The Hug Page

The Hug Page is here. Because, even in a brand new blog, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…

tumblr_mt70botJg81qc4uvwo1_500[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear. “chibird” is written on the bear’s leg and in the bottom right corner]


  • ok so I had a lot of problems but I am really mad about this one. So I go to this international school in china and this guy called… uh.. animekit sits next to me in class. I was bored, I finished the task early so I was sitting there trying to learn to click my fingers(I don’t know how). Suddenly, he said that I swore. I was like, what the?! because I only just found out what swearing was when I first joined(7 months ago) and I still don’t get it so I told him that but he just said I suck at acting which isn’t true because I well you don’t want to know and he was all set to tell until the bell rang for breaktime. BUt then something else happens-
    Another guy called Dominokit(I can’t think of a good name) who I and some others uspect likes me, He kept badgering me and All my problems are to do with boys and I just had about 3 exams and was running late for my LAMDA rehearsal so I said WHY DONT YOU JUST GO AWAY! and was spotted by someone and my reputation is utterly ruined since PEarlkit left.

    • You go to school in China? WOW! That is so cool. That’s why you know Chinese! 🙂
      I hope those boys will be nicer to you in the future. *Hugs*

    • Aww… Those boys are mean. 🙁 But, just a tip of advice, I heard that putting your pinkie finger up is basically like swearing in China. I don’t know if that’s true, though. The best you can do is tell a teacher if they bug you again. -hugs and gives 93429099412 cookies-

      On another note, that’s so awesome that you go to school in China! Wow! That sounds like fun, but those boys don’t. 🙁

      • no it isn’t, that guy was a korean and it was my middle finger I was trying to click with

        • Oh. I snap with my middle finger and thumb too, but there’s nothing wrong with that! 🙂

        • Oh. I heard somewhere that sticking up your middle finger means a bad word, too. Maybe that was what he meant.

    • Oh… those boys are such jerks! Maybe they said you were swearing because apparently sticking up your pinky finger in China means a bad word. That’s cool that you go to an international school though, Streamy! I can’t believe the boys are ruining school for you like that. Try talking to a teacher about all the bothering and teasing. I know it sucks when your reputation falls down the gutter, but remember that what other people think of you doesn’t matter (no matter how much it seems that it does). Although I know it’s hard, just try to hold your head up, Streamy, and keep going. I’m sorry stuff is so tough these days! *huggles*

  • I need huggles!
    So today i found out that my three best friends from dance; Rosepaw, Crocuspaw, and Mistpaw all got into this modern dance company and we wont alll be in the same classes anymore and im scared were not going to be friends anymore. When Crocuspaw told me i cried.

    • Aww you poor kitty! It doesn’t matter that your in different classes, try stay in touch! *huggles really hard* have a cookie!

    • Aww, I’m sorry! Doing things together like dancing can really make a lot of great friendships. You will just have to work harder to be friends with them. Maybe you should arrange to have them over to your house, or call/text/email them to stay in touch. *huggles*

    • Aww… Shell. 🙁 I’m sure you’ll all be friends still, but it’s hard to be separated like that. Maybe you can call them and all hang out! 🙂 I’ve been separated from my friends before in different cases, but we still hang out. -hugs and gives 10000000000000 cookies-

    • Aww I’m sorry Shellpaw! It’s always super, super hard to be separated from your friends. Just remember that true friendships can still last through separation. Try inviting them over to your house once in a while and keep in touch by calling and emailing them. Don’t worry, you guys will stay friends, even though it’s really horrible that they’re leaving. *huggles*

    • Awww no! When I went to Middleschool some of my best friends and I were split up, all of us going to different schools. I know it’s hard, but don’t worry, you can still be friends no matter where you go.

