• Sun and Moon
    Welcome, one and all! To the info page for my roleplay, Sun and Moon! There’s a lot to unpack here, so be prepared!
    In this roleplay, everyone plays as lions, however, these aren’t normal lions. To add more options for what you want your characters to look like, lions in this roleplay can be any color from black to white, brown to yellow (not actual yellow, yellowish). Lions can also have powers, but we’ll get to that later! For now, here are some general rules and stuff to know (pretty much what you’d expect)
    1. You can make as many characters as you want, but try to keep them all active (if they are interacted with)
    2. You can only control your characters (unless the creator of the character has given you permission)
    3. Don’t kill anyone’s character without permission
    With that out of the way, we can get on to other stuff!
    There are four different types of lions, each with their own characteristics, skills, and appearances. There are also general personalities for each kind of lion, and while they are there, it is not necessary to make your character under those guidelines. You can have a character that doesn’t display any of those personality traits and be just fine! 
    Sun Lions
    Native Pride: Sun Pride
    Appearance: Warm colored pelts, such as shades of tan, yellow, and brown. The largest and the most muscular of all the Prides. Males have large, warm-colored manes
    Characteristics: Strongest of all the Prides and the best at claw-to-claw combat. Can withstand far hotter temperatures then the other Prides, but they get very uncomfortable in the cold
    General personality: generally very aggressive and protective, and open with their emotions. Very loyal and tend to react very poorly to any kinds of betrayal
    Moon Lions
    Native Pride: Moon Pride
    Appearance: Dark colored pelts, such as shades of dark gray and black, and are very thin and lithe. Males have shorter, darker colored manes
    Characteristics: Sly and very stealthy, and are the best of all the Prides at sneaking around. Don’t feel as tired at night as other lions, though they are not nocturnal (though perhaps they once had been). Can withstand far colder temperatures then the other Prides, though they get very uncomfortable in the heat
    General personality: closed off and don’t like to make their emotions known. Distrustful, and hard to fool, and protective of those they care about.
    Sky Lions
    Native Pride: Sky Pride
    Appearance: Light colored pelts, such as white and light grays, with large wings that are normally the same color as the pelt, though in some cases they are different. Males have larger manes then Moon Lions, but smaller ones then Sun Lions. They are the smallest kind of lions, and they are very fast, both on land and in the air
    Characteristics: Very fast and are able to fly. Can breathe in very thin air and can walk on clouds. Have longer claws then the other prides
    General Personality: Carefree and independent. Tend to not like go follow anyone’s rules and go their own way
    Prideless Lions
    Native Pride: None
    Appearance: The body shape of a normal lion. Don’t have specified pelt colors.
    Characteristics: know how to take care of themselves and don’t need to rely on anyone
    General Personality: No specific traits
    There are three Prides in this roleplay, one for three of the kinds of lions. Prides don’t work like real lion prides, they work more like kingdoms. Prideless Lions live in the Aridlands, a stretch of dry grassland reaching as far as the eye can see. Lions don’t need to live in their native pride. For example, there can be Sky Lions in the Sun Pride, Prideless Lions (i really should have made a better name for them) in the Moon Pride, and Moon Lions who aren’t in any Pride!
    Sun Pride: Most of the lions in this pride are Sun Lions, and they live on a stretch of grassland with many watering holes, with the watering holes attracting prey. They sleep on flat rocks that soak up a lot of sun during the day, so they are very warm at night. The sun is very hot there, and there is little shade when you are not near a watering hole. The primary prey is herd animals, such as zebra and wildebeest. The lions in this pride value the bonds between lions in the pride much more than the others. 
