The Old Fan Fiction Page

Welcome to the new blog’s first ever fan fiction page! Post your fan fiction in a comment box below to share it with BlogClan. Have fun and keep creating.

cat in typewriter[image description: a black-and-white photo of a kitten sleeping in a cavity of a typewriter]

“Nobody will stop you from creating. Do it tonight. Do it tomorrow. That is the way to make your soul grow – whether there is a market for it or not! The kick of creation is the act of creating, not anything that happens afterward. I would tell all of you watching this screen: Before you go to bed, write a four line poem. Make it as good as you can. Don’t show it to anybody. Put it where nobody will find it. And you will discover that you have your reward.” Kurt Vonnegut


  • Here goes a very stupid chunk of a story…. Don’t bother reading it.

    “Say you’ll look for me,” she had said. He willed her to stop. Every word was taking its toil on her, every movement drained a tiny part of what remained of her.
    “I will.” he promised her.
    “And you’ll join me, won’t you? You’ll join me, when it happens. Tell me you will.”
    “I will.”
    That night still left a scar on his heart, a scar that had never properly healed. That night, under the stars. That night, beside the river. The night she left.
    “If I go, promise me, will you leave me in the river?”
    “I-” how could he? How could he let her go like that? But she had wanted to. And so he obliged. “I promise.”
    “Good.” she breathed, and her scent seemed to fade a little, as though she was no longer there. The blood trickled ever slower. It made it look less dangerous than it was. The real damage was on the inside.
    “Don’t move.” he pleaded, as she struggled to her paws. “Just stay there.”
    “What for?” Even on her deathbed she was as indignant as ever. “I want to do it myself. I never said I would wait to be claimed.”
    “But-” It was her choice, his mind reminded him. Hers only.
    And he let her do it. It seemed as if time itself had lain in those waters. She let herself into the flow of the current. The wind blew ever so gently, as if leading her on. Under the moonlight, her pale pelt turned silver. Her eyes struggled to keep open. As the moon rose highest, he could only see them as tiny, flickering green stars. He let her go.
    “Goodbye, Silverlight.”
    As he turned, the night sky flickered, and a tiny new light gazed down. And as he left, Silverlight looked up, and let herself be claimed.

    (Well it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been…) tell me what you guys think

  • TEASER FOR SUMMER SNOWFALL CHAPTER 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    “Why is everything based on how skilled your magic is?” asked Hopkit.
    “Welcome to society, weasel-heart!” mocked Petalkit.
    “Do you wish to go last at your Magic Ceremony?” warned Crystallinestar.
    “My family is the-” started Petalkit.
    “Too bad! You will go last if you keep this up!” interrupted Crystallinestar.
    “So glad it isn’t my ceremony today.” whispered Stoatpaw.
    “Same. Petalkit is soooooo annoying! She acts like she owns all the Clans, even the Celestial Cats!” whisper-replied Maplepaw.
    “‘Magic this, magic that!’ is her response to everything!” whisper-replied Wavepaw.

    {blogclan cameos will be featured throughout the story. yes maplekit and wavepaw you two made a cameo because COOKIES ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}

      • Winter-that’s the story’s focus, other than Petalkit being an idiotic brat.
        Also for the allegiances, I need your description. What is it?
        {shhh petalkit is evil and power-hungry; SHE EATS POWER FOR SNACKS [also you may or may not have a second talent in the story]}

        • Yay! WINTER POWERS!!! I CAN MAKE IT SNOW EVERYWHERE! XD Petalkit is an idiotic brat. *cough cough like Rainbowkit and Furball cough cough* Oh, I’m a fluffy dark ginger she-cat with a paler belly, a scar trailing down her leg, light blue eyes, and a soft, fluffy, plumy tail. 🙂

  • Do not fear, it is here… (Thanks for waiting / enjoy / pls comment any thoughts)…


    Sun Shadow was flung back by powerful hind legs. Mulch stuck to his pelt as his body rocketed against the ground. Shaking his head, he briskly regained his footing. Sun Shadow’s rival, a well-muscled jet-black tom, charged toward him. But Sun Shadow was too quick, he skilfully sidestepped the older tom, using a firm front paw to trip his opponent’s vulnerable hind leg. It caused his rival to tumble to the ground with a light thud. When Sun Shadow was certain that his opponent was down, he pressed another paw to his adversary’s throat, forcing him to submit.

    Recognising that he had won the mock fight, Sun Shadow let his foe get to his paws. The well-muscled jet-black tom shook out his fur as he did so, sending bits of mud and leaves in multiple directions. “Well done, son,” Sun Shadow’s father, Moon Shadow, congratulated. “You’ve come on well in the last quarter moon.”

    Under Moon Shadow’s proud dark blue eyes, Sun Shadow was glad that he had won his father’s praise and respect. He remembered how he had been shocked to see his father, and how he had been heartbroken at learning it was just a dream. Ever since their first meeting, every night they had talked and trained. It made Sun Shadow feel more content about not seeing his father in the real world. I’m lucky I can see him in my dreams. That’s at least something. Sun Shadow had asked Moon Shadow: if every cat had dreams with their deceased loved ones, but Moon Shadow had told him it was rare. I was even more grateful and relieved when he told me that.

    Randomly, a question probed Sun Shadow’s mind, which he felt compelled to ask his father. “Moon Shadow,” he began.

    Moon Shadow stopped licking down a tuft of fur on his shoulder blade and stared back at his son. “Yes?” he enquired.

    “Have you visited Shadowstar?” Sun Shadow cautiously asked.

    “I have briefly in the past.” Casually, Moon Shadow went back to grooming himself. “But not in many moons,” he stated. “Besides, my sister doesn’t need me. She wouldn’t care that you’re seeing me in your dreams, I presume that’s what you’re worried about.” Moon Shadow’s ears twitched, curiously. “Do you think you need me?”

    Sun Shadow didn’t have to think for more than a few heartbeats about his answer. “I’ve enjoyed meeting you… It’s something I thought would never be possible.” Sun Shadow felt huge admiration for the father he hadn’t known in the waking world. “You’ve taught me so much already, and I’ve learnt so much more than I knew was possible.”

    Moon Shadow moved toward Sun Shadow, brushing his muzzle, affectionately, with his son’s. “I’m pleased as well,” meowed Moon Shadow. “You’re a good cat, and I know you’ll serve your Clan well in the future.” Moon Shadow had taken a few paw steps back and was eyeing his son from ear to paw. “I couldn’t be prouder.”

    “Thank you, father,” Sun Shadow sincerely purred.

