Warriors Fan Fiction Organization

Looking for where to post links to your fanfics and find links to other people’s fanfics? Click here!

If you’re organising a group fan fiction project, this is where you can discuss your projects with other writers, or scout for new writers for your project. This is also where you should start new group projects as well, including stories that feature BlogClanners. Happy writing!

kit4 001 - Copy (3)

[image description: a black-and-white photo of two kittens crawling over a typewriter]

Wattpad provides an excellent platform for reading and sharing fan fiction. You might wish to use that instead to share your stories. I am not favouring Wattpad. It’s the only one I know of, and I’m sure there are many other platforms out there you might prefer. It’s up to you!

If you can’t make an account on any site, you may use justpaste.it! If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!



    Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 )
    How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people?
    On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity?
    Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers?
    How heavy of a sleeper are you?

    • POV? if you want/if you have time
      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) um if someone wants to be my sibling
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? only semi afraid of the dark and not at all if I’m with someone else or animal
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity? like a 4-5
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? yep
      How heavy of a sleeper are you? not too heavy if someone tells me to wake up I most likely will

    • sure
      not really, i can be if ive just read a scary book or seen a sarky movie. id be more confident when more people are around
      1000000(i would just come out occasionally to check for leeches and probably list of some known sea life in the area)
      im sensitive too light, otherwise pretty much dead (though i fall asleep faster if im listening too music)

    • POV? YES!!!
      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ): Emma or You! 😀
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people?: Not very. But if I think I might see a black mist or something I would be afraid but not show it 😛
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity?: 20 😛
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? Yes, but I would refuse to put my head under.
      How heavy of a sleeper are you?; Pretty heavy, but if I had a bad day, or I’m nervous it can be a very rocky sleep. If you need people to wake up in the middle of the night for a scene I volunteer 😛

    • POV?: Sure!
      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ): MOON!!!!! 😛 As twins
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people?: Not really afraid, but it gets creepy when random sounds are happening and you don’t know what’s causing them . . .
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity?: Depends, but probably 4-5
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers?: Yes, as long as it’s not too rocky or has too much wildlife in it 😉
      How heavy of a sleeper are you?: I need at least 7-8 hours of sleep, but it takes me at least 1-2 hours to fall asleep. And I’m an on and off person. So not-so heavy sleeper 😛

    • POV? yes! C:
      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) swan, blue, or you? 😛
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? if im going to bed im fine, otherwise if im alone i get paranoid, but im comforted by the presence of others. 😛
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity? 9/10 :0
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? im horrible at swimming so meh 😛
      How heavy of a sleeper are you? preeeetty heavy 😛

    • Siblings? None 😛
      How afraid of the dark are you? VERY Would that change if you’re with other people? I would still be nervous but I won’t panic or anything
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity? 1000000000000 😀
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? Sure
      How heavy of a sleeper are you? Light

    • POV? Sure?
      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) Two brothers and a sister. I’m the youngest
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? Not at all
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity? 6
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? Very
      How heavy of a sleeper are you? Not at all, but not a light sleeper either.

      • siblings as in would anyone in BlogClan be your sibling in this story? (Moon and Silv are siblings, me, Blue, Peto, and maybe Swany are too, etc)

    • POV? Yeah, please!
      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) Maybe Flamey maybe 😛
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? I’m scared of the dark when I’m isolated in the dark but with other people I’m a bit better
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity? Uh, 3 😛
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? YEP!
      How heavy of a sleeper are you? Very heavy 😛

    • POV – Yes!
      Siblings – No, but she has one at home named Marina whom she always sends letters to.
      I’m not really afraid of the dark, I have very good night vision, more so than most peopl(this is all what doctor told me). However, sometimes, when in fear, I will be scared of the dark and being with others makes me feel MUCH better, especially if the other is family or a very close friend.
      Um… 8.5? I did ballet and then stopped, but I’m not too rusty.
      Yes, but only ones without mercury in then and the safe ones.

    • POV?: You can give me a POV if you want, but I’d be fine either way.
      Siblings?: If anyone wants to be my sibling/wants a sibling, but doesn’t have anyone in mind, they can be my sibling!
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people?: I’m not afraid of the dark.
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity?: Tbh, 1.
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers?:110% yes.
      How heavy of a sleeper are you?: I won’t wake up for a lot, but I will if a light is turned on, or if someone is yelling. Basically, I’ll wake up if anything happens out of the blue.

    • Yes plz!!!
      Not really afraid, unless in a unfamiliar place, not afraid at all if with other people
      Yes, I a really good swimmer
      Um, maybe a 7 on a scale of 1-10? idk 🙂

    • POV? YESS
      Siblings? Leaf, Ottie or Loudy
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? Eh, not really
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity? 57584893!!!
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? Yes, If I need to
      How heavy of a sleeper are you? on a scale 1-10, 6

    • POV? yeep
      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) none on the blog, outside of the Blog I’ve got a little sis named Applekit
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? Not too afraid alone, not afraid at all with other people
      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you enjoy dance as an activity? 3
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? yes
      How heavy of a sleeper are you? very heavy

    • in case you’re too lazy here’s the update:

      and also rating dance and photography as activites

      • likes and dislikes are already on my form ^^

        Strengths: sports, wits, memory, observation, quick-thinking
        Weaknesses: low-stamina, shy, dependent
        Personality: shy and quiet; usually keeps to herself. Is observant, and notices differences rather quickly. She is witty and quick-thinking, but can be anxious and a worrier. She tends to be cold and polite with new people, usually avoiding them (which may lead to bad impressions 😛 ), but can be chatty, loyal, and sweet when she is with close friends. She also gets really hyper, cheerful, blunt, playful and competitive. Gets serious in important situations, but is not afraid to joke around. She is dependent on others and clingy (in a sweet way).
        Dance – 100000/10
        Photography – 10/10

        • what about dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, personality, dance, and photography?

          • i clicked post and ran out of edit time

            Dislikes:bullies,discrimination,celery, silence
            Strengths:pfft idk, uhhh running (im fast),im smart and good with people
            Weaknesses:pretty stubborn,lazy,doesnt think before, foret ful talking, talks a lot.
            Personality:um kind,easily distracted, stubborn, enjoys learning, tries to be funny, weird, doesnt get angry often but when my buttons are pushed i get really angry, argumentative ( my personality type is enfp-t if that helps :P)
            and for what power id go for earth

      • Likes and dislikes are already on the form!

        Strengths: I’m strong 😛 Dance. Figuring things out. Fighting
        Weaknesses: Easily dehydrated.
        Personality: Brave, defiant, unsympathetic, blunt, harsh, brutal confident.
        and also rating dance and photography as activites: Photography: 4 Dance: 1000000000000000000000000000000

      • I already have likes and dislikes on my form –
        Strengths: drawing, dancing, good memory
        Weaknesses: sports, singing, being emotional
        Personality: creative, funny (at least I try 😛 ), hardworking, stubborn, curious, trustworthy
        they’re both really great! 😀

      • Strengths: Death stare, yelling when mad, stuff like that 😛
        Weaknesses: Bees, fears, can’t spell
        Personality: Protective, kind, loyal, just, impartial, cats
        and also rating dance and photography as activites
        Dance – 6
        Photography – 9

      • Strengths: Math, reading, writing, singing, piano, swimming, hardworking, intelligent
        Weaknesses: Athletics besides volleyball, soccer, swimming and skiing
        Personality: Blunt, quiet, self-conscious, kind, friendly, caring, hardworking, intelligent, short-tempered, idealistic, creative
        and also rating dance and photography as activites: 3 for dancing because I don’t like dancing and 100000 for photography 😛

      • Likes: books, lego ninjago (tv show), tetris 😛 , bakugan
        Dislikes: annoying people
        Strengths: climbing, kind of smart, I can’t think of much else 😛
        Weaknesses: not good at helping people when they are sad or feeling down,
        Personality: happy a lot, good with friends, bad with new people, amibvert
        and also rating dance and photography as activites
        dance: 4-5
        photography: 5

      • Likes and dislikes are already there.

        Strengths: her mind is stronger than her body. She’s a skilled healer and water elemental. Quick thinking under pressure. Good instincts.

        Weaknesses: Too much of a coward to actually fight, she prefers to sit and heal. She would never, ever kill someone.

        Personality: INTJ, otherwise known as the Architect personality.

        I’d put 8.5 for photography

      • Strengths: Math, I’m pretty strong, good memory, quick-thinking
        Weaknesses: Asthma, I get heat-sick really easily, I’m too quiet sometimes
        Personality: Witty, sarcastic, quiet, stubborn, clever, funny(I hope)
        Dance: 1
        Photography: YESSSS 10000000000000000000/10

      • Likes: Animals, dance, reading, nature
        Dislikes: Bugs, jerks, heat
        Strengths: Dance, I have a strong center/core/abs/whatever 😛 , clever
        Weaknesses: Worries a lot, I have to be very on top of water
        Personality: Shy, usually fairly quiet around people I don’t know, I joke around ( a lot 😛 ), I can be sarcastic, passionate, cautious, usually polite, usually cheerful, goofy, and playful around friends
        Dance: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10
        Photgraphy: 9/10

      • Strenghts: Cunning, my wits, my friends
        Weaknesses: will do almost anything for a friend, sometimes lacking self-cofidence
        Personality: Sweet, caring, friendly, good at healing, calm in bad situations, laughs a lot, thinks/daydreams a lot, smart, agile, lithe, can be fierce when friend or loved one in danger, stubborn
        Already rated dance (9) and photography (9)
        Also, I could be siblings with Maple or Ottie 😀

    • Likes: Writing, reading, dancing, guitar, violin
      Dislikes: Spiders, annoying people
      Strengths: Dancing, swimming, drawing, writing, school subjects
      Weaknesses: Pretty much any sport that involves a lot of running
      Personality: Confident, kind, friendly, willing to make new friends, though overly protective of close ones and can be cold and unpredictable (depends on mood)

  • Haha, sorry for not starting these yet 😛 I need to update the form though, I completely forgot a few things 😛 Also, as a New Year’s resolution, I’m stopping procrastinating, so keep an eye out for the first page! 😀

    Preferred Pronouns:
    How long have you been a member of the spy organisation?:
    Shipped? (If so, anyone in particular? Preferred gender?)

    I have Wavey, Icy, Dawn, Fallen, Beechy, Loudy, Blue (fire), Swan, Iris, Ottie, Oak, Snow, Blue, Wistep, River, Moon, Fawny, Dew, Silent, Flame, Peto 🙂 Also, mods, are you happy for me to just add you in anyways? (If you see this 🙂 )

    (Original form below, sign ups still open! 🙂 )

    The basic story plot (may change): BlogClanners are part of a secret spy organisation, each BlogClanner is assigned to a team, in these teams they complete missions and go on adventures etc. People are given a team based on their skills and personality. However, recently a group of people (Shadow Warriors) have been causing havoc in the area and so on. All the BlogClan teams are put together to defeat them…

    (Haha, that’s such a basic and uncreative story plot, but oh well 😛 )

    The teams are Team Skies (brave, funny, hard-working, easy to make friends with, loyal), Team Flames (brave, stubborn, think of everything as a competition, often quarrel with Team Breeze), Team Ice (shy, friendly, anti-social), Team Breeze (competetive, often quarrel with Team Flames, proud, loyal), Team Vines (friendly, kind, like nature, creative, shy), and Team Gem (gothic, creative, brave, loyal, hard-working) (if not enough people sign up, some teams may be taken down).

    Blog Name:
    Blog Nickname:
    Appearance: (Clothing) If you want you can post some reference pictutes 🙂
    Appearance: (Please include hair colour / length / shape, eye colour, skin tone)
    Preferred Team: (May change to fill other teams)
    Second Team Choice:
    Team Leader?: (If yes, then you may not get the Team you choose – I’m afraid I’m leader of Team Vines, sorry)
    Shadow Warrior?: (If so, ignore the Team Choices)
    Favourite Subjects:
    Least Favourite Subjects:
    Fighting Style: (Relies on strength / relies on speed/flexibilty)
    Friends on the Blog:
    Family on the Blog:
    Are you ok with dying?: (No stupid deaths)
    Do you want to start off as a Team member or join later?:
    Strength (1-10, 10 being the highest):
    Speed (1-10):
    Flexibility (1-10):
    Animal Companion?:

    If so,
    Animal Name:
    Animal Gender:
    Animal Appearance:

    • Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      How long have you been a member of the spy organisation?: longer than most 😛
      Shipped? (If so, anyone in particular? Preferred gender?) sure… and whoever you know I’m really good friends with 😉 both genders are cool!

    • Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      How long have you been a member of the spy organisation?: a year ish
      Shipped? (If so, anyone in particular? Preferred gender?) if you want, preferred gender: male

    • Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      How long have you been a member of the spy organisation?: Umm, a long while? 😛
      Shipped? (If so, anyone in particular? Preferred gender?) Nope, not anyone in particular. If you’d like for me to be shipped, go ahead. 😛 Any gender is okay, tbh

    • Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      How long have you been a member of the spy organisation?: a couple of years, probably
      Shipped? (If so, anyone in particular? Preferred gender?) Nope

    • Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
      How long have you been a member of the spy organisation?: About a year
      Shipped? Sure; no preference; any gender is fine

    • She/her
      Either a really long time, or I could be the newbie 🙂
      No(t yet 😛 ) And if you do ship me, I’d prefer if they were male 🙂
      Can’t wait for this to come out!!! 😀

    • Blog Name: Kinkpaw
      Blog Nickname: Kinks
      Gender: girl
      Appearance: (Clothing) If you want you can post some reference pictutes 🙂 just a t-shirt, jeans, or a hoodie
      Appearance: (Please include hair colour / length / shape, eye colour, skin tone)hair color: brown length: about to my shoulders, shape: curly but not really curly, skin tone: sort of tan
      Accessories?: none
      Personality: shy, avoides social interaction like the plague, tries to be funny but fails
      Preferred Team: (May change to fill other teams) Ice
      Second Team Choice: Gem
      Team Leader?: (If yes, then you may not get the Team you choose – I’m afraid I’m leader of Team Vines, sorry)
      Shadow Warrior?: (If so, ignore the Team Choices) YEs please, if you can’t fit me in, I left the team choices there
      Fears: launched roller coasters (yes, that is my greatest fear), rejection, being lied to, fake friends
      Skills: Singing, playing saxophone, drawing, writing
      Favourite Subjects: Band and English
      Least Favourite Subjects: Math. Mathmathmath
      Likes: non-launched roller coasters, reading, writing, drawing, music Lots of music
      Dislikes: math, social interactions
      Fighting Style: (Relies on strength / relies on speed/flexibilty) I don’t have strength or flexibility so hjhhhjhjdff
      Backstory: ummm spent her whole life without ever having a best friend, and her goal is to change that
      Friends on the Blog: idk
      Family on the Blog: none
      Are you ok with dying?: (No stupid deaths) yeah
      Do you want to start off as a Team member or join later?: start off
      Hobbies: drawing, singing, playing alto saxophone, writing
      Strength (1-10, 10 being the highest): 2
      Speed (1-10): 0
      Flexibility (1-10): 1

    • Preferred Pronouns: She, her
      How long have you been a member of the spy organisation?: 2-3 years
      Shipped? (If so, anyone in particular? Preferred gender?) Eh, don’t care but prefer not to

  • Hello everyone! I am starting another fanfic, (I think being on Blogclan is making me fell extra creative), but I still plan on working on Magicals while I write this 😀
    Basically, in the story, Demi-gods (from Percy Jackson), witches and wizards (from Harry Potter), fairy tales, and people who can turn into cats at will and live in clans (Human adaptation of Warriors, are real. Each groups doesn’t know that the others exist, and they live their daily lives at Camp Half-Blood/ Camp Jupiter, Hogwarts, in their clans, and at a School for Fairy-Tales (bad name, in know, I’m working on it) in peace, or whatever peace there is to be had when you are a Demi-god living in a world of monsters. Suddenly, the Oracle of Delphi has a prophecy that I haven’t thought of yet, but it has something to do with darkness taking over the world and the different magical groups needing to work together and go on a quest. Two people from Hogwarts, two from the demigod camps, two from fairy tale school, and two from the clans aer chosen to go on a quest to save the world, working together to fight of greek monsters, dragons, dementors, cleverly disguised witches with poisned apples, and a power-hungry warrior cat person (if anyone has a better name for them, please share) to save the world!
    To sign up, you need to choose which group you want to be in, fill out the general form, and then the specific form for your group (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Warriors, and Fairy tales). You do not need to have read the books to sign up to be in that group, just know enough general info to fill out the form. 😀
    Name (can be the first part of your name, or a completely made up huamn name):
    Nickname (opt,) :
    Gender/ pronouns:
    Age (doesn’t have to be real age):
    Rule follower?:
    Friends or family on Blogclan:
    DO you want to be part of the Prophecy (there aren’t many spaces, so you might not be in it even if you want to be. sorry)?
    On a scale of 1 to 10…
    Wilderness Survival Skill:
    Fighting in general:

    House (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw):
    Year: (11 yrs.= 1st year, 12 yrs= 2nd year, ect. to 17 yrs.= 7th year, then you graduate)
    Wand (opt.)
    Pets? (toads, cats, puffskien, and owls):
    Fav. Teach (opt.):
    Subjects you would take:
    Best subject (opt.):
    Are you good at remembering spells?:

    Godly Parent ( Zeus= Sky/ lightning/ thunderstorms, Poseidon= Water/ Hurricanes, Hades= Underworld/ riches, Athena= Wisdom/ useful arts/ Warfare, Demeter= Farming, Ares= War, Apollo= Archery/ Sun/ Medicine/ Prophecy, Hephaestus= FIre and Blacksmiths, Aphrodite= LOve and beauty, Hermes= Travelers/ merchants/ theives/ roads, Dionysus= wine) :
    WHere do you live during the year (must be in the U.S., if not just say a state or city you would like to live in. The city can be made up, like Umbrella City, Louisiana):
    Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter (If you can be at camp jupiter plz choose that):
    Do you stay at camp all year or during the summer only:
    Weapon of choice:

    Position in clan:
    Warriors name:
    better at Hunting or fighting:

    Who are your parents (preferably someone already in fairy tales, like Rupunzel or Snow White, or Evil Queen and Jafar):
    Good or Evil:
    Perfect princess or Rebel:
    Favorite things to do (ex. jousting, tea parties, dancing, making poisoned apples, working on calligraphy, ect.)

