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[image description: a black-and-white photo of two kittens crawling over a typewriter]
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(Repost 1)
Ok sooo I’m making a Wof fanfic on Wattpad and I’m gonna add your characters >:D
With credit ofc
So this is the description:
A long time ago, a mysterious SandWing visited the hive. Quiet, but handsome said the Queen. Fast forward a year, the Queen’s egg has finally hatched along the side of a pure HiveWing egg. With a poisonous barb, she will be among the most dangerous of the tribe, but an untold secret will shatter the life of the hybrid.
So the form:
*Main Character?:(y/n)
*Are you ok with Cockatoodream shenanigans?:
Name: Scorpion
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her
Tribe: Sandwing
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Sassy, over-dramatic, annoying, kinda mean
Animus: No.
Main Character: Yes please
Are you okay with Cockatoodream shananigans? Sure.
Backstory: Scorpion was born to a very rich Sandwing named Quicksand. Quicksand told her to never trust anyone, bc dragons were untrustworthy. Scorpion obeyed her and said few words to certain dragons, never learning their real names, never making herself trust them. But unbeknownst to her, while she was doing this, she was building a wall around her heart. One day, she met a Sandwing named Desert. Desert was sly, quick, and cunning, though he was also very charming and sweet. At first, she didn’t trust him bc of how sly he was. But eventually, she grew to like him and even trust him actually. Desert told her to start meeting him at night and Scorpion obeyed him, bc she was loyal. That night, the two dragons fell in love, and Scorpion was very happy. But she knew that this was never going to end well. One day, she was at home and accidentally told her mother about him. Quicksand got mad and asked her daughter if she trusted him. Scorpion said yes and her mother screamed and told her to never talk to him again. Scorpion knew she couldn’t do that, but she didn’t even have to try. For that night, Quicksand killed Desert. Scorpion was heart-broken, and her mother was taken to prison for murder. Scorpion lived alone, isolated in her own sadness and grief. Now, she is very sassy and kind of rude.
Family: Mother: Quicksand, Father: Unknown, Siblings: None.
Other: Desert didn’t really die. He actually was brought back after his death, bc the dragons in heaven thought that he should have lived longer. He never actually found her though. But, I would like him to find her in the book please.
I hope you don’t mind but I don’t plan on having a SandWing as a main character 🙂 Scorpion is also a cannon name so can she be Snare?
Oh, okay. And sure.
Okay. Sure.
Name: Lily
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her
Tribe: SkyWing
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: a little sarcastic, a little rebellious, but kind to those she knows well
Animus: no
Main Character: Maybe, if you want.
Are you okay with Cockatoodream shenanigans?: Sure!
Backstory: Lily thinks she has an unrequited crush on a NightWing named Darkshadow, (is that name too similar to Darkstalker?) but little does she know he likes her back. She’s hiding her crush because her family disapproves of inter-tribe relationships, but they end up getting married eventually.
Family: You can decide their names, but she’s the oldest of four.
Sooo- I’ve never read WOF, tho it’s on my reading list. So I had some research and excuse me if some things are impossible ;w;
Name: Nightmoon
*Gender/pronouns: she/her
*Tribe: NightWing
*Sexuality: straight
*Personality: Calm, serene, very sharp-tongued and confident
*Animus?:(y/n) Yes
*Main Character?:(y/n) yes if ok
*Are you ok with Cockatoodream shenanigans?: Uh yes?
Backstory: Uhm dunno ;w;
Family: any
Quote: (let me try) “You cannot wait for destiny to come straight into your claws. You have to fly after it.” “What are you waiting for? Do you wanna die?” “I may not be a good fighter, but I’m the fiercer talker.”
Name: Silverwish (or Wish)
*Gender/pronouns: she, her
*Tribe: RainWing
*Sexuality: straight
*Personality: sweet, kind, but when she’s angry, she goes mad
*Animus?:(y/n) you chose
*Main Character?:(y/n) you chose
*Are you ok with Cockatoodream shenanigans?: Yes?
Backstory: She always dreamed to be Queen, ever since her mother joined the MudWing tribe. She’s never taken seriously, and that’s made her sweet, but when someone makes her angry there’s a huge change of attacking them.
Family: Mother name you chose
Quote: “Do you dare to say I’m not worthy? I’m worthier than any of you! I’ll prove it!” “You don’t need to care about anything they say. Unseathe your claws when needed.” “I play the sweetheart, but I’m not afraid to fight.”
Name: Sapphire
*Gender/pronouns: she, her
*Tribe: IceWing
*Sexuality: straight
*Personality: Brave, fair
*Animus?:(y/n) yes
*Main Character?:(y/n) yes?
*Are you ok with Cockatoodream shenanigans?: yup
Backstory: she’s been taken hostage many times
Family: any
Quote: “You don’t need to fight to solve anything.”