    As Moon Shadow’s gaze grew more serious, Sun Shadow felt a twinge of nervousness. “You may be ShadowClan’s chosen cat, but I want you to know that I’ll help you face the darkness. I’ll always be by your side, son.”

    His father hadn’t mentioned the darkness since their first meeting, and Sun Shadow was interested in knowing more about the incoming danger. Sun Shadow split open his jaw to respond. But before he could ask for more information, Moon Shadow’s jet-black pelt changed into glowing smudges of starlight. This had become a similar sight for Sun Shadow. For it meant, he would be forced back into the waking world.

    Fresh sunshine greeted Sun Shadow’s opening amber eyes. Feeling a bit stiff from training with Moon Shadow, Sun Shadow gathered himself to his paws. Pieces of moss bedding were attached to his pelt, but he flicked them off with a sweep of his tail. Noticing various tufts of fur sticking out, Sun Shadow decided he better quickly groom himself.

    After he had completed a thorough grooming, he advanced into the camp’s central clearing. Then, whilst walking, he realised he had a slight limp, which must have happened when he had been too slow to dodge one of Moon Shadow’s charges.

    As Sun Shadow got closer, he could hear voices sounding from the clearing. Sun Shadow quickly realised it was Shadowstar, who was busy organising the day’s patrols. As it hadn’t rained for the last couple of sunrises, the hollow’s usual muddy floor was hardened and felt dry under his pads. He padded closer until he had placed himself in view and waited to be put into a patrol.

    Whilst glimpses of sunlight bore down on him, through nearby pine trees, he couldn’t help thinking about Moon Shadow. I wonder what I’ll learn next. Once again, Sun Shadow couldn’t wait for moonrise to come, so he could go to sleep and train with his father. The slender jet-black tom had to admit that it had distracted him during the day, but he was being taught skills that would help him protect and serve ShadowClan in the future. What’s the harm of that? Sun Shadow mused. I’m just happy I’ve got to meet my father.

    “Sun Shadow,” He jumped as Shadowstar’s call broke his daydreaming, “you can join Raven Pelt’s patrol.” She nodded toward a black tom with yellow eyes, who sat waiting with Bubbling Stream and Dangling Leaf.

    Raven Pelt started out toward the thorn tunnel. He was followed by the other hunting patrol members, including Sun Shadow, who lagged a couple of paces behind because of his slight limp.

    As they walked underneath the dark pines and forest vegetation, which dimmed the sun’s rays, Sun Shadow was absorbed in his own thoughts. Looking ahead and seeing Raven Pelt and Dangling Leaf, Sun Shadow felt a pool of jealously rising inside him. Dangling Leaf would get to know Raven Pelt in the waking world, whilst Moon Shadow wouldn’t walk alongside him until he joined StarClan. He felt envious as Raven Pelt touched his tail against Dangling’s Leaf’s back. It was yet another reminder that Moon Shadow would only ever walk in his dreams.

    All of a sudden, a set of paws matched his. Bubbling Stream had lowered her pace, coming beside him. “It’s humid today, isn’t it?” she meowed in greeting.

    “I suppose,” Sun Shadow shrugged.

    “It’s been like this for the last few sunrises,” Bubbling Stream reminded him. “I hope it rains again soon,” she sighed. “The ground is getting too hard. It’d be nice to feel soft mud under paw.”

    “True,” he agreed, a yawning escaping his mouth.

    “Did you have a late night?” Bubbling Stream went on, cheekily.

    “Well, kind of.”

    Bubbling Stream’s ear flicked forward. “Dreams can sometimes be pretty rigorous.” For a moment, Sun Shadow was paranoid, thinking she somehow knew about his meetings with Moon Shadow and that she would reveal it to Shadowstar. “Sometimes I’ve been stalking prey in my dreams. And if I’ve chased it for a long distance, I then feel tired when I wake up. Does that sound weird?” the young she-cat with yellow splotches meowed.

    “No,” Sun Shadow meowed. “Not at all.”

    Bubbling Stream quickly took a couple of licks, trying to hide her embarrassment. “That’s good.” The short-furred she-cat’s eyes glanced toward him. “Wait, are you limping? Are you okay? What happened?” Bubbling Stream assaulted him with a barrage of questions.

    “It’s nothing,” Sun Shadow bluntly replied. There’s no way I’m letting her find out about me and Moon Shadow.

    Shortly ahead of them, Raven Pelt and Dangling Leaf had halted. Raven Pelt was giving them both a look of indignation. “Now, if you two can stop chirping away, we might actually be able to get some hunting done,” he scolded.

    “Sorry, Raven Pelt,” Bubbling Stream apologised.

    Sun Shadow dipped his head in response. Why should I have to apologise just for talking? Besides, I’m sure that Moon Shadow wouldn’t have apologise for it.

    “Whatever,” Raven Pelt remarked. The moody black tom waved his tail. It stopped in three separate directions. “Whilst you two were messing around, I detected prey scent in each of those directions.” His yellow eyes regarded the rest of the hunting patrol. “Dangling Leaf can come with me. You two can decide whether or not to team up or hunt individually. And I don’t care what you decide, as long as you bring back some prey.”

    Raven Pelt stomped away, his black pelt causing him to merge with the shadows. Dangling Leaf’s orange tail was the last thing Sun Shadow could spot of them as the two cats prowled off.

    Turning to his flank, Sun Shadow could see Bubbling Stream staring up at him. “So, do you want to hunt together?” she asked eagerly.

    Remembering Moon Shadow’s lessons about only relying on himself to improve, Sun Shadow felt an urge to listen to his father’s advice. “There’s two pools of prey scent; it would be better if we split up. We’ll be able to catch more.”

    “No problem.” Sun Shadow could tell that Bubbling Stream was attempting to sound cheerful, but she failed miserably.

    Leaving Bubbling Stream behind him, Sun Shadow ventured into rich pineland. He had to erase Bubbling Stream’s disappointed look from his mind as he swivelled through different types of shrubbery. As Sun Shadow began to sniff for prey scents, a strong squirrel smell wafted against his nostrils, carried by a light breeze. At least Raven Pelt was right.

    It wasn’t difficult for Sun Shadow to morph into the shade of the overarching pine trees. The sun had become covered by clouds, drenching ShadowClan’s territory with even more dark places for animals to hide in. The closely packed pines already offered a lot of protection from any bad conditions, and he was certain that that light breeze would be stronger on WindClan’s territory. Despite the recent heat, Sun Shadow still felt cool underneath the pines, and the light breeze blew against his pelt, relaxing him, as he moved forward.