    • Don’t worry, try and keep in touch, you may feel far, but with social media you can still “talk”. 🙂

  • Ok, I was at school, with my best friends, Tenderkit and Goldenkit (they read warriors too) and I was reading. But when I went inside, after school, I felt my pocket for my flash drive with a piece for a fanfic on here, it wasn’t there! I had a paper clip twisted on there with pink ribbons, and when me and Goldenkit went out to investigate, we found the unraveled paper clip twisty ribbon piece! We can’t find the actual thing though, and I’m worried! For the fanfic and the flash drive!
    (Although my dog Bailey is playing “Dog vs. pincher bug, where she drags it backwards, it’s hilarious!)

  • Don’t lose hope, Dawnkit!
    *gives you a cupcake and a blanket and a Hershey’s bar and a KitKat and a waffle*

  • After years of struggling with Alzheimers, my closest friend’s grandfather passed away. I have known this friend since I was six months old and it breaks my heart to see her cry out of random from her grief. She let me read her eulogy and I played her grandfather’s favorite song in a class we had together as a tribute. The grief really has messed my friend up. She has gotten angrier and her emotions are everywhere. I know what losing a grandfather is like and it is terrifying. I want to make her feel better, but IDK how. Any ideas??

    • I’m so sorry to hear that. It is very hard for your friend to have to deal with the loss of a loved one. There is often no way to erase someone’s grief for something as serious as losing a family member. Your friend will have to learn to move on and live with the sadness of her grandfather’s death, but she will mostly do that on her own. There isn’t always an easy way to make a sad person feel better, but continue to be kind to your friend and support her. Maybe do something fun with her that will distract her from her sadness.
      *Hugs* I hope you and your friend feel better soon. 🙂

    • Aww, I’m sorry for her. 🙁 Sometimes just being there is enough, and if she needs to talk about it, listen and try to be as sympathetic as possible. 🙂

    • I’ve lost someone and I’ve been upset, like you said your friend has. My emotions were everywhere, I snapped at everyone… She’s griefing, but give her some time and stick by her side. My friends did that and I made it through the tough times thanks to them sticking by me, cheering me up when I felt like I’d never smile or laugh again. 🙂 If she needs to be listened to, listen to her, that might be the case. She’s probably bottling her emotions up. I hoped this helped!

    • Aw, I’m really sorry to hear that 🙁 It’s really hard to lose someone you love, and your friend is struggling with her grief. There’s no way to get rid of her sadness, but the best thing you can do is stay with her through the tough times. This is a time where she needs your love and support more than ever. Cheer her up when she needs to be cheered up and let her cry on your shoulder when she needs to cry. All you can do is be there for her as she makes it through these tough times *huggles*

    • Grief is hard to go away, for only it can take a long time. One of my main family members had died before, and then I had just grieved, like ignoring many people for a month or two, getting upset with many songs. It took me time, like I think about a month or for most of it to fade, so it might take her some time for her grief to clear. I don’t really know what to do in these situations, but just sayin’ that it can take a long time for some people 🙁 -Sends cookies- Maybe plan something fun?

  • this problem hasn’t got anything to do with anyone else. just me.
    yesterday I was practicing my piano and my sister was talking to our friend rosekit and suddenly I felt mad. Like furious mad. For absolutely no reason! this has happened before and I do NOT know why. has this to do with not crying or not letting me get mad for three months straight?

    • Hmm… Did you feel jealous that they were talking? Or maybe you just had an emotion sneak up behind you… I don’t really know, but it could do with not crying or getting mad for 3 months. If you bottle up your emotions for too long, they will spill out, it’s happened to me before. Unless you were thinking of something that made you mad, I can’t think of any other reason… -hugs and gives a bunch of cookies-

    • Streamy, I’m not sure how old you are, but if you’re somewhere over 10 years old, you’re a pre-teen. As a pre-teen, sometimes you will feel frustrated and angry and you’ll lose control of your emotions. Sometimes piano can be a bit frustrating, especially if you’re not too fluent with a piece yet. So you might have just been working hard, and your sister was talking, and you had a sudden overflow. Like, if all of a sudden your brain decided to say “I’M SICK OF ALL THIS GARBAGE! LIFE HAS BEEN SO TOUGH! PIANO IS ANNOYING! IT’S TOO MUCH! ARGH!” This sounds kind of dumb and crazy, but sometimes we do snap.