Sapphire is a cannon SeaWing so Sapphire will be named Quartz
Ok 🙂
But may she be named Saphirine or Clestine or Moonstone, because I wanted her to be named after a blue gemstone? If not that’s ok
Ok 🙂
But may she be named Saphirine or Celestine or Moonstone, because I wanted her to be named after a blue gemstone? If not that’s ok
Oooo Celestine is pretty
Name: Slater
Gender/pronouns: make he/him
Tribe: Hivewing
Sexuality: Striaght
Personality: kind, enthusiastic, serious around queen/any royalty, helpful, good fighter
Animus: yes
Main?: Yes
Cockatoo shenanigans?: Sure?
Backstory: He has always been enthusiastic but ever since his sister got in trouble with the queen when she was being silly and pranky around the queen he was always serious around her especially since he’s an Animus. The two were silly and pranky because they never knew their parents.
Family: little sister: Haze. Parents they don’t know but the queen and older Hivewing s know.
Quote: “I mustn’t be silly Haze. Maybe if I gain more respect among the queen and the other Hivewings, well, maybe I can learn something about our parents.” Slater to Haze
Other: He sometimes has to stop Haze when she’s gonna do a prank that will get her in serious trouble.
I am planning to write a fanfiction. I need four main characters (preferably from different clans) and a villain.
For the form. . .
Clan (one of the five clans):
Name: Palefrost
Clan (one of the five clans): WindClan
Rank: Deputy (and leader later on if you want)
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she, her
Purrsona: Pale gray tabby with lighter gray-silver and white patches
Family: Echofeather (mother), Daytail (father), Windheart (daughter)
Backstory: Palekit travelled so much when she was younger; born to ThunderClan’s Daytail – a cat who had comited multiple crimes – and RiverClan’s Echofeather – the most gorgeous cat in the forest – she was left to drown by her father when Echofeather admitted the romance. Daytail was exiled, and no Clan wanted to take her in but WindClan. Her mentor was Sunclaw, and he was an awful cat, always misgiving information and trying to get her into trouble. When she was finally named, she had kits with a warrior, never really meaning to. The two stayed friends – but not mates – and she loved her kit with all her heart. She named her kit Windkit after the Clan that had taken her in, and Windkit later became Windheart.
Other: none
Thank you! Also, I forgot this, but in the form, let me know if you are fine with the character you made, becoming a villain. . .
Yes, I am, but I don’t request 🙂 (which basically means it’s up to you)
Ok! Thanks!
Name: Creekpaw
Clan (one of the five clans): ShadowClan
Rank: Apprentice
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Purrsona: Blue grey sepia she-cat with green eyes and a cream flash on her chest
Family: Up to youu
Backstory: As a young kit, Creekkit, then Fishkit wandered away from her territory at night, somehow without any cat noticing. She got to ShadowClan’s territory and stays there for a while, the search patrols hot being able to find her and declaring her dead. After this happened, a ShadowClan patrol found her, and thought she was an orphaned kit or something, took her in and took good care of her. At the Gathering, ShadowClan announced this, and RiverClan thought this was Fishkit, and after vising ShadowClan’s territory the next day, they figured out that it was indeed Fishkit. They tried to take her back to RiverClan, but after a lot of wailing and carrying on, they allowed Fishkit to stay in ShadowClan, fearing she was now disloyal to RiverClan. ShadowClan renamed her Creekkit.
Other: 😀
Name: Mistfall
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Purrsona: Misty, blue-gray she-cat with yellow eyes
Family: Mother: Redstrike, Father: Quailflight, Siblings: Treepaw (brother), Stonepaw (brother), Mosspaw (sister), Mara (kittypet sister)
Backstory: Her mother Redstrike is evil and was exiled from the clans. Mistfall never really fits in but tries too. She’s kind of the odd one out. Her sister Mara, used to be a warrior named Ravencry, but when she found out about her mother, she became a kittypet. (With the help of Mistfall.) Mistfall often visits her, glad that her sister is happy. Though she’d unfortunately had to tell her siblings that she was dead. Treepaw often brought her up, and started crying. Maybe that’s the reason why he failed one of his assessments. The family tries to keep their eyes peeled for their mother, who they hope won’t get revenge on them. (She actually does. One day, she sneaks out to find a cat on a solo hunting patrol. She remembers that this cat, Basilfoot, is one of Mistfall’s only friends, and is like family to them. So she jumps down and kills her.)
Name: Flamespeck
Clan: Thunderclan
Gender: Tom
Pronouns: he/him
Purrsona: a ginger tabby with specks of cream and black. Blazing amber eyes and large, torn tufted ears.
