• Lantern 2-3
    Lantern continued to test the limits of his powers. He summoned bigger ice rinks. Created taller, stronger spikes. He could now look an entire day into the future, only he found it consumed him entirely. It consumed his energy, and his sanity. Every pawstep seemed to be planned, and he couldn’t stray far from the path he had seen. He couldn’t stay at all from the path he had seen. He preferred exploring into the past. A forest of metal structures, now broken and dead, once bustled with the energy of a thousand two-legged creatures. They wore bright colours, and each human held a different story, a different past. Just like cats.
    He first met Ambi in the cave. He had this dead expression on his face. Even his parents, on the brink of death, hadn’t looked like that. Their faces had held the hope that their children could live on, live a long, fulfilling life. Ambi’s entire aura hadn’t seemed right, and Lantern only had to look a few second into the future to know what to do. He went up to him, talked to him, brought him prey.
    What had he seen? Himself walking up to Ambi. He never dared to see the fate and destiny of anyone. It could ruin everything.

  • I’m going to make Flame and Frost level 3 so here we go
    Frost- Frost was sitting around and remembered that she could practice her ‘powers’. So she stood up and tried to make those sparks to appear around her paws and at first that didn’t work but the more she cleared her mind and focused as much as possible, the little sparks started to ‘dance’ around her paws. Her black ear tips started to glow yellow, she knew this because she was next to water (probably not the best idea) “whoa, cool” she said to herself and thought harder and tried to like send the sparks flying or something like that, the sparks got bigger and then they just vanished and Frost fell to the ground, she tired herself out, but as she was regaining her breath and everything she drank some water and curled herself up, then she noticed the light green glow on her. Once she recovered enough to stand, she tried to shock something like a tree or something, she found a rock and made the sparks appear at her paws again and touched the rock, when she lifted her paw there was a little black mark on it.

    Flame- Flame was watching everyone else try out their powers and he was sort of scared to do that himself, like what would happen if he went too far with the testing of his water abilities, he looked and saw what Frost did to herself after trying to use electricity to its max, he didn’t want that to happen to him, so he went and ate and tasted some really bad stuff in his mouth so he spat it out and it was green, he had no idea what it was. He walked towards the stream at the edge of the cave and picked up some water in a little bubble in front of his head and slowly started to add more water to the bubble and held it above his head and Flame got scared to add more water but the bubble above his head started shaking because he got really nervous and scared, the bubble popped and he got water all over himself, he shook his pelt dry. Flame decided to try again, he made a bubble in front of his head and added more water too it, until it was too heavy to hold for him and it fell into the stream and splashed him, but this time he thought that it was constructive for him to understand how much water he could hold at once.

    I hope that was enough words 😛 sorry I made you read that

  • Palm Level 3 – 4

    It was lonely, having these powers. Well, not exactly lonely, Palm had friends around him, cats that he would trust with his life, and understood him in ways painfully reminding of his past.
    As Tess slept peacefully, he rose to his paws, silently walking over to the water trough. The cold hard metal reflected the moon sinisterly in the night, and has Palm placed his paws on the silver surface, he pulled them back immediately, shocked by the cold. Slowly, paw by paw, he hauled his tiny body up so he could reach the top of the water trough. It was obviously not designed for cats. Well, at least not cats like him, lions, tigers, leopards, that was what the water was meant for. And he hoped it wasn’t still in use.
    Dipping his head to lick the water, Palm felt something tingle in his paws. A small burst of electricity shot through the metal, unbalancing him.
    Time seemed to slow as he crashed into the water, and he was sure it wasn’t a cats power. Water flooded into his nose and mouth and he began to choke.
    Bursting through the surface for a second he was able to cough up some of the water before disappearing under once again. He held his breath, trying to struggle to the top of the water, and to air. In his mad panic, Palm’s powers decided to join in the struggle.
    Electricity filled the water, shocking Palm.
    His eyes closed. Darkness came over him. Strong jaws gripped his scruff and Palm was thrown to the ground. Sand coated his fur, caught within the soaked strands. Mieginck stood him, the black toms breath fast. Palm coughed and coughed and coughed, but then his healing power gripped him, and he was slowly able to rise to his paws.
    “Mieginck, I’m so sorry about Kinkaroy, I don’t know how you can forgive me for running. “ tears formed in the tiny toms eyes, but they disappeared as Mie leaked his tail around his side.
    “Palm, I told you to run, it’s not your fault. I should be the Sorry one, I left you, I didn’t come back to find you, you must have been through so much.”
    Palm smiled at his friend
    “I’ve been through a lot, but it’s just taught me to love, taught me how to get over loss, and most of all, I have a reason to keep on going, so I can save everyone I love. That’s why I’m here.”
    The two toms sat together, watching the stars and the moon, until Mie spoke again.
    “Tell me about them, the ones after.”
    Palm nodded and began to tell his tales, weaving characters out of electricity.
    “The next was Cobra…”