    Suddenly, through patches of ferns, Sun Shadow eyed a small red squirrel. It was foraging for food among the roots of a small pine tree. The squirrel’s back was to Sun Shadow, and it looked overly concentrated in its search for food.

    I’ll have to be careful – that tree isn’t far away. As the wind was blowing against him, Sun Shadow used the shadows formed by the overhanging fern stalks to near his prey. A couple of slow paw steps later, he was able to see the squirrel more clearly. Making sure to avoid anything that could trip him up, Sun Shadow neared the edge of the thicket.

    Now at the edge of the thicket, the squirrel stood a couple of tail-lengths away, nibbling on a tiny berry. I’ll have to make sure that I balance this correctly, Sun Shadow decided, thinking about his slight limp. Sun Shadow began to breathe in and out, getting ready to pounce on the careless piece of prey. Hesitantly, he wondered how Moon Shadow would pounce, losing short, crucial heartbeats in the process.

    Out of nowhere, a bird’s deafening squawk dispersed through the forest, causing Sun Shadow to look around and lash his tail in surprise. Unfortunately, Sun Shadow’s swaying tail knocked some ferns. As Sun Shadow lowered his head back toward his prey, he saw the squirrel’s red bushy tail bobbing upwards. There was no doubt that the squirrel had skirted up the side of the pine, heading into the safety of the canopy. Sun Shadow’s prey was lost.

    That squawk must have scattered all the prey in ShadowClan territory! Sun Shadow decided with a sigh, thrashing his tail, which caused some dried leaves to leap into the air. Half blaming himself and whatever had caused the bird’s ringing cry, the slender jet-black tom turned back toward camp. As Sun Shadow’s stomach let out a small tremor, he hoped that Raven Pelt, Dangling Leaf, and Bubbling Stream had caught something.


    It didn’t take long for Sun Shadow to arrive back in camp. Empty jawed, he painfully limped through the thorn tunnel. On the walk back to camp, his shoulder had begun to ache. I must have done something to it when Moon Shadow knocked me to the ground in the dream. But that doesn’t make sense, how could I be injured in a dream and suffer it after waking up? Sun Shadow had wondered, feeling confused. Perhaps Moon Shadow knows why.

    Blinking away the light pain, Sun Shadow witnessed Shadowstar, Raven Pelt, Dangling Leaf, and Bubbling Stream standing in the muddy hollow’s central clearing, talking in raised voices.

    Approaching them, Sun Shadow meowed, “What’s going on? Is it about the prey?”

    Raven Pelt curled around to face Sun Shadow. “If it hadn’t been for her, we would have been able to catch some,” Raven Pelt argued. The black tom’s yellow eyes were glassy with disapproval as he stared down at Bubbling Stream, whose ears were flattened against her head.

    Dangling Leaf shifted his paws across the dried specks of mud, which had been churned up by the recent hot weather. “It was a waste of time,” the orange-tailed tom complained, agreeing with his father.

    Sun Shadow stayed silent. I feel sorry for Bubbling Stream, but, even though he’s a real pain in the tail, Raven Pelt has a point. If she was the one to mess up, then it made me lose that squirrel.

    Shadowstar rolled her eyes. “Raven Pelt, you’re overreacting,” Shadowstar informed. “The prey will return. Anyway, the last claw moon brought us excellent hunting. I’m sure the prey will resurface later, and there’s still the marshes. Leaf-fall has begun, but its rain and cold hasn’t.” Shadowstar hooked her tail toward a deposit of fresh-kill. The fresh-kill was rested in a tight dip in the ground and was encircled with green waxy leaves. “If you’re hungry, there’s still some fresh-kill from last sunrise.”

    Straightaway, Raven Pelt swept back out of camp. But before he actually exited, Raven Pelt sharply jerked his tail forward, beckoning Dangling Leaf to follow him.

    As the senior black tom entered the thorn tunnel, Sun Shadow heard him gruffly call to his son, “We might as well check the marshes for prey.”

    Orange tail raised, Dangling Leaf bounded after his father, and Sun Shadow heard him mutter, “Ugh, I hate the marshes.”

    Within heartbeats, the two cats had left Sun Shadow’s sight. He saw Shadowstar head toward the dirtplace tunnel, and Bubbling Stream had headed over to the fresh-kill pile.

    Sun Shadow was left pondering what to do next when his stomach let out a rough growl, reminding him he hadn’t eaten since the sunrise before. Mind made up, he stumbled over to the fresh-kill pile. A range of prey was there, but Sun Shadow, just wanting to fill his belly, took the first two pieces he saw – two plump looking mice – between his jaws and carried them over to a slab of soft mud, which would allow him to gingerly rest his bruised shoulder.

    As he chewed on one of the mice, it tasted warm and musty. Glancing toward the fresh-kill pile, he realised that the prey must have been laying in the sunlight. Despite the bad taste, he managed to force down the mouse.

    When he had finished the second mouse, Sun Shadow felt the warm light breeze massage his fur. That, along with the mice, made Sun Shadow feel very drowsy. This dulled the pain of his shoulder and made it easier for Sun Shadow to doze off. He let out a yawn. Those dreams with Moon Shadow are wearing me out, Sun Shadow mused. Some heartbeats later, tiredness had convince him to wrap himself up into a compact ball of jet-black fur. Promising himself he would go out later to hunt, Sun Shadow let himself drift off to sleep, wishing for another dream with Moon Shadow.

    Author’s Notes:
    Finally finished. Btw, it’s exactly 1 month on from Chapter 6. Some trivia there. 😛 Sorry for the delay I’ve been busy trying to improve my art amongst other things. I also had a bit of block/lack of motivation, for some reason, after writing the first 800 words or so like 2/3 weeks ago. Tbh, I’m surprised it’s gotten to the mid 2000s. 😛 Just some more Sun Shadow stuff here, learning more about some of the other characters and the interactions with Moon Shadow. I was particularly proud of the first bit. Nothing much else to say. The next chapter is written, but it needs to be edited, however, I may start work on Chapter 10 first. And in case it isn’t obvious, the next chapter will be Oak Shade’s ThunderClan PoV. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
    2,666 words / 4,570 words for Sun Shadow’s PoV / 25,866 total

    Did you enjoy reading my FanFic? Then feel free to check out my DA / accounts @ UKEagleclaw



  • Reedshine’s War

    Reedshine took a deep breath. Another day without Appledusk. His death had hit her hard. She glanced at the three tumbling kits behind her. The biggest one was Applekit. Her pale orange fur reminded Reedshine of Mapleshade, Appledusk’s former mate and killer. The only tom in the litter was Shykit. His dark brown fur was the darkest of all of them.
    “Applekit, bet you can’t catch me!” Shykit squealed as he ran behind the nursery. Applekit’s body wiggled as she tried to be in a pouncing position. She chased after Shykit and they disappeared behind the nest. The third kit hung behind Reedshine. Her name was Willowkit. Her speckled gray pelt was long and fluffy. She looked at Reedshine as if she was a young apprentice in a fierce battle.
    “Mama, will Shykit get hurt?” Willowkit whispered. Reedshine turned around to face the kit. Willowkit glanced behind her as if Mapleshade would come charging through. Mapleshade was confirmed to be dead at the last Gathering, but Reedshine had always kept her ears pricked and her senses sharp.
    “No, Applekit knows better than to really attack her brother. Now, go out and play!” Reedshine meowed as she picked Willowkit up and placed her next to her fighting brother and sister.

