Kate welcomes BlogClan to their new home and Josh reappears to edit this section and remind everyone that he still exists: hello!
Hello BlogClan. Welcome to our new home!
Our old camp was getting overcrowded by posts, pages and comments. With over a thousand posts and 200 thousand comments, the place was bursting at the seams. The WordPress platform just couldn’t cope with your fabulous enthusiasm and creativity.
So, in Clan tradition, we have trekked over the mountains to new territory. It has the same important places – a tavern, a hug page, Trailing Stars, chat and all the projects you are currently working on. I have streamlined the site a little and changed the look.
I realise change is never easy and you might feel disorientated in your new home. A lot of posts and pages have lost the sidebar – which you may find confusing, but all the important links are in the dropdown menus at the top of the page, or in the links in the footer at the bottom. And if you ever need the sidebar, just click on “Blog” at the top right hand corner of the header menu.
This is very much a work in progress and I appreciate your feedback. I want BlogClan to work for you, whilst being clean, and simple and easy to maintain.
I hope you like our new home and I’m looking forward to seeing the pages fill up with comments.
Our old camp will still exist but I will gradually stop moderating comments there. This is as much an adventure for me as for you. I hope we can have some fun settling into our new home.
PS There are a couple of secret “easter eggs” hidden in the new site. I wonder if anyone will find them?
PPS A new site means a fresh newsletter. And, if you’d like to receive a daily email with news about BlogClan’s latest posts, you can subscribe here. (The newsletter from the Old Camp has been stopped, so you will have to re-subscribe if you wish to keep receiving a daily dose of BlogClan news in your inbox.)
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Let’s all take a moment to remember all the good and bad that had happened in the old site
And I wish you all a good luck with the new one
Oh Kate, is there a Recent Purrs anywhere? I can’t find it. Would you mind adding it at some point? It’s really helpful 🙂
There is – I’ve just moved it below the art widget….
Thanks, but I can only see it on certain pages. Can you fix that? Sorry for nagging, I know this is an ongoing process.
The sidebar only appears when you click on Blog in the top left hand corner. It was too clutter to have on the other pages. If you want to see recent purrs, you need to click there…I will try to think about a better solution, but I want to keep our new camp tidy.
Huh, I can see it on other pages too. Tbh I think it looks better but I can live with it 🙂
Hmmmm….I can change back to putting the sidebar on all pages if it really is annoying. Mostly I want Blogclan to be a pleasant and easy experience for the end user (oooh, hark at me! All “end user” and “experience”. I sound like other adults.) We might need to make adjustments to reach that happy state.
Kate when I click blog it doesn’t bring up anything.It just takes me to the articles page.
The blog is usually 99% articles – if the blog link takes you to a page with a sidebar, then that is the blog feed!
Wavey! I’ve put recent purrs in the footer (bottom page section) – how is that?
Awesome new place! 😀 Just asking, are we going to be able to comment on the Allegiances Page soon?
Nope. Unless BlogClan really really can’t live without comments there – no comments means fewer pages for me to update when they get full up and start glitching like a CASTOR clone…out of interest, what sort of comments do you need to make there?
Asking for mentors is a lot of it
So maybe a nice, simple Looking For Mentors page might fill the gap?
Oooh, nice!
Yeah, maybe a Mentorship Request page? Sometimes warriors will ask for apprentices too.
Well pointed out! Mentor/Apprentice Request Page?
Sounds good!
Yeah.And occasionally people make mistakes with the fursona forms or need it updated,so really it would be more a Allegiances Talk Page or Allegiances Organization or something,but yeah mostly mentors.
I’m trying to encourage people who make mistakes on their fursona forms to simply fill in a new form (I might add a Correcting Mistake option) so Jayfrost can correct fursonas when she does the Allegiances rather than having to do additional edits during the month
Fewer pages… hmm. Then why are there like fifty secret pages?
We need a moonpage, and a Hazelpage. (We already have a Pizzacatpage though!)
Those 50 pages will never get 2000 comments. (At least, I hope not, or my brain might melt 😉 )
Hahaha! You will see! Everyone will comment The PizzacatPage! (But it’s just me so far.)
We do really need a Hazelpage!
Josh that’s your cue
Right then.
Let’s do this.
That was quick 😛
FOR NOTHINGof course they don’t call you Speedy Joshzales c:
(5 hours later, there is still no Hazelpage 😛 )
Excuse you I’ve been busy napping thank you very much.
At 7:31 EST
I wonder
Why we are experiencing hazelpage withdrawal?
yeah i know i stink at haiku
Josh,GIVE ME A HAZELPAGE OR I WILL HIT YOU WITH A FRYING PAN!*grabs frying pan and chases Josh in circles*
2 days later…
People use it to run for senior warrior, complain about not being in the allegiances, talking about the allegiances, looking for mentors, and running for senior warrior.
Thanks for the feedback! I will make a page for Allegiance Chat.
That avatar… O-O
it’s gorgeous
I could spam this a million times 😛
Man this new camp is GREAT! I love it here!
Hurray! Not too GREY?
I think it’s a bit bland. 😛 But I agree with Blackclaw anyway.
No secret camp, Hazelpage, or Internet Traveller’s Journal sadly.
I’ll be sure to make a new Hazelpage (even snazzier than the last).
Thanks! We had an amazing roleplay going on there 😛
What were you jamming about?