      I think you might be holding in way too much emotion, Streamy, and you know it. From your posts on the Hug Page, it’s obvious that life has been giving you some really bitter lemons recently. Streamy, it’s important not to hold things in. I know how it feels to have a tendency to hold everything in and just let yourself hurt on the inside, and it’s really not a nice feeling. I know how it feels to hold in your tears and your anger until you feel empty and you just shut down and feel like giving up. Streamy, crying and getting angry is not only good for you, it’s necessary. Of course it’s not always nice to burst out in tears in front of your schoolfellows or yell and rage up a storm in school or at home. I can understand why you don’t want to do that. But it’s important to let it all out; and that’s where you have to find ways to do that. If there’s anyone you can talk to, talk to them. A relative you can email. A teacher or counsellor. A sibling. BlogClan. If you can’t or don’t want to talk to anyone, write a journal. Sometimes you need to get stuff down on paper to get it off your chest. I know this sounds a bit like that classic advice you get from everyone, but I’m serious. It will help. You’ll be able to relive the experience one more time and then put it away forever, getting rid of stress, anxiety, sadness, and anger. And then there’s BlogClan. Streamy, we are here to listen to everything. Never feel ashamed to just sit down alone, grab a device, and get on BlogClan and spew it out here. Let the tears fall. Let your jaw clench in anger. Honestly, it’ll be good for you.

      Never, ever, EVER stop yourself from letting out your emotion, Streamy. We are all people and people feel things. It’s not natural for us to hold it in. Let yourself rage and cry when you want to. Try to get everything that’s bothering you off your chest, whether you share your problems with a friend, an adult, paper, or the internet.

      This is getting a bit long, but I’m going to cram in one more piece of advice: other people’s problems are not something you can or should make your headache. No, I don’t mean this in a rude way; I’m saying it from personal experience. I have a friend who has so many problems in her life. Illness- both mental and physical. A dysfunctional family. Self-confidence. Honestly, her life is so tough. There was a point where I would worry constantly when she came to school upset. I would think about her sickness at night. I would feel too much pressure to be there for her all the time and help her solve these problems and be happy. Then came the point where my teacher is asking me if I’m over-pressured and my mother is catching on to something, and I’m being told to shut myself up and realize that I can’t solve these problems. I’m not even a teenager yet. I can’t deal with this kind of thing. All I can do is not hurt my friend any more and that’s it. I won’t pretend to know every single thing going on in your life right now, Streamy, but I remember what you said about Pearlpaw. Don’t worry about Pearlpaw, okay? You are a good friend to her and that’s what matters. As for being alone without her… Streamy, that’s when you have to let it out. When the going gets rough, get it off your chest. By the way, the fact that I’m even writing this is showing that you are a really caring friend, and that’s becoming rare these days, so you are exceptional <3

      And just remember: You are amazing, and you deserve it all, and you will always have BlogClan on your side no matter what. <3

      • and thanks for all the support, have my last cookie(am in desperate need of OREOS)

        • I don’t have any OREOS, but I will bake you brownies! *tries to shove hot brownies through the computer screen*

      • That’s very good advice right there. For your situation, I especially agree with the part about being a teenage girl (or pre-teen for you). Sometimes, I have days where I get mad randomly, or I cry/want to cry randomly, or I get confused about what I’m feeling. Being slightly jealous, tired, confused, angry, or sad can really set off my emotions and I can be unpredictable sometimes. Maybe you were having a day like that or you were holding in stress without knowing it. It’s hard to tell.
        Anyway, I hope you feel better. *Hugs*

  • So, some of you already know about this. I think I was hacked. I was on Agarca, a version of A page popped up, beeping. It was beeping fast and high pitched. I was to focused on stopping the beeping and getting the page off I didn’t really read it. All I remember is “Call this number:…”. I didn’t get a screenshot. Lately, my computer has been crashing, sometimes my screen going black, screen glitches, ect. My friend looked it up for me and those are some signs of being hacked. I’m scared and don’t know what to do.

