When writing such a large scale fan fic, we can’t have people’s personalities mixed up and such. Character consistence is important, wouldn’t you know!
In the comments below, fill out your purrsona’s character description so any Trailing Stars writers know how to write you! This is – of course – a useful resource for those people writing chapters for Trailing Stars as well.
Please, only one character in the story per person! Make sure to follow the format below:
Name of Character
Gender of Character
Clan Status (kit, apprentice, warrior, deputy, leader)
Personality description
Physical description
Again, only one per person! Please fill one out or your purrsona will not appear in Trailing Stars.
Maybe too late but…
Current Name: Jaypaw
Warrior Name: Jayfur
Gender: Male
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: drastic mood swings, succinct (ability to make their point with only a few words), fierce, brave, strong, impulsive
Description: blue-gray tom with white ears and blue eyes
Name- Ivyflight
Gender- Female
Status- Warrior
Personality description- shy, stubborn, determined, sarcastic, socially awkward, prefers to be alone, and doesn’t really show her true self, unless she’s with BlogClan =)
Physical description- a silver and white tabby she-cat with a long silver tail, pure white chest fur, and shimmering emerald eyes (doesn’t have to be this descriptive)
Jayquill, Female, Medicine Cat, Quiet, Compassionate, intelligent. Long-furred brown and cream she-cat with blue eyes.
Name- Moonypaw
Rank- Apprentice
Purrsonality- Sarcastic, Friendly, Smart, Not very strong, Not one for quick desicions.
Fursona- White she-cat With black paws and forehead and ice blue eyes
Rank-new apprentice
Personality-adventurous, sometimes careless, will do anything to help her Clan
Fursona-Smokey gray she-cat with emerald green eyes
(Repost because I’ve changed my fursona)
Name: Misty Moors
Gender: She-cat
Rank – Warrior
Former Apprentices: Laurelcloud, Cheetahspark
Personality: Mysterious, reserved, intelligent, creative, humble, introverted, relaxed, calm, very mature, optimistic, polite, has a dry sense of humour (says humourous things without any emotion)
Description: bluish-grey-and-cream She-cat/blue-grey She-cat with cream markings, a broad, flat face, folded ears and coppery-amber eyes. (Breed – moggie – British shorthair/Scottish fold mix)
Hi! I’m Jayquill. I am a she-cat who is also a Medicine cat. I am wise, compassionate and reserved. I don’t trust easily, but I am very protective of loved ones. I have long creamy brown fur with blue eyes. One of my legs is shorter than the rest.
Name of Character – Leaf Lost in Blizzard (Leaf)
Gender – Non-binary
Clan Status – Warrior
Personality description – Witty, sarcastic, quiet, clever, pessimistic, protective, funny (I hope)
Physical description – Small, stocky silver tabby with white paws and leaf-green eyes
Name: (to be) Eclipse
Gender: She-cat
Rank: kit
Physical description: Black she-cat with glowing Amber eyes
Personality description: Misteryos, (you know what i mean) quick to speak her mind, fast.
Updated Personality Profile
Name of Character: Eclipsepaw
Gender of Character: Female/She-cat
Clan Status: Apprentice (one year until warrior!)
Personality description: truthful,(honesty is the best policy, even if it hurts. Sometimes tells only half-truths.) creative, trying to be empathetic, OCD, shy around new people, ideas person, easily distracted, but can hyper focus if interested enough, writer, planning to use experience as a cat to write her books. Dislikes change, like routine, worried about her family, always wanted to hunt like a cat, knowledgeable about cats, likes cats. She’s exited to be a warrior cat, but scared at the same time. She’s looking forward to becoming a warrior. Hates being looked down upon. Has her own theories about how the world works. Sometimes she gets moods where she’ll ramble on and on about life and time and the confusing-ness of it all, she’ll alway apologize for it though. Misses her friend and worries about him sometimes. Doing her best to provide for her clan and be a good apprentice. Often questions things and may disobey the rules if she doesn’t believe in them. Strong opinions.
Physical description: Black medium-furred she-cat with flaming amber eyes. (By “flaming amber eyes” I mean red-orange.) If possible I’d love her to have awoken with her blanket. (She’s very protective of it and tries to keep it clean. It’s faded and torn, but the colors are: white with pink, magenta, and yellow stripes. And a pink edge.)
Physical Description-soft-furred, snowy-white she-cat with icy-blue eyes
Awkward, quiet, dazed
Golden-ish with black and brown dapples
Name of Character: Shadepaw
Female or Male: Male
Clan Status (kit, apprentice, warrior, deputy, leader): Apprentice
Personality description: Sarcastic, friendly, shy, brave
Physical description: dark gray tabby tom with light gray stripes and amber eyes
Name: LeopardHeart
Gender: she-cat
Clan status: warrior
Personality: ambitious, cunning, clever, knows how to wind everyone around her finger but is loyal to the clan whenever it matters, she is occasionally moody and the only prey she will eat is fish, absolutally no forest or moorland prey she finds it disgusting to eat stuff with fur or feathers.
Pelt and general appearance: mottled brown tabby with spots and amber eyes and paler chest and underbelly, her chest has longer fur than most of her and her ears are bigger than most with a few nicks from previous battles and her tail was bitten off in a fox attack yet she has learned how to balance without it, LeopardHeart is more built for speed than strength which she uses to her advantage, her favourite way to attack is hiding in the shadows or branches of trees and darting in to attack her enemy and quickly returning to her hiding spot confusing her opponent.