Family: none
Backstory: He used to be a rouge named flame and joined Thunderclan without a family so he could get revenge since Thunderclan had killed his family when him and his rouge group attacked Thunderclan and defeated all but 3 cats, him, Slate and Shade. Slate, being the leader had Flame go on a mission to get the revenge on thunderclan.
Other: He is a traitor and maybe main if good with that. He can kill any cat who wants to be killed or some random cat. Thunderclan will not know who killed (random cat) but soon realize that Flamespeck is gone. To try not to look suspicious he gave himself a cut to make it look like he was kidnapped. He comes back and leaves many times over till the clan figures it out and kills him.
Hey guys! I still need characters for my story Hall of Flames! If you need to know what the clans are, then look on the other page where I posted them. Here’s a form:
Lesbian, gay, straight, or other?:
P.S. I already have my main characters, so only background cats please.
Ok so I have added like 100 characters but if you still need more, just gonna mix some names and pull some out of my head OwO
Name: Swanfrost
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she, her
Clan: RiverClan
Purrsona: silver tabby with white belly and paws, icy-blue eyes
Rank: warrior
Lesbian, gay, straight, or other?: straight
Family: any
Backstory: any
Name: Starlingsong
Gender: she-cat
Pronouns: she, her
Clan: SkyClan
Purrsona: white with gray paws
Rank: any
Lesbian, gay, straight, or other?: straight
Family: any
Backstory: any
Hope I’ve helped!
I’d be glad to!
I also came second in the Gathering Art Contest! My art is on the post that just came out
Yes please!
(So we don’t clog up the fanfic organisation page, here’s a secret page we can chat on: https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/2021/12/26/my-thoughts-on-silver-x-grey-by-mountainstorm/graystripe_x_silverstream_the_tragic_love_by_nizumifangs_dc2iv94-fullview/)
Hiii! I need some more characters for my Hunger Games inspired warrior cat story 😀
Battle strategies:
Preffered Death:
Name: Foxfrost
District: 5
Age: 13 moons
Gender: female
Appearance: silver and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes and dark grey, almost black legs and tail tip
Personality: sarcastic, fierce, brave, can be quite aggressive
Kin: Snowwillow (mother), Nightstone (father), Lynxcloud (sister)
Battle strategies: can fight quite well
Extra: none
Preffered Death: natural causes
Thank you! 🙂
Cool! I love the Hunger Games!!
Name: Firesong
District: 2
Age: Years or moons? 13 if years, 10 if moons.
Gender: She-cat
Appearance: Ginger fur, amber eyes.
Personality: Vengeful, powerful, rebellious, distrustful
Kin: Father, Flickerclaw, Mother, Ambershine, Brother, Shadowheart
Battle Strategies: Slashing, ambushing, and staying out of the center of the fighting.
Extra: She really wants to win and has been training for her first Games since she was two moons old.
Preferred Death: Go down fighting and take a few cats with her.
Thanks 😀
Also, if you’ve never read the hunger games, for district simply pick a number between 1 and 12
Name: Lilyfire
District: 11
Age: 17 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: White she-cat with green eyes and ginger accents
Personality: Kind, fiery, brave, sweet, sometimes sharp
Kin: Mother: Moonwhisker, father: Constellationfoot, sisters: Midnightpaw, Primrosepaw, and Cherrypaw, brothers: Starlingclaw and Cavewhisker
Battle strategies: Slitting throats
Extra: Nothing
Preffered death: Tracker jackers. 😀
Name: Ryepaw
District: 12
Age: 9 moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light brown tabby tom with pale green eyes
Personality: Kind, sweet, doesn’t like to kill
Kin: Mother: Shadowwatcher, father: Larkpelt, cousins: Mothpaw (male) and Treepaw (male), brother: Clumsypaw
Battle strategies: Doesn’t have any (though he likes to run away. He is VERY fast.)
Extra: uh, no.
Preffered death: spear in the heart.
Oh, I love Hunger Games so I’m very excited to one day read this book! P.S. Ryepaw reminds me of Rue.😛
Rue’s death is so sad! 😞 😔 😟 🙁
Both accepted!
Also, I’ll post the link to my story once all the roles are filled ^^
Name: Mistpaw
District: 5
Age: 8 moons
Gender: Female, she/her
Appearance: Pure white fluffy she-cat with sparkling blue-gray eyes. She has black ears, tail, paws, and muzzle.
Personality: Quiet, logical, open-minded, and a bit sneaky with unknown people, though she is warm-hearted and kind with people she knows.
Kin: Dreamstrike (father), Petalrush (mother), Stonepaw (brother)
Battle strategies: Sneaking up on cats and then doing quick surprise attacks
Extra: None
Preferred Death: Drowning/falling
Name: Skybreeze
District: 7
Age: 38 moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black tabby tom with blue eyes and a long scar across his face.
Personality: Cheerful, optimistic, stubborn, loyal, and brave.
