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![[an orange tabby cat sleeps in a flower field]](https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cat_grass_flowers_lie_sleep-641380.jpg)
[image description: an orange tabby cat sleeps in a flower field]
Crookedstar’s Promise… but hypertranslated!!!
Original: “We’re early.” Fleck darted through a gap in the stone wall that circled the flat open space outside the barn. Crookedkit hurried after him, alert for any sudden monster noise. On the track beyond the wall, Fleck slowed to a trot. Green meadows lay on either side and blue sky stretched overhead. The track, speckled with pebbles and lined with ruts, wound downhill toward a golden field. Crookedkit gazed at it, eyes wide. It shone like the sun and rippled like water.
Translated: “We’re ready.” Flick slammed into the stone wall behind the kitchen. Cricket quickly followed him and was startled by the strange noise. After leaving, Fleck parked his car in the parking lot. The fields were green, and the sky was very high above. The sandy trail led down to a golden stream. Cricket looked at him in confusion. It was as bright as the sun and clear as water.
Original: “Beetlenose!” Shellheart slid through the crowd, blocking the young warrior’s path. “What in the name of StarClan do you think you’re doing?” He pressed Beetlenose back, steering him to the edge of the crowd and clamping the black warrior’s tail to the ground with one paw. “Stay here!”
Translated: “The box?” asked the scientist. Shellheart smiled and walked away from the group of knights. “What does the name Star Race mean?” He climbed onto Petlino’s back, lifted him into the crowd and kicked him into the white pond. “There you two are!” he said in a gentle voice.
Original: Shellheart was padding among his Clanmates, checking injuries, doling out praise and encouragement to the battered warriors. Dawn colored the sky and birds were beginning to sing in the bushes outside camp. Crookedpaw crouched beside Oakheart, his pain easing as Brambleberry’s herbs soaked into his wounds.
Translated: Shellhart spent a lot of time watching the show with his bandmates, paying tribute to the greats of Reggae music. A friend sings of the sky and the birds in the forest outside the field. A doctor sat by Eckhart’s side and administered painkillers.
HELP 😭 “A doctor sat by Eckhart’s side and administered painkillers” is so funny to me. “Paying tributes to the greats of reggae music,” “he climbed onto Petlino’s back,” “after leaving, Fleck parked his car in the parking lot.”
”FLick slammed into the stone wall beside the kitchen”
”What does the name Star Race mean?”
”A docotr sat by eckhart’s side and administered painkillers”
Oh my stars I’m laughing so hard I just dropped my laptop
Compared to medicine cats, warriors have a tendency to think with their claws when it comes to interactions with the other Clans, and warrior apprentices are even worse. When Squirrelflight and Jayfeather went to ShadowClan to ask Littlecloud advice about Briarpaw’s condition after the tree fell into the hollow, Ferretpaw seemed determined to treat the pair as dangerous enemies to be guarded with the utmost attention. A lone warrior and a medicine cat aren’t a threat to any cat, much less as scrawny and unpracticed in battle a medicine cat as Jayfeather, and he predictably didn’t take kindly to being treated with such ridiculous suspicion, spawning this snarky remark.
The military is willing to cooperate with military experts and other non-medical organizations. When Whitepaw and the Squirrel return to ShadowClan to discuss the missing shell from the well with Synapsa, Durgar sees them as dangerous enemies to destroy. Professionals are not afraid of untrained cats. Cats are harmless and harmless. he joked.
Jayfeather’s relationship with Mousefur was one of much snarking and complaining and annoyance, from Mousefur over constantly being bothered about medical issues she considers trivial, and from Jayfeather about the stubborn old she-cat not letting him do his job and look after her. But beneath all the barbed words and grumbling, Jayfeather truly cared for his elderly patient, and his care for her and for the Clans as a whole truly comes across in this scene. When Mousefur revealed she’d been dreaming of darkness and that she feared the end of the Clans was nearing, Jayfeather spoke these words, both to reassure her, and as a truthful promise that showed his commitment to preserving the life of every cat around the lake. He was no longer the frustrated young tom who had cared more about how far he could push his powers than who he woud hurt by using them. He was a medicine cat in evey sense of the word, a healer who cared deeply about helping those he loved, and a Clan cat who would defend everything the Clans stood for.