    “They are so much like Appledusk!” A fellow queen sat down next to Reedshine. Her belly was swollen with kits. Her eyes twinkled as she gazed at the lively kits.
    “Yes, if only their father were here,” Reedshine replied with a lump in her throat. Shykit had Appledusk’s eyes. Willowkit walked the same as her father, but talked like her mother. Applekit had the gleam of Mapleshade in her amber eyes, but the same shine in her fur as Appledusk.
    “I hope Splashfoot gets to live to see his kits,” The white queen meowed while looking at her stomach.
    “If Splashfoot doesn’t a jealous ex-mate, you should be golden, Milkfur!” Reedshine muttered. Milkfur widened her eyes and looked around the camp, but realized Reedshine was kidding. A seriousness lingered in Reedshine. She wondered if Mapleshade would really take revenge on her kits.

    “Mama, I am winning!” Willowkit shrieked as she sat on top of Applekit’s shoulders. Shykit was struggling from under Applekit’s paws. Applekit hissed and threw her younger sister to the ground. A thud announced Willowkit’s landing.
    “What was that you were saying?” Applekit sneered. Shykit had escaped and pounced on Willowkit. Reedshine needed to stop this before someone got hurt.
    “Alright, kits. Now, go and ask the elders for a story! I’m sure they will tell you a good one!” Reedshine meowed. The kits darted to the Elder’s Den. A brown head poked out.
    “Thanks, Reedshine! You made your mangy kits OUR problem!”
    “Sorry, Otterpelt! Gotta put them somewhere!” Reedshine replied.

    “Applepaw, Willowpaw, and Shypaw are missing!” Darkstar ran into camp. The gray muzzled black cat looked frantically at Reedshine. A cold feeling haunted Reedshine. Did Mapleshade take them? The other cats seemed oblivious to what could be a disaster.
    “I will find them!” Reedshine screeched as she ran to the center of the camp. Darkstar padded to her side.
    “Reedshine, you are their mother, but maybe we should send their mentors. They are…..,” Darkstar trailed off.
    “What?! They are more qualified than I am?! Is that it? Let me tell you something! I know exactly what happened. So, don’t even think about sending Perchwind, Rainfall, and Eeltail! I can do this myself,” Reedshine screeched. Darkstar was frozen Was she surprised by her outburst or was she thinking of a punishment?

    Reedshine left the shocked Clan to search for her precious kits.
    “Think you can do this to me and run away free?” A scratchy growl whispered from a clump of reeds. Reedshine flattened her ears and bared her fangs. Mapleshade! Splotches of ratty tortoiseshell fur showed through the big reeds. Who else would have the growl of a mangy TigerClan cat?
    “Where are they, Mapleshade?” Reedshine snarled. Mapleshade slipped out of the reeds. Her eyes glimmered as the three apprentices squealed from somewhere in the distance.
    “What. Did. You. Do?” Reedshine spat. Would she fight Mapleshade? Could she hurt her? Maybe, but she was already dead. Perchwind had taken care of that. Mapleshade’s “I’m already dead and you can’t hurt me, so haha” grin was spread across her face.
    “I trapped them in a badger set. Would you like to join them?” Mapleshade growled as her claws slid out. They were stained with dry blood and mud. Did she hurt the apprentices?
    “What do my daughters and son have to do with our feud? If anything, kill me and let them go!” Reedshine hissed. Mapleshade looked like she had thought about it. The dead tortoiseshell strode forward and lashed her tail.

    “Can’t you see? This has been a trap! I wanted to kill you, but those kits are going down with you!” Mapleshade roared as she attacked Reedshine. Mapleshade’s dirty claws sliced across Reedshine’s shoulders. Reedshine stepped back and bit Mapleshade’s ear. Blood rolled onto the river bed. It was Reedshine’s blood from shoulder wound.
    “Mama! We’ll help you!” Shypaw’s round face peeked out from the reeds. His green eyes shined with worry when he saw Mapleshade.
    “Stay back, pitiful flea-pelt! Or you can join your father!” Mapleshade threatened. Shypaw narrowed his eyes, but just stepped back. Reedshine took this opportunity to slash Mapleshade’s muzzle, but the crafty she-cat dodged and disappeared. Reedshine whipped around to see her enemy behind her with her fangs digging into her scruff.

    “Stop right there, Mapleshade!” Darkstar yowled. She had brought the entire Clan with her! Thank StarClan! Mapleshade released from Reedshine’s scruff. The wounds had made Reedshine dizzy. Will she die? These apprentices were only seven moons old! They needed their mother if their father couldn’t be there. Reedshine didn’t hear what Darkstar hissed, but she heard what Mapleshade said to her.
    “Watch your back, Reedshine. If I can’t do it, your own kin will destroy the Clan!” Mapleshade snarled before fading away. Reedshine fell over. Her eyes were focused on her nervous kin.
    “Mama, hold on! Please!” Willowpaw pleaded. Applepaw nuzzled her mother. The dark orange queen would hold on. She needed to be there. Whenever this war with Mapleshade would start up again, she didn’t need to face this alone.

    • Good chapter w/nice dialogue and dialogue description. However, I found it to be a little confusing at times, and it was hard to follow what was going on. Clearer paragraphs should make it easier to read and understand as well as making any speech lines into their own new paragraphs. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading it. Good luck for any future FanFics you write! 😀

  • Sooooo…….. I decided that the prologue of the fanfic I didn’t name was a one-shot :P. I just run out of ideassssss and I know some of you guys can’t keep up with my tons of different fanfics that I give up on. I’m really sorryyy and am trying to come up with a fanfic that I won’t give up on. Thanks guys, Goldie.

  • Prologue

    “From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Darkpaw.”