Kin: Breezelight (sister), Honeysnap(mother), Strikewind (father)
Battle strategies: Open battle and and typically tries to corner the opponent.
Extra: None
Preffered Death: Killed while defending a cat
Of course! Glad to help! 🙂
Hi guys! I need some characters for my coming fanfic(I don’t know what to kall it yet). Here’s the form!
Thank You!
Name: Moonbeam
Gender: She-cat
Appearance: Small, long-furred, silver, almost white she-cat, who is blind in one eye. Her blind eye is a misty blue colour, while her good eye is a golden colour
Clan: Idk what clans there are, so I don’t mind 😀
Personality: Moonbeam is resilient, kind and loyal to her clan. She loves her family and would do anything to protect them. However, she can be bossy at times, liking to take control and sometimes hurts others by accident, because of her slightly snappy nature.
She is added but I had to change the name since one of the other characters already have it!
Ok! 🙂
Name: Birdwatcher
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes and black tabby stripes
Clan: Skyclan
Personality: fierce, brave, a great hunter
Name: Starseer
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black she-cat with white and silver speckles like stars and brown eyes
Clan: Riverclan
Personality: Kind, shy, quiet
Name: Deer
Gender: Female
Appearance: Fawn she-cat with white dapples like a deer
Clan: None, she’s a rogue who helps the clans. But, the clan she’s closest to is Thunderclan
Personality: Smart, witty, quick-minded
Hope this is enough characters! If not, then tell me you need more, I come up with ideas 24.7. Anyways, can’t wait to read your story! Bye! <3
Btw, Deer eventually joins Thunderclan where her name is Deerspeckle.
Thank You! They are added!
Name: Skypaw/Skyflower/Skywish/Skyheart/Skymoon/Skyfrost (you chose)
Gender: she-cat
Apperance: lilac tabby with blue eyes
Clan: RiverClan
Personality: sharp-tongued, playful, determined, loyal
I’ll add more characters later 🙂
Thank You, but I need to change the name since one of the protagonists is named Skypaw
Winterpaw, then 🙂
Hello! Seabreeze needs your help with her fanfiction! Background characters for all clans, no fanmade, including SkyClan, KittyPet, and Rogue! If yours is in thunderclan then please be evil! State your character’s name, purrsona, gender, clan, DnD Alignment (optional but useful), pronouns, and anything else helpful or important. One last thing, all characters will die because this is an arc! PLEASE STATE HOW THEY DIE! Tysm, SeaBerry out!
Name: Heronpaw
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Apprentice
Gender: Tom
Purrsona: Small, white tom with golden eyes and short fur. He has a single ginger stripe down his back.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Extra: Heronpaw has a sister named Crowpaw
Death: Killed in a border skirmish
Name: Lilypetal
Purrsona: gray tabby with with paws and amber eyes
Gender: she-cat, she/her
Clan: SkyClan
Death: Old age
Purrsonality: calm, logical
Name: Miststorm/star (renamed) (formerly Lightpaw)
Purrsona: bluish white she-cat with pale green eyes
Gender: she-cat (she/her)
Clan: RiverClan (ran away from ThunderClan)
Purrsonality: brave, playful
Family: Riverkit/shine, Mintkit/leaf are her kits
Backstory: This she-cat was punished for trying to solve a war when she was a newly made apprentice. After that, she ran away, hoping a better Clan would take her in. RiverClan acepted and she was renamed from Lightpaw to Mistpaw – as mist was river-related, as she had asked. She became deputy and little before, she had kits. She named the kits Riverkit, after RiverClan, and Mintkit, after the herb she had used to help the other Clans.
Cause of death: hit by thunder lightning (yes that was supposed to be a message from StarClan/Dark Forest, she was formerly Lightpaw from ThunderClan)
:)Hello! Seabreeze needs your help with her fanfiction! Background characters for all clans, no fanmade, including SkyClan, KittyPet, and Rogue! If yours is in thunderclan then please be evil! State your character’s name, purrsona, gender, clan, DnD Alignment (optional but useful), pronouns, and anything else helpful or important. One last thing, all characters will die because this is an arc! PLEASE STATE HOW THEY DIE! Tysm, SeaBerry out!
Name: Sundancer
Gender: Female, she/her
Clan: Thunder
Purrsona: a golden she-cat with lighter markings (paws, muzzle, chest, tail tip) and green eyes
Personality: she plays nice to fool her targets, on the inside she’s a devil
Alignment: Rebel evil
Death cause: she ends up killing the main character as they both fall to their death
Nice! However, I already have the death of the main character(s) planned out, so I will have her kill the deputy in book 1.