    Thanks for joining! Can’t wait to make this 😀

      Name (can be the first part of your name, or a completely made up huamn name): Cleo
      Nickname (opt,) :
      Gender/ pronouns: Female; she, her
      Age (doesn’t have to be real age): 14
      POV: Sure?
      Apperance: long caramel colored hair with startling green eyes; tall and lean
      Personality: sarcastic, funny (but doesn’t know it), mostly happy but can get annoyed easily
      Likes: ALL FOODS, and animals, being the center of attention
      Rule follower?: yes
      DIslikes: annoying people, unclean surroundings, mean or bratty people
      Fears: spiders, anyone trying to kill me, monsters
      Strengths: extra agile, very good sword fighter, very fast, leadership
      Hobbies: hiking, singing, (idk random other stuff)
      Friends or family on Blogclan: anyone who wants to I guess?
      DO you want to be part of the Prophecy (there aren’t many spaces, so you might not be in it even if you want to be. sorry)?: I would like to, but if there aren’t any spaces then its fine if I don’t (but please!)
      On a scale of 1 to 10…
      Strength: 7
      Wilderness Survival Skill: 10
      Fighting in general: 9
      Stealth: 10
      Cleverness/intelligence: 9
      Godly Parent ( Zeus= Sky/ lightning/ thunderstorms, Poseidon= Water/ Hurricanes, Hades= Underworld/ riches, Athena= Wisdom/ useful arts/ Warfare, Demeter= Farming, Ares= War, Apollo= Archery/ Sun/ Medicine/ Prophecy, Hephaestus= FIre and Blacksmiths, Aphrodite= LOve and beauty, Hermes= Travelers/ merchants/ theives/ roads, Dionysus= wine) : Bellona (‘im assuming you know who that is)
      WHere do you live during the year (must be in the U.S., if not just say a state or city you would like to live in. The city can be made up, like Umbrella City, Louisiana): Denver, Colorado
      Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter (If you can be at camp jupiter plz choose that): Camp Jupiter
      Do you stay at camp all year or during the summer only: All year
      Weapon of choice: imperial gold sword
      Other: my character is generally awesome

  • REPOST because not enough people signed up 😛

    Five Nights of BlogClan

    The year is 1994, and BlogClan Pizzeria, a kid-friendly pizzeria featuring a star cast of animatronics, is at the height of its popularity. Coincidentally, it’s also been two decades since the opening of BlogClan Pizzeria, and to celebrate, new animatronics are being introduced. However, the addition of the animatronics means that more nightguards are necessary to ensure the safety of the pizzeria. But when the older, discontinued animatronics begin to wander the halls at night, and even start attacking the nightguards, it becomes a fight for survival for the unlucky guards. Things get more intense—and more dangerous—when a couple of the nightguards start seeing suspicious things lurking about in the halls of the old pizzeria.

    Yep, I’m basically just combining FNaF 2 with BlogClan. 😛
    For those of you who don’t know what FNaF is, it’s a series of popular horror games where you play as a nightguard working at a Chuck-E-Cheese ripoff, with animatronics trying to kill you every night.

    Some important stuff to note:

    Nightguards—Some of the nightguards can see certain things—things other people can’t.
    The nightguards will be the only ones able to speak in this story, but they won’t be the only ones with a POV. Animatronics get POVs, too.
    As the story goes on, the chance of death for a nightguard increases. You have been warned.

    Animatronics—You’re all cats.
    There are two types of animatronics: Discontinued(older models) and Current(newer models).
    The current animatronics are allowed to wander the pizzeria at night. They’re not threatening, and are programmed to protect humans above all else. So, if a current animatronic happens to stumble across a discontinued animatronic attacking a nightguard, the current animatronic will attack the discontinued one. So expect some epic animatronic battles in the future. 😛
    The discontinued animatronics are old, broken down, and hiding a dark secret that, for some strange reason, causes them to attack the nightguards. They will ignore the other animatronics unless one of the current animatronics attacks a discontinued one. Then, like I said before, there shall be an animatronic battle of epic proportions. 😛

    One more thing: If, after the first few chapters, you haven’t been introduced into the story yet, don’t worry! That just means that I’m saving you for the surprise that I have planned. 😉

    Without further ado, and without any more of my rambling, I give you… the forms!
    Age(not irl, but depending on what you want to be in the story):
    Five positive personality traits:
    Three negative personality traits:
    Blog friends:

    Are you okay with your character dying?:
    Why did you take this minimum-wage job guarding an old, smelly pizzeria with old, smelly animatronics every night?:
    Can you see the “things other people can’t”?(even if you say yes, you still might not be able to see the… things.):

    Current or Discontinued?(I might move you around, depending on if the groups are uneven):
    What do you do during the day? As in, what are you programmed to do? (Freddy Fazbear sings, Bonnie plays guitar, Chica sings, Foxy stays in his cove, etc.):

  • True Colors- Blogfic
    Sign ups!
    Soooo, basically this Blogfic is going to be laid out in “seasons,” and since a LOT of this year is going to be writing-related for me this year, the first episode/chapter should be coming out around late-Feb to mid-March. I have a REALLY busy schedule regarding writing though, so if it comes out later I apologize 😛 Anyways, It’s about BlogClanners (like you!) getting an acceptance letter to the most elite school in the world, Reinhart Prep, a prestigious school tucked deep into the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania. However, my idea for the first season (March-ish to hopefully early-mid June… fingers crossed! If it goes past June, that’s when I go to camp for the summer for 7 weeks soooo….) kinda revolves around the entering students. Some of the richer students who can pay their way into Reinhart begin to mysteriously fall ill with an ugly sickness… and they blame (insert name here). What (insert name here + friends) discovers is that they possess magical powers, and they must control them before they get out of hand. Once the students recover, they have the power, too. There will definitely be some drama 😉 and intrigue, and I’m excited to balance this as a side project.
    Here’s the form:
    BlogClan name:
    Age (doesn’t have to be irl):
    Gender/Preferred Pronouns:
    Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
    –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
    Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)-
    Brush Technique (Art Path only)-
    Spray Paint (Art Path only)-
    Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)-
    DIY Crafts-
    Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-
    Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-
    Traditional Foods-
    Beginner’s Baking-
    Beginner’s Drama-
    Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)-
    Photography (Art Path only)-
    Ballet (Art Path only)-
    Jazz (Art Path only)-
    Hip-Hop (Art Path only)-
    Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)-
    Intro to Dance-
    Lights and Sound (Art Path)-
    Spanish 1 (required or French)-
    Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
    Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
    German 1-
    German 2 (Economics Path only)-
    French 1(required or Spanish)-
    French 2-
    Government Studies 1-
    Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
    Home Ec 1-
    Home Ec 2-
    Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
    Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
    Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
    Yoga 1-
    Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-

    Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
    –Athletics- pick your top five–
    Health (required)-
    Track and Field-
    Ice Skating-
    Speed Skating (Roller)-
    Tumbling 101-
    Boot Camp-
    Zumba Workout-
    Muscular Strength (required)-
    –Academics- pick your top ten–
    Writing (required)-
    Extended Writing-
    Reading (required)-
    Reading Support-
    Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)-
    Geometry 1-
    Geometry 2-
    Geometry 3-
    Calculus 1-
    Calculus 2-
    AP Calculus 2-
    Calculus 3-
    AP Trigonometry-
    Interactive Biology-
    Medical Biology-
    Forensic Science-
    Earth Science-
    Chemistry 2-
    General Science (required for year 1-4)-
    World History-
    Modern History-
    What year are you? (1st- 6 years)
    If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path)
    What are your strongest school subjects?:
    Favorite Food:
    Favorite Color:
    Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm)
    Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home)
    Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart?
    Character traits:
    Can I ship you with anyone?
    What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl)
    If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart?
    Worst School subjects:
    Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.)
    Fancy Dress:
    Coffee or tea?
    If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 )

    • BlogClan name: Swanfeather
      Nickname: Swan
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 14
      Personality: creative, hardworking, funny, stubborn, curious, loyal
      Gender/Preferred Pronouns: female
      Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them) I’m not completely sure how to do this, sorry if I do it wrong – just note me ans I’ll do it again correctly! So if I have chosen art path I can take art path electives but not i.e flexibility path’s?
      –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
      Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- 3
      Brush Technique (Art Path only)- 5
      Spray Paint (Art Path only)- 2
      Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)- 10
      DIY Crafts-
      Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-
      Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-
      Traditional Foods-
      Beginner’s Baking-
      Beginner’s Drama-
      Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)-
      Photography (Art Path only)- 6
      Ballet (Art Path only)-
      Jazz (Art Path only)- 7
      Hip-Hop (Art Path only)- 8
      Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)- 9
      Intro to Dance-
      Lights and Sound (Art Path)- 1
      Spanish 1 (required or French)-
      Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
      German 1-
      German 2 (Economics Path only)-
      French 1(required or Spanish)-
      French 2-
      Government Studies 1-
      Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Home Ec 1- 4
      Home Ec 2-
      Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
      Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
      Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
      Yoga 1-
      Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-
      (I chose like, only art classes haha 😛 the art path is literally made for me 😛)

      Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
      –Athletics- pick your top five–
      Health (required)-
      Track and Field-
      Ice Skating-3
      Speed Skating (Roller)-2
      Tumbling 101-
      Boot Camp-
      Zumba Workout- 5
      Muscular Strength (required)-
      (I don’t really like any sports though)
      –Academics- pick your top ten–
      Writing (required)-
      Extended Writing- 10
      Journalism- 6
      Reading (required)-
      Reading Support-
      Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)-
      Geometry 1- 3
      Geometry 2-
      Geometry 3-
      Calculus 1-
      Calculus 2-
      AP Calculus 2-
      Calculus 3-
      AP Trigonometry-
      Interactive Biology-
      Medical Biology-
      Forensic Science-
      Earth Science-
      Chemistry 2-
      General Science (required for year 1-4)-
      World History-8
      Modern History-9
      (Didn’t rate the required ones. Also i didn’t even know some of the subjects 😛)
      What year are you? (1st- 6 years) Um? So I can choose myself? Probably 4 or above? Just what my friends choose 😛
      If you are second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path) art!
      What are your strongest school subjects?: languages, art, history
      Strenghts: drawing, dancing, good memory
      Weaknesses: being emotional, sports, trying not to get annoyed 😛
      Favorite Food: greek meatballs, sausage soup, thai chicken with rice, tuna pizza
      Favorite Color: blue and purple
      Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm) ⤵
      Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home) this depends if they’ll choose 4th year or higher, but Blue, Peto, Wavey and possibly Fallen too.
      Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart? Acceptance letter
      Character traits: personality? It’s mentioned up there below my name.
      Personality: ⤴
      Friends: closest would be Blue, Peto, Wavey, Snowy, Fallen, and other friends Willa, Wistep, Lion, Dew, you, more – basically everyone.
      Can I ship you with anyone? I’d prefer no, but if you reeeeeally have to.
      What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl) umm a normal family 😛 not too affectionate or crazy but joke a lot.
      If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart? they noticed my nonexistent art skills *hair flip* okay in all seriousness, I have no idea 😛
      Worst School subjects: I’m not too bad at anything, but chemistry/physichs and math can be hard for me sometimes
      Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.) They’d think I’m an okay person, a good student but silent in class and they’d get mildly annoyed because I never raise my hand up 😛
      Other: i’d probably annoy people by using random finnish words from time to time and nobody could understand 😛 or embarrass myself by making dumb english grammar mistakes 😛
      Clothing/Appearance: brown a bit over shoulder lenght hair, blue-green eyes, light skin. Casual outfit – a black t-shirt with two white stripes on both sleeves and a number on the front, dark blue jeans, light blue converse
      Swimsuit: black one piece
      Fancy Dress: uhh a blue one:P
      PJ’s: a black t-shirt with the word “awesome” on it, gray pants, white fluffy socks
      Coffee or tea? Neither, though I love the scent of tea 😛
      If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 ) uhh the ability to bring drawings to life and revise?

      I wantes to join your previous blogfic too, but I was pretty busy when the form came out, so I’m happy that I could join this one now! 😀

    • BlogClan name: Wavesplash
      Nickname: Wavey
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 14
      Personality: Bright, caring, compassionate, optimistic, positive, gives good advice, witty, funny, sarcastic, dramatic, socially awkward, over-analytic, smart, clever, notices little details, good at figuring things out, creative, imaginative, zones out a lot, a perfectionist, a procrastinator, whimsical, bubbly around friends, ambitious, stubborn, passionate, doesn’t know when to quit
      Gender/Preferred Pronouns: Girl, she/her
      Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
      –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
      Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- yes
      Brush Technique (Art Path only)-
      Spray Paint (Art Path only)-
      Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)- yes
      DIY Crafts- yes
      Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-
      Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-
      Traditional Foods-
      Beginner’s Baking- yes
      Beginner’s Drama- yes
      Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)-
      Photography (Art Path only)- yes
      Ballet (Art Path only)-
      Jazz (Art Path only)- yes
      Hip-Hop (Art Path only)- yes
      Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)-
      Intro to Dance-
      Lights and Sound (Art Path)-
      Spanish 1 (required or French)-
      Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
      German 1-
      German 2 (Economics Path only)-
      French 1(required or Spanish)- yes
      French 2-
      Government Studies 1-
      Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Home Ec 1-
      Home Ec 2-
      Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
      Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
      Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
      Yoga 1- Yes
      Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-

      Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
      –Athletics- pick your top five–
      Health (required)-
      Skiing- yes
      Track and Field-
      Swimming- yes
      Ice Skating- yes
      Speed Skating (Roller)- yes
      Tumbling 101- Yes
      Boot Camp-
      Zumba Workout- yes
      Muscular Strength (required)-
      –Academics- pick your top ten–
      Writing (required)-
      Extended Writing- yes
      Journalism- yes
      Reading (required)-
      Reading Support-
      Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)-
      Geometry 1-
      Geometry 2-
      Geometry 3-
      Calculus 1-
      Calculus 2-
      AP Calculus 2-
      Calculus 3-
      AP Trigonometry-
      Interactive Biology-
      Medical Biology-
      Forensic Science-
      Earth Science-
      Chemistry- yes
      Chemistry 2-
      General Science (required for year 1-4)-
      World History- yes
      Modern History- yes
      What year are you? (1st- 6 years) umm I’m in 9th grade so 4th year I think?
      If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path) oh my god Beech PLEASE make a music path or add music stuff to art music is my life if not art
      What are your strongest school subjects?: Band, science, English, art, choir, French (or probably any language really, it’s so interesting), history
      Strengths: Artsy/music stuff, giving advice, noticing little details, making theories, learning, calm in emergencies
      Weaknesses: Ambitious, stubborn, can be hotheaded, overthinks things, likes being in control, socially awkward, athletic stuff
      Favorite Food: French fries and candy
      Favorite Color: Purple
      Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm)
      Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home) I want a dorm 🙁 umm Wistep, Swany, Wollow, Peto, Sky, Streamy, you, Jetty, Stoatie, Fawny, Blue, Sunny, Foxie. I know that’s more than five but I figured it wouldn’t hurt 😛
      Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart? Acceptance letter – I’m smart and I would never do that cause I’m proud I’d just work super hard to get in 😛
      Character traits: umm idk what you mean but I think humour, social awkwardness, creativity, compassion, ambition, stubbornness, passion, cleverness
      Personality: (you already listed this)
      Friends: you 😛 , Blue, Maple, Dawny, Fawny, Swany, Frosty, Win, Jetty, Stoatie, Foxie, Streamy, Sky, Jazzy, Sunny
      Can I ship you with anyone? Sure no gender pref
      What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl) Two parents, a brother that maybe goes to the school but isn’t seen in the story? (My brother Icepaw is a BlogClanner but very inactive), and a cat. My aunt and uncle live next door with their three kids, two girls and a boy,, their three cats, and their dog (I’m just combining a bunch of my irl family here 😛 )
      If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart? I’m a triple threat – I can sing, dance, and act, and I also play lots of musical instruments. My grades vary from straight As to As and Bs, but recently they’ve been straight As. I worked very hard to get in
      Worst School subjects: Math, PE, English (I know it’s also my best, it tends to vary from year to year/assignment to assignment depending on what we focus on)
      Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.) I sometimes draw/zone out/talk in class but generally I’m a quiet good kid. I never get in trouble. While I’m too shy to have regular conversations with my teachers I have good relationships with them and they tend to like me. I’m not a teacher’s pet, though
      Other: Asexual and autisitc
      Clothing/Appearance: Purple shirt with cat on it, black hoodie, skinny jeans, black boots, silver saxophone necklace, silver hoop earrings, purple wristwatch (if clothing needs to be more refined, a purple blouse and black leggings, no hoodie)
      Swimsuit: Purple one-piece with a jagged aquamarine line running through it
      Fancy Dress: Floor-length midnight-blue shimmering dress with a ruffle at the bottom and waist, a cobalt blue sash, and puffy sleeves. If that’s too fancy, a fluffy lavender dress with a deep purple sash, lining, and sleeves
      PJ’s: dark blue shirt with cats and purple pants
      Coffee or tea? I’m not a big fan of either
      If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 ) Hydrokinesis

      • ooh wait that’s only four sports thingies add soccer

        I didn’t add any of the required ones because I’ll be doing them anyway but reading as a class sounds wonderful

    • BlogClan name: Blueheart
      Nickname: Blue
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 12
      Personality: Brave, defiant, blunt, harsh, brutal, confident
      Gender/Preferred Pronouns: Female/She/Her
      Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
      –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
      Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- What
      Brush Technique (Art Path only)- 7
      Spray Paint (Art Path only)- 3
      Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)- 8
      DIY Crafts-
      Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)- 9
      French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-8
      Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-7
      Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)-6
      Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-7
      Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-8
      Traditional Foods-8
      Beginner’s Baking-6
      Beginner’s Drama-8
      Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)-7
      Photography (Art Path only)-6
      Ballet (Art Path only)-2000000
      Jazz (Art Path only)-20000
      Hip-Hop (Art Path only)-9000000
      Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)-90000
      Intro to Dance-1 😛
      Lights and Sound (Art Path)-4
      Spanish 1 (required or French)-1
      Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-1
      Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-1
      German 1-1
      German 2 (Economics Path only)-1
      French 1(required or Spanish)-1
      French 2-1
      Government Studies 1-5
      Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-5
      Home Ec 1-7
      Home Ec 2-7
      Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-7
      Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-4
      Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-5
      Yoga 1-7
      Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-8

      Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)1
      –Athletics- pick your top five–
      Health (required)-7
      Track and Field-6
      Ice Skating-7
      Speed Skating (Roller)-0.000000000000000000000001
      Tumbling 101-7
      Boot Camp-7
      Zumba Workout-6
      Muscular Strength (required)-90000000000000000000000
      –Academics- pick your top ten–
      Writing (required)- 9
      Extended Writing-8
      Reading (required)-9
      Reading Support-8
      Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)-3
      Geometry 1-2
      Geometry 2-1
      Geometry 3-1
      Calculus 1-1
      Calculus 2-1
      AP Calculus 2-1
      Calculus 3-1
      AP Trigonometry-1
      Interactive Biology-7
      Medical Biology-8
      Forensic Science-7
      Earth Science-6
      Chemistry 2-6
      General Science (required for year 1-4)-6
      World History-7
      Modern History-6
      What year are you? (1st- 6 years) Dunno 5?
      If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path)Arts?
      What are your strongest school subjects?: Math, PE
      Strengths: I’m Strong 😛 Dance, fighting
      Weaknesses: Easily dehydrated
      Favorite Food: Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo with Red Lobster Cheesy Biscuits.
      Favorite Color: Black
      Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm): Wavey, Peto, And Emma(Swan)
      Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home)Same people
      Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart? Either
      Character traits: Didn’t I list above?
      Personality: Didn’t I list above?
      Friends: Wavey, Peto, Emma, Juni, Flame, Sunny, Icy.
      Can I ship you with anyone? No thanks
      What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl) No at-home scenes please
      If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart? Uhhhhh
      Worst School subjects: English/Language Arts
      Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.): I just listen and try to learn.
      Other: OUAT!!!
      Clothing/Appearance: Tall, broad-shouldered girl with thick, dirty blonde hair in a braid or worn down, blue-gray eyes. Black sweatpants, black sneakers, black jacket
      Swimsuit: Just black.
      Fancy Dress: Black dress, with long lacy sleeves
      PJ’s: Just black
      Coffee or tea? EWWW NONE
      If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 ) Dark Magic! (Cast curses, spells, etc. Negative effect on personality)