  • Nest 2-3

    Nest stared into the blue orb in front of her. She felt power coming off of it in waves, like a miniature ocean. She moved the sphere away from her and dropped it. It made a small dent in the ground and disappeared. Nest sighed softly before she created a new orb. She was trying to get the orb to stay after she dropped it, but so far she hadn’t been able to get it to work correctly. The orb always died away after it hit the ground. Nest forced the glowing sphere a tail length in front of her and dropped it. Once again, the orb struggled for a moment before disappearing into the air. Nest flicked her tail in frustration. This was pointless! She was about to give up and turn away when suddenly, a sphere slowly came into existence. However, what was more startling was the color of the orb.

    It was the color of blood.

    Nest realized that there really was a storm coming. A storm stronger than any other.

    And she was totally unprepared.

    She watched the orb until it disappeared, and then continued to practice her powers. Nest formed another sphere, which was blue, thankfully, and dropped it. This time, the orb sank slowly into the ground. She watched it turn yellow as it became level with the ground, and red as it went farther down. When it finally came to a stop, the sphere had burned a hole half a tail length down. Nest gave a grunt of satisfaction. When the storm came, she would be ready.

    Nest is level 3

    Arc is also level 3

  • Palm Level 4 -5 !

    And he touch’s the stone

    Palm glanced at the stone, his eyes wide. He remembered Wren vividly, and although he hated the fact he linked her with the monster she had become, he had the scars on his face to remind him everyday of the pain he had gone through.
    He really didn’t know whether to touch the stone or not, but one thing he did know is that he didn’t have to rely on Harnor to become stronger, more able to protect his friends, he could do that all by himself.
    Standing away from Ollie, Tess and Pembroke, who had just seemed to join them, Palm began to make sparks dance through the air, but as he became more and more worried about the test ahead, the electricity formed into a wall. Light and danger, the tiny tom stretched forwards his leg, simply brushing the defence with his fur, before he took a step back. It hurt ! And not just a little prick sort of hurt, no this was like claws raking your pelt levels of pain. Palm shuddered. Did he really want to keep trying this if it was hurting him ? No. He would keep going, be the brave one, bare the pain so the ones he loved could make it, could have a chance in this test.
    Suddenly another shield appeared around him, this time it seemed to be of the same green glow which made his cuts heal faster. Now this was helpful. Quickly, Palm poked himself with a rock, yet he had barely yelped in pain before the cut had vanished. No scar. No…… nothing.
    He saw another tom laying on the ground, a few cuts littered his pelt, and Palm recognised that silly mouse brain who had nearly fallen off the cliff ! Oh wasn’t he silly !
    Palm crept over, and hovered his paw above the gashes. It was quite hard to reach the tom as ice surrounded him, but Palm made it. Suddenly his power sprung to life, and the cuts vanished.
    Relieved he was of some use, Palm gently placed his paw on the toms pelt, to rest. Not a moment after tom cried out in pain, hissing and spitting at Palm to get away from him.
    Scared, the tom ran, his tiny legs carried him as far as he could from the other cats.
    “What good am I if my powers can hurt just as easily as they help ! It’s no use Healing a cat just to cause them more pain.”
    He spat and hissed, kicking a pebble in anger. Locking up at the clear night sky above, he cried out, calling to Harnor, his spirit friends, anyone would hear him. As all the anger seeped out of him, a massive bolt of lightning struck the ground just infront of his paws.
    Palm cried out again, and the same thing happened. This time, Palm tried to summon the lightning in his head, and sure enough, it struck.
    Happily, Palm sprinted back over to Ollie and Tess, ready to tell them how well he had done. However, as he viewed Ollie sleeping, with Tess loyally siting on guard just a little way away from him, it hit Palm again who he was fighting for. He was fighting for Ollie, the cat who was crushing on Tess just like him, and just like Palm understood that they couldn’t let that get in the way of their friendship. Palm saw himself in Ollie to be honest. The happiness, the joy, the way his priorities lay. And Tess. Tess who would fight for whatever she believed in, more fiercely then Palm and Ollie put together ever could. Shadows and Sparky, they called each other. The two who started by just annoying each other more than you could ever imagine. And became inoperable friends. Palm knew what he had to do. Before Tess could stop him, he ran to the stone, pressing his paw hard against it, hoping it would work. Power flooded through him, he could feel it. He didn’t want it for him. He wanted it for Ollie and Tess. Without realising it, he had closed his eyes. Squinting, he began to open them. He hoped not to see chaos around him as he opened them, like Wren had. But instead he saw someone else before him. At his paws, was a kit. But not any kit. A kit with a sticking out tooth, and fluffy fur all around his neck
    “Daddy ?” Cobra asked, and Palm smiled. He felt truly happy.