Tbh I would like her to survive a bit longer, maybe dying at the end of the arc? And I don’t care who she kills along with herself, just make it someone important please 🙂
Name: Willowbranch
Purrsona: Brown tabby she-cat with pale, willow green eyes and small paws
Gender: Female
Clan: Riverclan
Pronouns: She/her
Mate: Flowercall (Dark brown tabby she-cat with orange-yellow eyes)
Kits: Tansystep (male), Sugarwish (female), Sandfoot (female), and Minkfur (female)
Backstory: Willowbranch was originally in love with a tom-cat named Bluepelt, but she knew that they could not be mates bc Bluepelt was from Thunderclan. Eventually, she developed a crush on a cat in her clan named Flowercall. Flowercall was a very nice, and sweet cat, and Willowbranch knew that they could have an awesome life together. When Willowbranch asked Flowercall to be her mate, the dark brown tabby said yes, for she had always secretly been in love with Willowbranch. The two she-cats adopted four young, kittypets who had been abandoned on the side of the road. (Or, as cats call it, Thunderpath.) The four kits became warriors, without ever knowing of their kittypet blood. The end.
So, would you like your kits to be the character? I am just asking for a character. ALSO how do they die? (all characters must die) and how? tysm
So, would you like your kits to be the character? I am just asking for a character. ALSO how do they die? (all characters must die) and how? thank you so much 🙂
Willowbranch: Falls out of a tree
Flowercall: Fire
Tansystep: Heart-attack
Sugarwish: Wounds
Sandfoot: Green-cough
Minkfur: Kitting
Bluepelt (?): Disease
Uh, sure the kits can be characters.
Name: Snakepaw
Clan: WindClan
Pronouns: She/her
Backstory: Snakepaw was born to Haildance and Gingerfleck as an only kit and she has grown up as a regular apprentice.
Death: Possibly in battle, at the hands of one of the villains.
Name: Batflower
Clan: ShadowClan
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
DnD Alignment: Neutral Good
Purrsona: Back she-cat with tortoiseshell patches. A bit on the taller side, a average build. She has long, tufted ears and a kinked tail
Personality: Very kind, jovial, immature, empathetic, a bit socially awkward
Backstory: As an apprentice, her mentor was Flowerbranch, a kind golden spotted tom with green eyes. Batpaw got most of her traits from him, and the pair were very close, with Flowerbranch almost acting like a father to her, as both her parents died when Batpaw was very young. Tragically, one day, Flowerbrnch was killed on the Thunderpath of a patrol Batflower was on. When Batpaw went to go and check on him, she narrowly missed death herself, with another monster running over her tail, causing a permanent bend in it. She got her warrior name a few moons later, Batflower, after her mentor
Cause of Death: Fatal blood clot
She’s a charcter from a generator 😛
Came up with her backstory, personality and death and stuff, though
* my oc!! *
*name: Stormy’Mind
*age: 17 moons
*purrsonality: quick tempered cat whose mind is always drifting off. they have a hard time paying attention but when they do, they are very good at whatever she is doing.
*purrsona: a dark grey sire with black socks, a yellow eye and a blue eye, and small claws.
*gender & pronouns: they/he/she, tom-cat.
*dnd alignment: chaotic neutral
*kin: Weather’Kit (their kit with (insert whoever wants to be his mate here)), Trout’Sparkle(mother, queen), Light’Paw (younger sister)
*mate: n/a (anyone can be it as long as we get to have a kit!)
*death(s): slipped on rocks and fell into a ravine, Weather’Kit died as Weather’Paw by a badger attack, Trout’Sparkle by a miscarriage. Light’Paw died from a heart failure for unknown reasons as a senior warrior, Light’Reed
*clan: RiverClan
Name: Sungaze
Gender: female, she/her
Clan: SkyClan
Purrsona: golden she-cat with a lion-like mane, dark orange paws, and dark green eyes
Personality: bright, happy, excitable, kind, Sungaze is a ball of awesomeness
DnD alignment: uhhh idk what that is lol
Death: drowns
Name: Sparksplash
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Clan: River
Purrsona: Red tortoiseshell she-cat with a white underbelly, muzzle, tail tip, and small white freckles splattered all over, long whiskers.
Personality: Rebellious, sarcastic, dramatic, aloof, passionate, protective, brilliant warrior
Death: Your choice, make it dramatic 🙂
Name: Vipershade
Gender: Female, she/her
Clan: Thunder
Rank: warrior, can she be deputy at some point?
Purrsona: Grey she-cat with a black stripe down her back and tail
Personality: She is a trusted warrior, in line to become deputy. She hides an evil side, and will stop at nothing to get revenge on her brother, Birdberry, who left for ShadowClan to join their father, while she stayed with her mother. (they’re half-clan)
Death cause: She is killed by Birdberry after she tried to kidnap him.
Name: Birdberry
Gender: Male, he/they
Clan: Shadow, left Thunder
Rank: can he be a medicine cat?