Conflict, hatred and anger indicate the relationship between Peter and Sephora. Petros is a rich woman and Mispri has some problems in her life. The boy did his job, but his words were wrong. You know he cares about others. Jafar told Daily Sport he had dreams and feared the club would fail. His only name is the salvation of all people. Dennis decides he is not a murderer. He wants to use his power, not destroy it. This is an old cat. He is a doctor who wants to help his loved ones. I believe that the people in my heart are the most important people.
“Jafar told Daily Sport he had dreams and feared the club” and “Conflict, hatred and anger indicate the relationship between Peter and Sephora.” lmaoo
i figured i’d try my hand at the Google translate trend we have here
original –
“I hope Firestar has forgotten about my tail,” Berrypaw mewed anxiously. “He might use it to give me my warrior name.”
Berrypaw’s tail was just a short stump. When he was a kit he had snuck out of the camp to go hunting and caught his tail in a fox trap.
“What, Berrystumpytail?” Poppypaw suggested. “That would be a mouthful!”
“Oh, no!” Berrypaw wailed. “Firestar wouldn’t, would he?” […] Suddenly alarmed, Jaypaw thought over what Brightheart had said. “You don’t think Leafpool might mention that I’m blind when she gives me my full medicine cat name?” he muttered into Hollypaw’s ear.
“Like Jayno-eyes? That’s just as stupid as Berrystumpytail,” his sister replied.
“You think it’s stupid, but will Leafpool-”
translated –
“I hope Firestar forgot about my bum,” said Beripaw. “You can use it for my warrior name.”
The tail of the sprayer is just a short ridge. When he was young, he ran away from camp to hunt and his tail was caught in a fox trap.
“What, Berry?” Recommended by Poppy Cloud. “That would be a mouthful!”
– Oh no! The syringe beeped. “Firestar can’t do that, right? […] Jaypaw was immediately surprised by Brightheart’s words. “Didn’t you think Leafpool would call me blind if you gave me the doctor’s full name?” Hollypaw whispered in his ear. .
“How’s Jane’s eye?” “Stupid as a bear’s tail,” replied the nurse.
“You thought you were stupid, but Leafpool…”
“Oh no! The syringe beeped” 😭 and “What, Berry?” Recommended by Poppy Cloud. “That would be a mouthful!” Oh yeah, Berry would be a huge mouthful, Poppy Cloud 😛
”How’s jane’s eye?” ”Stupid as a bear’s tail”
‘I hope Firestar forgot about my bum’
Simple question, but I don’t think I’ve really ever asked it before.
Okay, I’m adding up all the different status’s I can think of. Rank them from favourite all the way down to least.
Rank WindClan, RiverClan, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, SkyClan, WarriorClan, BloodClan, StarClan, Kittypets, Dark Forest Cats and Rogues & Loners, Tribe of Rushing Water!