  • Lantern 4-5

    Lantern was a kit again, playing in the warm sunshine with his sister, Magnolia. A small game of catch the tail. Their mother watched on silently, smiling slightly. Lantern had only the present-time Lantern’s thoughts. All of his movements, emotions and words were those of the past’s Lantern.
    “Lantern Flames, Magnolia Rain!” A deep, gruffy voice called out the full names of Lantern and his sister. A large, black-and-white tom, Crane, their father, was walking up to them.
    “Papa!” mewled Magnolia as she and Lantern ran up to greet him. “Have you brought food?”
    “Yes, my darlings,” he responded with love. “A mouse and two swallows. The community was generous today.”
    The community, present-time Lantern thought with hate. Our community. Where you caught the prey, but only the leaders could distribute it. [censored]. And outsiders like Crane’s father got barely anything. Which meant that we barely got anything.
    The younger Lantern looked to the side, where another family ate, half-sheltered by the bamboo. They had finished eating already, but the bones from their meal piled up outside, yet to be buried. The pile of bones reached higher than Lantern’s family’s pile of meaty prey. Little Lantern hissed, and his mother scolded him.
    Argh. I thought I had escaped these times, Lantern thought grumpily. He didn’t want relive this part of his life again. Maybe he could fast-forward the past…
    Lantern’s spirit concentrated on finding his magic energy while the little Lantern ate. When he unleashed it, images flew across Lantern’s vision, making him dizzy. His past, flashing before his eyes.
    Lotus, an older she-cat from the community, bullying him. “笨蛋!”
    The harsh, cold winter winds.
    His mother, dying from sickness. “永远爱你.”
    His father, starved because of his birth conditions.
    Him and Magnolia, running away, finding a safer place.
    A happy time, when they joined Dumpling’s group.
    So much love.
    Magnolia’s kits.
    Sweet, gentle Chrysanthemum.
    Make it stop! Lantern yelled internally. If he could have, he knew he would have puked.
    And it did stop.
    At the worst possible moment.
    The moon hung high in the sky, a little crescent boat.
    A warm breeze rustled the bamboo leaves high above.
    Cicadas singing.
    Chrysanthemum’s rich, amber eyes staring solemnly into Lantern’s.
    “I don’t,” she whispered. “I don’t love you. I-I’m carrying Swallow’s kits. Please- please don’t talk to me about it.”
    “I don’t love you
    “I don’t love you
    “I don’t love you

    “ENOUGH,” Lantern roared with a voice cracked with emotion, breaking the visions of his past.
    It had broken him, cracked him from the inside.
    He remembered the reason he had come to the Tests.
    And as he touched the stone, he vowed to have his revenge.
    Break her as she had broken him.

  • (From the POV of Yedda)

    A breath in. A breath out.