Purrsona: white-and-silver tabby tom with blue eyes
Personality: he’s short tempered, and cats don’t take him seriously. He’s smart. He’s the only one who knows of Vipershade’s evilness.
Death cause: After he killed Vipershade, a cat from his Clan killed him because he believed that he was evil.
name: Freckledawn
purrsona: calico she-cat with green eyes; taller than the average cat; very skinny/lithe
gender: female
clan: she is originaly Thunderclan’s med cat, but I really don’t want her to be evil, so how about Windclan?
personality: really sweet; clever and quick witted; always ready with a clever comeback or joke
pronouns: she, her
cause of death: she falls in love with a main character and they find out she is expecting kits and one day she goes out to gather herbs and she starts kitting and after the kits are born she hears someone coming so she hides the kits in the bush and runs to see who is coming. it ends up being the villain and the villain kills her to hurt the main character. the main character then finds her body and the kits (you can choose how many kits and their names)
Guess who’s rewriting a whole arc? Me!!
*Day shenanigans?:
*How do they die?:
*Main character?:
Alignment chart placement:
Name: Snakepaw/snap
*Gender: Female
*Pronouns: she/her
*Clan: WindClan
*Rank: Apprentice, later Warrior
*Purrsona: an agile, pale cream she with electric lime-green eyes and ginger tabby patches
*Personality: Calm, introverted, intelligent, easily startled or angered
*Day shenanigans?: Sure :p
*How do they die?: Your Choice!
*Main character?: Nope, just a background character!
Family: Sungrace (mother), Longclaw (father)
Other: Hello :3
Name: Ravenflower
Gender: She-cat
Pronouns: She/her
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Deputy
Purrsona: A tall, black she-cat with midnight blue eyes and short fur,. One of her ears in nicked and she has a long, thin tail.
Personality: Ravenflower is a loyal and resilient cat, who stays true to her clan and never gives up on anything she loves . She sometimes breaks the rules, if she feels what she’s doing is the right thing.
Day shenanigans: Sure
Death: Probably killed in battle – but Ravenflower won’t go down without a fight
Main Character: If you’d like her to be!
Sister: Crowblossom – dark grey tabby she-cat with green eyes
Quote: “Those who live deep in the Dark Forest, are soulless and lost – forced to live in solitude until they fade away, when no living cat remembers them…” Ravenblossom telling the apprentices about the Dark Forest.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
*Name: Fallowclaw
*Gender: Non-Binary
*Pronouns: She/he
*Clan: ThunderClan
*Rank: Warrior
*Purrsona: Light brown cat with creamy spots, chest and paws. She has short ears and a bobbed tail, and a stout build. He is an average height.
*Personality: Stoic, protective, opinionated, brave, very motivated
*Day shenanigans?: Sure 🙂
*How do they die?: Heart disease, and not taking care of himself while she had heart disease
*Main character?: Up to youuu
Family: Up to youuu
Quote: “You realise that prey is the centre of our Clan. It what keeps us running. Show a little respect for it, otherwise that mouse you’re twiddling with there died for nothin.”
Alignment chart placement: Lawful Neutral/ISTJ
Other: Nup 🙂
Name: Wavestream
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: warrior
Purrsona: Dark brown tabby tom with deep blue eyes
Personality: Fierce, brave, a little bit of a show-off
Day shenanigans? Alright.
How do they die? Oh, um, from a tsunami? He drowns. Plus, can he live for a long time?
Main character? Yes, please!
Family: Mother: Tsunamiwave, Father: Watersplash, Brother(s): Curlpaw and Currentpaw, Sister: Sparklewave
Quote: “I am COMPLETELY loyal to Riverclan. I cannot leave them!” “Okay, but if this fails it’s your fault” “I’m the best hunter in Riverclan. There is NO WAY you can beat me.”
Alignment place chart: Uh, what?
Other: He used to be in love with a pretty she-cat named Rosebush, but she became a rogue, leaving him feeling heart-broken. Later on, he fell in love with a cat named Sharpfoot, who claimed to be the fiercest warrior in Shadowclan. The two raced each other and caught prey together, and even fell in love! <3 One day, Sharpfoot told Wavestream that his parents wanted his mate to be a Shadowclan cat. He also said that they wanted him to mate with a she-cat, especially sense they wanted grand-kits. Again, Wavestream was heart-broken. A couple days later, Wavey found out that Sharpfoot was dead. Shadowclan's leader said he'd died from a heart-attack, but a Shadowclan cat told him that his parents actually killed him, and were exiled from Shadowclan. Wavestream knew this was his fault, and went for a swim, where he drowned and joined his beloved Sharpfoot in Starclan. The two spent all their time together, just as mates should.
