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![[an orange tabby cat sleeps in a flower field]](https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cat_grass_flowers_lie_sleep-641380.jpg)
[image description: an orange tabby cat sleeps in a flower field]
Which MedicineCat gave better advice: Brambleberry or Sagewhisker?
I like both a lot but probs Brambleberry!
I don’t know who Sagewhisker is, so I would say Brambleberry!
ABSOLUTELY BRAMBLEBERRY!!! I never really liked Sagewhisker she was kinda pushy and mean toward Yellowfang 🙁 Brambleberry is like Crookedkit’s mom
Idk much about Sagewhisker but I heard she forced Yellowfang to do something which I hate when cats do that so probably Brambleberry!
Brambleberry forever!!!! I have read Crookedstars Promise too much-
Brambleberry is awesome, loved her in Crookedstar’s Promise. She just wanted to help the poor cat and never asked anything in return (glares at Mapleshade and Rainflower)
Brambleberry 1000%, I hate Sagewhisker
I think Brambleberry!
Brambleberry, (Power of three)
I haven’t read Crookedstar’s Promise, so I’ll go with Sagewhisker for now!
brambleberry probs, i never liked sagewhisker much
Brambleberry for sure! Sagewhisker was forcing Yellowfang’s destiny on her while Brambleberry was kind and patient with Crookedpaw.
Once again, ya’ll. KISS, MARRY, KILL! But, like always, with a new twist. The last twist was Way TOO Many Options!
This twist: Choose By The Cat! There are three purrsonas of cats in real Warrior Cats. These choices will be the choices u pick! Try to guess the cat!
Choice 1. slender, silver tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes, fur as soft as cloud, a plumy tail like smoke, and a broad face.
Choice 2. thin and long-bodied gray tom with green eyes
Choice 3. “mottled pale cream-and-brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes, cream patches, and a long, brown tail, has a scar on her chest between forelegs
Credits to Warriors Wiki for giving me the inspo needed!
My Choices: Marry Choice 2, Kiss Choice 1, Yeet Choice 3
I’m guessing Silverstream’s choice 1, I’ve got no idea on choice 2, and I think Sasha’s choice 3, so I’ll marry Sasha, kiss Silverstream, and yeet the unknown guy :PP
same 😀
1- feathertail, 2- gorse fur / gorsestar?, 3- leafstar
marry 1, kiss 2, yeet 3 ^^
1. silverstream / feathertail they look like exactly the same sob
2. idk
3. leafstar i’m pretty sure…
so marry silverstream / feathertail, kiss leafstar, and yeet the random dude
Alright guys, I’m telling you if your right in your guesses!
Fallows: Uh…. none of your guesses are correct but I can see where you’re coming from!
Drifter: Same as Fallows
Seedo: Your guesses of Option 1 and 3 are correct! But not 2. Two is pretty hard to guess, though.
kiss choice 3 (Leafstar), marry choice 1 (Feathertail), and yeet choice 2 (idk, Gorse Fur?)
1 i think is silverstream
2 is…………. no idea
3 is prop leafstar
kiss1 marry 2 cause im not gay kill 3
1- feathertail, 2- I would have thought Dovewing but she is not a tom so…….Ashfur??, 3- leafstar
this one was hard but……..marry 1, kiss 3, yeet 2 ^^
Choice 1. Feathertail
Choice 2. Gorse Fur
Choice 3. Leafstar
Marry 2, kiss 1, toss 3 off a cliff
How old were you when you realized a My Little Pony character was named Silver stream? I almost wanted to cry.
When I saw the first episode of Season 8, I’m pretty sure 😛
there is??
Well, I watched MLP before reading Warriors so I always had known the MLP character and then I read Warriors and I was like 🤯
Today years old 😛
My age today 😛
I always knew, 🙂. Wait a second…which came first?
Today years old 😛
I’ve never heard of my little pony but cool ig
The same age I am now 😛
Hi Blog!
Not sure it’s an interesting question but Who thinks Berryheart deserves the Dark Forest?
I am opinionated alongside the majority of the fandom in that Berryheart was xenophobic and controlling enough to deserve the Dark Forest.
Thank you so much!
I second this ^^
To me, kinda in the middle. She was a maniac but also had some sanity unlike the others. Similar to Juniper guy, ya know him.
I am opinionated alongside the majority of the fandom in that Berryheart was xenophobic and controlling enough to deserve the Dark Forest.
…? I’ll take the recycling of my comment as a compliment I suppose. 😛
I don’t know who Berryheart is haha
I like berryheart tbh but that’s a really unpopular opinion so…
Controversial opinion, maybe: If Mudclaw deserved to go to StarClan, then Juniperclaw should go to StarClan.