1. WindClan
2. RiverClan
3. ThunderClan
4. ShadowClan
5. SkyClan
6. The Dark Forest
7. Rogues & Loners
8. StarClan
9. The Tribe of Rushing Water
10. Kittypets
11. BloodClan
12. WarriorClan
1. RiverClan
2. SkyClan
3. WarriorClan
4. Rogues & Loners
5. ShadowClan
6. Dark Forest
7. ThunderClan
8. Kittypets
9. BloodClan
10. Tribe
11. WindClan
12. StarClan
why is WarriorClan so low 😭😛
1. SkyClan
2. RiverClan
3. WarriorClan
4. ShadowClan
5. WindClan
6. ThunderClan
7. Kittypets
8. StarClan
9. Rogues and Loners
10. Dark Forest
11. Tribe
12. BloodClan
I mean we don’t see a whole lot of WarriorClan in the books :p
1. RiverClan
2. ShadowClan
3. WindClan
4. ThunderClan
5. Rogues & Loners
6. The Dark Forest
7. Kittypets
8. The Tribe of Rushing Water
9. WarriorClan
10. SkyClan
11. StarClan
12. BloodClan
1. Skyclan
2. Windclan
3. Shadowclan
4. Thunderclan
5. The DF
7. Bloodclan
8. Rouges and Loners
9. Kittypets
11. Starclan
12. Riverclan ( I just don’t care about them lol)
1. RiverClan
2. SkyClan
3. WindClan
4. WarriorClan
5. ShadowClan
6. ThunderClan
7. Tribe of Rushing Water
8. Rogues & Loners
9. Kittypets
10. The Dark Forest
11. StarClan
12. BloodClan
1. ShadowClan
2. RiverClan
3. ThunderClan
4. SkyClan
5. The Tribe of Rushing Water
6. The Dark Forest
7. Rogues & Loners
8. StarClan
9. Kittypets
10. BloodClan
11. WindClan
12. WarriorClan (idk who those cats are)
SECRET NUMBER AMAZING: LeafClan (not canon)
Dark Forest
Tribe of Rushing Water
1. Riverclan
2. Windclan
3. Skyclan
4. Shadowclan
5. Warriorclan
6. The Tribe of Rushing Water
7. Thunderclan
8. Rouges and loners
9. Kittypets
10. Starclan
11. Bloodclan
12. The Dark Forest
Rank WindClan, RiverClan, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, SkyClan, WarriorClan, BloodClan, StarClan, Kittypets, Dark Forest Cats and Rogues & Loners, Tribe of Rushing Water!
1. RiverClan
2. ShadowClan
3. WarriorClan
4. Dark Foresttttt hehe
5. SkyClan
6. Rogues & Loners
7. ThunderClan
8. WindClan
9. Tribe of Rushing Water
10. BloodClan
11. Kittypets
12. StarClan
1. ThunderClan
2. RiverClan
3. SkyClan
4. Tribe of Rushing Water
5. WindClan
6. ShadowClan
7. StarClan
8. Kittypets
9. Dark Forest Cats
10. Rouges and Loners
11. WarriorClan
12. BloodClan
Sandstorm: Bramblestar!
Lionblaze: Bramblestar!
ThunderClan: Bramblestar! Bramblestar!
Bramblestar: I will honor my ancestors in StarClan, but not those who have ever walked in the Dark Forest. Guide my steps wisely, warriors of the past. And warriors of now.
Jayfeather: It’s time to choose a deputy.
Bramblestar: Will you be my deputy, Squirrelflight?
Squirrelflight: Really?
Bramblestar: There is no cat I trust more. Everything you do is for the best of reasons. I understand that now.
Squirrelflight: Then I accept.
Leafpool: My sister. You deserve this honor, and more. Thank you, for everything.
Squirrelflight: I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Jayfeather: An ending, and a beginning.
Screenplay: Bramblestar!
Leo: Crazy!
ThunderClan: Bramblestar! Bramblestar!
Bramblestar: As for my StarClan ancestors, they weren’t people who roamed the Dark Forest. Oh, put wisdom at my feet.
Jay Feather: It’s time to choose your successor.
Bramblestar: Chipmunk, will you come live in my house?
Plaka Pilot: Really?
Bramblestar: No cat can be trusted. Everything you do has a reason. Now I understand
Piazza Piloto: I agree.
Class: Brother, you are honored and highly deserving. Thanks for everything
Plaka Pilot: I want to do it again.
Jay Feathers End and Beginning
“Bramblestar: Chipmunk, will you come live in my house?
Plaka Pilot: Really?” SBKFHDLGFJ 😭
“Leo: Crazy!” tell em, Leo 😛
“Leo: Crazy!” and “Chimpmunk, will you come live in my house?” 😆
“Screenplay: Bramblestar!
Leo: Crazy!”
“Bramblestar: Chipmunk, will you come live in my house?
Plaka Pilot: Really?”
“Piazza Piloto: I agree.”
Totally real Warriors quotes! They’re totally real, and actually said!