    • BlogClan name: Fallenpaw
      Nickname: Fallen
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 12
      Personality: Shy, loving, passionate, caring, protective, worries a lot, easily startled, perfectionist, generally responsible, quiet, talkative among friends, cautious
      Gender/Preferred Pronouns: Female / She/Her
      Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
      What year are you? 2
      If you are a second year or higher, what Path? Art Path
      What are your strongest school subjects?: Language Arts/English, followed by Science
      Strengths: Dance, cleverness
      Weaknesses: Worries a lot, overly cautious
      Favorite Food: Noodles with red sauce (or spaghetti)
      Favorite Color: Green
      Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? Blue, Swan, Icy, or Sunny
      Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart? Acceptance letter
      Character traits: I’m not sure? 😛
      Personality: This is already in here, at the top 😛
      Friends: Blue, Swan, Sunny, Icy, Flame, and lot’s of others but I’m tired and can’t remember the atm 😛
      Can I ship you with anyone? Sure
      What is your “family” like? Mom is goofy and silly but yells when she gets frustrated; she does most if not all of the cooking; she swims, bikes, and runs. Dad is generally quiet, but can be silly at times; very antisocial; he’s the worker of the family. Brother is loud, hyper, silly, loving, but gets his attitude up frequently ( 😛 ).
      If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart? I’m not sure? 😛
      Worst School subjects: MATHMATHMATHMATHMATH
      Relationship with teachers: They think I’m a good student, though I’m very shy
      Clothing/Appearance: Black jacket, light gray shirt with white cat, jeans, black, pink, and blue sneakers
      Swimsuit: Black with neon rainbow swirls and stripes; it looks like a basic swimsuit 😛
      Fancy Dress: Fluffy skirt that reaches knees, light purple, the chest is sequenced (idk if that’s spelled right 😛 ), and there’s no sleeves, there’s just straps 😛
      PJ’s: White pants with red, yellow, purple, and blue hearts patterned onto it, light purple shirt with an owl matching the hearts

      I got confused on the electives part, so I’ll wait to fill that out until some others have filled the form out. 🙂

      • Okey-dokey, electives! (I’m still not 100% sure if I did it right though 😛 ) :

        Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- 7
        Brush Technique (Art Path only)- 7
        Spray Paint (Art Path only)- 8
        Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)- 8
        DIY Crafts- 6
        Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-7
        French Cooking (Culinary Path only)- 7
        Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)- 7
        Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)- 7
        Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)- 7
        Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)- 7
        Traditional Foods- 8
        Beginner’s Baking- 8
        Beginner’s Drama- 8
        Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)-9
        Photography (Art Path only)-7
        Ballet (Art Path only)- 10000000000000000
        Jazz (Art Path only)- 10000000000000000000
        Hip-Hop (Art Path only)- 10000000000000000000
        Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)- 100000000000000000000
        Intro to Dance- 1
        Lights and Sound (Art Path)- 6
        Spanish 1 (required or French)- 6
        Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)- 6
        Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)- 6
        German 1- 7
        German 2 (Economics Path only)- 7
        French 1(required or Spanish)- 9
        French 2- 9
        Government Studies 1-1
        Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)- 1
        Home Ec 1- 8
        Home Ec 2- 8
        Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)- 8
        Tumbling- 5
        Cheer (Flexibility Path only)- 4
        Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)- 6
        Yoga 1- 9
        Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)- 9

        Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)- 2
        –Athletics- pick your top five–
        Health (required)- 7
        Track and Field-3
        Polo- 3
        Basketball- 6
        Triathlon- 5
        Hockey- 2
        Lacrosse- 8
        Ice Skating- 10
        Speed Skating (Roller)- 5
        Tumbling 101- 1
        Boot Camp- 1
        Zumba Workout- 4
        Muscular Strength (required)- 9
        –Academics- pick your top ten–
        Writing (required)- 9
        Extended Writing- 7
        Journalism- 7
        Reading (required)- 10
        Reading Support- 1
        Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)- 5
        Algebra- 5
        Geometry 1- 5
        Geometry 2- 5
        Geometry 3- 5
        Calculus 1- 5
        Calculus 2- 5
        AP Calculus 2- 5
        Calculus 3- 5
        Trigonometry- 5
        AP Trigonometry- 5
        Interactive Biology- 7
        Medical Biology-6
        Forensic Science- 3
        Geology- 8
        Earth Science- 8
        Chemistry- 7
        Chemistry 2- 7
        General Science (required for year 1-4)- 7
        World History- 1
        Modern History- 3
        Egyptology- 7

    • Aww, no football? 🙁

      BlogClan name: Leaf Lost in Blizzard
      Nickname: Leaf/Blizzard (I’m fine with either)
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 15
      Personality: Witty, sarcastic, kind, quiet, stubborn, clever, funny(I hope 😛)
      Gender/Preferred Pronouns: Non-binary, they/them
      Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
      –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
      Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- 1
      Brush Technique (Art Path only)-
      Spray Paint (Art Path only)-
      Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)-
      DIY Crafts-
      Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)- 5
      Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)- 4
      Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-
      Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)- 2
      Traditional Foods- 3
      Beginner’s Baking-
      Beginner’s Drama-
      Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)- 9
      Photography (Art Path only)- 10 TEN 10000000000
      Ballet (Art Path only)-
      Jazz (Art Path only)-
      Hip-Hop (Art Path only)-
      Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)-
      Intro to Dance-
      Lights and Sound (Art Path)-
      Spanish 1 (required or French)- 6
      Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
      German 1- 8
      German 2 (Economics Path only)-
      French 1(required or Spanish)-
      French 2- 7
      Government Studies 1-
      Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Home Ec 1-
      Home Ec 2-
      Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
      Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
      Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
      Yoga 1-
      Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-

      Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
      –Athletics- pick your top five–
      Health (required)-
      Skiing- 1
      Track and Field-
      Swimming- 5
      Hockey- 4
      Ice Skating- 2
      Speed Skating (Roller)- 3
      Tumbling 101-
      Boot Camp-
      Zumba Workout-
      Muscular Strength (required)-
      Football- 5

      –Academics- pick your top ten–
      Writing (required)- 4
      Extended Writing- 5
      Journalism- 3
      Reading (required)-
      Reading Support-
      Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)-
      Geometry 1-
      Geometry 2-
      Geometry 3- 6
      Calculus 1-
      Calculus 2-
      AP Calculus 2-
      Calculus 3- 10
      AP Trigonometry- 7
      Interactive Biology-
      Medical Biology- 2
      Forensic Science- 8
      Earth Science- 1
      Chemistry 2- 9
      General Science (required for year 1-4)-
      World History-
      Modern History-
      What year are you? (1st- 6 years)- Is it 1st year is 11, 2nd year is 12, and so on? If so, then I’d be a 5th year…
      If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path)- None of those sound good to me 😛 I’ll go with Art, so that I can do photography.
      What are your strongest school subjects?: MATH MATH MATH and science
      Strengths: Math, quick thinking, I’m pretty strong physically
      Weaknesses: Asthma, I get heat-sick really easily, I’m too quiet sometimes, I’m stubborn
      Favorite Food: Mangoes, steak, and spicy Thai curry
      Favorite Color: Mint green/Lime green/Forest green (basically just green 😛)
      Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm)
      Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home)- I’d be fine with anyone! 😀
      Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart?- I got an acceptance letter
      Character traits: Witty, sarcastic, kind, quiet, stubborn, clever, funny(I hope 😛)
      Personality: ^^
      Friends: Oak, Foxie, Loudy, You, Moon, Aster, Riv, Fire, and everyone else 🙂
      Can I ship you with anyone?- Preferably not, but if you want to, you can. I’d prefer to be shipped with a girl (nothing against guys, I’m just not into… guys).
      What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl)- A mother, father, and two younger sisters. My parents are kind and caring, but they use female pronouns for me because I haven’t told them that I’m non-binary. My oldest sister is extremely sarcastic, but is also really artistic and funny. My youngest sister is very sweet, makes friends easily, and is very clearly in the “popular” crowd, but has occasional anxiety attacks. My sisters know that I’m non-binary, and they use they/them pronouns when referring to me except when they’re talking to my parents, in which case they’ll use female pronouns for me.
      If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart?- I took an entrance exam, and I got a pretty high score (idk)
      Worst School subjects: History (blegh), economics (more blegh)
      Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.)- They think I’m shy, because I don’t talk a lot, but the truth is that I just don’t see a reason to talk
      Other: Nah
      Clothing: Black T-shirt that says “Keep Calm and Survive Five Nights”, gray sweatpants, black boots with blue paint splatters, a shiny purple scarf named Scorf that is the supreme scarf overlord
      Appearance: Tall, pale-skinned person with curly, chin-length ginger hair, and with green eyes
      Swimsuit: Navy blue swim shirt with green turtles, black swim shorts
      Fancy Dress: NO NO NO NO NO NO
      Can I have a tux instead?
      PJ’s: White sweatshirt and blue sweatpants
      Coffee or tea?- Smoothies 😛 (I like both equally)
      If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 )- Ice powers I can see in wavelengths of light that are not on the visible light spectrum, i.e. infrared, ultraviolet, etc., and I can control what wavelength I see in at any given time.

    • Edit: When I mean powers, I mean enhanced senses, to be straight. Also healing powers and telekinesis is fine,too.

      • This is what I put down for my power: I can see in wavelengths of light that are not on the visible light spectrum, i.e. infrared, ultraviolet, etc., and I can control what wavelength I see in at any given time.

        Would that be fine, or should I change it to something else?

        • Perfect! Since that’s an enhanced sense. The farthest you could go is basic telekinesis, or being able to heal a small wound.

    • BlogClan name: Willowpaw/step
      Nickname: Wistep
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 12 because I’m turning twelve this year 😛
      Personality: INFP, quiet, self-conscious, creative, idealistic, short-tempered, blunt, awkward, caring, friendly, hardworking, honest, loyal
      Gender/Preferred Pronouns: Female, she/her
      Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
      –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
      Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- 4
      Brush Technique (Art Path only)- 9
      Spray Paint (Art Path only)-
      Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)- 8
      DIY Crafts- 10
      Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-
      Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-
      Traditional Foods- 5
      Beginner’s Baking- 1
      Beginner’s Drama-
      Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)-
      Photography (Art Path only)- 2
      Ballet (Art Path only)-
      Jazz (Art Path only)-
      Hip-Hop (Art Path only)-
      Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)-
      Intro to Dance-
      Lights and Sound (Art Path)-
      Spanish 1 (required or French)- 3
      Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
      German 1- 6
      German 2 (Economics Path only)-
      French 1(required or Spanish)-
      French 2-
      Government Studies 1- 7
      Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Home Ec 1-
      Home Ec 2-
      Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
      Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
      Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
      Yoga 1-
      Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-
      Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
      –Athletics- pick your top five–
      Health (required)-
      Track and Field-
      Swimming- 5
      Hockey- 2
      Ice Skating- 4
      Speed Skating (Roller)-
      Tumbling 101-
      Boot Camp-
      Zumba Workout-
      Muscular Strength (required)-
      –Academics- pick your top ten–
      Writing (required)- 1
      Extended Writing- 7
      Journalism- 10
      Reading (required)-
      Reading Support-
      Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)-
      Algebra- 6
      Geometry 1-
      Geometry 2- 2
      Geometry 3-
      Calculus 1- 5
      Calculus 2-
      AP Calculus 2-
      Calculus 3-
      AP Trigonometry-
      Interactive Biology- 3
      Medical Biology-
      Forensic Science-
      Earth Science-
      Chemistry- 8
      Chemistry 2-
      General Science (required for year 1-4)-
      World History- 4
      Modern History- 9
      What year are you? (1st- 6 years) Third year
      If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path) Arts (I guess)
      What are your strongest school subjects?: Math, writing, history, geography, pretty much everything because i’m a nerd 😛
      Strengths: Academics, writing, drawing, a quick mind, singing, music, reading
      Weaknesses: All sports and cardiac exercises besides swimming, skiing, and soccer
      Favorite Food: All Chinese food, all European food, all Asian food, all South American food, basically everything 😛 (examples are pizza, ice cream, most salads, salami, tea, very milky coffee, all juices, blah blah blah everything except spicy food)
      Favorite Color: Blue
      Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm) Anyone 😛
      Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home)
      Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart? Acceptance letter, preferably I guess
      Character traits: Isn’t that personality, though? 😛
      Personality: there’s already a personality section 😛
      Friends: Flamey, Steppy, Haz, Breezey, Lup, Wollow, Spotzel, Frosty, Mistle, Streamy, Icy, Waffle, Sunny, Blaz, Blue, Swany, Wavey, lots and lots of other people 😛
      Can I ship you with anyone? Yeah! (except can you just ask me first? 😛 )
      What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl)
      Mom: strict, understanding, somehow fun-loving at the same time
      Dad: sorta stingy, quieter, has a Chinese accent
      A younger sister called Janalyn who’s outgoing and energetic
      If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart? For academics, I guess 😛 idk
      Worst School subjects: Science
      Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.) Know-it-all most likely
      Other: Wears glasses
      Clothing/Appearance: Appearance- tall, long-legged girl with tan skin, slightly wavy black hair that falls a little below the shoulders, and dark brown eyes. Clothing: pale purple t-shirt, black leggings, turquoise sneakers, silver headband.
      Swimsuit: Turquoise one-piece with aquamarine swirls
      Fancy Dress: Long, pale blue dress with a silver sash at the waist and a silver treble clef pendant necklace
      PJ’s: Pale purple onesie with darker black and purple music notes
      Coffee or tea? Tea
      If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 ) Um, can I have healing powers, then? 😛


      Football is now an open unit in PE!

      There are 5 music-related classes being added, which are only available to the Art Path (goes under performing arts) except for intro to music. If you’d like to switch any of your classes, just comment under your sign-up sheet that you’d like to switch from this to that. Thanks!

      Music classes:

      Orchestra (Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano, Harp, Double Bass, Flute, Bassoon/Oboe, and more 😛 )
      Marching Band (Drums, Brass instruments, Reed instruments and Woodwinds)
      Singing and Ukulele/Guitar
      Singing Technique (Only open to years 3+)
      Intro to Music

    • BlogClan name: Bluefire
      Nickname: Fire
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 15
      Personality: loyal, trustworthy, sly, clever, quick-thinking, quick-tempered, shy
      Gender/Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
      –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
      Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- 9
      Brush Technique (Art Path only)-
      Spray Paint (Art Path only)-
      Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)- 10
      DIY Crafts- 8
      Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
      Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)- 7
      Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)- 6
      Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-
      Traditional Foods-
      Beginner’s Baking-
      Beginner’s Drama- 5
      Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)-
      Photography (Art Path only)- 4
      Ballet (Art Path only)-
      Jazz (Art Path only)-
      Hip-Hop (Art Path only)-
      Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)-
      Intro to Dance-
      Lights and Sound (Art Path)-
      Spanish 1 (required or French)- 3
      Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
      German 1-
      German 2 (Economics Path only)-
      French 1(required or Spanish)- 2
      French 2-
      Government Studies 1-
      Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
      Home Ec 1- 1
      Home Ec 2-
      Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
      Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
      Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
      Yoga 1-
      Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-

      Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
      –Athletics- pick your top five–
      Health (required)-
      Skiing- 3
      Track and Field-
      Swimming- 4
      Polo- 2
      Ice Skating- 5
      Speed Skating (Roller)- 1
      Tumbling 101-
      Boot Camp-
      Zumba Workout-
      Muscular Strength (required)-
      –Academics- pick your top ten–
      Writing (required)-
      Extended Writing- 10
      Journalism- 3
      Reading (required)- 2
      Reading Support-
      Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)-
      Geometry 1-
      Geometry 2-
      Geometry 3-
      Calculus 1-
      Calculus 2-
      AP Calculus 2-
      Calculus 3-
      AP Trigonometry- 9
      Biology- 3
      Interactive Biology-
      Medical Biology-
      Forensic Science- 8
      Earth Science-
      Chemistry 2-
      General Science (required for year 1-4)-
      World History- 7
      Modern History- 1
      Egyptology- 6
      What year are you? (1st- 6 years) 4th
      If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path) Art Path
      What are your strongest school subjects?: Math, Band
      Strengths: uh
      Weaknesses: confused
      Favorite Food: pizza
      Favorite Color: Turquoise or blue
      Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm) N/A
      Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home) anyone
      Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart? acceptance letter
      Character traits: loyal, kind, shy, clever
      Personality: already stated at the top =)
      Friends: everyone
      Can I ship you with anyone? er no
      What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl) no family except an older brother
      If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart? they noticed how good she was at math and writing, as you can see she’s at fourth year and the top math class
      Worst School subjects: P.E.
      Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.) mutual respect
      Other: often lost in thought
      Clothing/Appearance: dull blue or green t-shirt, black jacket (constant), dark jeans, black boots, fingerless gloves matching shirt, amulet-like necklace/pale-ish skin, blonde hair with darker and brown streaks, blue-grey eyes that switch between blue, grey and in-between colors based on the weather
      Swimsuit: all black, ordinary bathing suit style for girls =)
      Fancy Dress: tailored tux outfit, because she hates dresses, the tux jacket is dark blue as are the pants
      PJ’s: fuzzy and warm, doesn’t care otherwise
      Coffee or tea? COFFEE
      If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 ) Invisibility. If that’s already taken, invulnerability (can’t be harmed)

  • BlogClan name: Irismist
    Nickname: Iris
    Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 12
    Personality: Sweet, fierce when friends or self threatened, compassionate, extremely smart, good at healing in general, kind, good with people, talks a lot but is also a good listener, stubborn, looks on the right side, stands up to bullies
    Gender/Preferred Pronouns: girl, she/her
    Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
    –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
    Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- 10
    Brush Technique (Art Path only)- 6
    Spray Paint (Art Path only)- 9
    Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)- 10
    DIY Crafts- 9
    Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-
    Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-
    Traditional Foods- 5
    Beginner’s Baking- 10
    Beginner’s Drama- (see below)
    Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)- 10
    Photography (Art Path only)- 9
    Ballet (Art Path only)- 10
    Jazz (Art Path only)- 8
    Hip-Hop (Art Path only)- 7
    Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)- 9
    Intro to Dance- (I’m an intermediate to expert)
    Lights and Sound (Art Path)- 5
    Spanish 1 (required or French)- no
    Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
    Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
    German 1- 7
    German 2 (Economics Path only)-
    French 1(required or Spanish)- 10
    French 2- 10
    Government Studies 1- 2
    Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
    Home Ec 1- 5
    Home Ec 2- 8
    Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
    Tumbling- 10
    Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
    Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
    Yoga 1- 7
    Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-