    Lifting his head up high, Darkpaw closed his eyes, his nerves vanishing as he took in his new name. Darkpaw. Hearing Sunstar say it, surrounded by the strong, brave warriors of ThunderClan, he’d never felt more elated. This is what he had spent six moons waiting for, and now all he wanted to do was run through the forest at last.

    “Your mentor will be Tigerclaw.”

    Tigerclaw! His eyes flew open, and he could hardly stop himself from turning around and staring at the massive tabby tom. Tigerclaw was one of the best fighters in ThunderClan, and for a moment Darkpaw felt a flicker of worry.

    “I hope Tigerclaw will pass down all he knows on to you.” Sunstar turned to look at the warrior, seated at the front of the clearing. “Tigerclaw, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Thistleclaw, and you have shown yourself to be brave and strong. You will be the mentor of Darkpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Darkpaw.”

    Tigerclaw nodded, his dark amber eyes glinting in the bright sunlight that lit up the ravine. Padding forward, Sunstar touched noses with Darkpaw, looking down warmly at him. Reassured, Darkpaw stood back and beamed as the clan chanted “Darkpaw! Darkpaw!” He twisted his head to look at his new mentor, who was calling his name but locked eyes with him.

    He’s so strong… Darkpaw’s newfound worries returned as the clan dispersed and Tawnyspots began organizing the sunset patrol. He would be expected to become as great a warrior as Tigerclaw, and as he slowly walked over to him, he wondered if he could meet the challenge. Tigerclaw was well-known for his skill in battle and serious attitude, and was a highly respected cat. Shoving down his doubt, he looked up at him, eager to begin his training.

    “I assume you want to go and see the territory.” Said the tabby, still comfortably seated although one ear was pricked and listening to Tawnyspot’s patrols.
    “Yes!” Said Darkpaw excitedly, bouncing up with glee.

    “Or maybe instead you’d prefer to practice some battle moves? Perhaps hunt, or explore the borders?” Bubbling with anticipation, Darkpaw nodded excitedly, swishing his tail back and forth and kicking up dust.

    “Then you’re in luck.” Tigerclaw stood up and stretched, shaking out his fur, towering over Darkpaw. “You’ll get to do all of those. Today we’ll be collecting moss for the elder’s den.”

    His tail smacked the ground in dismay, but before he could protest, Tigerclaw padded to the camp entrance, and Darkpaw had to sprint to keep up with his large strides. Fuming, he followed his mentor into the forest and up the slope, too caught up in his disappointment to notice the greenery he had been excited about moments before. What good was collecting moss on the first day? If ThunderClan were attacked, how would he be able to fight? By throwing moss at the enemy?

    Reaching the top of the slope, Tigerclaw led him to a large, sturdy oak, choked with vines and thick swathes of moss at its roots. “Gather as much moss as you can carry.” He instructed, beckoning towards the tree.

    Halfheartedly, Darkpaw dug his foreclaws into the springy plant and ripped off a clump. He glanced at his mentor, but Tigerclaw gave no sign of approval, only sat by the tree and watched. Narrowing his eyes, he tore off another cluster and added it to the small pile. What a great first day, he thought. Keep it up like this and he’d be shredded in the next attack. Just like this moss under his claws.

    “Why are you shredding it?”

    He jumped and glanced up guiltily, hurriedly placing the shredded moss into the growing pile. “I thought…” He dug up another clump, his eyes still fixed on Tigerclaw, his ears lowered. “I thought it might be more comfortable for the elders.” He muttered.

    “Really?” Tigerclaw said, a hint of amusement in his meow. “And why would that be?”

    “Because…” He placed another clump on the pile. “It… would… be easier to move in?”

    A lark sung in the silence that came after his lie, and Darkpaw looked away in embarrassment, for the first time noticing the woodland around him. The trees swayed back and forth in the gentle breeze, oaks and redwoods and sycamores all mixed together. Large brambles and ferns crowded the forest floor, and the sun filtered through the branches above, splattering the forest like a spray of water.

    As a kit, Darkpaw had been filled with the determination to become as great a warrior as his father, Tawnyspots, and to one day become the ThunderClan deputy just like him. He’d pictured himself at the top of the Highrock, looking down a his clanmates from above the tops of the trees, watching his own kits become apprentices and warriors – it wasn’t until now that Darkpaw realized how tall the trees truly were. He doubt the Highrock even went up half their height, and, his initial excitement fading away, his dreams suddenly seemed very silly.

    “Why are you shredding the moss?” Tigerclaw asked again, clearly not fooled. Jolted out of his thoughts, Darkpaw bowed his head in shame. “I’m angry.” He muttered.

    “Oh?” Tigerclaw’s whiskers twitched. “And why are you angry?”

    He fiddled with the moss pile. “Because I have to collect moss on my first day as an apprentice, and I’m not learning any of the things you told me.” What did you expect?

    “But you are.” He looked up as Tigerclaw padded over and stood beside him. “Gather the moss like this.” Quick as a mouse, he shot his paw into the plant, claws unsheathed, and ripped it cleanly away. Darkpaw began copying, using quick, precise movements and watching the pile grow with Tigerclaw’s help. “It’s a trick I learned from Bluefur. With every swipe of your paw, you learn how to scratch your enemy’s muzzle or quickly tear their flank. It makes your moves quick and neat, and leaves your opponent reeling.” He looked his apprentice in the eyes. “And that is what is most important. Fighting with skillful, quick strikes is the most important part of being a warrior, and something you must learn above all else.”

    Much more confident, Darkpaw struck with concentration at the moss, and soon had a full pile as the sun began to set. He gathered it up in his jaws and followed Tigerclaw back down the slope, his vigor once again overtaken by his unhappiness at changing the elder’s nests. Tigerclaw was unsympathetic. “It’s not fun, but it’s necessary.” He said as they entered the camp.


    As night fell, Darkpaw curled up in his new nest in the apprentice’s den, closing his eyes and sleep threatened to overcome him, listening to the quiet breathing of the other apprentices.

    “What’s your favorite part of the forest?” One of them asked, prodding him with his paw as she spoke.

    He opened his eyes, pushing down his annoyance and looking out the den at the dark, twinkling sky above. “The moon.” He said. “It’s always there, no matter where I go.” The she-cat gave a grunt of agreement, settling into her nest. “And it blends into the dark night sky.”


  • Hi guys!
    So awhile back I made a fanfic called Darkness Rising that I never really wrote. I have decided to start it up again but since it has been a while I will repost the first three chapters. The allegiances are the same as TAQ but with a few modifications that I will write below… (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! Don’t read this if you haven’t read TAQ or OotS) Enjoy!!