    • Uh-oh. What computer is it, Golden? If you’re hacked, you need to stop using personal data and get some help as soon as possible. If it’s an Apple computer, call Apple Services. Go to some sort of computer-help-place thingy. If you know about someplace that does that computer kinda thing, then try to get there. (Where I live, that would be something like Staples, but I don’t know where YOU are Goldie!) Don’t worry; just get help and your computer will be just fine <3

    • hm…..Well, I have no idea. look it up maybe. *hugs to the best of ability* have a donut.

    • Hmmmm…. Maybe try downloading an anti-virus thing? I know some anti-virus companies are actually scam, so I would suggest Kaspersky. Don’t order anything online or enter any personal info while you might be getting hacked. Kaspersky costs like $50 but you might not be willing to pay that so maybe choose another anti-virus company. Before you download it onto your computer look it up online and make sure it is not scam. Good luck!!
      I agree with Broken, go to apple services if it is an apple computer!!

    • OK, Goldie calm down. Right at this very moment, I am using a computer that is 3 years old and has had a total of 8+ viruses, including a Blue Screen of Death. I’m no expert, but I’ve had my fair share of issues. If you cannot contact a company for your computer or it is off warranty then refer to some of my advice below:

      *Don’t download any unfamiliar products — Blue Screen of Death may result. Make sure that everything is reliable.
      *Make sure that you have an anti-virus system. Check to make sure that they are working correctly.
      *If anything starts downloading without your consent, EXIT IMMEDIATELY.
      *If ANY website that you are not familiar with gives you a notification that your Flashplayer has crashed then EXIT IMMEDIATELY. Chances are that they website will try to download a false Flashplayer that contains malware.
      *Remove all passwords to websites that contain your personal information, including your full name, billing address, birthday, etc.
      *Clear your browsing history (this will most likely log you out of all websites that require a password)
      *Use a jump-drive (good quality — I’ve owned a jumpdrive that melted one of my computer’s USB ports) to save all of your important files/downloads
      *Do not call any number that is given to you by a virus. IT IS A SCAM
      *Enable pop-up blocker in your browser
      *Do not open email attachments from unknown addresses
      *Make sure that your computer’s security is up-to-date
      *DO NOT let any program that you have not downloaded yourself DO ANYTHING on your computer. If you have not downloaded it then it is a scam.

      And from experience, here are a few viruses that my computer has survived and my solutions:
      1. Blue Screen of Death — beware of what you download. Not all apps available are safe, even in the Windows/Apple Stores. I had to restore my computer to factory settings/quality and lost most of my files.
      2. Fake-Flashplayer — do not let your computer download anything without asking you first. Close out of/delete any files before they infect.
      3. YOU HAVE A VIRUS, CALL THIS NUMBER scam — shut down your computer. Most likely all of your tabs will close out (in Windows) on their own.
      4. Microsoft Edge — Microsoft Edge is obviously a work in progress. I do not recommend using it. I couldn’t even use it for a week without a virus trying to download.
      5. Fake Anti-virus Message — Even if it looks legit, do not follow their instructions. Viruses and malware use big names such as Windows and Adobe Flahsplayer to play out their scams. I have gotten several messages (pop-up) from scam companies that do not exist that pasted those names on themselves.

      Now that I’ve given you my history of viruses (the ones that I fixed….. I still have a few that will cause issues every once in a while), I hope that you’ll be able to secure your computer. Also, if you do call a computer company, make sure that you write down the name of the person helping you and a general summary of what they instructed you to do. Chances are that they will promise you that they will call you back at some point and they won’t. Don’t bother waiting. Just call the company again and tell them who helped you, what they did, and what is left to do. They should be able to pick up right where the other person left off. Good luck, hugs, and banana bread!