    Poms- 2
    Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
    –Athletics- pick your top five–
    Health (required)- 10
    Skiing- 10
    Track and Field- 7
    Swimming- 9
    Polo- 2
    Basketball- 6
    Triathlon- 9
    Hockey- 1
    Lacrosse- 4
    Soccer- 8
    Ice Skating- 9
    Speed Skating (Roller)- 7
    Tumbling 101- 10
    Boot Camp- 7-8
    Zumba Workout- 9
    Muscular Strength (required)- 5
    –Academics- pick your top ten–
    Writing (required)- 10
    Extended Writing- 10
    Journalism- 10
    Reading (required)- 10
    Reading Support- (does this mean help with reading?)
    Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)- 7
    Algebra- 9
    Geometry 1- 6
    Geometry 2- 6
    Geometry 3- 5
    Calculus 1- 7
    Calculus 2- 6
    AP Calculus 2- 8
    Calculus 3- 9
    Trigonometry- 7
    AP Trigonometry- 5
    Biology- 9
    Interactive Biology- 9
    Medical Biology- 10!!
    Forensic Science- 10!!
    Geology- 4
    Earth Science- 9
    Chemistry- 10!!
    Chemistry 2- 10!!
    General Science (required for year 1-4)- 8
    World History- 5
    Government/Civics- 4
    Modern History- 5
    Egyptology- 8
    What year are you? (1st- 6 years) 3rd year? (or whatever year my friends are)
    If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path) Art Path
    What are your strongest school subjects?: Science, Art, Music, Drama, Reading/writing, math (sometimes)
    Strengths: My wits/smarts, friends, calm in bad situations, quick math, good with people
    Weaknesses: spiders, my friends in danger, Social Studies
    Favorite Food: Calamari, chocolate, lobster, seafood
    Favorite Color: Purple, emerald green, or turquoise
    Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm) Maple, Shady, Ottie, Sunny (also Fawny, Fawnspot, and anyone else who doesn’t mind sharing with me)
    Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home) Same as above
    Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart? Acceptance letter because I am smart, (and maybe a scholarship)
    Character traits: Same as personality i guess
    Personality: (already answered that one) 😛
    Friends: Shady (Shadowedrose), Maple, Ottie, Fawny, Sunny, Fawnspot (not with an s, Fawnspot is inactive though)
    Can I ship you with anyone? Sure (although preferably a boy)
    What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl) Idk, I live with my mom and my little sister, who is 1, and I’m really good at caring for my sister when I need to and my mom often works night shifts at the hospital as a nurse.
    If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart? Because I am super smart
    Worst School subjects: Social Studies (not because I’m bad at it, but because I don;t enjoy it), PE, Some math classes
    Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.) They think I’m a good kid who doesn’t break the rules and does well on my tests, so they are nice(r) to me. Not quite a teachers pet, but next to it
    Other: Can I be one of the people with powers?
    Clothing/Appearance: Dark blue jeggings with a white t-shirt that has a purple wolf on it, paint-splattered sneakers
    Swimsuit: White with random paint splatters
    Fancy Dress: Lilac with fringe on the bottom and sparkles all over
    PJ’s: An over large gray tee and flannel red pants
    Coffee or tea? TEA!
    If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 ) Nature powers, or the power to turn invisible maybe? (Preferably Nature by a lot)
    I’m super excited! 😀

    • Oh! Also, I have tannish skin with lots of light freckles, hazel eyes, long dark brown hair with natural ginger highlights. 🙂

      • Um… I saw what you said about powers, so maybe I could have telekinesis (or whatever powers you want) 😀

  • BlogClan name: Cheetahpaw
    Nickname: Cheetah
    Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 14
    Personality: very exited about school. Likes making friends; very outgoing. Loves being the center of attention and showing off. Very kind to friends but is rude to annoying people or enemies.
    Gender/Preferred Pronouns: Female; she, her
    Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
    –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
    Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)-
    Brush Technique (Art Path only)-
    Spray Paint (Art Path only)-
    Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)-
    DIY Crafts- 1
    Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-
    Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-
    Traditional Foods- 2
    Beginner’s Baking- 3
    Beginner’s Drama- 5
    Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)-
    Photography (Art Path only)-
    Ballet (Art Path only)-
    Jazz (Art Path only)-
    Hip-Hop (Art Path only)-
    Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)-
    Intro to Dance- 6
    Lights and Sound (Art Path)-
    Spanish 1 (required or French)-
    Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
    Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
    German 1-
    German 2 (Economics Path only)-
    French 1(required or Spanish)-
    French 2- 4
    Government Studies 1-
    Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
    Home Ec 1-
    Home Ec 2-
    Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
    Tumbling- 8
    Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
    Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
    Yoga 1- 7
    Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-

    Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
    –Athletics- pick your top five–
    Health (required)- 1
    Track and Field-
    Swimming- 3
    Basketball- 2
    Soccer- 1
    Ice Skating- 4
    Speed Skating (Roller)-
    Tumbling 101- 5
    Boot Camp-
    Zumba Workout-
    Muscular Strength (required)-
    –Academics- pick your top ten–
    Writing (required)- 8
    Extended Writing-
    Journalism- 9
    Reading (required)- 10
    Reading Support-
    Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)- 3
    Geometry 1-
    Geometry 2-
    Geometry 3-
    Calculus 1-
    Calculus 2-
    AP Calculus 2-
    Calculus 3-
    AP Trigonometry-
    Interactive Biology-
    Medical Biology-
    Forensic Science- 2
    Earth Science-
    Chemistry 2- 4
    General Science (required for year 1-4)- 5
    World History- 6
    Government/Civics- 1
    Modern History-
    Egyptology- 7
    What year are you? (1st- 6 years): 1st year
    If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path)
    What are your strongest school subjects?: English, Science, PE (if that counts)
    Strengths: speed, stealth, flexibility, knowledge
    Weaknesses: perfectionist, hates being excluded
    Favorite Food: Mozzarella Sticks
    Favorite Color: Violet
    Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm): anyone who is generally cool and nice; 1st and 2nd year people
    Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home):
    Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart?: Got an acceptance letter
    Character traits: adventurous, clever, confident, outgoing, cool
    Personality: very exited about school. Likes making friends; very outgoing. Loves being the center of attention and showing off. Very kind to friends but is rude to annoying people or enemies
    Friends: anyone cool and nice; no one mean, rude, or annoying
    Can I ship you with anyone? sure, why not
    What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl): very nice and supportive, proud of me getting into the school. I have a 7 year old brother who’s really nerdy, and a 12-year-old sister who does cheerleading and is really popular
    If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart?: Very fit and is good at most sports. very agile and smart. Also a great writer, reader, and knows a lot about English
    Worst School subjects: Math and History
    Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.): teachers’ pet
    Other: very protective of new kids/shy people. Very brave and adventurous.
    Clothing/Appearance: tan skin with long straight caramel colored hair. Bright green eyes. tall and lean.
    Outfit: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e7/50/d8/e750d858fe8d45e0c4de90b374125bb6–beautiful-outfits-for-teens-christmas-outfit-teens.jpg
    Swimsuit: https://www.jcrew.com/s7-img-facade/B5816_BK0001_m?fmt=jpeg&qlt=90,0&resMode=sharp&op_usm=.1,0,0,0&wid=636&hei=636swimsuit%2FB5816&psig=AOvVaw3bElws9eilays6BMCgbbtb&ust=1516494609038807
    Fancy Dress:https://i.pinimg.com/736x/06/bc/04/06bc043028e28e2ff525dd363cb1a4b5–grad-dresses-long-formal-prom-dresses.jpg
    PJ’s: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cc/f0/78/ccf07883b4b34db5f8bd88cf6cec2932.jpg
    Coffee or tea? tea
    If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 ): feline shape-shifting (can turn into any kind of cat; including lions and tigers)

  • Heyo! It’s me, Peto, and I’m finally making a BlogFic (with hopes that motivation will stay and procrastination will avoid me, thank you very much 😛 )! It’s currently unnamed, but I think I’ll have one by the time a chapter comes around 😀 I’m sure many people have wanted this in real life with BlogClan, and I will be attempting to bring it to life in this fanfic! Updates will be whenever I come around to finishing it. 😛 I’ll also notify you all on the Tavern of them, if it makes it easier! Without further wait, here’s the plot!

    This story takes place in a futuristic world, where humans rely on advanced technology. The world is glass – touchscreen sheets are found everywhere in a normal person’s home. Some manage closets, play galleries on the walls, even memories. One wonderful addition is a device that fits on one’s head, and a screen is visible in front of the eyes. This converts a website into a world buzzing with life. And one of the many is the website that houses BlogClan. A wearer is able to jump into a different world – to escape reality. It lets people from everywhere, that regularly visit the website, mingle. This forms the tight bond in BlogClan.
    However, something goes wrong, and everyone is trapped. BlogClan is now a barrier, keeping captives in. The virtual reality plummets into darkness, and only the lionhearted can survive.
    NOTE: The people I know best will probably get more spotlight in the fanfic, sorry 😛

    BlogClan Name:
    Preferred Pronouns:
    Age (doesn’t have to be irl):
    Humanized Fursona:
    Blog Friends:
    Normal Clothes:
    Fighting Clothes:
    Introvert or Extrovert?:
    Leader or Follower?:
    Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths):
    Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality):
    Rate these from 1/10:
    Fighting (in general):
    Survival Skill (wilderness):

    • OMSC This sounds amazing Peto!

      BlogClan Name: Beechpaw
      Nickname: Beech, Beechy
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: she/her.
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): We’ll go with 13. It’s a good number 😛
      Personality: I’m an INTP-T (Logician), but mostly I’m nerdy, funny, sarcastic, quirky, smart.
      Humanized Fursona: OOOOOHHHH 🙂 Strawberry blonde hair, pale freckles on nose, fair skin, and idc what type of clothes, mostly jeans/leggings and a shirt.
      Accessories?: YEEESS: On my left arm, a Vitals band (basically a modernized fitbit, with other things like temperature, blood pressure, BMI, height and weight. On my right arm, a stylish bracelet that projects my phone onto my arm.
      Blog Friends: You, Wavey, both Blues, Swan, Oaky, Moon, Silv, Loudy, Ottie, Icy, Embix, Wollow, Wistep, Dawn, Dusk, Sunny, Basically all SW/ Mods, Leaf, Fallen, and like everyone else 😛
      Likes: Just about everything I don’t dislike :P, Sushi, Fried ice cream, Japanese anything, Zots candy, I could go on for hours 😛
      Dislikes: Math, my fears, fast food (However Culver’s and Portillo’s I can live with 😉 ), gross food, Mexican beans/ rice, Jerks, rude/ annoying people, politics, bullies, and some other things, too.
      Fears: Vomit, Bugs, Being alone (especially in the dark), Semi-trucks, Crashes (Car or plane :/ ), death, rejection, and anything that can be labeled as ridiculous and irrational (such as the Tide Pod challenge, jumping off of a cliff with no harness/ bungee cords, etc.)
      Strengths: Cooking, Dance, climbing, swimming, logic stuff, and uh yea
      Weaknesses: I can’t aim a cannon for my life, or in that case, anything :P, I’m allergic to tree nuts irl, and uh yea 😛
      Normal Clothes: ^
      Fighting Clothes: Ooooh hahahaha >: ) Black, sleek armored suit with LED blue light stripes along shoulders, equipped with all sorts of gizmos and gadgets.
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Both 😛 But my quiz says I’m 56% introvert, so idc.
      Weapon: A glowing blue orb that I can whisper to it, and it’ll do whatever I tell it to do that a flying ball can do 😛 (such as be used as a cannonball)
      Leader or Follower?: Leader 1000000%
      Quirks: sassy, smart, kinda sarcatic.
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): Towards the end of the story, if it’s a sad death like where I have to sacrifice my life to save tons of other people, sure!
      POV?: idc
      Talents?: typing, anything acadmic, trivia, spelling, and writing stories.
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Both. Depends whether the rule is in my favor or not.
      Other: uhh nope 😛
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 6
      Speed: 6
      Strategy: 10
      Stealth: 8
      Fighting (in general): 4
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 8
      Memory: 10000000 😛

    • BlogClan Name: Blueheart
      Nickname: Blue
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 12
      Personality: Brave, defiant, unsympathetic, blunt, harsh, brutal, confident
      Humanized Fursona: Tall, broad-shouldered girl with thick dark blue-gray hair, worn down, and piercing dark blue eyes
      Accessories?: Ummmm. Two blue rubber bracelets. And (I trust you) a silver chain necklace with an owl pendant and a half a heart pendant that says: Part I Cri
      Blog Friends: You, Emma, Wavey, Fawny, Icy, Sunny, Juni
      Likes: OUAT, The Missing, Regina and Robin, JB
      Dislikes: Sonic the Hedghog (Excluding Sonic Boom) Anime, annoying people. People constantly talking. PEOPLE EATING BEHIND ME!!! BEING BREATHED ON!!!
      Fears: Bug, losing the people I love, dying.
      Strengths: I’m strong 😛 Dance
      Weaknesses: Wait, what’s water? I need to drink it? Oh. My bottle is a foot away, I can’t possibly go get it 😛
      Normal Clothes: Black sweatpants, black sneakers, black jacket
      Fighting Clothes: Same
      Introvert or Extrovert?: A bit of both
      Weapon: Sword or if you promise to make me look cool, a dagger 😛
      Leader or Follower?: LEADER
      Quirks: I use a lot of chaptstick? And I wash my hand very thoroughly so my hands can get really dry.
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): As long as I die bravely and for someone (You, Wavey, or Emma preferably)
      POV?: YES!!
      Talents?: Dance. I’m Strong. Figuring things out/noticing stuff. I’m in my right splits 😛
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Rule follower most of the time, but if I need to, break the rules
      Other: Nah
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 10 😛
      Speed: 7
      Strategy: 7
      Fighting (in general): 8
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 4
      Memory: 9

    • BlogClan Name: Kinkpaw
      Nickname: Kinks
      Gender: Girl
      Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl):13
      Personality: shy, avoids social interaction like the plauge, awkward, smart
      Humanized Fursona: medium height with thick, brown, curl-ish hair that goes about to my shoulders and brown eyes
      Accessories?: music not necklace
      Blog Friends: idk not really super close to anyone
      Likes: music, more music, roller coasters, writing, drawing, reading, fooood
      Dislikes: people, boredom, long lines, being lonely, physical exertion
      Fears: embarassment, launched roller coasters (but normal ones are AWESOME), being betrayed, being ditched (like by friends) physical pain
      Strengths: Smart, good at writing, drawing (not digitally though) playing alto saxophone and… i guess singing
      Weaknesses: quiet, overdramatic, can be an attention seeker, very nonathletic
      Normal Clothes: jeans, tshirt, hoodie/sweatshirt
      Fighting Clothes: idk just something that would keep me cool but seriously I wouldn’t be fighting
      Introvert or Extrovert?: very introvert
      Weapon: umm maybe a bow and arrow but I have terrible aim so don’t make me good at it
      Leader or Follower?: Leader, if given the chance
      Quirks: ummmmmmnsjkdfnsijfb litteraly I am a quirk. I living, breathing, quirk.
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): yee
      POV?: yee
      Talents?: listed under strengths
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): depends on the situation, if it’s easier to disobey the rules I’m a rebel, and the other way around
      Other: idk
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 3
      Speed: 2
      Strategy: 3
      Stealth: 2
      Fighting (in general): 2
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 4
      Memory: 3

    • Nice! It reminds me of Warcross! 😛

      BlogClan Name: Willowpaw/step
      Nickname: Wistep
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): eleven
      Personality: INFP, quiet, hardworking, curious, self-conscious, creative, caring, friendly, blunt, short-tempered, thoughtful, honest, loyal
      Humanized Fursona: Tall, pale-skinned girl with green eyes and long, dappled gray hair tied up in a single braid.
      Accessories?: A turquoise headband and a silver treble-clef necklace thingy 😛
      Blog Friends: You, Flamey, Spotzel, Haz, Wavey, Frosty, Dais, Gummy, Lily, Waffle, Icy, Sunny, Fallen, Swany, Blue, Mistle, Streamy, Blaz, Wollow, Lup, Steppy, and lots of others I’m forgetting at the moment 😛
      Likes: BlogClan, books, the color blue, school, nature, music, animals, kindness, food
      Dislikes: Annoying people, spicy food
      Fears: Death, darkness, heights, isolation
      Strengths: Academics (apart from science)
      Weaknesses: Athletics (apart from swimming, volleyball, soccer, and skiing)
      Normal Clothes: Pale purple t-shirt with a silver eighth note on it, black leggings, turquoise sneakers, pale blue hoodie
      Fighting Clothes: Comfortable, soft leather boots that have a steel heel, black shin guards, warm black pants, a belt with various tools and gadgets (i.e. a lighter, a lockpick, a compass, a flashlight, etc), a sleek blue jacket, black gloves with little, tiny retractable daggers under the fingertips, and a mask of silver feathers
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert
      Weapon: A silver dagger with an ivory handle and trails of small sapphires embedded in it
      Leader or Follower?: Follower
      Quirks: idk if this counts, but when excited, my voice gets squeaky and high 😛 – and when I think no one is watching, I sing quietly
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): preferably no 😛
      POV?: Sure!
      Talents?: Singing and writing (not songwriting 😛 )
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Rule follower
      Other: None! 😛
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 8
      Speed: 9 for short distance
      Strategy: 10
      Stealth: 9.5
      Fighting (in general): 7.75
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 7
      Memory: 8.25

    • BlogClan Name: Cheetahpaw
      Nickname: Cheetah
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: she, her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 14
      Personality: cheerful, outgoing, adventurous, energetic, sometimes sarcastic
      Humanized Fursona: long caramel-colored hair with bright green eyes and tan skin. Tall and lean.
      Accessories?: none
      Blog Friends: EVERYONE (idk I’m friends with you all)
      Likes: animals, nature, music
      Dislikes: mean, annoying, or rude people
      Fears: spiders, snakes, getting murdered or stalked
      Strengths: very agile and fast
      Weaknesses: not very strong
      Normal Clothes: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cd/bc/5d/cdbc5db7a0999c6dedfa228a742f738d–preppy-girl-outfits-simple-casual-outfits.jpg
      Fighting Clothes: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b3/7e/da/b37eda2ef5ddb8d8f58c6982a7cd53cc–good-outfits-dance-outfits.jpg
      Introvert or Extrovert?: ambivert (that’s a mix)
      Weapon: knife
      Leader or Follower?: leader
      Quirks: loves to read, sing, and act
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): um… sure, if it’s essential. (but I really want to live)
      POV?: sure
      Talents?: singing, acting,
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): rule follower
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 3
      Speed: 9
      Strategy: 8
      Stealth: 9
      Fighting (in general): 8
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 8
      Memory: 6

    • This sounds great!