*WARNING*- includes spoilers for ASC, TBC, and possibly other arcs/super editions*
“You just ruined the vibe, dude.” – Rivestar after the mountain cats moved in
“THE WARRIOR CODE IS EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”- Hollyleaf at any given moment
“I’m going to go visit (insert clan leader name) to check on them.” – Firestar every other day
“…..Seriously?…… I completely understand that……..” -Jayfeather after StarClan gave him the prophecy
“I love you, but what do we do? It’s not like there have been anyone like us before us.”- Every cross-clan romance ever
Bramblestar: “I am Firestar fan #1.” Leaftstar: “NO, I am Firstar fan #1” Sandstorm, Graystripe, Cinderpelt, Spottedleaf, and Firestar from StarClan: “……….”
Fringewhisker: “So, I’m trying to get to know ShadowClan cats…. Dovewing, what’s your eye color?” Dovewing: “Well, blue, green, gold, orange, red, coral, maroon, chartreuse, raspberry, amaranth……” *Five moons later* Dovewing: “….amber, cerulean, azure, indigo, vermillion….” Fringewhisker: “What?” Tigerstar, Spireclaw, and the rest of ShadowClan: “You’ll get used to it.”
“Clan switching is illegal! I am completely loyal to ShadowClan! “- Berryheart for the first 4 books of ASC
“I’m no hypocryte, I’m the deputy of RiverClan!”- Berryheart at the end of Wind
This is hilarious 😭 I personally headcanon Dovewing as having maroon eyes /j
You forgot cloudtail bruv
ALSO im settling the dovewing eye problem;….. LOOK. IT. UP. ON. THE. OFFICAL. WARRIORS. WIKI. (COUGH) their green. T-T
Ashfur at any given moment “DESTROY DESTROY BURN BURN”
Actually this is canon though, some cat on Wattpad is apparently Ashfur and this is a quote.
Ofc it’s on Wattpad 🤦🏻♀️
That sounds just like him 😛
lol my favorite is Dovewing’s!
EDIT: Btw her eye color is also Permanent Geranium Green/j
I have a theory. Willowpelt got pregnant as an apprentice during her last two months of training because she and Tawnyspots wanted to be mates. Willowpelt got an injury that extended her training, resulting in her not being able to become a warrior as quickly. So she was supposed to have been a warrior while she was pregnant, but her training was extended far longer than most. So I guess that’s not that weird.
I don’t think this could be the case with Willowpelt for two reasons. 1, her apprenticeship and life in the Clan was documented enough in Bluestar’s Prophecy and Spottedleaf’s Heart that there wouldn’t be enough time for her to be injured, as it would’ve been mentioned in those books. She was also named a warrior alongside her brother Redtail.
2, I don’t think the Clans let warriors and apprentices become mates regardless of their age. It’s never happened before, and it brings power imbalance into the relationship.
Oh right. Timeline’s are so confusing. And the inconsities drive me insane.
Any LGBTQIAP+ warriors headcanons you have? I personally like the idea of non-binary Crowfeather, obvi lesbian Mothwing, bisexual Leafpool, ace Hollyleaf, aroace Leopardstar, bisexual Sasha, pansexual Feathertail, oh ofc transgender Rowanclaw, lesbian Blossomfall, gay Barley, bisexual Ravenpaw, gay Tallstar, pan Jake (even tho I haven’t read any books with Jake in it it seems cute lol)
And I think that’s enough out of me lol.
gay tallstar and bi/pan jake for sure! you should read tallstar’s revenge, imo it’s the best warriors book haha its so beautifully written
Ok! After I finish the post-TPB SEs I plan on reading the prequels so I shall get to it eventually! May or may not just end up reading it now cos the anticipation lol
I think gay Tallstar, bisexual (or pan) Jake, and demiromantic asexual Hollyleaf!
gay ravenpaw, gay barley, gay tallstar, pan jake, lesbian mothwing, bi leafpool, ace biro hollyleaf, trans rowanclaw
Trans Rowanclaw, Bi Jake, gay tallstar, bi Leafpool, and lesbian Mothwing
Bisexual/pansexual Jake, gay Ravenpaw and Barley, aroace Hollyleaf, transgender Rowanclaw.