    • I learned about this, I bet they had gotten a virus, have you opened up any links in any random spam like email lately? Because that can spend viruses into your computers, and the people hack you and can get all of your personal information they may want money, and that’s why the phone number popped up, you may need to take it to a computer expert.

    • I got Window’s Defender and it’s monitoring my PC at the moment. Thanks for the advice guys <3

      • Hmmmmm….. Do you have any other options? A lot of viruses are missed by Windows defender….. It’s better than nothing though. Not to be hypocritical, because I have Windows Defender too. How old is your computer? The screen glitches and stuff are also signs that your computer may be dying. Is it a desktop or a laptop? That could make a difference too….. If it is a desktop, check and make sure that it is securely connected to the monitor, and if it is a laptop, check and make sure that the screen isn’t breaking off of the keyboard.

    • If you are playing a game, only play the official game, not some random person’s version. See if you can find someone who can fix your computer, or just buy a new computer/go mobile.

    • Definitely tell someone like your parents, they might be able to get the virus off, or take the computer in to a place to get the virus off.

  • My grndma is starting keemo (if thats how you spell it) because she has cancer, im really worried, i love my grandma, and i dont want to loose her. By the way im new here, and i would love some hugs and cookies.

    • Aw, I’m sorry to hear about your grandma’s cancer. My grandma went through chemotherapy as well, and she’s doing fine now, it’s been a few years now I think with no sign of the cancer since. Of course it’s never a guarantee, but here’s hoping. 🙂 Good luck for you and your grandmother.

    • My grandfather has cancer as well. It’s hard and I’m sorry that you have to go through this as too. I hope she gets better. *hugs*

    • I’m really sorry to hear about that, Autumn *huggles* My friend has cancer as well, so I understand how it feels to be worried about losing someone you love. But stay positive, your grandma can make it through this *huggles again* I hope that everything will turn out fine.

    • I’m sorry about your grandmother. But if she’s starting chemo then she’ll probably get better! ( Gives unlimited huggles and cookies)

    • Aww, I’m sorry. 🙁 My family has had a history of cancer in general, and most of them were fine, so I’d just try to think positive. And spend more time with her, if you can. 🙂

    • Aww, I’m sorry you have to go through that. I hope it goes well for her and your family. Welcome to BlogClan, we’re always here to give you hugs and cookies. *Gives lots of huggles and cookies*

  • I only have like ten more days in my current school and I change schools a lot because I’m aways skipping between china and england, and I don’t really know where my real home is, china or england or somewhere else? I’m always afraid I’ll forget impprtant things that mean something to me and I’m afraid I’ll forget all the nice people I’ve met and I hate change and when I think about all the things and memories I’ve left behind it drives me crazy because I want to remember all of them but I can’t and I haven’t even got a clear picture of what my past life is like before I had my eighth birthday and even that memory is fuzzy. I really don’t want to forget any of it but then I forget what happens to me right now so I’m sort of living in the past, in memories and I just really want to remember them and flashbacks are triggered by the tiniest of things like a tree that looks like one I used to have and oh the more I remember I want to remember it more can you guys help I’ve tried keeping a diary and such but I haven’t the time because I’m always studying all the time even in the holidays and my mom always wants me to show her what I’ve written and nothing can be private not even my deepest secrets and fears how do you even keep her from looking?! this is nothing major but I just really need to get that out and cookies would be appreciated

    • Awwwwww! That must be so hard! *gives cookies and hugs* If you have to keep your diary private then consider telling your mom how you feel. She might understand why you want to keep it a secret if you explain. Another option is writing in a journal/diary and making it into a sort of time-capsule. Every time that you move, you can make another one and add it to your collection to read later. Your mom is less likely to read it when you are not planning on doing so either.