      Name: Iceflower
      Nickname: Icy
      Gender: Female
      Pronouns: She/her
      Age: 16
      Personality: Sweet, caring, motherly (Mama Kermit), anxious, calm in emergencies. Doesn’t like drama. Known to go off on 10-minute monologues at times about completely random things. 😛
      Age: 16
      Humanized Fursona: Tall, thin girl with loooooong legs, waist-length wavy/curly black hair (does that make sense? 😛 ), and big, bright green eyes.
      Accessories: A fox necklace with emeralds for eyes, and a black crocheted beret.
      Blog friends: You, Sunny, Flo, Embix, Blue, Wistep, Swan, Snowy, Birchy, Winter, I’ll stop now. 😛
      Likes: Sewing, crafting in general, acting, writing, reading, singing, baking baking baking 😛 horseback riding is definitely #1 though.
      Dislikes: Swimming, being hot, being cold, wearing shoes (except books 😛 ), drama, loud noises, arguing
      Fears: Isolation, spiders, big birds, fire, drowning, bugs that sting (bees, wasps, etc), pain.
      Strengths: Running, horseback riding, baking, cooking in general, singing, acting
      Weaknesses: Climbing, lifting heavy things, donuts. 😛
      Normal clothes: For warm weather, a knee-length dark blue dress with white leggings and calf-high brown boots with a heel. For cold weather, a dark grey peacoat, jeggings, and black calf-high boots.
      Fighting clothes: Black leather pants, a white long-sleeved shirt, and a black vest. Black boots.
      Weapon: Bow and arrow
      Leader or follower: Leader, but I know when it is or isn’t my place to lead.
      Quirks: I bite my lips a lot, I pace a lot when I’m nervous, I pace when I talk on the phone, I hold my coffee mugs by the mug itself and not the handle because I’m afraid of the handle breaking off, I tap my foot a lot, and more but I’m tired. 😛
      Okay with dying?: I’d prefer not to, but if I have to, it’s okay. 🙂
      POV: Sure, if you want. 😀
      Talents: See likes and strengths 😛
      Rule follower or rebel: Rule follower, but if it’s for a good cause, I’ll break the rules if I have to.
      Other: Coffee is my existence.
      Strength: 6
      Speed: 9
      Strategy: 8 (Avid chess lover 😛 )
      Stealth: 9 (I’m extremely tiny and lightweight 😛 )
      Fighting: 7
      Survival skill: 7
      Memory: 10

    • I tried to sign up for this earlier but my computer shut down 🙁

      BlogClan Name: Wavesplash
      Nickname: Wavey
      Gender: Girl
      Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 14
      Personality: Bright, caring, compassionate, optimistic, positive, gives good advice, witty, funny, sarcastic, a perfectionist, a procrastinator, whimsical, socially awkward, over-analytic, smart, clever, notices small details, ambitious, stubborn, doesn’t know when to quit, passionate, creative, imaginative, zones out a lot
      Humanized Fursona: Long-legged pale-skinned girl with long, straight silver hair with white tips, green eyes, silver ears with white tips,a long, white-tipped silver tail
      Accessories?: Purple wristwatch, silver necklace with a saxophone pendant, silver hoop earrings
      Blog Friends: you, Blue, Beech, Maple, Dawny, Fawny, Swany, Jetty, Stoatie, Juni, Foxie, Silv, Sky, Streamy, Frosty, Swany, Oakie, Wollow, Wistep, Haz, Spotzel, and more but I’m really bad at telling
      Likes: Candy, junk food, books, musicals, music, cats, food, sleep, cartoons
      Dislikes: Bullying, discrimination, fighting, social stuff, PE, most teas
      Fears: Death, things involving death (like bodies), social rejection and embarrassment
      Strengths: Noticing small details, making theories, music/art stuff, giving advice, not giving up, calm in emergencies
      Weaknesses: ambitious, stubborn, doesn’t know when to quit, sensitive, overthinks things, likes to be in control
      Normal Clothes: Purple shirt with cat on it, black hoodie, skinny jeans, black boots, black beanie with purple lining and cat ears
      Fighting Clothes: Umm idk maybe black leggings and purple sneakers? no beanie?
      Introvert or Extrovert?: depends on who I’m with
      Weapon: dual silver swords
      Leader or Follower?: leader
      Quirks: Makes references a lot, doodles on little scraps of paper, talk to myself, eats all candy, idk
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): no please
      POV?: yes!
      Talents?: drawing, singing, acting, dancing, playing saxophone
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): I love doing small rebellious acts but I’ve always had a really big fear of getting in trouble even a warning at school and I’m generally a good kid
      Other: ace
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 4
      Speed: 6
      Strategy: 8
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting (in general): 5
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 7
      Memory: depends, I remember tons of stuff from my childhood that people are amazed I do, I remember lots of little details, especially about food and people, but I forget everyday things all the time


      BlogClan Name: Swanfeather
      Nickname: Swan
      Preferred Pronouns: ⤴
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 14
      Personality: creative, hardworking, funny, stubborn, curious, smartish, loayl
      Humanized Fursona: white hair with black tips, pale skin, dark green eyes
      Accessories?: a black wristwatch
      Blog Friends: you, Blue, Wavey, Fallen, Snowy, and Wistep, Dew, Lion
      Likes: art, friends, books, cats
      Dislikes: bugs, sicknesses, cold, annoying people
      Fears: bugs, death, loneliness
      Strengths: drawing, dancing, good memory, decently smart, somewhat good at solving problems
      Weaknesses: bad at being emotional, too stubborn or curious at times, sports, doing things in front of many strangers
      Normal Clothes: black t-shirt with the word “art” on it on white, jeans or jean shorts depending on the weather, blue converse.
      Fighting Clothes: umm idk something flexible 😛
      Introvert or Extrovert?: introvert but gets waaaaaaaaaaaaay more extroverted with friends
      Weapon: bow and arrows
      Leader or Follower?: both, leader with friends but follower witg people I don’t know too well
      Quirks: uhmm well idk 😛 I’m just weird overall 😛
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): preferably no
      Talents?: what are those? 😛 jk 😉 drawing, dancing, writing I guess
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): depends 😛 rule follower when people see me, but on the inside, I’m not afraid to break the rules 😛
      Other: yeeesss go petopetopeto also will there be references
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 5
      Speed: 6
      Strategy: 9
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting (in general): 3
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 3
      Memory: 10

      Petooooo yaaayayyayaya can you tell i’m exciteddd

    • BlogClan Name: Riverfrost
      Nickname: Riv
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: she, her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 12
      Personality: kind, friendly, energetic, smart, insightful, cold, determined, unpredictable
      Humanized Fursona: Fair-skinned girl with wavy golden brown hair and brilliant green eyes
      Accessories?: Yes, A silver Tree of Life necklace with little blue topazes on it, and on my left arm a bracelet that can project a holograph where I can do literally everything (If that even makes sense)
      Blog Friends: Silv, Moon, Blue, Sunny, Icy, Loudy, Ottie, Aster, Leaf, you, Fallen, Wollow, Wistep, Dawn
      Likes: Skiing, writing, drawing, reading, socializing
      Dislikes: Spiders, high heights ( 😛 ), irritating, annoying, manipulative people
      Fears: Dying, loved/close ones being hurt and nothing she can do about it, crashes of any sort
      Strengths: Swimming, skiing, flexibility, quietness, writing, alertness, good tactician
      Weaknesses: Doesn’t do good under high pressure
      Normal Clothes: Blue, Black and white flowy long sleeve shirt with black tights that fade into white
      Fighting Clothes: Sleek black armor with black traction gloves and shoes, hoodie sticking out to shadow her face
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Mostly extrovert but introvert when angry or upset
      Weapon: Glowing blue bow that shoots easily and quietly. Glow can be turned off, arrow tips are extremely sharp and serrated
      Leader or Follower?: LEADERRR
      Quirks: Bites nails when frustrated
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): Umm I would rather not but if I save a whole lot of people, sure
      POV?: YESS
      Talents?: Dancing, writing, drawing, escaping, tactics 😛
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): I’ll be a rebel if the rule isn’t in my favor 😀
      Other: None
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 6
      Speed: 8
      Strategy: 10
      Stealth: 9
      Fighting (in general): 9.5
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 5
      Memory: 10000000000 😛

    • BlogClan Name: Leaf Lost in Blizzard
      Nickname: Leaf/Blizzard (I’m fine with either)
      Gender: Non-binary
      Preferred Pronouns: They/them
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 15
      Personality: Witty, sarcastic, quiet, kind, stubborn, clever, funny(I hope 😛)
      Humanized Fursona: Shoulder-length pale gray hair, pale skin, green eyes
      Accessories?: White mittens, and a shiny purple scarf named Scorf that is the scarf overlord
      Blog Friends: Oak, Foxie, Beech, Moon, Loudy, Silv, Aster, Riv, Ottie, probably more/less but I’m really bad at telling
      Likes: Football, swimming, photography, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, WoF, STRANGER THINGS!!!
      Dislikes: K-pop, rap, country, clowns
      Fears: Heights, clowns, being controlled by someone/thing
      Strengths: Math, quick thinking, I’m pretty strong physically
      Weaknesses: Asthma, I get heat-sick easily, I’m too quiet sometimes
      Normal Clothes: Gray hoodie, black yoga pants, white boots
      Fighting Clothes: Black T-shirt that says, “Keep Calm and Survive Five Nights”, black yoga pants, black tennis shoes with green laces
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Extroverted introvert, if that makes any sense
      Weapon: Bow and arrow
      Leader or Follower?: Neither. I’m not really a group person 😛
      Quirks: I eat pizza upside-down, whenever I listen to music I “hear” colors
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): I’m fine with it
      POV?: Sure!
      Talents?: I can usually learn how to play an instrument pretty fast, and I already play the piano, ukulele, and trumpet
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): I’m more of a rule follower, but I’ll rebel if it’s absolutely necessary
      Other: Nah
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 6
      Speed: 7
      Strategy: 8
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting (in general):6
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 5
      Memory: 8

    • This seems awesome! I would love to join!

      BlogClan Name: Potato
      Nickname: Potato, Tater Tot, Smol Bean(I gave these to myself)
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 13(it is a good number XD)
      Personality: Goofy, but can be shy with new people, loves animals, sassy, can be blunt
      Humanized Fursona: Short, African American, purple hair, blue eyes, big fuzzy coats (I refuse to take them off, even in high temperatures)
      Accessories?: Purple glasses, and silver medical band
      Blog Friends: I’m new( I have no friends :p)
      Likes: Animals, jokes, puns, video games, drawing, singing, lotsa things
      Dislikes: Rude people, work, lotsa things
      Fears: dying, spiders, bugs, the dark, being alone for long periods of time
      Strengths: drawing, singing, animal facts, random trivia sometimes
      Weaknesses: history, I’m weak, allergic to A LOT of things(peanuts, nuts, animals, seasonal)
      Normal Clothes: *see humanize fursona*
      Fighting Clothes: basically Black Panthers outfit (yes, I love him)
      Introvert or Extrovert?: lil o’ both
      Weapon: glowing sword or SPIDER-MAN STUFF(whichever is easier to write :3 but preferably spidey)
      Leader or Follower?: follower but will step up if leader is unfair
      Quirks: sarcastic, sassy, sometimes makes cat noises, gets EXTREMELY FANGIRLY
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): For the sake of story, yes, but I would like to not die :3
      POV?: idc
      Talents?: drawing, singing
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): rule follower, but does break rules
      Other: *shrugs*
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 4
      Speed: 4
      Strategy: 3
      Stealth: 6
      Fighting (in general): 6
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 5
      Memory: ITS OVER 9000!!!!!

    • This seems awesome! I would love to join!

      BlogClan Name: Potato
      Nickname: Potato, Tater Tot, Smol Bean(I gave these to myself)
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 13(it is a good number XD)
      Personality: Goofy, but can be shy with new people, loves animals, sassy, can be blunt
      Humanized Fursona: Short, African American, purple hair, blue eyes, big fuzzy coats (I refuse to take them off, even in high temperatures)
      Accessories?: Purple glasses, and silver medical band
      Blog Friends: I’m new( I have no friends :p)
      Likes: Animals, jokes, puns, video games, drawing, singing, lotsa things
      Dislikes: Rude people, work, lotsa things
      Fears: dying, spiders, bugs, the dark, being alone for long periods of time
      Strengths: drawing, singing, animal facts, random trivia sometimes
      Weaknesses: history, I’m weak, allergic to A LOT of things(peanuts, nuts, animals, seasonal)
      Normal Clothes: *see humanize fursona*
      Fighting Clothes: basically Black Panthers outfit (yes, I love him)
      Introvert or Extrovert?: lil o’ both
      Weapon: glowing sword or SPIDER-MAN STUFF(whichever is easier to write :3 but preferably spidey)
      Leader or Follower?: follower but will step up if leader is unfair
      Quirks: sarcastic, sassy, sometimes makes cat noises, gets EXTREMELY FANGIRLY
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): For the sake of story, yes, but I would like to not die :3
      POV?: idc
      Talents?: drawing, singing
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): rule follower, but does break rules
      Other: *shrugs*
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 4
      Speed: 4
      Strategy: 3
      Stealth: 6
      Fighting (in general): 6
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 5
      Memory: ITS OVER 9000!!

    • reading that plot made me breathless omsc

      BlogClan Name: Oakwhisker
      Nickname: Oak
      Gender: male
      Preferred Pronouns: bisexual
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 16
      Personality: axious and depressing but tries to be funny and spontaneous, usually ends up sounding sarcastic and awkward tho
      Humanized Fursona: redhead, 5′ 4″, pale, freckles, athletic build, sideswept unkempt hair, green eyes,
      Accessories?: fitbit
      Blog Friends: everyone, you 😛
      Likes: music, anything artsy or writing y
      Dislikes: feeling lazy, offbrand food, country and rap music
      Fears: fire, abandonment, rejection
      Strengths: comapssion, endurance
      Weaknesses: strength, social situations
      Normal Clothes: black high top converse, ripped skinny jeans, TOP hoodie tied around waist, PATD t shirt
      Fighting Clothes: mid-calf hiking boots, ripped skinny jeans, running fleece, (if armour then) light armour
      Introvert or Extrovert?: in between (ambivert)
      Weapon: knife or bow and arrows
      Leader or Follower?: depends on the situation
      Quirks: spontaneous, queer christian, has autism and tends to freak out at random
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): depends
      POV?: please
      Talents?: singing, instruments, writing, acting, procrastinating, drawing
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): rebel
      Other: nah
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 4
      Speed: 8
      Strategy: 10
      Stealth: 10
      Fighting (in general): 5
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 10
      Memory: 1

    • BlogClan Name: Darkpaw
      Nickname: Arkie
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): uhhhh 13 😛
      Personality: smart, funny, has a kind of dark side that appears when grumpy or something, is normally snappy and rude and is a jerk when grumpy
      Humanized Fursona: Dark brown hair with reddish-gold highlights, a few inches beneath shoulder, usually messy-ish, worn in a messy ponytail when I do sporty stuff; green eyes; light-skinned; scars all over left hand
      Accessories?: idk
      Blog Friends: Fawny, Blue, Kinky, Lion, Blaz, Dawn, Ottie, Wavey, you
      Likes: stalking people, fighting, hiding, getting my anger out (meaning yelling at whoever I’m mad at), getting revenge, reading, writing, drawing, spelling random words
      Dislikes: being hated, failing at pretty much anything, realizing I screwed up at something, having reason to get revenge ( 😛 ), being criticized, being a jerk
      Fears: throwing up, being betrayed by friends, screwing up in front of a lot of people
      Strengths: hiding, running, fighting, drawing, writing, spelling
      Weaknesses: pacing myself when running, managing anger without involving yelling, remembering unimportant stuff
      Normal Clothes: Black t-shirt, black hoodie, black jeans, black tennis shoes, no socks, black leather gloves
      Fighting Clothes: same thing but black sweatpants instead of jeans and no gloves
      Introvert or Extrovert?: extrovert
      Weapon: sword
      Leader or Follower?: leader
      Quirks: When nervous, I often tap my foot really quickly on the ground and bite my lip (pretty much always making it bleed) and stutter, I bite my lip whenever I’m mad too, I freak out pretty much all the time about stuff like schoolwork, I can also wiggle my ears, twitch my right eye, and do the wave with my eyebrows 😛
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): sure but make it slow and painful 😛
      POV?: yesss
      Talents?: pretty much summed up in the strengths thing
      Rule Follower or Rebel?: I’m a rule follower most of the time but sometimes it’s fun and worth it to be a rebel (but I’m pretty much never a rebel at school)
      Other: I’m a picky eater and I hate printers 😛
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 8ish 9ish
      Speed: 6 but I can’t pace myself very well
      Strategy: 5
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting: 8ish 9ish
      Survival Skill: 5
      Memory: 6

    • Cool idea!🙂 how well do you know me 😛

      BlogClan Name: Shadowedpaw
      Nickname: Shady
      Gender: Femalea
      Preferred Pronouns: She, her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 12
      Personality: Kind, Clever, doesn’t flinch at blood, often argues with herself, knows way too much about medical stuff, loves writing, wicked smaht😛, anxious, doesn’t use any form of swear out loud, calculated.
      Humanized Fursona: Small lithe girl with black hair, turquoise eyes, pale skin.
      Accessories?: A purple string necklace with a shell.
      Blog Friends: Everyone, Dusk, Maple, Fawny, Icy, Embix, like I said, everyone but the people who I listed I know best and talk to most.
      Likes: Ants, Non Barky dogs, food, loyal people, keeping secrets, food, school dances, writing, food, competition, cats, animals, dragons, nature, trees, writing about heartbreak.
      Dislikes: Barky Jumpy dogs, bullies, crybabies, that one guy at my school whose both, mushrooms.
      Fears: BEETLES, death, being caught, teachers disliking me, idk.
      Strengths: Writing, being not awkward at parties/school dances and stuff like that, not being noticed, stealth, walking quietly, eavesdropping, making a really loud, really high pitched noise.
      Weaknesses: Being noticed, talking to acquaintances/not that close friends/crushes/people, not being lazy.
      Normal Clothes: Blue Snoopy tshirt, Dark purple hoodie with a zipper and pockets with zippers, black star patterned leggings, slightly worn boots that are higher than the ankle.
      Fighting Clothes: Black leggings, black long sleeve shirt, slightly worn boots that are higher than the ankle.
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert
      Weapon: Dagger
      Leader or Follower?: Outcast/Follower😛
      Quirks: I hate it when people call periwinkles sea snails, I have a split personality but only inside my head, idk
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): Not really. 😛
      POV?: Sure
      Talents?: Writing, Singing, Dancing, memorizing(once my friends and I wrote a script for a play for a talent show and instead of memorizing only my part, I memorized the whole script completely by accident, which came in handy when my friend was out sick one of the talent show days)school stuff, clarinet playing.
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Uh, rule follower, but I never tattle,
      Other: I’m average at drawing.
      Rate these from 1/10: Yay I love these things.
      Strength: 7, only because I carry too many books at once.
      Speed: 4
      Strategy: 9
      Stealth: 10
      Fighting (in general): 7
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 9
      Memory 9