    All the clans are the same as the allegiances in TAQ but I added dome characters or changed rank in my fanfic:
    ~Ivypool (expecting Molewhisker’s kits)
    ~Frostpaw: Fluffy white she-cat with dark gray stripes and ice blue eyes.
    ~Ripplepaw: Thick furred black tom with white stripes, the fur around his neck fur is like a lion’s mane. Dark blue eyes.
    ~Sandypaw: Sleek ginger she-cat with white paws and green eyes.

    ~Scourge II: Black tom with white points.
    ~Savagetooth: Gray tabby tom covered in battle scars. Yellow eyes.
    ~Gingerclaw: Matted orange pelted she cat
    ~Redtooth: Dark brown tom with patches of fur missing. Gray eyes
    ~Scarface: Black tom with scars covering his face and only one ear.
    ~No-ears: White she cat with no ears and yellow eyes.
    ~Raggedflower: Old brown tabby she-cat with torn ears. Green-gray eyes.
    ~Scorchclaw: Orange tom with large patches of fur missing. Gray eyes. ~Blackheart: Black tom with an eighth of a tail. Orange eyes.

    CHAPTER 1 AND PROLOGUE (Darkness Rising):

    Firestar was stretched out on a warm flat rock in Starclan, letting the sun’s rays wash his pelt. He was just about to close his eyes when he heard a soft mew ring in his ear. “Firestar!” Ferncloud mewed urgently. “Yes” he replied back instantly awake. “You need to warn our clan that trouble is coming and there is only one cat that can save us….” She said. “What trouble?” Firestar said anxiously. “A clan no cat has thought could ever rise again has risen. “Yellowfang told me to repeat this prophecy: The kin closest to the third cat will rise to defeat this ominous cloud that covers our future once and for all…” she finished. “ What does this mean and why didn’t Yellowfang tell me this herself?” he said. “I’m afraid this evil clan has already captured some of Starclan members and this time the clans might not survive…”

    Chapter 1:

    Frostkit twisted out of her mother’s reach before she could groom her fluffy white with dark gray stripes fur anymore.” I look fine!” she mewed to her mother. Dovewing purred and stared into her daughter’s ice blue eyes. “You have to look perfect for your warrior ceremony, look at you littermates, don’t they look perfect? Frostkit glanced at Ripplekit and Sandykit. She had to admit, Ripplekit and Sandykit looked perfect. Sandykit’s sleek ginger pelt shone in the sun and her white paws looked like untouched snow. Her green eyes gleamed mischievously as she mewed,” Yes, what if we looked better than you?” “Yeah, look at my pelt, all my kitten fluff has grown out. Unlike you!” Ripplekit said. He was a thick furred black with white stripes tom with dark blue eyes. His neck fur looked like a lion’s mane. Why did her pelt have to be so fluffy she thought to herself? “Look your father has come to get you!” Dovewing mewed. Frostkit looked up to see her father, Bumblestripe, walking towards them. “Come on, let’s go!” He said in his deep voice. When they got to Highrock all the cats of Thunderclan were waiting for them including Bramblestar. “You’ll do great!” Bumblestripe mewed into his kits’ ears. “Thunderclan, today we gather to celebrate Dovewing and Bumblestripe’s kits’ apprentice ceremonies!” Bramblestar said in his booming voice. Frostkit was shaking with excitement. “Sandykit, come forward. Until you become a warrior you will be known as Sandypaw. Ambermoon, you have shown intelligence and courage, you will mentor this apprentice.” Sandypaw dashed up to touch noses with Ambermoon. “Ripplekit you will be known as Ripplepaw, Lionblaze will be your mentor.” Ripplepaw’s eyes were huge as he trotted to the massive golden tom to touch noses. It was her turn! “Frostkit, you will be known as Frostpaw and Sorrelstripe will be your mentor. Frostpaw padded up to Sorrelstripe and touched noses. Suddenly five dark shadows slid into the camp. Frostpaw turned to look. A black tom with a tooth-ridden collar was in front followed by a group of savage looking rogues. “I am Scourge II and I have come for revenge over my father’s death.” The black tom mewed. “I have reunited Bloodclan and we are stronger than ever, we followed you all the way here and now I am ready to take over the clans. Something my father failed to do.” He snarled. Frostpaw turn to look at all the horrified faces, numb with shock.
    “Bloodclan, Attack!”

  • Fading Stars and Growing Shadows

    This is a colab project that Kindheart and I have been working on. Kindheart wrote the Dark Forest part and I wrote the StarClan part.
    Lakestar let out a hiss as the rabbit darted into it’s burrow. She stood and looked around for the source of the noise that startled her lunch and let out a groan when she saw her brother Firekit come galloping over the ridge behind her. “What does he want now?!” He came to a halt, panting. “Echokit and I were playing and we found something…bad!” He turned tail and dashed back over the ridge before Lakestar could ask any questions.
    Lakestar let out a puff as she caught up with her brother. “What’s so important that you interrupted my lunch?” Firekit slowed down, and pointed his tail ahead of them. Lakestar’s hackles bristled as she walked closer. The normally lush grass was withered, the sparkling water had turned murky and the clear, blue sky was cloudy. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed the border between StarClan and the Dark Forest. The once shimmering border was now dull and nearly transparent. Lakestar took a step back, fear crackling up her spine, “The Dark Forest is taking over StarClan’s territory!” Firekit looked at her, his green eyes wide with fear, “What are we going to do?”
    Lionblaze paced back and forth snarling, “We already defeated them once, why are they gaining strength again!” Crowfeather padded over and rested his tail on Lionblaze’s shoulder, “Calm down son, if we did it once we can do it again.” Lakestar stepped forward and said, “Crowfeather is right, my kits still have their powers. They can protect their clan.” “What about the other clans!” Shadowstar snarled. Murmurs quickly spread through the growing crowd. “QUIET!” a tom bellowed from inside the crowd. The sea of cats parted as Gray Wing padded out, his figure hardly more than a shadow. “We must give them a new prophecy. One that will save all of the clans.” Jayfeather padded up to him, “Since when have you been able to give prophecies.” Gray Wing motioned for him to step back, “One cat from each clan will get a different part of the prophecy and they must give it to one of their former clanmates. Lakestar from ThunderClan will give her part to Turtlestar. Lizzardfang from ShadowClan will give his part to Skyflower. Carpwhisker from RiverClan will giver her part to Stonepelt, and Brindlepelt from WindClan will giver her part to Gorsefang.” The crowd stands, stunned as Gray Wing padded away. Crowfeather broke the silence. “Go, now, we must move fast if we are to fix this before the Dark Forest notices the weakening border!”
    A tall broad figure walked closer to the shining trees. He smiled maliciously as he noticed the fading boundary. He quietly mumbled “The Darkness is spreading” As if it was a signal a she-cat stepped forward to stand next to the burly tom. “The boundary is fading faster, but we can not do this alone! You know that” she looked expectantly at the tom, he growled “Yes, yes I know we need living cats to help us!” he glared behind him as if he could see the clan cats sleeping in their dens. “We can pass on a prophecy to them” the she-cat frowned “How do you plan to do that? You know you can’t just make one up, it’s against the rules!” The tom jumped on top of the she-cat, pinning her down, he growled at her “If Starclan can make a prophecy so can we! We will do the same. Gather the cats we have something to discuss” He let the she-cat get up and she stared at him warily, then she ran to get the others. He smiled at the fear in her eyes he was the leader now, no one else. When he got to the rock where they held meetings he jumped up, and began to talk to the cats gathering around. “We have hidden in the shadows for far too long! Now the boundaries are weakening this is our chance to rise! However we will need help, I will need four cats to pass on part of a prophecy.” whispering passed through the cats like wildfire, the tom stared with disapproval, then continued. “ Maggottail from thunderclan will give his part too Flameclaw. Heronwing from Riverclan will give Mossherb her part. Redwillow from Shadowclan will give his part to Hawkpelt. Finally Lightningdust from Windclan will give his part to Nightshadow!” The cats below cheered, and the burly tom purred with anticipation. His eyes showed his hunger for victory but also for revenge. He thought “The dark forest will rise and i will get my revenge on firestar, his kin and thunderclan, then once again cats will cower at the mention of Tigerstar…