    • Hi Streamy.
      It is so hard to have lived in different places, I’ve had to deal with that a bit in my life. It sounds to me like you have two real homes: China and England. I’m sure you will remember people who are special to you or have been very nice, but I can see why you’re worried about forgetting them.
      I know you probably don’t want your mom looking at your diary, but I think you should continue doing it anyway. Writing things down is a great way to remember everything you need to about anyone. Have you tried talking to your mom about keeping your diary to yourself? Maybe she will understand if you explain that you want to keep your memories. Instead of writing a diary, you could draw pictures that only you will understand. It doesn’t have to be detailed or anything, just try to draw the memories that are important to you. You can also take pictures of things you want to remember or keep in touch with people you won’t see for a while. 🙂
      Once you remember something, write it down or draw it and then move on. It can be very difficult to always be thinking about the past, just do it occasionally and think about the present and future more. I really think finding a way to record your memories will make you less stressed about having to remember everything.

      It’s great that you’re almost out of school, I have nine days left. I guess I’ll be a warrior one day before you will be an apprentice. How’s that for warrior experience before I become a mentor? XD
      *Huggles a million times and makes it rain cookies*

    • Awww, well, the bright side is that Chona and England are both awesome places that I have only dreamed about going to. Anyway, maybe you could talk to your mom if you decide to write in a diary, you could say something like ‘Mom, I know you want to know what’s going on in my life, but please, wait till I tell you, and don’t look in my private diary, please?’ I always want to remember all the fun times I’ve had, and I think a diary or a journal is an awesome idea, because studies show that you will remember something like twenty times better if you write it down .

  • Heyo, guys. So I’m not feeling that bad or anything at the moment, but I was feeling a bit discouraged this morning. I think I’ll feel better if I write about my problem.
    Anyway, I have a great group of friends that I’ve known for a long time but I’ve only been best friends with them for three years. Two of my friends have known each other since they were very young (one friend follows the other one around and is a bit too close, the other one is independent but doesn’t mind the closeness.) The other two friends have families that are very good friends with each other and have also been best friends for a long time. That leaves me, the outsider.
    My friends are very nice and definitely accept me, but when I’m with all of them at once they tend to forget about me. When I’m with just one or two of them, I’m fine, but lately they just don’t try to include me in conversations so I have to include myself. Sometimes I just let it go and I don’t even try. Do they not notice me or something or do they just not care? I don’t know. I am different than everyone else in a few ways: I’m calm and not that dramatic, I’m one of those people who is serious and also very funny at the same time (I love making people laugh) and I have never tried too hard to fit in, I’d rather be myself. While I’m not ashamed of any of this, it just becomes so annoying after a while when they’re talking about music or texting or whatever else I don’t care about that much.
    Maybe you guys have some good advice. If not, I would appreciate some hugs! Wow, this was long, I thought I’d end up writing just a sentence or two. 🙂

    • Huggles! And here’s a cookie 🍪 and a…… *comtinues unloading bag of treats, into the magical portal though computers* my Brian just fell asleep, so I cannot think of any advice, but eat all your treats, then you will feel better. Hopefully. You know what just in case *hugggles*

    • It’s often the same way with me. I often get left out (not intentionally) by my three best friends, one of which is my really outgoing and fun sister. Sometimes, I just go and find someone else to talk to. Other times, I make an effort, recognizing that they’re not leaving me out on purpose. They don’t hate me. They are simply falling into the roles that they have made for themselves. My role is to be the quiet and serious one, so sometimes, I wind up a bit left out. It’s like a game. In every situation, you just weigh the pros and cons and make a decision to let it go or to try again. I hope you manage to find a solution that works for you. 🙂

      • I can empathize with that…. It’s hard being quiet, because you feel like people don’t know you well. It took me nearly four years to feel like a real part of my group of friends. One thing that I have learned from my experiences is that if you stop trying to be a part of the conversation then they will think that you don’t want to be included. That will become recognized as “normal” for you. Just be yourself and let them know how you feel. Good luck and lots of hugs!