    • BlogClan Name:thunderpaw
      Preferred Pronouns:he/him
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl):14
      Personality:kind,goofy,easily distracted, extraverted,forgetful, agressive when angry, holds in anger
      Humanized Fursona:(im going to do persona because im changing my furson and havent fully decided yet) tall,short crazy black hair,brown eyes,long legs, lightly tanned
      Blog Friends:i know snowswirl irl and consider all of blogclan my friends
      Fears:dark, being alone forever
      Strengths:running, science,math,talking to people
      Weaknesses:laziness,forgetfulness,does being argumentative count 😛
      Normal Clothes:sweater with a lightning bolt on front,track pants
      Fighting Clothes:black hooded cloak with blue lining, leather armour underneath and a belt for holding weapons
      Introvert or Extrovert?:very extrovert
      Weapon:bow or duel hunting knife (or both?:P)
      Leader or Follower?:i can be either
      Quirks:i am a quirk 😛 i do a lot of really weird stuff,i will spontaneously say unrelated stuff
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths):yep
      Talents?:im pretty good at talking to people
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality):both actually XD depends on my mood
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Fighting (in general):6
      Survival Skill (wilderness):9(i read apocalypse survival books)

    • FORM
      BlogClan Name: Silentsong
      Nickname: Song
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 16
      Personality: Shy, funny, snarky when annoyed, and caring
      Humanized Fursona: Petite girl with lightly tanned skin, pale freckles, chin length golden hair, blue/grey eys and glasses
      Accessories?: A thin silver chain around neck
      Blog Friends: Iris and Sunny
      Likes: being alone, books, animals, and classical music, the dark
      Dislikes: pop music, jerks, large/ loud crowds
      Fears: Rejection, dying
      Strengths: Smart, fast and able to go unnoticed
      Weaknesses: procrasinate, head is often in the clouds
      Normal Clothes: Grayish green tunic with black leggings, a black capelet, and sneakers
      Fighting Clothes: Deep grey shirt and black and dark grey leggings, running shoes
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert
      Weapon: Two long daggers
      Leader or Follower?: A bit of both
      Quirks: cannot stand the sight of fake blood, overactive imagination, likes school and pop quizzes
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): Yes, I think…
      POV?: Sure
      Talents?: Reading, not being noticed, can keep a clear head in a crisis, rational
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Rebel
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 7
      Speed: 10
      Strategy: 9
      Stealth: 10
      Fighting (in general): 8.5
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 6.9
      Memory: 7

    • BlogClan Name: juniperpool
      Nickname: juni
      Gender: female
      Preferred Pronouns: any
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 14
      Personality: clever, awkward, private. somewhat condescending at times, sarcastic.
      Humanized Fursona: black hair up to the shoulder, milky skin, one celadon green eye, one dull cobalt eye
      Accessories?: glasses
      Blog Friends: idk
      Likes: privacy, internet, music
      Dislikes: crowds, needles, mosquitoes
      Fears: needles
      Strengths: can solve puzzles
      Weaknesses: not athletic
      Normal Clothes: black hooded jacket, black converse, blue jeans
      Fighting Clothes: basically her outfit (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/reverse-falls/images/2/24/Cfc84601b425ce36b8b9d0c6629794a9–gravity-falls-bill-gravity-falls-dipper.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/165?cb=20170817162254) but its mainly black, with the brooch thing being sea-green
      Introvert or Extrovert?: introvert, more specifically, intp-t
      Weapon: wand, if not, katars (look them up)
      Leader or Follower?: follower
      Quirks: idk
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): sure
      POV?: sure
      Talents?: none 😛
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): rebel 😛
      Other: asexual
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 2
      Speed: 3
      Strategy: 7.9
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting (in general): 5
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 7
      Memory: 8

    • BlogClan Name: Snowswirl/paw
      Nickname: Snow/Snowy/Snows
      Gender: female
      Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 13
      Personality: happy a lot, good with friends, not very good with new people
      Humanized Fursona: tall, long (middle of back or lower) white hair with black sections or a swirl or black tips or something, blue eyes
      Accessories?: a watch (right arm)
      Blog Friends: Thunderheart, Duskswirl, anyone who thinks I am their friend but mostly everybody
      Likes: books, lego ninjago (tv show), tetris
      Dislikes: annoying people
      Fears: semi-afraid of the dark, running out of air (to breathe)
      Strengths: smartness I guess
      Weaknesses: high pressure situations
      Normal Clothes: black pants, black or dark gray sweater (with zipper), bright t-shirt with some funny sentence on it
      Fighting Clothes: probably the same as normal clothes
      Introvert or Extrovert?: ambivert
      Weapon: dual swords
      Leader or Follower?: attempted leader
      Quirks: hypermobile in elbow, thumb, shoulder
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): if you want/need
      POV?: if you want
      Talents?: figure skate, clarinet, flexible (I can put both feet behind my head)
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): umm in the middle
      Other: nope not that I can think of
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 6-7
      Speed: 7
      Strategy: 8
      Stealth: 7
      Fighting (in general): 8
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 8-9
      Memory: 7

    • BlogClan Name: Dewpaw
      Nickname: Dew
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 13
      Personality: Intelligent, clumsy, independent, stubborn, creative, introverted
      Humanized Fursona: Smallish, pale skin, shoulder length light silver hair with darker tips, blue eyes
      Accessories?: Silver bracelet
      Blog Friends: idk
      Likes: Reading, writing, art, swimming, chocolate, HAMILTON
      Dislikes: Rude people, bad attitudes, mean girls at school, running
      Fears: Stinging insects, storms, the dark
      Strengths: Academic stuff, swimming, art, I’m good at being resourceful and doing things for the good of the group
      Weaknesses: I’m really shy, too stubborn, I’m a pushover sometimes
      Normal Clothes: Dark teal sweater, dark gray leggings, black combat boots, silver bracelet I totally didn’t just say what I wore today
      Fighting Clothes: Short sleeved black shirt, gray jacket, black leggings, black combat boots, belt that can hold stuff
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert
      Weapon: Silver knife with a wooden handle
      Leader or Follower?: Leader, but sometimes I like to step back and let somebody else do it
      Quirks: Prepare yourself 😛 I make up weird words, like”multisnacking”, I forget words and just call it “the thing”, I bite my nails, I talk suuuuuper fast, sometimes I hang upside down over the edge of my bed while reading, I have a weird sense of humor in general (look up the YouTube video “Pigeons Can-Can” if you wanna see what I mean I find it hilarious 😛 )
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): No thanks 😛
      Talents?: I can swim, sing, read and write well, I’m good at history and Latin
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Rule follower
      Other: None
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 5
      Speed: 4
      Strategy: 9
      Stealth: 8
      Fighting (in general): 5 (My defense is much better than my offense)
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 6
      Memory: 10

    • BlogClan Name: Flamebriar
      Nickname: Flame, Flamey
      Gender: Nonbinary
      Preferred Pronouns: They/them
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 13
      Personality: Caring, protective, kind of shy but also brave
      Humanized Fursona: Pink hair, short in back longer in front, grey jacket with red undersleeves, pink shirt underneat but jacket will usually be zipped up, baggy camo pants/black leggings with a long dark blue skirt with flowers on it (switches between both), red sneakers.
      Accessories?: oooh okay so a band on their wrist made out of hard light and sometimes pink kitty ears that they wear
      Blog Friends: You, Wistep, Wavey, Swany, Icy, Sunny, Spotzel, Haz, FAWNY (berry), Frosty, KAyden, Lau, Blue, Strem, and pretty much everyone but those are the people im most likely to hang around
      Likes: Overwatch, Omam, Cats, computers, coding/hacking,
      Dislikes: swimming in the ocean, really hot weather, people calling them a boy or a girl or saying that they cant wear a certai nthing
      Fears: swimming in the ocmem, sharks, one of my friends dying
      Strengths: video games, coding, hacking
      Weaknesses: kryptonite heights
      Normal Clothes: Idk what you mean but basically what I put above
      Fighting Clothes: idk what this means either
      Introvert or Extrovert?: inbetween??
      Weapon: Bow and arrow/ hard light
      Leader or Follower?: Leader??? if not then follower but i kinda prefer leader though im also kinda of a follower
      Quirks: obsesses over video games, cant walk properly like always falls over and stuff
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): sure just not super early in the story
      POV?: yes please
      Talents?: fast hacker, kind of good at video games, jumping (like parkour)
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): kind of both
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 4
      Speed: 4
      Strategy: 5
      Stealth: 8
      Fighting (in general): 7
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 10
      Memory: 4/5

      I cannot wait!

    • BlogClan Name: Skypaw/song
      Nickname: Sky
      Gender: Female/girl
      Preferred Pronouns: she, her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl):13
      Personality: INTJ(-T/-A). Read here: https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality
      Humanized Fursona: Black wavy hair that reaches shoulder blades with silver tips, electric-blue eyes
      Accessories?: A thin silver necklace with a real sapphire, always safely tucked under her shirt, two hair ties always around her right wrist.
      Blog Friends: Peto, all the mods basically, Spark, Ottie, Dawny, Wistep, Wavey, Arkie, there’s more but I can’t remember
      Likes: Flora and fauna, reading, solving puzzles, fun writing, being best, winning, being right, swimming, the water, debating, music
      Dislikes: Bad surprises, sad endings, scary movies(gives her nightmares)
      Fears: Bad scares, being alone without anyone forever
      Strengths: Very smart and logical, a good leader
      Weaknesses: Cannot kill no matter what, minor OCD
      Normal Clothes: Sky-blue shirt with a silver eight note in front, long black pants, and comfy sneakers
      Fighting Clothes: Two layers of silver armor, a belt with all sorts of blades, knives, guns, and gizmos that I may need.
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert, though I have a few extrovert aspects.
      Weapon: Mainly a medium-length dagger blade that can be easily folded up and stored in a pocket.
      Leader or Follower?: Leader
      Quirks: Burns people without meaning to easily, smart, logical, talks basically 1000 mph and thinks that others talk r e a l l y s l o w.
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): No, please…
      POV?: Yes!
      Talents?: Songwriting, piano, violin, swimming, horse-back-riding, solving logic puzzles, reading, maybe writing
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): It depends on how I’m feeling, the other factors at play, and what I’d be breaking the rule for. Could you possibly give me a little “what if?”
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 8.5
      Speed: 9
      Strategy: 10
      Stealth: 10
      Fighting (in general): 9.5(But she wouldn’t every kill and she hates getting hurt)
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 9.8
      Memory: 10

      This is an amazing idea! I hope you know me well enough. 😉

      • “burns people without meaning to easily”
        haha 😛

        for example, what if you were instructed to stay behind in unfamiliar terrain and no one would tell you anything, would you not listen and eavesdrop/follow them?

        • 😛 Sorry for being late.

          In that extreme situation, I’d become suspicious and eavesdrop on them. However, I’d only follow them a short ways.

    • BlogClan Name: Shiverfur
      Nickname: Shivy
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: She/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 15
      Personality: Funny, sarcastic, blunt, honest, awkward, messy, clumsy, kind, mischevious, brave
      Humanized Fursona: 5’1.5 , shoulder-length wavy silvery blonde hair with blue ends, blue eyes, pale skin with a few freckles
      Accessories?: Nope
      Blog Friends: Everyoneee <3 (Fallen, Frosty, Dais, Flo, Blue, Lion, you and too many others <3 )
      Likes: Animals, food, musicals, books, being lazy, baking, art, internet 😛
      Dislikes: Annoying children, moths, holes
      Fears: Holes, moths
      Strengths: Baking, drawing and art, swimming
      Weaknesses: Having to strike up a conversation with someone, I have a minor stutter. Also I hate sport unless its swimming or cricket 😛
      Normal Clothes: Blue denim skirt, black t-shirt, tights and chelsea boots
      Fighting Clothes: this is gonna sounds crazy but like what the skaters wear in yuri on ice but more armour-y 😛 black and blue armour things with trainers and gloves idk 😛
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert but extroverted around people i like
      Weapon: Are wands allowed? 😛 If not, then a dagger.
      Leader or Follower?: Kinda both 😛
      Quirks: I whistle and sing and hum and tap on surfaces NOn-StOp . I can also dislocate (or do something weird of that sort) both my thumbs and a little finger
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): Umm you choose 😛
      POV?: Yassss
      Talents?: Baking, swimming, drawing, animal-caring
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Rebel 😛
      Other: Nope 🙂
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 8 i’ve been told i’m pretty strong?
      Speed: 8 if sprinting, but i’m bad at long distance
      Strategy: 8 ya
      Stealth: 4.5 nah
      Fighting (in general): 7.5 yup
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 9 yas i love that stuff
      Memory: 3 i cant remember what i did yesterday so no

      i cant waittt 😀

    • FORM
      BlogClan Name: Irismist
      Nickname: Iris
      Gender: Female
      Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 12
      Personality: sweet, kind, smart, witty, calm in bad situations, fierce when self or friends threatened, funny (or tries to be), stubborn, a natural leader, stands for what she beleives is right, good at making new friends
      Humanized Fursona: Tannish girl with deep purple eyes, long dark brown hair w/ natural ginger highlights, long eyelashes
      Accessories?: A silver bracelet with little irises engraved on it that can turn into my katana or bow and arrow (idc which for my weapon) when it touch the middle flower (I totally stole that idea from Percy Jackson 😛 )
      Blog Friends: Maple, Ottie, Shady, Flamebriar, Silentsong, Cheetahpaw, Jazzy, Bright Wing, Sunny, anyone who wants to be friends with me!
      Likes: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Warriors, reading, writing, climbing trees, dancing, singing, doing gymnastics, going on Blogclan, science…
      Dislikes: Spiders, needles, bullies or people who pick on my friends or “weaker” people, Snape
      Fears: Spiders, needles, being in the dark by myself (not so much the dark itself, but the things my imagination tells me are in the dark), hurting my friends or my friends be killed
      Strengths: I’m super smart and witty, creating thinking, flexible and speedy, death stare 😛
      Weaknesses: I’m not very straight up strong, sometimes my size (I’m small for an 12 year old) because people might not take me seriously (which they regret 😛 )
      Normal Clothes: Dark blue jeggings with a white long sleeved shirt w/ a multi-colored tree on it, purple sneakers, my long hair loose and down
      Fighting Clothes: Same jeggings, slim-fitting black or camo shirt (depending on whether we are fighting at night or day), hair in a ponytail, tool belt with flashlight, lockpick, extra weapon, all that fun stuff 😛
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert 🙂
      Weapon: I mentioned it in accessories, a bracelet that can turn into my katana or bow and arrow when I touch the middle flower (only works for me ’cause I’m special) 😛
      Leader or Follower?: Leader
      Quirks: Can talk about books for hours without stopping (which tends to annoy most peeps 😛 ), daydreams, can read through anything, tends to burst out singing at random times even if no one wants to listen
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): Yes, but I would want to die for a friend or something 🙂
      POV?: YES!!!
      Talents?: Super fast reader, really smart, pretty good at singing and dancing (I hope 😛 ), good at making friends (is that a talent?), artistic, I’m a good actor, good fighter
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): For personality, I’m a mix of both, but I tend to play the rule follower as not to get in trouble in school, but I a rebel too 😀
      Other: I don’t think so
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 6
      Speed: 8
      Strategy: 10
      Stealth: 8 or 9
      Fighting (in general): 8
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 10
      Memory: 8
      I’m so super excited Peto!! I can’t wait for this to come out!! 😀

    • BlogClan Name: Bluefire
      Nickname: Fire
      Gender: female
      Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 15
      Personality: loyal, kind, helpful, shy, smart, quick-tempered
      Humanized Fursona: black hair with blue-grey tips, storm-grey eyes, pale skin.
      Accessories?: a silver necklace with a silver key pendant (key-sized) that has emeralds in it.
      Blog Friends: everyone! Seriously though =)
      Likes: reading, writing, sketching, exploring
      Dislikes: fighting, friends being injured, being alone
      Fears: things that hide in the dark, heights, being completely alone
      Strengths: ?
      Weaknesses: ?
      Normal Clothes: jeans, dark t-shirt, black jacket, black boots.
      Fighting Clothes: combat boots, hair tied up, same shirt, same jeans. no jacket.
      Introvert or Extrovert?: INTROVERT
      Weapon: scythe
      Leader or Follower?: Leader
      Quirks: often lost in thought, but otherwise good at making plans
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): No…
      POV?: Yes please =)
      Talents?: drawing, escaping, sneaking
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Rebel!!!
      Other: stronger than she looks, and very, very smart
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 8
      Speed: 7
      Strategy: 10
      Stealth: 9
      Fighting (in general): 6
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 8
      Memory: 9

    • BlogClan Name: Frostpaw/feather
      Nickname: Frosty
      Gender: Male
      Preferred Pronouns: He/him
      Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 14
      Personality: Shy around people I don’t know, sarcastic (but I usually hide it cause I’m scared of hurting people unless they really really deserve it), caring I guess? Worries a lot (but once again I keep it to myself 😛 ), curious, observant. INFP, a Hufflepuff, has inferiority complex.
      Humanized Fursona: Relatively tall, blue eyes, grey hair with white at the temples
      Accessories?: Nah
      Blog Friends: Dais, Goldi, Silv, Lau, Ollie, Flo, Lily, Breezey, Gummy, Gladey, Wist, Fallen, both Shivs, Flamey, Jaz, Peto, Wollow, Owl, Blaz, Wavey, Stoaty, and Haz, though I usually consider anyone I know who isn’t a jerk a friend
      Likes: Books, music, animals, nature, puns, friends, flannel, soup, ice cream, anything warm or fuzzy
      Dislikes: Bugs, peppers, wet socks, bullies, giving presentations
      Fears: Spiders, extreme heights, public speaking, losing friends or family
      Strengths: Uhh good at puzzles? Word searches, crosswords, sudoku, jigsaws… they all come easily to me 😛 and I guess I’m pretty observant? and sneaky 😉
      Weaknesses: Gives in too easily, too sarcastic, not the best at advice, socially awkward and not very athletic
      Normal Clothes: Dark jeans, shortsleeved black Twenty One Pilots shirt, longsleeved plaid flannel shirt, white socks, black and white shoes, thin framed glasses
      Fighting Clothes: Dark camo pants, longsleeved black shirt, black gloves and beanie, dark combat boots and belt with Swiss Army knife, flashlight, lockpicks, screwdriver, pepper spray, radio, flash and smoke grenades (two each), baton, and lighter attached (let’s just say I’m always prepared 😛 )
      Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert
      Weapon: Two daos (medium length Asian blade with a slight curve, kinda like a katana)
      Leader or Follower?: Follower
      Quirks: Draws all over my arms, drums hands/fingers a lot (even if I don’t want to sometimes), double-jointed, gives strange names to everything, collects quarters with the states on back, does finger guns all the time, has super minty breath cause I have like five peppermints every morning 😛
      Are You Okay With Dying? (no stupid and quick deaths): If I have to 😛 Just make it meaningful 😉
      POV?: Your choice ^^
      Talents?: none Climbing, sneaking around, solving puzzles, great memory, good at figuring stuff out (ik that’s confusing but like I observe and store away everything I see or hear like a database so I can always call back on it which combined with my strange inferences makes for an easy time figuring out mysteries 😛 )
      Rule Follower or Rebel? (as in personality): Kinda in between? idk depends on the situation
      Other: Nah
      Rate these from 1/10:
      Strength: 2 oof
      Speed: 8
      Strategy: 8
      Stealth: 9
      Fighting (in general): 5
      Survival Skill (wilderness): 7
      Memory: 9

  • ayoooooo repost of forms for Beneath the Trees! This is the complete updated form 🙂

    Name (human/prefix):



    Age (doesn’t have to be your real age):

    Preferred Pronouns:

    Human appearance:


    Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender)

    Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount)

    Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences)

    Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference):

    Preferred bunkmate (^):


    On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:




    Arts and Crafts:









    Horseback Riding:

    Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors)






    What would you bring?