    I opened my eyes. I was floating somewhere, and near me were blobs of black and purple. I floated away. Disgusting.

    I vaguely remember touching the cursed stone. I heard Quintessa wail. I heard my reflection laugh – a shrill and cruel and inhumane noise. I looked around. Nobody was here.

    Except her.

    She was bigger then me, just like I imagined. Her blue eyes held the warmth of the sun, beaming rays of love at me. Her long luxurious black fur looked so fluffy, and she glittered with the stars above. I felt a shift as the black became a field, with the shining sun and the long grass and the blue sky above, no rocks or dead cats anywhere.


    She strided over to me, just like when we were little. She carried an aura of importance.

    “Yedda.” Her voice resounded through the – the – wherever we were.

    I gulped. “Yes?” My voice cracked.

    She looked at me, tears glistening in her eyes. She quickly poked me with her paw.


    My jaw fell. I felt a smile grow. I growled playfully. “I’m gonna get you!”

    My sister’s purr made me instantly feel at home. Peaceful. I threw myself at her. “You’re it!” I ran for it.

    She smiled, then caught up to me. It was just like before, before everything, before Harnor. We would play for hours on end, silly game after silly game, without a care in the world. Our parents would watch us lovingly. It was a happy time.

    Before she ran away.

    My sister had fallen in love deeply with a Persian cat named Thomas. He seemed nice enough. But my parents felt otherwise.

    I often awoke in the early hours to the sound of their fights. I cried. I fought back. I screamed. They didn’t listen. They never did.

    One night, I heard rustling. I realized my sister was leaving. I pleaded her to stay, thinking it was just a phase. Maybe she could find another love.

    She looked down at me and said,

    “You don’t understand. You’re just a kit.”

    She left. I cried hard.

    Later on, I vowed never to think of her again. I was angry at her. How dare she leave me? So I did. I forgot everything, I purged my mind of her. I even forgot her name. And I moved on.

    I sometimes felt attraction to others. I started relationships. I ended relationships. I went through the motions for a long while.

    My parents knew I was hurt, so they taught me the one thing they knew: to sing. It turned out I had a marvelous voice, and whenever I sang they felt at ease. I used this to my advantage whenever they fought.

    For the next formative years, I spent most of my time learning songs and singing songs and performing songs. Though my Twolegs thought me funny, many cats from around the neighborhood came to hear me. I loved it, and it took mind off reality.

    Then, well, Harnor came.

    A regular looking fellow. At least, he looked normal then. He pulled me to a corner and asked me to join his Tests, but I said no. I didn’t really like the idea, and I liked my own newly formed plans to stretch out my performances. Gather new audiences.

    It seemed the god was rather angry with me, so I sang to calm him (and myself) down.

    “Don’t you know that I’m okay with this lowtown part I get to play
    ‘Cause I got what I need and I don’t want to take the ride
    I don’t need to see the other side
    So go and do like you do
    I’m good to do like me
    Ain’t in a cage, so I don’t need to take the key
    Oh, darn! Can’t you see I’m doing fine
    I don’t need to see the other side!”

    For once, my singing did the opposite. Harnor seemed to grow, and the last thing I remember was feeling hungry.

    Then blah, blah, blah, here we are now.

    I sat down, tired from my frolicking. I turned to my sister.

    “I – well – was wondering about -“

    She raised her tail to signal me to stop. “I know. I know. I’m…. sorry, little sister. Thomas was a good cat, he really was. We became mates and had three little kits, Fawn, Dawn and Eden. They have already grown up. I just wish that… you could’ve met them. Mom and Dad could’ve met them.” Her eyes blurred. She began to sob.

    I nuzzled into her. “Shush,” I murmured. “I forgive you.” I looked up at her, my sister. “I love you, Amiya.”

    She looked down at me, smiling sadly. “Thank you.”

    Amiya was fading. The world was fading. I started falling. Falling. Falling.

    I was wide awake near the stone. All was clear. Even if nobody here loved me, a she cat in the heavens did.

    (From the POV of Quintessa)

    Blackness. I hated blackness.

    Yedda was gone. I was gone. I didn’t even say goodbye.