*Name: CricketCrawl
*Gender: Male
*Pronouns: He/Him
*Clan: ShadowClan
*Rank: Nursery Parent (“Perma queen”)
*Purrsona: A tall marbled brown tom with long, ragged fur and bright yellow eyes. He’s usually covered in moss, chunks of feathers, and other trinkets from cleaning out the kits’ nests, and playing games like moss ball with them.
*Personality: Cricket is a clever cat driven by intense curiosity. He’s flexible and his mind can adapt quickly to just about any situation you throw his way. His optimism and enthusiasm gets him far in his endeavors and through his trials.
Because of his constant thirst for knowledge, he’s prepared to debate and argue nearly any matter at any nearly any time, and he has an incredibly strong sense of justice. However, he can be incredibly intolerant of other people’s beliefs and opinions- and his constant need to prove his own point of view as the only correct one can very easily make his clanmates agitated towards him.
He has a very difficult time sensing others’ emotions and understanding them- leading some to think of him as arrogant and uncaring. Despite all this, he’s actually quite warm to his fellow clan members, and close friendships mean a great deal to him. He’s always willing to hear you out and if you’re able to communicate your needs and boundaries with him, he’ll listen AND remember what you have told him.
Cricket’s heart has a huge soft spot for kits and apprentices, and takes extra care to watch how he speaks and acts around them. However, he’s not afraid to debate with youngsters either, after all, their little minds are the ones that need to be challenged the most.
*Day shenanigans?: haha sure!
*How do they die?: Your decision!
*Main character?: Nahhh
Family: Feel free to make parents and siblings up! He doesn’t have kits of his own, but he plans to adopt someday. He isn’t interested in a mate or partner.
I typically have a quote, song lyric, or other form of media in my head while making characters. This was the one I thought of while making him: “𝐓𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝. 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥.”
― 𝐎𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞
Alignment chart placement: Chaotic good
Other: Feel free to change whatever you like about him!
*Name: Swancloud
*Gender: Female
*Pronouns: She/Her
*Clan: ShadowClan
*Rank: Warrior
*Purrsona: white she-cat with gray splotches, gray legs and paws and bright blue eyes
*Personality: very shy and awkward, observant, protective, calm
*Day shenanigans?: Sure
*How do they die?: Idk whatever you want
*Main character?: No
Family: Mother: Silverblossom, a gray tabby she-cat with gray-blue eyes. Father: Mossytail, a dark gray tom with a fluffy light gray tail and green eyes
Quote: “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Alignment chart placement: Lawful Neutral I think
Other: Grey bad, Gray good
*Name: Dandelionstorm
*Gender: she-cat
*Pronouns: she, her
*Clan: ShadowClan
*Rank: warrior/deputy (maybe leader later on)
*Purrsona: fawn tabby with green eyes
*Personality: calm
*Day shenanigans?: yes?
*How do they die?: battle
*Main character?: yes
Family: sister: Blossomcloud
Quote: “Get away from them. Fight me instead!” “If StarClan told you to jump off a cliff, would you?” “I’m fine! Save your herbs for the kits.”
Alignment chart placement: what?? what does that mean?
Other: Her rival, Shrewheart, managed to do a lot of things, and those didn’t fit in the comment, so it’s here: (you have to copy it) https://docs.google.com/document/d/15KhI1WhvUkyqsWS9NGaoqDQK14lS9r6JwHx2SP5HvPs/copy
Name: Moonbeam
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Clan: SkyClan
Rank: Warrior
Purrsona: dark grey tabby she-cat with bright blue eyes
Personality: Funny, kind, fiesty, quick-tempered, stubborn, protective, loyal
Day shenanigans?: Sure 🙂
How do they die?: In a battle
Main Character?: If you’d like her to be, otherwise background character is fine :p
Family: Darkwhisker (former mate), Eagleclaw ( current mate), Willowmist (daughter), Ravenkit and Mistkit (dead kits)
Quote: “I’m loyal to SkyClan! Once, my heart did lie across the border. But not anymore. I’d give my life for this Clan! What do I have to do to prove it?”
Alignment: Uh what?
Other: Moonbeam was in a half-clan relationship with a ShadowClan tom named Darkwhisker. She was madly in love with him, but eventually Darkwhisker ended their meetings after discovering Moonbeam was expecting his kits. Moonbeam gave birth alone to three kits named Ravenkit, Mistkit and Willowkit. But Mistkit and Ravenkit sadly died shortly after birth, but Willowkit became Willowmist.
Moonbeam was mates with a tom called Eagleclaw who pretended to be Willowmist’s father to protect her and Moonbeam from being exiled.
Sorry that was really long, thanks so much >333
Name: Clearpaw/cloud
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Clan: Skyclan
Rank: Apprentice/warrior
Purrsona: Pale gray tom with blue eyes
Personality: Strong, brave, pushy, a little arrogant
day shenanigans? Okay.
How do they die? Battle wounds.
Main character? No.