    Pajamas (optional):

    Favorite Camp Meals:

    What would you do during downtime?

    Are you into singing at campfire stuff?

    Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp?

    How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people)

    Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty?

    What kind of weapon do you use?

    Would you be good at healing and/or potions?

    Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions)

    If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light)

    Do you make friendship bracelets?

    Favorite colors:

    Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes)

    How good are you at being a leader?

    How good are you under high pressure?

    How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries?

    How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate?

    How good would you be at your magic at the beginning?

    How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)?


    Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 )

    How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people?

    Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers?

    How heavy of a sleeper are you?

    • Name (human/prefix): Blue/Kelly

      Nickname: Blue

      Gender: Female

      Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 12

      Preferred Pronouns: She/her

      Human appearance: Tall, broad-shouldered girl with thick, dirty blonde hair in a braid or worn down, blue-gray eyes.

      Clothes: Black sweatpants, black sneakers, black jacket.

      Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender) Girl

      Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount) Sapphire

      Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences) YES!

      Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference): You, Peto, Emma, and Fallen

      Preferred bunkmate (^): Emma

      Swimsuit: Just something one-piece and black

      On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:

      Archery: 8



      Arts and Crafts:7









      Horseback Riding: 10

      Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors) DANCE!!!!

      Likes: OUAT. The Missing. Regina and Robin. JB

      Dislikes: Sonic the Hedghog (Excluding Sonic Boom) Anime, annoying people. People constantly talking. PEOPLE EATING BEHIND ME!!! BEING BREATHED ON!!!

      Strengths: I’m strong. 😛 Dance

      Weaknesses: Wait, what’s water? I need to drink it? Oh. My bottle is a foot away, I can’t possibly go get it 😛

      Personality: Brave, defiant, blunt, harsh, brutal, confident

      What would you bring? My laptop, a OUAT Poster, and maybe my IPad for music

      Pajamas (optional): Anything black

      Favorite Camp Meals: Cheeseburgers and hot dogs

      What would you do during downtime? Dunno Laptop or Read

      Are you into singing at campfire stuff? YES!

      Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? I can’t do neither, but I still sing 😛

      How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people) As long as I need to be to be head counselor I guess

      Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? Dunno

      What kind of weapon do you use? Sword, but a dagger if you can make me look cool with it 😛

      Would you be good at healing and/or potions? Maybe 😛

      Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) If I can have two, combat and mind magic. If only one, combat

      If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light)

      Do you make friendship bracelets? Not really 😛

      Favorite colors: Black, maroon, blue

      Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes): No thanks

      How good are you at being a leader? Amazing 😛

      How good are you under high pressure? Pretty good 😛

      How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries? Pretty good 😛

      How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? As far as I must

      How good would you be at your magic at the beginning?

      How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)?


      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 )

      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people?

      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers?

      How heavy of a sleeper are you?

      • Blue you already signed up for this and you forgot a few of the questions at the end 😛

        • I know, but the last one was a bit all over the place, so I thought this might be easier for you to read 😛 And here you go: (It was before bed so I was out of it ;P)

          How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? Really good 😉 😛

          How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? A lot

          POV? Yes please 😛

          Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) You, Emma, and Peto

          How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people?: Not really

          Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? Yes, but I wouldn’t put my head underneath

          How heavy of a sleeper are you? Pretty heavy, but if something loud happens, I wake up. Or sometimes I wake up for just no reason at all 😛

        • Name (human/prefix): Samuel

          Nickname: Sam, Sammy

          Gender: male, bisexual

          Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 16

          Preferred Pronouns: male/him/he

          Human appearance: redhead, freckles, pale, athletic build, blue-green eyes, 5′ 4″, unkempt sideswept haircut

          Clothes: black high top converse, ripped skinny jeans, TOP hoodie tied around waist, p!atd t shirt

          Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender) doesn’t matter

          Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount) emerald

          Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences) sure

          Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference): idc

          Preferred bunkmate (^): whoever

          Swimsuit: hiking shorts and Cane Creek MTB Racing jersey

          On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:

          Archery: 9

          Swimming: 1

          Diving: 1

          Arts and Crafts: 10

          Cooking: 10

          Hiking: 10

          Sports: 6

          Gardening: 5

          Music: 10

          Boating: 4

          Dance: 1

          Photography: 8

          Horseback Riding: 8

          Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors) i could lead hiking, music, photography, or archery :3

          Likes: music, art stuff, writing stuff, running

          Dislikes: offbrand food, feeling lazy, rap/country music

          Strengths: comapssion, endurance

          Weaknesses: strength, swimming

          Personality: anxious and depressing, tries to be spontaneous and funny but ends up coming off sarcastic and annoying

          What would you bring? guitar, cajon drum, typewriter, giant case of green tea, yeah

          Pajamas (optional): baggy yuri on ice t shirt

          Favorite Camp Meals: mashed potatoes, tacos

          What would you do during downtime? write, read, play instruments/sing, run, hike, kayak, mtb, climb a tree and get lost in thought for hours at a time

          Are you into singing at campfire stuff? yus

          Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? yus and yus

          How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people) 5? idk

          Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? not really lol i’m not important

          What kind of weapon do you use? knives/bow and arrow

          Would you be good at healing and/or potions? healing yus, potions no 😛

          Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) yus

          If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light) earth

          Do you make friendship bracelets? no

          Favorite colors: blue/green/purple/black

          Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes) sure!! no preference, if fawny/roo sign up then either of them 0w0

          How good are you at being a leader? depends on the situation

          How good are you under high pressure? fine, but i’ll break down afterwards

          How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries? pretty gud

          How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? too far

          How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? not very 😛

          How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? terrible at first, but progressivly getting better

          POV? pleeeease

          Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) no

          How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? not at all, i love darkness

          Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? sure, but i’m not good at it

          How heavy of a sleeper are you? i can sleep through a tornado 😛

    • This looks really fun!

      Name (human/prefix): Luana

      Nickname: Potato, Tater Tot, Bean

      Gender: female

      Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 13

      Preferred Pronouns: she/her

      Human appearance: short, African American, long purple hair, blue eyes

      Clothes: big coats

      Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender) girl, but idc

      Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount) Sapphire(it’s pretty)

      Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences) nah, I’m fine

      Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference): I don’t know anyone, but I’m fine with anyone

      Preferred bunkmate (^): *see above*

      Swimsuit: blue shiny one piece

      On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:

      Archery: 6

      Swimming: 9

      Diving: 8

      Arts and Crafts: 100

      Cooking: 3

      Hiking: 1

      Sports: 1

      Gardening: 7

      Music: 1000000000

      Boating: 8

      Dance: 6

      Photography: 4

      Horseback Riding: 10

      Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors) I’d lead music, singing mostly

      Likes: animals, video games, jokes, puns, drawing, singing, lotsa things

      Dislikes: rude people, work, lotsa things

      Strengths: drawing, singing, animals facts, random trivia sometimes

      Weaknesses: history, I’m weak, allergic to A LOT of things(peanuts, nuts, animal, seasonal)

      Personality: goofy, but can be shy with new people, loves animals, sassy, can be blunt

      What would you bring? iPad for drawing, sketch pad, Books(warriors, the book thief, lotsa books) normal stuff

      Pajamas (optional): long, oversized, white shirt

      Favorite Camp Meals: anything with meat

      What would you do during downtime? Draw, read, sing

      Are you into singing at campfire stuff? Not really(weird I know)

      Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? I CAN SING LIKE AN ANGEL!!!! Draw, sing, read

      How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people) a fresh newbie

      Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? Leading either art or music

      What kind of weapon do you use? Claws like black panther or Spider-Man stuff

      Would you be good at healing and/or potions? Nope

      Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) animal magic

      If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light) water

      Do you make friendship bracelets? Nope. Don’t have friends


      Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes) I mean I don’t care, but I don’t know anyone, so….. preferably male but don’t care

      How good are you at being a leader? Not very good

      How good are you under high pressure? Ehh…

      How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries? *derp face* decent I guess

      How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? 1-10 about a 7

      How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? 1-10 4

      How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? To a 8.5!

      POV? Idc

      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) Nope

      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? I’m fine with other people, but scared by myself

      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? I guess…

      How heavy of a sleeper are you? EXTREMELY light

        • that’s not how it works, you can be a CIT for a certain cabin. There will be one head counselor and one CIT in each cabin. Right now the only cabin with a CIT is Sapphire, but I have yet to get an answer from someone else so Ruby/Aquamarine/Emerald might be taken soon idk

          • CIT is counselor in training, and most of the time there is a CIT assigned to each cabin. Where I go to camp, there’s a separate CIT unit across the street and your CIT doesn’t spend all their time with you. Also, they do a CIT project t improve the camp, but I’m not sure what Wavey’s aim for the CIT thing is, so I’ll leave it up to her. Most of the time, you are a CIT either one or two years.

    • Name (human/prefix): Shady

      Nickname: Shady

      Gender: Female

      Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 12

      Preferred Pronouns: She, her

      Human appearance: small lithe girl with dark brown reddish hair and pale skin

      Clothes: Blue Snoopy T-shirt, Purple hoodie with zipper and pockets, black star patterned leggings.

      Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender)
      Girl, although I wouldn’t mind being in the multi gender cabin.
      Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount)
      Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences)
      Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference):
      Dusk, Maple, Peto, Embix, Icy.
      Preferred bunkmate (^):
      Dusk or Maple
      Swimsuit: One peice black and turquoise.

      On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:
      I love filling out stuff like this.🙂
      Archery: 9



      Arts and Crafts:7









      Horseback Riding:10

      Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors)I couldn’t.

      Likes: Ants, Non Barky dogs, food, loyal people, keeping secrets, food, school dances, writing, food, competition, cats, animals, dragons, nature, trees, writing about heartbreak.
      Dislikes: Barky Jumpy dogs, bullies, crybabies, that one guy at my school whose both, mushrooms.
      Strengths: Writing, being not awkward at parties/school dances and stuff like that, not being noticed, stealth, walking quietly, eavesdropping, making a really loud, really high pitched noise.
      Weaknesses: Being noticed, talking to acquaintances/not that close friends/crushes/people, not being lazy.

      What would you bring? I have no idea what the prompt is. 😛 Wait now I sorta do. Toiletries, cloth bandages, Swiss Army knife, compass, idk, essentials.

      Pajamas (optional): Blue polka dot onesies.

      Favorite Camp Meals: Pancakes.

      What would you do during downtime? Read.

      Are you into singing at campfire stuff? Yes. 😛

      Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? Sing, play clarinet. Uh, I’d sing with other people but not alone, if asked I would play clarinet.

      How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people) 2 years?

      Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? No.

      What kind of weapon do you use? Dagger, preferably.

      Would you be good at healing and/or potions? YES!

      Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) elemental magic

      If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light) fire.

      Do you make friendship bracelets? Not unless I’m reaaallllyyy bored.

      Favorite colors: purple, black, blue.

      Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes) sure, no preference.

      How good are you at being a leader? Never been one, i geuss okay?

      How good are you under high pressure? I function pretty normally.

      How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries? I’m good at picking up clues, okay at figuring out mysteries.

      How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? Sorta far?

      How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? Okay.

      How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? Sorta strong

      POV? Sure

      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) Nope

      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? Afraid, but not much, but I like darkness in the woods, I’d totally feel better with other people.

      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? I’m horrid at swimming, but yes.

      How heavy of a sleeper are you? I slept through a tree falling on my house, but I was really young so I geuss average.

      I think I’ll go find the plot. 😛

    • Name (human/prefix): Song

      Nickname: S

      Gender: Female

      Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 14

      Preferred Pronouns: She/her

      Human appearance: Petite, lightly tanned girl with shoulder length reddish gold hair and blue eyes

      Clothes: Taragon green tunic with black pants and small black capelet

      Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender) Multigender

      Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount) Aquamarine

      Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences) No

      Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference): Iris

      Preferred bunkmate (^): Iris

      Swimsuit: One peice, black with swirls of varying shades of gold, like the night sky

      On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:

      Archery: 9


      Diving: 8

      Arts and Crafts:4





      Music: 5

      Boating: 4

      Dance: 9

      Photography: 10

      Horseback Riding: 10

      Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors) Horseback riding

      Likes: books, being left alone to read, listening to classicla music, the dark

      Dislikes: people interrupting me when I’m reading, people behind me, and mindless noise that’s called music these days, people who are jerks

      Strengths: Smart, analyctical and good at strategy

      Weaknesses: Head in the clouds, overactive imagination( often do odd things because of it), and not really social

      Personality: Shy, quiet, smart, caring and sometimes snarky

      What would you bring? My kindle paperwhite, my phone and earphones, my violin, and as many books as I can fit into a carry on bag,

      Pajamas (optional): Loose tee-shirt and loose pajama bottoms

      Favorite Camp Meals: Hamburgers

      What would you do during downtime? Read while listening to music

      Are you into singing at campfire stuff? No

      Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? I can play the violin,and yes

      How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people) A few years

      Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? I don’t think so

      What kind of weapon do you use? Two long daggers and a bow and arrow

      Would you be good at healing and/or potions? Yes

      Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) Either elemental or mind magic

      If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light) Light

      Do you make friendship bracelets? No

      Favorite colors: None

      Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes) No

      How good are you at being a leader? Pretty good, not the best though

      How good are you under high pressure? Good

      How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries? Pretty good

      How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? As long as it doesn’t involve anything super weird. pretty far

      How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? Pretty good

      How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? IDK, a lot

      POV? Sure

      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) NO

      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? Not afraid of the dark, and no.

      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? Yes

      How heavy of a sleeper are you? Light sleeper

    • I dont know if ive already signed up for this so im gonna fill this out

      Name (human/prefix): Flame Briar

      Nickname: Fame, Flamey

      Gender: Nonbinary

      Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 13

      Preferred Pronouns: They/them

      Human appearance: pink hair long in front short in back, paleish skin with hazel eyes

      Clothes: grey jacket with red undersleeves, pink shirt underneath though the jacket would mostly be zipped up most of the time, baggy camo pants/black leggings with a long blue skirt with flowers on it (wears both), red sneakers

      Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender) like i think i would be most comfortable in a multi-gender/girls cabin cause im weird

      Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount): idc

      Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences) nope

      Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference): I mean like idk what you mean but i would mostly want it to be my friends tho

      Preferred bunkmate (^): wistep or blue??

      Swimsuit: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk like swim shorts and a rash guard thing

      On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:

      Archery: 10

      Swimming: 9

      Diving: ?? 7

      Arts and Crafts: 5

      Cooking: 8

      Hiking: 1

      Sports: 2

      Gardening: 3

      Music: 6

      Boating: 1

      Dance: 1

      Photography: 6

      Horseback Riding: 1

      Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors)

      Likes: Overwatch, Computers, internet, Omam,

      Dislikes: swimming in a lake/ocean

      Strengths: computer related things, aiming

      Weaknesses: trying to lift heavy things

      Personality: Caring, protective, shy but sort of brave

      What would you bring? a blanket, a computer or phone if possible, a pillow

      Pajamas (optional): Just like a camo button up shirt thing in pants that are super fuzzy and warm

      Favorite Camp Meals: anyting thats not soup, macaroni and cheese, cow that isnt in a hamburger, any type of pork, and favorites being like spaghetti, bread, buns, stuff like tht

      What would you do during downtime? not sure what that is but im guessing when you arent doign anything so probably like pacing around talking to friends

      Are you into singing at campfire stuff? Maybe? if its omam 😛

      Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? Maybe maybe like my voice isnt super good but i cant play piano

      How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people) iddkk like maybe 1 year i guess

      Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? nope

      What kind of weapon do you use? bow and arrow

      Would you be good at healing and/or potions? sure

      Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) healing, combat or elemental

      If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light) light/ice snow

      Do you make friendship bracelets? i dont but i would maybe

      Favorite colors: pink and purple

      Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes) i mean sure like i guess female i guesss

      How good are you at being a leader? not supur

      How good are you under high pressure? not good

      How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries? i mean okay

      How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? pretty far

      How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? maybe like okay

      How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? a good amount pribbaly

      POV? Yess please

      Siblings? no

      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? I am afraid of the dark very and others being around makes me feel better aswell as like a little jnight light and sheets covering the windoes

      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? no

      How heavy of a sleeper are you? not very P

      Cant wait

    • How heavy of a sleeper are you?
      This is the only question I haven’t done, correct? Well, I’d say that I’m normal. I sleep pretty well, but once woken up for a while, find it hard to go back to sleep. If you touch my shoulder or make a sort of quiet sound near where I’m sleeping, it’ll most likely wake me. However, if the sound is super quiet, I won’t be disturbed.

    • Name (human/prefix): Umm Shivy is totally a human name but if not then.. Nellie 😛 (i like that name its so cute 😛 )

      Nickname: Idk 😛

      Gender: Female

      Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 15

      Preferred Pronouns: She/her

      Human appearance: Small ( 5’1.5), thick curly/wavy blonde hair a bit past shoulder with a touch of blue in it 😛 , pale skin, a few freckles, greeny blue eyes

      Clothes: Blue denim skirt with black tights, t-shirt and Vans shoes

      Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender): Girls or multi idk?

      Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount) : I dont mind 🙂 Amethyst?

      Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences) um sure idm

      Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference): Umm i dont mind 🙂

      Preferred bunkmate (^): Fallen <3

      Swimsuit: One-piece, navy or black

      On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:

      Archery: 7

      Swimming: 10

      Diving: 9

      Arts and Crafts: 10

      Cooking: 10

      Hiking: 7

      Sports: 1

      Gardening: 6

      Music: 8

      Boating: 6

      Dance: 4

      Photography: 6

      Horseback Riding: 8

      Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors) umm swimming or cooking or arts ans crafts?