Decided to try the translating trend with summaries of the Clans:
Shade worms are a group of insects that live both indoors and outdoors. Their leader, The Durk Ster, was the only leader prior to the Clan foundations. The tribe is also called Yalayala.
Rainbows are a group of cats that live in a part of the forest called the Firewood. Its founder took their name from the god of broken computers. After the death of his mother, Storm, he thought he was a monster.
Tuliklan dogs are known for their love of nature. They are richer and more stable than other jams. They live in open fields or poor areas and raise sheep and rabbits as children.
The river cult is a group of wild animals that live in, or near, creeks, bouncy castles, and takeout restaurants. They are named after the river where the octopus was fed hot sauce. The town is named after him.
“The tribe is also called Yalayala.”
“Its founder took their name from the god of broken computers.”
“and raise sheep and rabbits as children.”
“They are named after the river where the octopus was fed hot sauce.”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, omg this is hilarious. SHADEWORMS??? RAINBOWS AND DOGS!!!???? NoT tO mEnTiOn ThE rIvEr CuLt AnD hOTsAuCe EaTiNg OcToPuS??? What? LOL
Hehehehehehehehehe so funnnny
“The tribe is also called Yalayala.”
“Its founder took their name from the god of broken computers.”
Tuliklan dogs are known for their love of nature.”
“they live in open fields or poor areas”
Ah yes, everybody knows about the fox-hearted Clan of Yalayala.
this is what the internet was made for.
I translated Wikipedia’s summary of Warriors:
Dogs, (also known as War Cat), is a role-playing game based on his b behaviors and habits of various river jungle cats. The anime takes place in a fictional world. Published by HarperCollins, the series is written by authors Kate Carey and Sherrif Baldry, among others, and directed by daughter Erin Hunter. The pilot’s face and beauty were drawn by the legendary actress Victoria Holmes. There are currently six volumes (“Adventures”), consisting of 10 books each: The Beginning of the Bicycle, The New Prophecies, The Three to power, The Star Ring, Bright Houses, Blind Trees, The Broken Plan of Pa’s Starless . Family . Other plays in addition to short stories were also published, including “good” novels, several short novels, Passports, and many translations in English and in other countries. There are also courses in different languages.
The “The Beginning of the Bicycle” made me laugh 😭 Also, how ironic is “Dogs”????? And the slam against the series of ‘including “good” novels’ my gosh 😭
Blind trees? This is awsome!
The Beginning of the Bicycle?? 😭 And several “good” novels? 😭
I’m going to force you all to sit through the same things i do with my friends and give a running commentary.
six words in. “dogs, (also known as War Cats)” took me OUT
ah yes, my favorite anime, warrior cats.
guys, run! it’s Sherrif Baldry! they’ve found me! /s
oh so it’s an anime MOVIE. Victoria Holmes’ voice acting really brought the characters to life
“the beginning of a bicycle” hey i thought this was fantasy, not a documentary on bicycles
Blind Trees. this is just jayfeather’s ultimate form
“The Broken Plan of Pa’s Starless” Ashfur (pa): you’ve yee’d your last haw *spits out straw that he’d been chewing on cause he’s a hillbilly now*
Family. what is this, fast and furious 28739?
“including ‘good’ novels.” hey what are they trying to say here
Ah, exactly what i need for germany! My good old passport, WARRIOR CATS!
“courses in different languages” what an educational series. from bicycles to learning languages
I laughed so hard reading this thank you 😭😭
thanks, i make myself laugh 😭
I love this 😛
i should not have been drinking lemonade while reading this because i started laughing and my lemonade went up my nose
Help i did the same thing and this is was i got no joke
Please don’t worry about it. Please don’t worry about anything. Please don’t worry about it. Read more at HarperCollins Please don’t worry, please don’t worry about it. Please don’t worry about it.
. . . should I be worried??
If you could kill off a POV whose still alive as of today, who’d you kill off?
I personally have no idea but you can’t say that 😛
Wait, actually then my child Shadowsight would be upset so…
Lionblaze. He’s just annoying. He was never interesting and has only gotten less so.