Family: Mother: Quailshine, Father: Ducktail, Brothers: Graypaw/feather, and Jaggedpaw/claw, Sister: Flutteringpaw/wing
Quote: “Anything you can do, I can do better!”
Other: Clearpaw/cloud was named after the great Clear Sky, the first ever leader of Skyclan. His siblings were named after Gray Wing, Jagged Peak, and Fluttering Bird, Clear Sky’s sibling. Clearpaw always tried to be as great as Clear Sky once was.
Name: Snapflake
Gender: tom
Pronouns: he/him
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: warrior(or deputy if you need any)
Purrsona: golden tabby with blue-grey flecks. Green eyes tufted ears.
Personality: Loyal, brave, respectful, responsible, patient, strict at times, loves helping
Day shenanigans?: Sure
How do they die?: Mauled by a dog in which the dog throws him to play fetch but accidentally throws down gorge when hunting
Main character?: Sure
Family: sis: Goldenlight mom: Lightstripe dad: Mud(rouge), m8: Featherrain, daughter: Rainwood, sons: Fallenfeather and Embereye
Quote: “We all die one day, but it is our choice whether we die in honor or without it.” Snapflake to his kits
Alignment: no idea what that is
Other: meh whatever
Name: Beepaw
*Gender: male
*Pronouns: he/him
*Clan: ThunderClan
*Rank: apprentice
*Purrsona: lanky yellow tabby tom with a white underbelly, black tail tip, ear tips, and paws, and golden eyes
*Personality: Beepaw is a young apprentice, eager to be a warrior. He is a quick learner, a great hunter, and getting better at fighting. He’s eager, kind, but can be blindly rude at times due to his tendency to always tell the truth.
*Day shenanigans?: sure
*How do they die?: oh rip he has to die, uhhh maybe if there’s a battle some ruthless dude kills him? idk lol
*Main character?: maybe a main characters friend?
Alignment chart placement:
Name: Eagleshade
*Gender: Tom
*Pronouns: He/him
*Clan: RiverClan
*Rank: Warrior
*Purrsona: A light brown tom with white splotches on his body and a spot around one eye, both of which are bright yellow
*Personality: He is an outgoing but sneaky cat who will occasionally go behind an authority’s back to do what he likes. He dreams of having kits and becoming leader, and is friendly but very harsh in battle and provides no mercy towards other Clans.
*Day shenanigans?: Yeah okay
*How do they die?: Dies of a fire in camp. Can he not die really quickly?
*Main character?: If you want, but can he not be a complete background character?
Family: Mother: Swifttail Father: Rainclaw Siblings: Hawkleap(male) Lilypool(female) Dawnleaf(female)
Quote: “Never show mercy. You’ll regret it in the Dark Forest.”
Alignment chart placement: Neutral Good
Other: nuthing else. <33333
Y’know the fanfic I’m asking for Clan names? So, prologue – the one I needed no names for ;w; – is OUT!!
The tradition of the Blue Moon has served the Clans for generations…But things are going to change. Five cats will be necessary for the Clans to survive their hardest trial.
One fighting to keep her family safe as leader.
One lost and searching for shelter.
One troubled by the signs of her ancestors.
One who’s curiousity will cost him high prices.
One without knowledge of her bloodline and purpose.
All searching for the hope of the Blue Moon.
Woah, please right more chapters! I NEED to find out who the five cats are!
Thank you 🙂 I will write more as soon as I have all the names ^^
wowowowow this is awesome! nExT cHaPtEr rIgHt nOw!!!
i’m so happy you’re starting a series! this is definitely going to be a legend in blogfics!
i dunno how to spell definetly
see i spelled it wrong again XD
This page is so dead. No one’s commented in FOREVER! Anyways, I need to say something or else commenting here was a big wast so…um…oh yeah! Which one of these characters sounds the most interesting:
1. Barleypaw: Black tom with white dapples
2. Firestorm: Ginger tabby tom with pale green eyes
3. Jaketail: Ginger tom with black and white spots
4. Jaylight: Light gray tabby tom with paralyzed hind legs
5. Willowstorm: Pale gray she-cat with yellow eyes
Willowstorm (not me commenting right the day before you wrote that. Plese read my fanfic :))
Barleypaw sounds nice!
Ooh I like Jaylight – a mix of Jayfeather and Briarlight hahahahh
Seriously though, he sounds cool
He is. He’s from one of my many fanfics. I also made Briarfeather! She looks like Briarlight but is blind like Jay. Jaylight looks like Jay but has paralyzed hind legs like Briar.
P.S. Dear Skypaw,
I will most deff read your fan fic! In fact, I’ll read it rn!
Thanks 🙂
i like firestorm! A mix of firestar and sandstorm would be an INTERESTING character…..
me discovering firestorm is a word according to red squiggly lines