able to see my parents’ first house in USA… and probably no trick or treating this year if thats the case
    – Got to love when your favorite PE activity involves with partners for the first time…
    – having no idea what to do in social studies because you were absent and there was a sub so no explanation i guess??? -1 for wasting three pieces of paper
    – foot burning as you walked to home from the bus stop which is more than 10 minutes away… and it still burns
    – eyyyy get cut by three people when you are trying to drink after the partner pacers
    – i hate it when people are just “faking” their pacers test
    – yayyyyy i lost my paper that had 1/4 of a speech im going to read in wednesday oh well start a new one

    just typical me getting angry over little things

  • Also small spider don’t worry u had a bad day and at least the world isnt ending! (News person says world is ending) well time to hit the bunkers! 😄

  • Urrrrr…. I feel stuck between a rock and hard place right now:
    For Halloween I can either go trick or treating with friends who I haven’t seen in ages, but am very close to, or go and visit my mum’s friend for the weekend and her 3children who we used to be very close to, but haven’t seen them in a few years – I kinda wanna go trick or treating, but I feel like I’m betraying my mum then – what should I do?

    • Hmmmm…. Is your mother giving you the choice? If that’s the case, I would go trick-or-treating with my friends. I don’t think that you will be betraying your mother by wanting to hang out with your friends. Besides, if she’s giving you the choice, she won’t be mad if you choose one or the other. Hope that helped! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Just try and explain to your mom your predicament, I’m sure she’ll understand. Tell her that you are excited to see your friends, but you just wanted to ask her if she is okay with that. Good luck 💙

    • Hmm, I have a similar problem, if you want to go with your friends ask your mom if that would be okay, I’m sure she will understand

    • I think you should go see your moms friends,because it might be the only time you see them. But which other way you choose hope you have fun!!🐾🎉🎈

    • Thanks everyone! I’ll ask my mum when I get back from school tonight. 😺

  • My social studies teacher has this thing called “the creativity board”. It’s a dry erase board that you can draw anything on (except stuff involving harambe, because people just wrote harambe memes over the entire board). Me and a friend started drawing lumps with happy faces on them labeled “potatoes!” it got a little out of hand, and after lots of people erasing our potatoes and us redrawing them, we drew them in a much smaller space. Everyone seemed fine with this, except for one kid who would constantly erase them even if there were only a few, drawing stick figures holding machine guns and threatening to fire upon any potatoes that appeared on the board. At first I would just redraw them and draw a box around the stick figure labeled “everything proof wall”, but I eventually had to ask the social studies teacher to have a chat with the kid about not erasing other people’s stuff.

    That seems to have resolved the problem, but I’m still mad and a little paranoid that he’s going to try and erase them again. This is a pretty silly thing to mention, but I hope you guys don’t mind. I’m new; this is my first post since introducing myself.

    • First of all welcome to blogclan! I’m Darkpaw! Sorry about that kid, I know that can be so annoying! *Huggles

    • Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Darkkit! At my school me and my friends “claimed” the middle of the middle out of three tables at lunch. There’s this one kid who’s friends with the most annoying people we know and he thinks he’s our friend but he’s really annoying. Of course, he sits with us, and so does his gang. So we are miserable. (the “leader” of their gang is extremely disgusting and rude, so nobody likes him) So I guess try to put up with him, and if you catch him going over to your adorable potatoes, go toward him and try to consult with him. Make sure to be nice and not scream at him, and don’t make everyone who is standing near you slowly scooch away (so don’t scream at him). I guess you are allowed to scream silently or ‘die’ (when you feel absolutely furious about something so you go limp and don’t hit your head on the table 😛 ) or draw a warrior cat killing another cat to get out your anger or some other way to feel better. Hope this helps! 😀 😀 😀

    • Firstly, welcome to BlogClan!
      Second of all, I hope that kid isn’t gonna mess with your drawings again. Also, don’t feel like the problem is too small! It’s definitely really annoying to have someone messing with something you drew over and over again. *hugs*

  • *Huggles* That kid is annoying and we’ll give you huggles anytime, no matter how big or small the problem is! <3

    • Whoops I didn’t hit the reply button, that was meant for you, Patchtail. 😛

    • Thanks! I don’t really talk on the internet much – for some reason it seems weird to me – but everyone here seems really nice.

  • Mistlepaw (Misty) (Mistletail) (Mistletoe on Wrong Night/Mistle That Hangs on Doorway Though it Ain't Supposed to Be There On Halloween) says:

    A while ago, one of my classmates died in a car accident. I think it was on the news, and I just feel sort of guilty about it, even though I didn’t have anything to do with it.

    • *Huggles* I’m sorry 🙁 Don’t feel guilty about it, you couldn’t have had anything to do with it and it’s rough having to handle death. We’re here for you if you need to talk. <3

      • Mistlepaw (Misty) (Mistletail) (Mistletoe on Wrong Night/Mistle That Hangs on Doorway Though it Ain't Supposed to Be There On Halloween) says:

        I know, I just don’t feel sad or devastated, but I think I should be. We weren’t exactly friends, but I still think that I should’ve felt at least some sorrow. All I have is regret. 🙁

    • I’m so sorry about your classmate, but you shouldn’t feel guilty, you could never have stopped it. I promise to kept your classmate’s family in my prayers 💙💜*hugs*

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