    Moon Pride: Most of the lions in this pride are Moon Lions, and they live in a grassland that gets a large amount of rain and grass and shrubs are very tall, with the occasional tree. These lions tend to sleep in trees so they can be closer to the moon. The primary prey is smaller animals, such as warthogs, while they do eat the occasional herd animal. This pride is the strictest with rules and their lions are the most strictly trained.
    Sky Pride: The only lions in this pride are Sky Lions, due to the fact that they sleep on and inside clouds. The clouds were made so any lion can walk on them, but the danger of falling off and the fact that a Sky Lion would need to fly them down to the ground keeps other kinds of lions from joining. The primary prey is large birds, while rarely they will try to take down a herd animal. The least strict with their rules and will sometimes let lions come and go with little consequence 
    The Prides, unlike real lion prides (they really dont have much in common), have different jobs for lions inside them. The jobs are listed below:
    Leader: Exactly what it sounds like. They lead the pride. The Sun Lions and the Sky Lions normally have male leaders, and the Moon Lions normally have female leaders. Only Hunters or Fighters can become leaders, and Fighters become the leaders most often. The leader of a pride can only be the same kind of lions as the lions native to their pride (The leader of the Sun Pride can only be Sun Lions, for the Moon Pride it is Moon Lions and the Sky Pride it is Sky Lions)
    Top Healer: These lions are in charge of all the other healers, and act as second-in-command for their pride. The Top Healer, like the leader, can only be the same kind of lion as the one native to their pride.
    Elder: These lions have been serving their tribe for either until they grew old and weak, or until they have gotten an injury or are too sick to carry on their duties. These lions are cared for by the entire pride and ones who have served their pride for a very long time help advise the leader in important decisions.
    Hunter: These lions spend most of their time hunting to bring food for lions with other jobs, and they are very good at that job. They can still fight if needed, but they are much better at hunting and they normally hunt. Male lions don’t become hunters very often, but they still can. 
    Fighter: As the name suggests, these lions fight to protect the pride. They are trained in fighting, and while they can still hunt if needed, they are much better at fighting. 
    Messenger: These lions are trained to be fast and carry messages around to members of the pride if they are far away. They are not very good at hunting of fighting, but they don’t hunt or fight unless it is an emergency 
    Healer: These lions are trained to be able to look after injured lions. Unlike medicine cats, they don’t have much herbal knowledge. They are not very good at hunting, however they are trained in some fighting skills so they can protect the injured. Lions born with genetic defects (such as not having all of their legs or being blind in one or both eyes) tend to become healers, as well as lions who had a major injury as a cub..
    In Training: Lions with this rank are either training to be a messenger, fighter, hunter or healer. At one year old, lions start their training and it ends when the in training lion beats a fully trained lion, selected by the leader, in a competition. For lions training to be fighters, it is a mock fight, for lions training to be hunters, it is a hunt, and for lions training to be messengers, it is a race. Lions training to be healers are made full healers when the Top Healer decides they are ready
    Cub Mothers: Female hunters, fighters, healers, or messengers who had to stop their duties to have cubs.
    Cubs: Exactly what it sounds like. Lions who haven’t started their training yet and are still with their mothers.
    In the Prides, lions, along with the characteristics of their kind, also have a power. Each lion has one of the powers, and most of them can only be used by one kind of lion. As lions practice their power, they get better at using it and may unlock more ways to use it. There is no leveling system, you can decide how good your lion is at using their power.. Signs of having powers show when the lion is about to turn a year old. The powers are listed here:

