Trailing Stars: Personality Profiles

When writing such a large scale fan fic, we can’t have people’s personalities mixed up and such. Character consistence is important, wouldn’t you know!

In the comments below, fill out your purrsona’s character description so any Trailing Stars writers know how to write you! This is – of course – a useful resource for those people writing chapters for Trailing Stars as well.

Please, only one character in the story per person! Make sure to follow the format below:

Name of Character

Gender of Character

Clan Status (kit, apprentice, warrior, deputy, leader)

Personality description

Physical description

Again, only one per person! Please fill one out or your purrsona will not appear in Trailing Stars.


Kate’s child. Quiet agent of BlogTeam, lurking in the shadows. (picrew by @makowwka)


  • Update to change Purrsona.

    Blogclan Name: Owl’s Flight
    Nickname: Hoot
    Gender & Pronouns: Female (She/Her and/or Hu/Hum)
    Rank: Senior Warrior
    Apprentice: Nightpaw (Nightlily)
    Personality Traits: ESFP or ISTP, Enneagram Type 7 or 5w6, Neutral Good, Ambivert, Smart, Creative, Stubborn, Spontaneous, Youthful, Playful, Fun, Observant, Optimistic, Good-natured, Sweet, open-minded, inquisitive, curious, kind, practical, level-headed, easy-going, outgoing, friendly, wise/streetwise, quick learner, bold, passionate, tolerant, dry-humoured, sensible,
    Appearance: lithe brown-and-white tabby She-cat with golden-green eyes and slightly long, curly fur
    Body Type: Oriental (Long & Lean)
    Height: Tall
    Fur Length & Texture: Semi-long & Curly
    Cat Breed: Cornish Rex & Maine Coon mix

  • Quailpaw( fur/star) , she-cat |ThunderClan|Crow+Leaf shipper;Hollyleaf and Jayfeather are the best cats!!!! says:

    Name: Quailpaw.

    Gender: Female.

    Status: Apprentice.

    Personality description: A kind, caring she-cat with a fierce temper if provoked, independent and curious, adventurous, used to be a kittypet.

    Physical description: A tortoiseshell she-cat with blazing leafy- green eyes and one white paw.

  • Name – Silverbreeze

    Gender – she-cat

    Clan status – warrior

    Personality – Usually quiet, but will speak if asked or directly approached. Helpful and easy-going, thinks logically. Impatient. Fierce in battle and when speaking to enemies.

    Appearance – Sleek jet black she-cat with a silver tail tip and bright amber eyes.

  • Name: lynxpaw
    Gender: female
    Rank: apprentice
    Personality: sarcastic, sassy, observant usually fairly quiet but won’t hesitate to speak her mind if someone or something is annoying her, stubborn
    Physical description: grey tabby with pale blue eyes a a scar on her lip that makes her look like she is always smiling (she usually isn’t )

  • Blogclan Name: Hootflight
    Nickname: Hoot
    Gender & Pronouns: Female (She/Her and/or Hu/Hum)
    Rank: Senior Warrior
    Apprentice: Nightpaw (Nightlily)
    Personality Traits: ESFP or ISTP, Enneagram Type 7 or 5w6, Neutral Good, Ambivert, Smart, Creative, Stubborn, Spontaneous, Youthful, Playful, Fun, Observant, Optimistic, Good-natured, Sweet, open-minded, inquisitive, curious, kind, practical, level-headed, easy-going, outgoing, friendly, wise, quick learner, bold, passionate, tolerant, dry-humoured, sensible, laid-back,
    Appearance: brown-and-white tabby She-cat with golden-coloured eyes and slightly long, curly fur
    Body Type: A mix between Oriental (Long & Lean) and Cobby (Round & Compact)
    Height & Size: Slightly taller & larger than average
    Fur Length & Texture: Semi-long & Slightly Curly
    Cat Breed: Cornish Rex & British Longhair mix

  • Name: Silverdusk
    Gender: she-cat/female
    Clan Status: Warrior
    Personality: Fiesty, brave, reckless, energetic, quite indecisive, sarcastic, sassy, funny, easily distracted
    Appearance: Small, fluffy silver tabby she-cat with bright, blazing blue eyes and two white paws

  • Name: Silverdusk
    Gender: Female/she-cat
    Personality: Fiesty, sarcastic, sassy, brave, indecisive, easily distracted, funny, reckless, curious
    Appearance: small, fluffy silver tabby she-cat with two white front paws and bright, blazing ice blue eyes

  • Re-post to change back Blogclan purrsona & name.

    Blogclan Name: Mojoflight
    Nickname: Mojo
    Gender & Pronouns: Female (She/Her and/or Hu/Hum)
    Rank: Senior Warrior
    Apprentice: Nightpaw (Nightlily)
    Personality Traits: ESFP or ISTP, Neutral Good, Ambivert, Smart, Creative, Curious, Playful, Level-headed, Practical, Positive, Lazy, Stubborn, Spontaneous, Eccentric, Open-minded, Dry-humoured, Youthful, Fun, Observant, Positive, Good-natured, Sweet, kind, practical, easy-going, outgoing, friendly, wise, quick learner, bold, passionate, tolerant, sensible, laid-back, loyal, reserved, helpful, good problem-solver, meek,
    Appearance: Long-furred brown tabby She-cat with darker brown tabby markings, cream-coloured tuxedo markings, polydactyl front paws (six toes on each paw) and golden-amber dichroic eyes (two iris colours for each eye) along with slightly curly fur
    Body Type: Broad & Muscular (Substantial)
    Height/Size: Large & Tall
    Fur Length & Texture: Long-furred, fluffy & slightly curly
    Cat Breed: Maine Wave/Maine Coon Rex & Ragdoll mix

  • Name: Silverkit
    Gender: She/Her
    Rank: Kit
    Personality: Cheerful, Fierce, independent.
    Purrsona: Silver she-cat with Ice-blue eyes.

    • 💚💛🧡Turtle whose favorite fictional characters are Turtle Tail, Paani, and Piragua Guy!🐢💧🍧 (Turtledapple🐢🐢🐢) says:

      Reminder that she/her are pronouns, not a gender! ^^

      Old Pine Box

  • Name: Mapleshine
    Gender: Female, she/her
    Clan status: Warrior
    Personality: Sweet, fierce, kind, loyal
    Physical Description: Dark, orange and white she-cat with brown and black flecks, bright blue eyes, and a very long, feathery tail

  • Name: Silverpaw

    Gender: Female

    Clan Status: apprentice

    Personality: curious, intelligent, lively, peaceful, easy-going, friendly, adventurous (likes taking risks), passionate, kind, very sporty, energetic, out-going, protective of her friends, family, and other cats she cares about, fierce in battle, quick learner, brave, sometimes very stubborn, reckless, and clumsy

    Physical description: a short furred sleek silver dappled she-cat with shinny sea-blue eyes. (British Shorthair Cat of some sort)

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