    • I’ve felt left out of conversations too, when I have friends who are interested in stuff I really don’t care about (like boys, and gossip, and that kind of thing). It’s tough being the quiet, serious one, but you should never change for anyone, Sunny. You are perfect just the way you are, and it’s really great that you’re not trying too hard. I don’t think your friends are trying to exclude you or make you feel this way, but when it does happen, you can decide to do what makes YOU happy. You can either try to include yourself in the conversation, or you can go off and do something else. Do what you feel like doing. 🙂 *huggles*

    • *huggles a million times to make up for the all hugs you ever gave me* Well I don’t really know how I mean I’ve never had much friends as people like to stay away from me but I’ve always been the outsider in two of my friend groups- Crystalpaw and Wolfpaw have known each other since birth and so have Poolpaw and Emberkit. But I tried starting a conversation and it helped a bit. Just recently I have started a friendship with Aspenkit, who has been best friends with Applepaw since birth. She has had a similar experience and she told me to always be the one to start it, not the one to listen forever; you either make yourself noticed, and listened to, or you make yourself ignored. My kinda friend Dewpaw which I have mentioned in previous posts has also been an outsider between her besties Shinepaw and Violetkit. but she stuck with them and began speaking up more and they started noticing her eventually. I’m obviously not the best kitty to ask, seeing as I prefer being an outsider, but Aspenkit always has good advice and Dewpaw has a lot of experience in everything. Have a cookie and A chinese leaf-wrap( tomorrow is dragonboat racing day in chinese culture and its time to eat Leaf-wraps!(triangle bundles of steaming hot sticky rice and dates/beans/meat/egg/basically everything wrapped in two leaves, one big, one small and tied with reeds))

  • My grandfather has cancer and my grandmother died right before Christmas. The day it happened, I got picked up from school. My dad said that she had had a heart attack and was on life support, that she had no chance. It didn’t hit me full blow yet. I went to gymnastics. When I got picked up, my dad said she’d been taken off life support. I didn’t know how much it would affect me until it happened. I didn’t cry, I just stayed silent. I had been laughing, joking around at gymnastics, not even caring, or remembering my grandma had had a heart attack. She took care of me for about three years. We didn’t see each other that much after some personal stuff happened between my family.. Now I just feel so sad and anxious about it, knowing I should’ve been sad. Now I start crying at random times and just want to be alone. I don’t see my grandpa as much as I used to, almost every week for my whole life. He has some lung problems and we just found out he has cancer about two months ago. No one told me, I just heard my dad talking about it as we were going to my grandparents house. I just don’t know what to do. I feel like it will hurt me so much more if he dies.

    • Aww you poor kitty Goldie! *hugs* stay strong. get a notebook and when it doesn’t hurt so much write down every single detail about them, everything that you couldn’t possibly forget. I haven’t really lost anyone apart from a few cats and assorted pets, countless friends and memories *hurries before major flashback occurs* have a cookie and A leaf-wrap!(see my explanation on my reply to my future mentor( Sunnypaw)
      Remember, when you’re Goldenpaw, or Goldenstreak, when its time they’ll be watching you from the stars. You’ll know which one they are. I always knew which ones were Icepetal and Luna and Foxy( my former cats) aand follow your instinct and you’ll know which they are too. I’m not the best kitty to ask for advice but whenever I forget a significant memory that I’ve known so long it feels like part of me, I break down and start by remebering the simplest of things, then thinking of nothing in particular. Just let your mind wander. Trust your instinct to know what to do.

    • Losing someone is really hard. I’ve lost my great grandmother, and I almost lost my aunt when she had cancer, but she got better, and we can all hope that your grandpa does too. The dead are watching us, up in the starts like StarClan, sometimes you may even feel their presence, I did with my pets that died, and it’s one of the best feelings. Don’t feel bad that you didn’t cry when your grandmother died, you couldn’t proses all of it, and that’s fine. Now have a hug and a cookie, and please, feel bettter

  • Some of you may remember my comment on here a while ago about mass extinctions and stuff,
    If you go here, you can watch a video from the documentary I recommend, racing extinction, I don’t know if it will show up in a link or not, or if the video will actally be there, or if it just looks like regular typing, but, if you type in exactly what it says there, you will be able to watch it.