    Fire Powers: Lions with this power can withstand any heat, and are immune to burns of any sort. With mastery of this power, lions can heat up their fur to any heat, and they can create and control fire. Inexperienced lions can only slightly heat up their fur and create sparks. This power can only be used by Sun Lions 
    Light Powers: Lions with this power can see through any bright light, no matter how blinding. With mastery of this power, lions can light up any area, no matter how dark it may be. Inexperienced lions can only slightly light up their tails and eyes. This power can only be used by Sun Lions
    Sun Powers: Lions with this power become more strong, fast, and agile after resting in the sun for a long period of time. The more experienced you are with this power, the better the boost will become and the shorter you will need to rest. This power can only be used by Sun Lions
    Levitation Powers: Lions with this power can levitate solid objects. With mastery of this power, lions can levitate objects the size of a large boulder and themselves. Inexperienced lions can only lift things the size of pebbles. This power can be used by Sun Lions and Moon Lions
    Water Powers: Lions with this power become much better swimmers and can tolerate the water. With mastery of this power, lions can control large amounts of water, and they can separate the water from dirt and mud and other things to purify it. Inexperienced lions can only control droplets. This power can only be used by Moon Lions.
    Darkness Powers: Lions with this power can see in pitch-black darkness. With mastery of this power, lions can spread darkness over a very large area. Inexperienced lions can only spread darkness a couple inches from their body. This power can only be used by Moon Lions
    Moon Powers: Lions with this power become more strong, fast, and agile under the light of the moon. The more experienced you are with this power, the less full the moon has to be, and the greater the boost will be. Inexperienced lions can only use this under the light of the full moon and experienced lions can use this on any moon size. This power can only be used by Moon Lions
    Wind Powers: Lions with this power can create wind and change the wind speeds and direction. With mastery of this power, you can cause wind speeds as fast as tornados. Inexperienced lions can only slightly change the wind speed. This power can only be used by Sky Lions
    Lightning Powers: Lions with this power can bend and create electricity, and cannot get hurt by electricity. With mastery of this power, lions can easily bend lightning and create bolts of electricity, and they can coat themselves with electricity. Inexperienced lions can only create small static shocks. This power can only be used by Sky Lions
    Cloud Powers: Lions with this power can create solid things from clouds. It is widely believed that the Sky Pride’s home was created by lions who mastered this power. With mastery of this power, Lions can shape clouds into any object they want with them having different levels of solidity and they will still float if the creator wants. Inexperienced lions can only slightly change the shape of clouds. This power can only be used by Sky Lions
    Like Pride Lions, lions with prideless lion ancestry can have powers too, however, these cases are very rare. Lions can use these powers from birth, however they still need to practice them to use them to their fullest. Because these powers are rare, there can only be one character with any specific power, and you can only make one lion with prideless lion powers (you can still create prideless lions without powers). Powers will be given out in a first come first serve fashion. The powers are listed below:
    Creation Powers: Lions with this power can create things from nothing. With mastery of this power, lions can create anything, even living things, though this takes a tremendous amount of energy to accomplish. Inexperienced lions can only create small objects, and they will be nearly transparent. If anything these lions create is destroyed or killed, they will get a flash of pain and most likely will fall unconscious. Only one thing can be made at a time with this power
    Illusion Powers: Lions with this power can create illusions to trick others. With mastery of this power, lions can change the way an huge area looks, and if another lion truly believes it is real, the things in the illusion can have an effect on them. Inexperienced lions can only change the way one small object looks. Using this power takes more and more energy the more things you change
    Regeneration Powers: Lions with this power have very fast healing. With mastery of this power, lions can heal a severed limb in seconds, as long as no vital organs are damaged. Inexperienced lions can only quickly heal small scratches. Healing large wounds can cause quite a lot of pain.
    Nature Powers: Lions with this power have a very large influence on plants. With mastery of this power, lions can instantly grow any plant they want and control it however they would like. Inexperienced lions can only slightly bend plants and cause them to grow slightly faster. Causing a plant to grow faster can cause fatigue
    Teleportation Powers: Lions with this power are capable of teleportation. With mastery of this power, lions can teleport the length of an entire Pride territory, and can teleport others along with them. Inexperienced lions can only teleport themselves a few feet away from where they originally were. Using this power over long distances can cause fatigue
    Mind Powers: Lions with this power can communicate with others through their minds. With mastery of this power, lions can communicate with others from very long distances away and other animals can send messages back to them, and they can do this with any kind of animal as a way to communicate with other species. Inexperienced lions can only send messages to other lions from short distances away. Using this power longer and over longer distances can cause painful headaches

    Aaaaannnnnddddd that’s about it! Thanks for staying here this long, and thanks for reading through all that! 

    Feel free to ask any questions if there’s anything I need to clarify! (Though please try to ask any questions as a reply to this comment)
    I wonder how many typos I made in this thing…hmmmmmm….

    • The leader, at all times, will have a successor chosen. Kind of like a deputy, but the successor doesn’t have any more power in the pride then normal.

    • If the Lion is decently experienced, they can teleport others who are touching them, and if they are even more experienced they can teleport things without touching them