I agree with this completely! Juniperclaw definitely should have gone to StarClan. And I admit I’m a bit of a Mudclaw sympathizer- he deserves StarClan too.
actually this isn’t controversial, I haven’t yet met anyone who thought juniperclaw should go to the DF. or maybe that’s just me idk. but anyways I agree
Like Crys said, not that controversial. I HATE how they handled Juni in the books. I love Juniperclaw and he got the short end of the stick. It teaches kids redemption is not an option and the box you get put in is the one you stay in forever. Thats stupid and a terrible message. JUNI DESERVES BETTER.
nah like 99% of ppl, including me, think juniperclaw deserved starclan 😛 not very controversial lmao
I think everyone agrees that Juniperclaw deserved StarClan, it was completely unfair that he was sent to DF
I know! He literally died saving a kit from drowning! If that’s not StarClan worthy, I don’t know what is.
I agree with this as well!
I agree with this completely! Juniperclaw definitely should have gone to StarClan and, MUDCLAW GO TO THE DARK FOREST, WHERE YOU BELONG 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
I think that makes sense! Mudclaw and Juniperclaw, from what I remember, were both trying to do the best for their clan (or what they thought was the best, in their somewhat warped viewpoints)
Absolutely yes
Hello cats! I’m a new apprentice and I am looking for a mentor. I happy with anyone! Thanks!
hi! this is better for the allegiances chat page
This isn’t the right page for this! ^^
I also agree about Juniperclaw.
remember to reply ^^
Remember to reply! ^^
Which med cat was the best,
Leafpool or Jayfeather?
Jayfeather! He’s my second favorite character, falling short only to Ivypool 😛
Idk, none of them were that great tbh 😛 I mean Leafpool left the Clans to be with Crowfeather and Jayfeather was rude but I gotta say Jayfeather bc idk he was loyal lol
I love both!
Jayfeather 1000%
leafpool i love leafy :DD
JAYFEATHER (although I could be biased-)
I think that Leafpool was the better character and medicine cat. She was kind and thoughtful, while Jayfeather was grumpy and could be rude (he was still a skilled medicine cat and truly cared about his patients, but I think Leafpool’s attitude would be more helpful to a sick/injured cat). Leafpool, in my opinion, had greater character development and was a good example of a cat who broke the medicine code, and was better off for it.
I’d say they are about equal.
Not the biggest fan of either
Oh, as a medicine cat, Leafpool! I’d much rather be treated by a sweet, gentle doctor than a mean heap of fur. ~ Nix
I believe in Jaybae Supremacy!
jayfeather 100% i didnt like leafpool
Jayfeather! How dare you compare him to another medicine cat? /j
no why is that so relatable-
Jayfeather. leafpool broke the med code so that kinda puts her low for me, not too low tho, just lower than a few.
Leafpool! She’s one of my favorite characters!
from a character perspective, jay. from a med cat perspective, leaf.
I don’t like either lol
Who’s the better med cat? Leafpool. Who do I like better? Jayfeather 😛
Jayfeather. I think he’s much more interesting
Which character’s death affected u the most?
cuz, funny story. i never cry or feel particularly upset over characters’ death (any book). im not bouncing with joy, but ya know, it doesn’t affect me.
but for some reason, turtle tail’s death was like a shocker. i never particualrly liked turtle tail, she was just there. but idk why, but as soon as they find her dead i stopped reading and continued the book after like a month. idk why i felt so sad at her death.
and now shes one of my fav characters hehe.
Gray Wing’s. I also do not cry over books- I don’t think I ever have- but Gray Wing’s death got me the closest. DotC in general was very well-written at most times, and Gray Wing’s death, alongside his final speech, was one of the most moving scenes in the whole series.
Defintily Purdy. I’ve never cried at a book characters death before him.
the only deaths so far that have made me cry have been the death of Gray Wing and Bristlefrost
Just like you, I ALMOST never cry or get really sad due to death in books/other media, but all deaths in Crookedstar’s Promise were a bit depressing :PP But so far I’ve only cried to fiction 2 times, and both weren’t Warriors
Silverstream and Feathertail, mostly because I was only seven when I first read them and it was pretty much the first time I was introduced to death. Their deaths where also pretty brutal and dramatic.
I’m bouncing with joy… is that a problem? only exception was midas of woods beyond from sge
I’ve cried on a lot, but probably Moonflower, because just the way it was written made it ten times worse, and Bluepaw’s reaction as well. I keep remembering Moonflower’s promise to take her daughters out to gather moss for their new nests every time I think of her death.
As far as I can remember, I’ve only cried twice while reading Warriors. One of them was Leafpool’s vigil. it was so sad, everyone was standing there and thinking about her and she wasn’t even that old and she still had a whole lot of life left and then they all complimented her. I think the other was maybe one of Hollyleaf’s deaths? Or maybe it had something to do with Spottedleaf. I think it did
bristlefrost </3
Gray Wing
the only deaths so far that have made me cry have been the death of Gray Wing and Bristlefrost and Spottedleaf
Bristlefrost’s was the only one I actually cried, but I came close to crying for Feathertail’s and Greywing’s.
yellowfang and grey wing’s </3
Ok so I don’t really like her, but for some reason, snowfur (bluestart’s sis, for anyone who doesn’t know) is the only cat who has made me cry. I guess her death was just so unexpected, and It made me feel pretty bad for bluestar because she lost pretty much everyone she loved. I think it was probably mostly because it was so sad for bluestar, she is one of my fav characters.