Nothing.Mostly we were recovering from Iceshard being kidnapped,while Cyp has not posted in forever so I have no idea what happened to her.XD the Hazelpage Tavern has no owner becuz your never there and now Cyp’s gone….anywho,Emberkit has a robot named Stevier Steve(originally just Steve)h who will eventually become Stevier Steve the Upgraded Steve,and he has traveled into other dimensions with Steve.And…I’m pretty much that creepy cat in the background who comes to rescue the lost people and then Never tells them how to get home.OOPS.
Scientific portals and stuff 😛
Bleep bloop.
What about the Internet Traveller’s Journal? We all tried to crack the code at Old Camp. I think.
That can be a feat of strength then, and in its place on the new blog we can have something brand new to fill the void.
KATE!!!!! HI!!!! 😀
She says “hi” back!
Hi Hazel!!! 😀
Josh! You’re alive! Again! 😛
I love the new site <3
Kate has done a fantastic job, hasn’t she?
Hihihi! Welcome back! 😀
Thank you and hi!
Hi Hazel, you’re back!
Hazel I just realized your avatar thing is a cat….for some reason I thought it was an iguana 😛
It can be whatever you want it to be!
Fantastically fantastic! 😀
*applauds Kate*
Why do I feel like spamming 😛
Because you’ll never change!
*is nagged*
By the way, do you want some 3.141592653589?
01111001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101001 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110000 01101001 00101000 01100101 00101001
01101110 01100001 01101000 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01100001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110000 01101001 00101000 01100101 00101001
01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01001101 01001111 01001110 01010011 01010100 01000101 01010010
(yes please i would love some pi(e)
why do I waste my life decoding stuff
oh well it’s a Sunday morningish
(I originally typed Saturday morning, gotta love edit)
01001001 00100000 01010000 01010010 01000101 01000110 01000101 01010010 00100000 00100010 01000001 01001110 01000111 01000101 01001100 00100010
nah I’ll take the pi(e)
01010011 01110101 01101110 01110011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 01000011 01101100 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100011 01101011 01110011
Josh! You still exist! Hooray!
I do! I do!
It’s awesome to see you back from the dead. 😛
I like being alive to be literally honest. Hello!
You know, I think most people would have to agree with you on that one. 🙂 Hello!
Time to start the countdown until the comments system breaks.
It has already… The system posts twice and goes to the “identical comments” section
Good spot, I just noticed that one too. Adding it to the list of things to look into tomorrow.
I got it this morning. Go look at one of my replies on the next page this way >>> and you’ll see I edited it in that WordPress was being evil to me.
Hopefully Commenting to See Comments didn’t follow us!
*looks over shoulder*
An eagle killed my binoculars on the journey here.
i give it 3 1/2 weeks
(wouldn’t it be a countup? unless you know how long until it breaks 😛 )
Shush your pedantic mouth you.
I give it 3 1/2 days.
I give it now
I give it 0 eras, 0 centuries, 0 decades, 0 years, 0 months, 0 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, and 0 milliseconds.
How long was it last time?
About five years, so I think we’re in the clear… for now.
Oh XD I think we’re fine then 😛
^looks for map of the new camp^
Flo!Help me catch the Josh!Me little kit body can’t grab him!*throws nets at wild Josh*
An update on the search for the Hazelpage: it either does not exist or has nothing to do with Hazelburrow.
After some searching on this blog, I decided to use google because I’m convinced there’s no way to get to it from here. So, I included three things in my search: the URL of the site, https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/, the word “Hazelburrow”, and -erinhunter so I wouldn’t have to deal with anything on the old site. Combined, this is what I googled: https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/ hazelburrow –erinhunter
Only six results came up in google because I didn’t allow them to show me anything from the old site. Five of them are definitely not the Hazelpage and they don’t seem to contain any links to get there. One might be the Hazelpage (idk) but it’s blocked to anyone but the site owner. Here’s the link to that:
Also, I can’t access the two sites I found when I replaced “Hazelburrow” with “Hazelpage”.
I will continue to search for the Hazelpage!
The site just launched around today, Hazelburrito just returned from his hiatus-break-thing, so Hazelpage is…
A) Hidden
B) In production
Read the earlier comments, he said he would make it! So it will come soon, if it isn’t already here.
I’m on a hunt to catch a wild Josh and force him to make Me a Hazelpage.SOMEONE HELP ME I’M GOING HUNTING!XD I see one!*chases Josh while carrying a Nerf gun*
ME TOOOO! *Grabs Nerf gun*
Im in! *gets nerf gun and follows Gigglekit and Sunnypaw*
I’m coming with ya! -grabs Nerf gun-
I’m guessing it just hasn’t been posted yet 🙁
When he commented earlier, he said he would. And then he made it sound like he did post it.
Update: it should arrive tomorrow. I will use my same search strategies to find it. I WILL FIND IT.
its dull we need warriors backrounds and poca-dots
Are you on your phone? The background never shows from mobile.
I’m on my computer, and all I see is the Firepaw image of the new ITW cover as far as “backgrounds” go.
Is there a background? For me it’s just grey (except for on the home page)
same here
Yeah I’m on my computer now and there’s nothing there, just gray. I’d prefer a background tbh.
Tbh I like it.It’s modern and fancy,and my header is pretty neat.I no longer have to scroll to the top of the page.My header scrolls down with Me.
I think its just fine!