LIONBLAZE, Bro was never interesting and is kinda just there doing nothin’.
He’s not a terrible person(cat?) but he’s certainly a terrible character and I think that’s enough reason for me to kill him off- /hj
Goodbye to Lionblaze👋
bramblestar I’m sorry he needs to go
Lionblaze 100% he’s the most boring character in the library
why does everybody hate lionblaze great starclan 😭
this may be a bit controversial but… Twigbranch. I don’t like her. I hated all the clan-switching. around the third time she did it, it got repetitive and boring
Def not Lionblaze and Dovewing I love both of them (okay not reaaallly Lionblaze but he was my 1st ever favorite character)
I would kill….. Brambleclaw and uhhhhh i actually don’t know…. oH OH maybe Twigbranch
Violetshine. Also . . . (please don’t hate me for this) Jayfeather *dodges flying tomatoes*
*is the one throwing the tomatos*
sorry, what? :]
Oh my gosh yesss, let’s kill off Jayfeather together…
* avid Jayfeather hater over here *
I’d say Lionblaze but I don’t want to leave Jayfeather alone, soooo Bramblestar ig?
Lionblaze! He annoys me so muchhh
welcome to the apparent ‘lionblaze killer’ club 😛
Ivypool *dodges flying tomatoes* she’s just a little bratty and wayyyy overrated *dodges punch* AHH NOOOOOO I WAS JUST SHARING MY OPINIO— *gets sacrificed to the skibidi gods*
I sorta agree
*Is the one throwing tomatoes* /j
Brambleclaw definitely.(Maybe Lionblaze, but not because of Jayfeather and Cinderheart)
dove wing or Lightleap
Lighleaps a POV?
Firestar (Yes, I know he’s dead but I WILL STILL KILL HIM!!! No offense to anyone how likes him, this is just my opinion)
Bro is almost as boring as Dewnose
I personally believe Nightheart is a descendant of Moth Flight. Here’s my evidence. Nightheart’s father’s sister, Honeyfur, is a white she-cat with yellow splotches. Sounds like Blue Whisker and Bubbling Stream, doesn’t it? Honeyfur and Larksong (+Leafshade’s) mom is Lilyheart. Lilyheart’s mom is Sorreltail. Sorreltail’s half brother is Darkstripe. Darkstripe is somehow and quite weirdly Tawnyspot’s son. Tawnyspot’s dad is Windlfight. Windflight’s dad is Eaglestorm, who was born and raised in Windclan but moved to Thunderclan to be with Squirrelwhisker, his mate. And…Windclan is exactly where Moth Flight was raised! Maybe Moth Flight’s grandkids or great-grandkids moved to Wind clan and inherited Moth Flight’s children’s fur color? And those descendants later had Eaglestorm, beginning the process.
This is possible (due to Moth Flight having descendants in four Clans) but I disagree that there’s any clues as to how.
Darkstripe’s father is not Tawnyspots. This is impossible, as Willowpelt was made a warrior after he died, and was apprentice-aged up until his death. Tawnyspots being Darkstripe’s father was an ignorant statement made by the authors. The authors say many incorrect things about the series, and this is one case.
Also, with so many years (over 100) between Moth Flight’s life and Nightheart’s, it’s extremely likely that the basic genetic makeup Bubbling Stream and Blue Whisker had could be repeated, as I suspect it was in Nightheart’s aunt, Honeyfur.
Ultimately, I think it’s possible- even likely, with how many kits Moth Flight had- that Nightheart is a descendant of Moth Flight, but I don’t think that there’s any real way to know.
“with how many kits Moth Flight had” 😛
Orrrrrrrrr the official site says Moth Flight is related to Crowfeather who mated with Leafpool, who is sisters with Squilf, the mother of Night heart 🤓
I think you meant grand mother, not mother 😛 But that wouldn’t work, since Squirrelflight isn’t mates with Crowfeather; but that would mean Lionblaze, Spotfur, Snaptooth, Flywhisker, Hollytuft, Fernsong, Sorrelstripe, Bristlefrost, Thriftear, Flipclaw, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather are all related to Moth Flight!