Sandstorm I think. She wasn’t around any good friends or family when she died, which was kind of sad.
what warriors ship do you think was the best developed and which ship do you think was the most rushed?
Developed- Wind X Gorse or Bramble X Squirrel or Gray X Turtle
Rushed- Thunder X Violet (me wanted Thunder X Star :C) and Skystar X Storm
BrambleSquirrel was developed very well over the course of A New Prophecy, from their status as playful rivals to their eventually mateship, after multiple tests including the Great Journey and the whole Hawkfrost/Ashfur situation.
LeafCrow was probably the most rushed. It felt very quick and done over the course of one book.
best developed: firexsand
most rushed: tawnycrow
Best developed: RavenBarley
Most rushed: BristleStem, or if that doesn’t count bc Stem didn’t love Bristle back, LeafCrow
Best developed: Tree and Violetshine
Rushed: Ivypool and Fernsong
Developed – Wind X Gorse or Fire X Sand or Cloud X Bright
Rushed – Skystar X Storm or Greystripe X Silverstream
best developed: talljake, nightsun, or frostwhistle! (if frostwhistle counts haha)
most rushed: skystar x any of his 17 kajillion wives or tawnycrow yuck😭
Skystar’s High School Flirts *references Jacki*
Totally agree on the most rushed ones 😭
Rushed- TawnyXCrow
lol we had the same answers 😛
best developed : bramble x squirrel
most rushed: tawny x crow
most developed – wind x gorse or fire x sand
least developed – tawny x crow or leaf x crow or ivy x fern
Best: NightxSun
Least: IvyxFern
Opinions on Cinderpelt?
I liked her. I liked her development from the energetic, enthusiastic apprentice she was to the wise but young cat she became. Her death was great and her whole arc was very good.
i really like her. she was such a lively cat and really underrated, but med cat just didnt suit her. she died too young, too. i dont like the reincarntaion thing, and i feel like cinderheart is nothing like cinderpelt.
BEST CHARACTER!!!!! She was ADORABLE as an apprentice, and when she hurt her leg, that was so horrible, but she kept going, and then she became a medicine cat, and she was still amazing after Yellowfang died, she was the perfect combination of kind and snarky, and IT WAS SO FREAKING SAD WHEN SHE DIED 😭 and then there was the whole Cinderheart enchilada but I don’t know if Cinderpelt was, like, POSSESSING Cinderheart, so yeah and CINDERPELT IS QUEEN 👑 And then there was also that time when Silverstream was giving birth and Cinderpaw needed Tigerclaw to lick one of the kits and Tigerclaw was like “i’m not a medicine cat >:(” and then Cinderpaw said “you’ve got a tongue, haven’t you? lick, you useless lump of fur. do you want the kit to die?”
I like her! I just don’t think it was necessary for her to become a medicine cat. I prefer Brightheart 🙂
A really amazing cat who matured from a young excitable apprentice to a wise and kind cat! I really liked her!
I HATE the whole reincarnation thing! I feel like it shows that disabled people can only fulfill their dreams in their reincarnation. But Cinderpelt as a character, she’s cool! I probably watched the BLAME MAP 3000000 times lol
So relatebale blame is one of the best maps
interesting and cool
edit: speedy dodo spotted!
I’m rather neutral but I respected her willingness to take a path of hardship for no reason other than wanting to be of service to her clan
I love her!
I love her, and I think she was a great character for the series. She has a good, energetic but at the same time wise personality, the Erin’s did a good job with her imo :3
I don’t know if i love her or if i just like her. she was a great character, whether she was being her lively apprentice self or her wise medicine cat self. however, the whole fandom adores her and I don’t think she’s the best character ever. i prefer yellowfang.
She was such a sweet character, but I keep forgetting about her.
What is an underrated/overhated kittycat who u like a lot? mine is leopardstar. i feel like a lot of people if not hate then dislike her and say her SE was boring, but i honestly love her. I can relate to her a lot too.
Dovewing. I don’t understand why she is so overhated- she’s not whiny, she’s realistic, and it’s not her fault that Bumblestripe and Tigerheartstar weren’t great cats.
Goosefeather. People hate him but I find him incredibly interesting. I don’t fault him for his crimes because he was mentally ill, and I like him in general.
yay finally someone who uses my logic to pick favorite characters instead of “oh well they were funny”
Prob Twigbranch (who is overhated) I always related to Twiggy a lot when I read about her and it makes me sad when ppl hate on her 🙁 She was actually my favorite character beside Alderheart for a long time!
My answer is also Leopardstar
Clear Sky, I love him because I see his flaws and understand his position in a way I often can’t with other characters and I think that while he was bratty he did have a good heart and often times his hostility was well-founded
Twigbranch and/or Violetshine