      Likes: Animals, baking, musicals, food, internet, swimming, drawing, having fun

      Dislikes: Moths, holes, meat

      Strengths: Baking and cooking, art, swimming

      Weaknesses: I'm a bit nervous and awkward around people sometimes

      Personality: Funny, sarcastic, creative, blunt, honest, kind, can be insensitive, awkward, messy, clumsy

      What would you bring?: FOOD, drawing stuff, phone, stuffed toys, books

      Pajamas (optional): Fluffy grey ones

      Favorite Camp Meals: Um idk anything that involves potatoes

      What would you do during downtime? Sleep or internet or read or draw

      Are you into singing at campfire stuff? Sure

      Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? I play trumpet 😛 I can sing but I'm a little nervous to do it in front of my friends

      How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people): Idk 😛

      Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? No?

      What kind of weapon do you use? Dagger/penknife

      Would you be good at healing and/or potions? Probably not

      Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) animal pleaseee or mind

      If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light) air or water

      Do you make friendship bracelets? Not normally, maybe?

      Favorite colors: Yellow, blue, lilac

      Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes) ya fallen 😛

      How good are you at being a leader? Um okay i guess?

      How good are you under high pressure? Not bad

      How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries?: Quite well

      How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? Um i wouldnt put myself in serious danger but other than that yeah

      How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? Um okay not too bad or good, avergae

      How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? Quite a bit/ a little

      POV? Sure!

      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ): Ummmm you choose idk 😛

      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? : I can be scared if i think of scary things and i would act a little clingy i guess

      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? Yup!

      How heavy of a sleeper are you?: Not that heavy tbh

      Yayyy this’ll be great Wavey! 😀

    • Name (human/prefix): Fire.

      Nickname: Any of my commonly used nicknames are fine.

      Gender: Female.

      Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 12.

      Preferred Pronouns: She/her.

      Human appearance: 5’6, pale, shoulder-length straight brown hair, hazel eyes.

      Clothes: Purple T-shirt, jeans, gray tennis shoes, gray jacket.

      Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender): Multi-gender.

      Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount): Amethyst.

      Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences) No thanks.

      Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference): Anyone!

      Preferred bunkmate (^): Again, anyone!

      Swimsuit: Black and purple one-piece.

      On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:

      Archery: 8

      Swimming: 10

      Diving: 6

      Arts and Crafts: 10

      Cooking: 10

      Hiking: 10

      Sports: 1

      Gardening: 8

      Music: 10

      Boating: 10

      Dance: 1

      Photography: 6

      Horseback Riding: 10

      Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors) Not a counsler :p

      Likes: Reading, drawing, crafting, music.

      Dislikes: Sports and math.

      Strengths: Okay at memorizing, smart.

      Weaknesses: Easily frustrated, unathletic, overly emotional.

      Personality: Kind, awkward, caring, harsh.

      What would you bring? A notebook and pencils, some sort of fantasy book, pictures of my family and friends, some sort of device that I can listen to music on (radio, iPod, etc.), my bass clarinet.

      Pajamas (optional): Fuzzy purplue pants, long black t-shirt.

      Favorite Camp Meals: Corn dogs.

      What would you do during downtime? Draw, read, explore, listen to music.

      Are you into singing at campfire stuff? More like quiet mumbling.

      Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? Instrument: Bass and Bb clarinet. Sing: Not really. Would play instrument, would not sing. (I hate my singing voice.)

      How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people) 3 years.

      Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? Nope.

      What kind of weapon do you use? A kitchen knife.

      Would you be good at healing and/or potions? Yes.

      Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) Animal.

      If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light) Missed my chance to have fire elemental powers :p

      Do you make friendship bracelets? No.

      Favorite colors: PURPLE, black, gray, and white.

      Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes) Sure. No gender preferences. Don’t have anyone in mind.

      How good are you at being a leader? Depends on the situation, but gengerally not a very good one.

      How good are you under high pressure? Not good at all.

      How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries? 1-10, maybe a 6 or 7.

      How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? I do as much as I was able!

      How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? I’d be okay at magic.

      How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? I’d become a lot better at it.

      POV? It’s fine by me.

      Siblings? None.

      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? 1-10, maybe a 3 or 4. If I was with others, it would probably be a 1.

      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? Yup!

      How heavy of a sleeper are you? Not a very heavy sleeper.

    • Animal magic please
      Yes I do make friendship bracelets
      Blue and Red
      EYah I you can ship me, I don’t mind what gender
      Not very
      Pretty good
      Quite far
      Pretty good
      I’d be very gifted t the end
      Yes please
      Could Ottie be my sibling if she is ok with it
      Not very much. It wouldn’t change
      Not that heavy

    • Name (human/prefix): Bluefire/Jasmine
      Nickname: Jaz
      Gender: female
      Age (doesn’t have to be your real age): 15
      Preferred Pronouns: she/her
      Human appearance: blonde hair, pale skin, blue-grey eyes
      Clothes: jeans and t-shirt, black jacket, silver key necklace, black boots
      Boy, girl, nb, or multi-gender cabin? (if there aren’t enough boys or nb people it’ll be multi-gender) no preference
      Preferred cabin (cabins are Jade, Aquamarine, Peridot, Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald, Garnet, Amethyst and I might add/subtract some depending on amount) Emerald
      Head Counselor? (even if you say yes you might not be depending on space/cabin/people preferences) HECK NO
      Preferred Cabinmates (please base this on gender preference): no preference =)
      Preferred bunkmate (^): Foxtail! Or Ottie =D
      Swimsuit: black one-peice, very generic swimsuit
      On a scale from 1 to 10, rate how much you’d want to do these activities:
      Archery: 7
      Swimming: 5
      Diving: 2
      Arts and Crafts: 10
      Cooking: 8
      Hiking: 9
      Sports: 0
      Gardening: 1
      Music: 9
      Boating: 6
      Dance: 3
      Photography: 7
      Horseback Riding: 1
      Can you lead an activity? Which one would you prefer? (Head Counselors) not a counselor =)
      Likes: writing, drawing, reading, exploring
      Dislikes: being alone in the woods at night
      Strengths: ?
      Weaknesses: ?
      Personality: loyal, helpful, shy, smart, quick-tempered, introvert
      What would you bring? two or three books, clothes (obviously), writing material, a sketchbook, quite possibly my chromebook/computer
      Pajamas (optional): all I care about is that they’re fluffy
      Favorite Camp Meals: pizza!
      What would you do during downtime? read, write, or draw, possibly explore in the woods
      Are you into singing at campfire stuff? why not? sure =)
      Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Would you do that at camp? Yes, but probably not.
      How long have you been going to camp? (years, a while for head counselors and other old people) first time
      Would you be a staff member aside from head counselor? If so, what would be your specialty? NOPE
      What kind of weapon do you use? I wouldn’t want to use a weapon, but would probably have a shortsword.
      Would you be good at healing and/or potions? not really, just general first-aid stuff
      Would you be able to do elemental, healing, combat, animal, or mind magic? (healers don’t have to have healing magic and healing magic people don’t have to be healers) (see below for power descriptions) ELEMENTAL
      If you have elemental magic, what would be your specialty? (water, ice/snow, fire, air, earth, light) fire, but she’d be afraid that she couldn’t control it and therefore not use it much
      Do you make friendship bracelets? yep
      Favorite colors: turquoise, blue, green, gold, silver
      Can I ship you with anyone? What gender(s)/preferences? Have anyone in mind? (idk if I do ships at all I’m not super into romance but we’ll see how it goes) NO WAY
      How good are you at being a leader? not very good =)
      How good are you under high pressure? horrible
      How well do you pick up clues and figure out mysteries? pretty well
      How far would you go to help a friend/fellow campmate? ehh… i try to avoid those situations
      How good would you be at your magic at the beginning? no control, great potential, great power.
      How much would you grow over the series (magic-wise)? A LOT
      POV? yes please
      Siblings? (You’ve inspired me Moon and Silv 😛 ) no
      How afraid of the dark are you? Would that change if you’re with other people? not the dark itself, but what could be there. yes it would.
      Are you okay with swimming in lakes/rivers? yeah…
      How heavy of a sleeper are you? very.

  • Beechflight this is for your Blogfic

    BlogClan name: Riverfrost
    Nickname: Riv
    Age (doesn’t have to be irl): 13
    Personality: kind, friendly, energetic, smart, insightful, cold, determined, unpredictable
    Gender/Preferred Pronouns: Female (she, her)
    Number your top choices in each category from 10 (or 5) being I really want this class to 1 being I don’t really like this class, but I can do it)- this is kinda like a course catalog 🙂 (some will go un numbered so please don’t write out those- I only want your top ten 🙂 ) : (note, some classes are required, but you can still rate them)
    –Electives (Number top ten of these)–
    Ceramics 101 (Art Path only)- 3
    Brush Technique (Art Path only)- 4
    Spray Paint (Art Path only)-
    Drawing/Painting (Art Path only)- 5
    DIY Crafts-
    Italian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    French Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Asian Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Mediterranean Cooking (Culinary Path only)-
    Intermediate Baking (Culinary Path only)-
    Advanced Baking (Culinary Path only)-
    Traditional Foods-
    Beginner’s Baking-
    Beginner’s Drama-
    Intermediate and Advanced Drama (Art Path only)- 2
    Photography (Art Path only)-
    Ballet (Art Path only)-
    Jazz (Art Path only)-
    Hip-Hop (Art Path only)-
    Specialized Dance (Flexibility Path, Art Path only)- 1
    Intro to Dance-
    Lights and Sound (Art Path)-
    Spanish 1 (required or French)-
    Spanish 2 (Economics Path only)-
    Spanish 3 (Economics Path only)-
    German 1-
    German 2 (Economics Path only)-
    French 1(required or Spanish)-
    French 2-
    Government Studies 1-
    Government Studies 2 (Economics Path only)-
    Home Ec 1-
    Home Ec 2-
    Home Ec 3 (Economics Path only)-
    Cheer (Flexibility Path only)-
    Gymnastics (Flexibility Path only)-
    Yoga 1-
    Yoga 2 (Flexibility Path only)-

    Poms Advanced (Flexibility Path only)-
    –Athletics- pick your top five–
    Health (required)-
    Skiing- 5
    Track and Field-
    Swimming- 4
    Soccer- 3
    Ice Skating- 2
    Speed Skating (Roller)-
    Tumbling 101-
    Boot Camp-
    Zumba Workout- 1
    Muscular Strength (required)-
    –Academics- pick your top ten–
    Writing (required)- 1000000 😛
    Extended Writing- 10
    Reading (required)-
    Reading Support-
    Pre-Algebra (required for year 1)-
    Algebra- 9
    Geometry 1-
    Geometry 2- 8
    Geometry 3-
    Calculus 1- 2
    Calculus 2-
    AP Calculus 2-
    Calculus 3-
    Trigonometry- 1
    AP Trigonometry-
    Biology- 7
    Interactive Biology-
    Medical Biology- 6
    Forensic Science-
    Geology- 3
    Earth Science- 5
    Chemistry- 4
    Chemistry 2-
    General Science (required for year 1-4)-
    World History-
    Modern History-
    What year are you? (1st- 6 years) 2
    If you are a second year or higher, what Path? (Art Path, Flexibility Path, Culinary Path, Economics Path) Art Path
    What are your strongest school subjects?: Any type of math, writing, reading, health
    Strengths: Mature, quite flexible and has good stamina for skiing and swimming, smart, confident
    Weaknesses: Introvert when angry or upset, sensitive, horrible at running but enjoys doing it
    Favorite Food: Any kind of asian food, tacos, salmon, pizza
    Favorite Color: Any kind of blue
    Who would you share a dorm room with (1st-3rd years)? (4 to a dorm) Silv, Aster, Ottie, or Loudy/Moon
    Who would you share a home with (4th-6th years)? (3-5 to a home) Same people
    Did you get an acceptance letter or did you pay your way into Reinhart? Acceptance letter
    Character traits: I think I listed that
    Personality: I think I listed that
    Friends: Silv, Ottie, Moon, Aster, Leaf, Loudy, Sunny, you, Fallen
    Can I ship you with anyone? Sure
    What is your “family” like? (If we ever do an at-home scene, basically make up your “family.” Doesn’t have to be irl) Okay. Family. Primrosepetal (Mother) is kind but stern and is a teacher. Owlflight (Father) Is smart and friendly and has an amazing sense of humor. Sweetsnow (Sister) Is bouncy, energetic, and adorable, though can be annoying sometimes.
    If you got an acceptance letter, how did you get accepted into Reinhart? I work hard, and I really wanted to get in. Then I got an acceptance letter and flipped out 😛
    Worst School subjects: Social studies- related things
    Relationship with teachers: (Do your teachers think you’re annoying, do they think you’re a know-it-all,etc.)
    Other: None
    Clothing/Appearance: Did I fill this out?
    Swimsuit: I think I filled this out
    Fancy Dress: Long, not poofy but flowy turquoise dress completed with little black jewels, train, and silvery endings
    PJ’s: Turquiose with white streaks
    Coffee or tea? TEA
    If you have powers, what are they? (Not super speed, like telekinesis, or the power to heal. Not ice powers 😉 ) I can make drawings come to life.

  • You guys are porbably tired of seeing me cause this is like the 4th repost, but I’m waiting for some people, *cough* Maple *cough*, and to see how many of you guys will sign up!
    Hello everyone! I am starting another fanfic, (I think being on Blogclan is making me fell extra creative), but I still plan on working on Magicals while I write this 😀
    Basically, in the story, Demi-gods (from Percy Jackson), witches and wizards (from Harry Potter), fairy tales, and people who can turn into cats at will and live in clans (Human adaptation of Warriors, are real. Each groups doesn’t know that the others exist, and they live their daily lives at Camp Half-Blood/ Camp Jupiter, Hogwarts, in their clans, and at a School for Fairy-Tales (bad name, in know, I’m working on it) in peace, or whatever peace there is to be had when you are a Demi-god living in a world of monsters. Suddenly, the Oracle of Delphi has a prophecy that I haven’t thought of yet, but it has something to do with darkness taking over the world and the different magical groups needing to work together and go on a quest. Two people from Hogwarts, two from the demigod camps, two from fairy tale school, and two from the clans aer chosen to go on a quest to save the world, working together to fight of greek monsters, dragons, dementors, cleverly disguised witches with poisned apples, and a power-hungry warrior cat person (if anyone has a better name for them, please share) to save the world!
    To sign up, you need to choose which group you want to be in, fill out the general form, and then the specific form for your group (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Warriors, and Fairy tales). You do not need to have read the books to sign up to be in that group, just know enough general info to fill out the form. 😀
    Name (can be the first part of your name, or a completely made up huamn name):
    Nickname (opt,) :
    Gender/ pronouns:
    Age (doesn’t have to be real age):
    Rule follower?:
    Friends or family on Blogclan:
    DO you want to be part of the Prophecy (there aren’t many spaces, so you might not be in it even if you want to be. sorry)?
    On a scale of 1 to 10…
    Wilderness Survival Skill:
    Fighting in general:

    House (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw):
    Year: (11 yrs.= 1st year, 12 yrs= 2nd year, ect. to 17 yrs.= 7th year, then you graduate)
    Wand (opt.)
    Pets? (toads, cats, puffskien, and owls):
    Fav. Teach (opt.):
    Subjects you would take:
    Best subject (opt.):
    Are you good at remembering spells?:

    Godly Parent ( Zeus= Sky/ lightning/ thunderstorms, Poseidon= Water/ Hurricanes, Hades= Underworld/ riches, Athena= Wisdom/ useful arts/ Warfare, Demeter= Farming, Ares= War, Apollo= Archery/ Sun/ Medicine/ Prophecy, Hephaestus= FIre and Blacksmiths, Aphrodite= LOve and beauty, Hermes= Travelers/ merchants/ theives/ roads, Dionysus= wine) :
    WHere do you live during the year (must be in the U.S., if not just say a state or city you would like to live in. The city can be made up, like Umbrella City, Louisiana):
    Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter (If you can be at camp jupiter plz choose that):
    Do you stay at camp all year or during the summer only:
    Weapon of choice:

    Position in clan:
    Warriors name:
    better at Hunting or fighting:

    Who are your parents (preferably someone already in fairy tales, like Rupunzel or Snow White, or Evil Queen and Jafar):
    Good or Evil:
    Perfect princess or Rebel:
    Favorite things to do (ex. jousting, tea parties, dancing, making poisoned apples, working on calligraphy, ect.)

    Thanks for joining! Can’t wait to make this 😀

    • Also, I’m thinking of cuting out the Fairy Tales part, if anyone seriously votes against this plz say so! Thanks 😀

      Name (can be the first part of your name, or a completely made up huamn name): Luana
      Nickname (opt,) : Potato, Tater Tot, Bean
      Gender/ pronouns: female, she/her
      Age (doesn’t have to be real age): 13
      POV: idc
      Apperance: Short, African American, long purple hair, blue eyes
      Personality: goofy, but can be shy with new people, loves animals, sassy, can be blunt
      Likes: animals, video games, jokes, puns, drawing, singing, lotsa things
      Rule follower?: yeah, but can break the rules
      DIslikes: rude people, work, lotsa things

      House (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw): HUFFLEPUFF FTW
      Year: (11 yrs.= 1st year, 12 yrs= 2nd year, ect. to 17 yrs.= 7th year, then you graduate) 3rd year, I think?
      Wand (opt.) something with unicorn hair
      Pets? (toads, cats, puffskien, and owls): Black cat with green eyes named Holly
      Fav. Teach (opt.): HAGRID
      Subjects you would take: Animal stuff, I dunno normal stuff
      Best subject (opt.): magic animal stuff
      Are you good at remembering spells?: pretty good
      Other: nope, I’m good

    • Oh sorry Iris, I keep meaning to sign up but then forget !!
      She /her, Female
      Yep please
      Tall girl with long ginger hair and hazel eyes. She has blue glasses
      Kind, clever and friendly but quite nervous and shy
      Drawing, Writing, Reading , chatting and making new friends
      YES very strict rule follower
      Sport,music and speaking in public
      injections, Heights, illness, operations, pain
      Clever, good at problem solving and has a good memory
      Drawing, Writing, Felting
      No real life friends and family but, blog friends : You, Ottie, Both Blues, Shady, Wavey, Lion, Brightwing, Foxie
      Yes please, I am going to do the forms for Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and the Clans as I can’t decide which to choose
      Strength : 2
      Survival : 6
      Fighting : 4
      Stealth :7
      Intelligence : 10

      I’m doing multiple forms here as I am SUPER indecisive so you can choose

      Harry Potter
      2nd year
      Wand : Holly wood, Dragon heartstring core
      Dark ginger cat with white flecks and blue eyes
      Care of Magical creatures, potions, defence against the dark arts, transfiguration
      Care of Magical creatures

      Percy Jackson
      Ummmmmm Miami, Florida, that was the first city I came up with
      Camp HalfBlood
      All year
      Bow and arrow


      Please choose for me, I can’t decide
      Sorry I don’t join earlier

      • Thank you so much Maple for signing up!!! (I kept thinking about starting to write, but know I’m glad I waited because I can put you in Hogwarts with me 😀 )