Yes. I’m sure Nightheart is somehow related to Moth Flight, but the relationship Sparrowpaw described is not genetic.
nvm yall im so stupid
You may be right idk but when you think about it, Windflight isn’t related to Sorreltail in any way. He’s her stepdad or smth so that doesn’t make sense :3
Eaglestorm isn’t related to Sorreltail…her and Darkstripe are related through Willowpelt rather than Tawnyspots. the ‘high white’ gene is pretty easy to get and has no reason to come from Moth Flight specifically. ‘yellow’ could also mean a lot of things: widebanding (golden) would be from Snowbush rather than Lilyheart as it is dominant, or could be a recessive amber/russet allele passed down through generations (only found in a specific breed, making it more plausible for Snowbush to be carrying it as Cloudtail was a kittypet).
cool theory though! :3
my bad for the last part (Lilyheart would need to carry it too) so if Moth Flight was actually related to her then the amber/russet (yellow) gene could totally have come from both Micah and Cloudtail! :DD
Cool theory!
What are you all’s favourite villains? Mine’s Mapleshade 😀
Curlfeather. She was the most morally complex of all the villains, and I like that in a villain.
Mapleshade as well, although Splashtail and Curlfeather are cool too :>
Mapleshade and Curlfeather! What can i say, i like an evil gal. But really, i like mapleshade because i LOVE a good unreliable narrator and her book was scrumptiously misleading. And Curlfeather purposefully using her daughter as a pawn is just… so evil i love it
i’m a sucker for angst with terrible parents, sue me
curlfeather. she has complex moral and ethical reasons for her code violations, which is nice to see. also, she has interesting relationships with a pov, which is also quite nice.
Ashfur but I feel like I would like Curlfeather if I read ASC
Mapleshade. I like Curlfeather too but I want to read Star first before I have any finalized opinions.
Mapleshade and Curlfeather. Curlfeather was the kindest of all the warrior cats villains imo
Idk… maybe Ashfur or Darktail? I think it’s Darktail 😛 also love Sleekwhisker tho
Starflower, Mapelshade, Curlfeather, and Darktail.
*rises from the ashes*
I swear when anyone asks me about Mapleshade or my favourite character I literally nearly explode. MAPLEEEEEEE <33333
trying so hard to refrain from typing an hour long essay about her-
Ashfur! (that does NOT mean i defend his actions, but i love him as a villain)
Mapleshade my beloved.
Splashtail or Berryheart. I don’t necassarily like them, but they have the most interesting backstory.
Ashfur, or my beloved Star-queen [she could’ve been the Harumi of Warriors had the Erins not pulled a Crystallized on her]
shaplemade. from a moral standpoint she’s a horrible cat but as a villain she is absolutely iconic
shaplemade I can’t 😭
S-s-sol 😭
Omg I forgot about Sol, I also love Sol!!!
why’s no one saying hawkfrost >:0 hawkfrost!!
(Just so y’all know, I like these villains because of their character, I still think that what they did is horrible, they’re just interesting) Darktail and Clear Sky
I don’t know if this counts… but Needletail. She manipulated and guilt-tripped Violetpaw multiple times, caused Violetpaw toturn against her own sister, and made Violetpaw rely on her and look up to her. Honestly, most of it was fake. Direct quote from Thunder and Shadow: “ ‘I guess it could be kind of cool to have a kit following me around,’ said Needlepaw thoughtfully.” She doesn’t think of Violetpaw as a real friend, she just wants someone to “follow her around”. She convinces Violetpaw to turn against Rowanstar, Tawnypelt, and Tigerheart and join Darktail’s Kin by guilt-tripping Violetpaw into thinking she “abandoned” Needletail, when really Violetpaw was listening to her gut instinct and going back to her Clan. Sure, Needletail died for Violetpaw in the end and got admitted to StarClan after a lifetime of rebellion, disrespect and manipulation, but I still think of her as RED: Retired, Extremely Dangerous. I dislike her in general, but love her layers, personality, and character.
Ashfur And Hawkfrost