    I probably won’t be missed that much. My only friends were Wildflower, Frostsong, Yedda, Palm, Marina, Storm, and Dune.

    Dune. I wondered how he would take this. He already lost Wren. But I’m different. He hated me before. Maybe he never did become my friend. Maybe it’s all an act.

    I shook my head. I had to stop thinking those thoughts.

    I wondered how much time was passing right now. Was anytime passing?

    Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I whipped around, only to find nothing. A rustle. A whisper. Something was happening.

    I found myself standing on something. Something black and hard. It pulsated power. A thick and gooey liquid was at feet level.

    I looked at my paw. It was covered in the substance. I growled. Disgusting.

    It was up to half my legs now. I wondered if I was screaming. I felt as if I was screaming. There was no sound, though. Only space and tar.

    The slime was on my belly. Cold. So cold.

    The beginnings of my neck, higher, it moved in waves. I didn’t fight it. I had a hunch my powers were useless.

    So this is the end.

    It became me, I became it. The darkness filled me up. I was the darkness. I knew it.

    I felt myself go. Back to myself. At least I knew that, even if nobody in the Tests loved me, it didn’t matter. I had the darkness. I had one thought as I woke up.

    I will never be the same again.


    As you can see, these are two very different individuals. One, knows she is loved. She overcomes the darkness inside her.

    For the other, well, you’ll just have to find out. Will she be like her friend and find the light?

    Or will she forever be in the dark?

  • (for Arc to snap out)

    Flame was an interesting element. Every force of nature had a good and a bad side. Water gives life when consumed, but breathing it in could kill. Air occasionally creates large storms in the sky, carrying everything they touch into the clouds, never to be seen again. But fire wasn’t the same. Fire only burned, devouring anything it makes contact with.

    And Arc was no exception.

    If he were a normal cat, Arc wouldn’t stand a chance against nature’s deadliest creation. But in this corrupted state, he almost embraced it. He found that he didn’t need to feel pain any longer. Every injury he sustained burst into flames, deadening the sensation. Even after Palm had accidentally extinguished the fires he had started on himself, all he felt was a dull ache. But ever since that encounter, his powers had weakened considerably.

    Because of this, he may not make it out of the tests alive…

    (I don’t know if there was a required amount of words, so I hope this is enough.)

      • But they’re both straight, and I already ship Palm x Tess. But they do need to talk more. I’ll wake Arc up tomorrow 😛

        • 😛
          Also, Palm in my mind isn’t actually straight, to me he is Panesexual , my brother who wrote his form, or at least gave me the ideas, never ever creates a non straight character. It’s not that he’s against gay people, it’s just he only found out that people can be gay not that long ago

          Yeah I know…. Palm x Arc has been a bit of a joke ship for me for a while now 😛

          I’ve stolen Palm from my brother and he’s never getting him back

  • I just looked back on the character page and saw Maple’s accept comment to Ambi:
    ‘Oh my gosh Ambi x Ami, I love Ami so much right now she’s adorable and really funny and it would be really entertaining to see these two talk’

    Then Aqua’s:
    ‘Yes! Ambixami😀’

    And I was like:

  • I drew Rosica and Ambi <3 this is to level her up 😀
    Also, I need to keep track . . .
    Rosica – 3, going to be four
    Tawny – 2
    Jinx – 2
    Shard – 1
    Meadow – 1
    Clover – 1
    Azure – 1
    Jay – 1

    Everyone except from Tawny and Rosica are free to interact??? 😛
    I have . . . 8 cats :/ I MUST COMPETE WITH JAZZY AND WRENKIT.

  • STARRRRRR do you think that if Rosica and Ambi we’re humans they’d be cool, cheeky, rule-breaking teenagers? 😛
    I DOOOO and here’s some songs for them 😀

    At the end of the song represents something that’s gonna happen to Rosica (I’m . . . uhhh . . . not planning on killing her, no . . . way . . .) that I won’t spoil 😛


    (This one because Ivan is like Tigerstar – he tried to force her into being his mate so yeah.)

    EEEEE I LOVE THIS SONGGGGG!!! 😀 This one is more Rosica and Ivan. No Ambi for this ;P

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