    Hareleap’s Revenge:

    Hareleap stood over Nighteye, sobbing. “You killed her!” He yowled.

    Snowcloud stood there, horrified. “I.. I didn’t mean to!” She wailed.

    “You did. And now I’m going to kill you.” Hareleap said menacingly.

    “But.. But I’m your sister!” Snowcloud wailed.

    “Nighteye was my mate. You killed her. You are no longer my sister.” Hareleap hissed.

    Snowcloud’s eyes widened in fear. “Please. I didn’t mean to hurt her.” She begged.

    “It’s too late!” Hareleap snarled, leaping at her. He knocked her to the ground easily, slashing at her face.

    “Please!” Snowcloud yowled, her face covered in blood.

    He kept slashing until he heard a gurgling sound in her throat. She was choking on her own blood.

    “I’m so sorry.” Snowcloud whispered before twitching and lying still, dead.

      • Yes. I am dark >:D Thanks! I just randomly came up with the names in five minutes 😛

    • Nice! I little dark… but a great one-shot!! 🙂

      P.S. Hopefully your computer is running faster? If it’s not you should update your OS. I just did it for my mac (not sure if it works for Non-Apple computers) and it works like magic (OS X EL CAPITAN 10.11.5)!! It’s free and I am pretty sure made by Apple so it is safe. I’m going to start doing it regularly to keep my mac in tip-top shape… new ones are available every so often. It literally makes them work like they were brand new for a while. Seriously. 😀 😀

      • I got Window’s Defender! It’s been working pretty well.. My computer still doesn’t like me though 😛 I’m supposed to get a new computer for Christmas so…. *Flops down*

  • Morning Clouds


    I hop around some rocks, fear churning in my belly. Why? You may ask. It’s only a pregnant she-cat carrying a mouse.

    The problem is is that I am the only she-cat in my group. And my leader will be angry that the father of my kits is one of the lowly cats outside of our group.

    He may even guess that their father is a Clan cat, the kind he despises.

    He hates the Clan cats. They came from far away and stole his forest. They saved the weaklings of our group and held us off from reclaiming our territory.

    I used to agree with him. In fact, I still do. There are Clan cats that desperately need to pay.

    But, though I’ve never dared tell him, not all of them are worth less than fox-dung.

    Storm Pelt, for instance.

    Yes, he is the father of my kits. I know I’m biased. But it’s true. He’s kind and caring and was willing to see past the fact that our groups are enemies, agreed to be friends, and then more.

    I sigh. If only this wasn’t so complicated. If only Bee was still alive. Then I wouldn’t have to have kits with a member of the group. But she was killed in a fox attack. “Clan weakling.” Slash said when she died.

    I didn’t mention my leader was Slash? Well he is. And I am Swallow. I believe you know who I am.


    Oh, speak of the devil. Here he comes.

    I rise to my paws and pick up my mouse as he approaches, heralded by Splinter, one of his right-hand men. Whatever that means. I don’t know what a hand or a man is. It’s an old saying.

    But I’m getting off topic. Delaying the inevitable.

    The only cat who can help me rise up or fall down. Here he comes.


    His meow is sharp. I think that’s a bad sign. What is in store for me?

    “Yes, Slash?” I meow steadily, though inside I am shaking. Luckily I have always been an actress.

    He doesn’t say anything, just turns and pads off, flicking his tail for me to follow. I do.

    Splinter leaves, shooting me a swift smirk. I have never been his favorite, but it still sends chills down my spine. I don’t show them.

    Slash leads me through the forest, winding past trees and bushes, alongside streams, through puddles, until we reach the edge of Twolegplace. There, he turns and faces me, and I stop. He sits down, and so do I.

    “Swallow.” He dips his head to me. I return the gesture.

    “I have been wondering what you are going to do about your kits.” His eyes narrow and I feel like I am under the lights that come from some of the Twoleg monsters that live in the sky.

    “I will take care of them and raise them to be loyal to you,” I respond. “What else could I do?”

    Slash narrows his eyes to slits. “Give them to their father,” he growls quietly. “Clan scum-even half-blooded Clan scum-has only a place in the Clans.

    I freeze, panicking. “So you want me to give my kits-cats who will help the group-to a Clan cat who attacked me a couple times because he happens to be the father?” I shoot back. This is just great.

    Slash nods. “I don’t care if it was an accident.”

    I slowly nod. “Okay, I’ll go to him when they’re weaned and he can have them,” I promise shakily.

    “No,” Slash hisses. “They need to go now!”

    “They’re not even born yet!” I protest as I realize where Slash is going. I am not going to win this, and the consequences will be terrible.

    “So you go.” Slash responds clearly.

    I begin to shake.

    Slash sneers at me. “Swallow, don’t you want to live like prey with them?” I flinch as he turns my words, when I left the old group with him and pledged my loyalty.

    “Slash. I have been nothing but loyal to you. I stole Black Ear. I fought at your side.” My tail-tip twitches rapidly as I grasp for even a tiny shred of something that will sway him. “Wait.”

    Slash tips his head at me.

    “This cat loves me. I don’t love him back. But I can spy. I can get information. He doesn’t know I’m still part of your group.”

    Slash hesitates, then slowly nods. “I see the value in that. You’re a valued member of the group. But no more Clan-scum kits. And Swallow, you know what I will do if these kits decide to honor their background, correct?”

    I nod, relief flooding me. Somehow I won!

    My feeling of triumph is quickly replaced as my belly ripples with pain. I gape down at it.

    “It’s time. Get back to camp. Do I have to carry you?” Slash growls.

    I quickly shake my head and totter back to camp behind him as fast and best as I can.

    There, it’s not much better. Ember stares. Splinter whisperes something to Snake. It’s obviously not good. Flash, a young new recruit, rises to help me, but Slash cuffs him around the ears and he sits down again, shooting me a sympathetic look. It’s not helpful.

    I see Splinter go and speak to Slash, and I barely notice the two new she-cats. All I can focus on is the pain.


    I give birth to three kits.

    One is a ginger tabby, like me. I call him Flame.

    One is a black she-cat, who I name Echo.

    The last is a little gray mottled tom with white paws. He looks like Storm Pelt except for his paws.

    I call him Lightning.

    I hear cats speaking outside, but I close my eyes and block myself from it all.

    From all the trouble I sense is coming. Just one moment of peace with my kits.


    Here it is! Thanks for being patient with me. I’ve actually had this done since Friday. Before you kill me, let me explain. What has happened with my other fanfics is that life catches up with me and I leave them untouched for a couple months and get writer’s block and everyone forgets about them (sorry!). I didn’t want that to happen so I wanted to write it all before posting but in a week or so I’ve finished the prologue and three chapters so I think I’m in pretty good shape 😀

    I snuck in a few Hamilton references if you can find them 😉

    So yeah, Slash is recruiting again. And Swallow fell in love with Storm Pelt. We’ll see how that goes 😀

    I’d love to see your feedback if you can ^^

  • Fading Stars and Growing Shadows

    Here is chapter one, if you havent read the prologue make sure to read it, you can find it in the older comments or on my deviant art (Just click on my name). I wrote this chapter and Kindheart should be putting up her chapter tomorrow. Enjoy!

    Chapter 1
    Turtlestar took a deep breath before she padded through the tunnel into the hollow. ‘I’m the leader of ThunderClan now… What if I’m not ready?’ She motioned for Skysong to go ahead of her, and followed him in. As Turtlestar stepped into the hollow, it erupted with happy yowls, “Turtlestar! Turtlestar! Turtlestar!” She purred and leapt on top of the High Ledge. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the High Ledge for a clan meeting!” Turtlestar paused, waiting for the cats to settle down. “As you all know we need a deputy and I have decided who I would like it to be. There is no one else other than my former mentor that I could imagine running this clan if I were to die. I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of ThunderClan is Ashheart. ” The gray she-cat stepped forward and said, “Thank you Turtlestar, it’s going to be strange having my first apprentice boss me around.” She joked with a purr. Just then a pained caterwaul came from the nursery. Gooseclaw lept up and dashed to the nursery shouting, “Lakeshine!” Turtlestar lept down from the Highledge and rushed to her parents side. She was stopped by Skysong, “We need all the room we have, your mother is old to be having kits, please wait outside with your father and littermates.” The family paced outside of the nursery for nearly the entire night. Just before dawn a shrill cry split the air. Owltalon and Skysong padded out of the nursery, battered and exhausted. “She had two she-kits and a tom, they should all be okay.” Gooseclaw pushed inside the nursery and let out a purr at his kits. There was a silver she-kit, a blue-gray, yellow and black she-kit and a black tom with one white hind paw. Lakeshine purred and said, “Let’s name them. How about we name the blue-gray she-kit Stormkit, after my mother.” Gooseclaw purred and said, “And how about Silverkit for the silver she-kit.” Lakeshine looked at her son, “ His fur is so black. I don’t even think Nightfang’s pelt is that dark.” Gooseclaw cocked his head, “How about Ebonykit?” Lakeshine purred and said, “I love that name.”
    Turtlestar stretched and padded out of her den. She fluffed her pelt against the leafbare cold and walked out of camp. She looked up to the sky. Lakestar, am I doing a good job? It’s only been a quarter moon , but I have so many questions to ask you. How did you deal with this pressure for so many seasons? “I leaned on my clan.” Turtlestar whipped around as the starlit figure of Lakestar padded out from the undergrowth. “My clan helped me through my leadership, but I am afraid that you will need more help than I do. The barrier between StarClan and the Dark Forest is weakening. I have been sent to you to give you a message. Her voice changed and her eyes grew distant. “The stars will fade unless the shell cracks.” Turtlestar took a step back. “What do you mean by that?!” but before she could finish her question Lakestar had disappeared. “What does she mean by ‘crack’?”

    Meanwhile in Riverclan…

    Stonepelt sighed as he padded into the elder’s den. He laid down next to the clan’s only elder. “Pop, are you sure you don’t want to help with Mom’s burial? Right now it’s just Bluepaw and I.” The old tom shook his head, “Carpwhisker wouldn’t want me to hurt myself. I want nothing more than to be able to bury my mate, but I’m just not strong enough.” Stonepelt licked between Heronclaw’s ears. “I’ll make sure to find a good place for her, and I’ll also make sure there is enough room for you to be buried next to her.”
    Stonepelt let out a huff as he picked up his mother. He slid her top half on to his shoulders and Bluepaw slid her bottom half onto his shoulders. They began the slow procession but did not get far before Reedstar slipped between the two toms and helped support Carpwhisker. Stonepelt looked at Reedstar, confused. “She was my daughter, I should help bury her.” Bluepaw started to protest but Stonepelt just nodded and continued to the burial spot. It was next to the river under a young willow. The trio set down Carpwhisker’s body and laid her into the hole. “Reedstar, will you please take my son back to camp for me.” Stormpelt murmured. The black tom nodded and ushered the young tom back to camp. Stonepelt stood next to his mother’s grave, “Mom, I miss you so much. I’m so sorry you had to go this way. I know Mossherb tried her best. You were already so weak from your stomach pains, and then you got greencough… Anyways, I’ll make sure to take care of Hailstorm, Mistfur and Heronclaw.” He laid down resting his head on the raised patch of dirt. “Why did you have to leave?” The breeze picked up and he smelled his mother’s scent. Stonepelt lept up and spun in a circle looking for his mother. then he heard her whisper, “The stars will fade unless the stone sinks and douses the flame.”

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