• Robin still didn’t now what her powers where but she felt a Earge that she was needed . She focused all her powers on this then shadows started to disappear from the ceiling and one by one it was slowly working but soon Robin got a sharp pain and fell to the ground limp but all she could think about was her power.


    But she felt like there was more to it but she was to tired to carry on but she hoped she had done enough to get to the next room…

  • Ariel-
    Ariel paced. She’d paced across the entire base seven times.
    The Empire had been TOO quiet lately. It didn’t feel natural.
    Ariel was worried. It HAD to mean they were planning something.
    But what?
    Turning, she began pacing all over again.
    Spotty is a bean.

  • Clovea watched Ariel as she paced around seriously. Her heart still ached from her brothers death, even though that had happened a long time ago. Her thoughtful gaze traveled to the blue sky, and the peaceful clouds that coexisted with it.
    She walked up to Ariel and said impulsively,” You okay?”

      • Yubnub came up to Ariel, yelling passionately, “Meesa, moosia, yubby, nub! (You are not ok!)”

        • Ariel-
          “Okay, fine. I’m not okay. The Empire is in full power, and we are here pacing!” said Ariel.
          “They aren’t attacking, which is shifty, so naturally I’m a bit nervous!”
          Ariel looked at her fingernails.

          Maybe I was being rude, but honestly I’m just worried. But it’s not like I can admit that. A leader should be strong, right?

          Out loud, Ariel said, “I guess I’ll go patrol the base’s perimeter. Do you guys want to come?”
          Spotty is a bean.

  • ~Kaya~

    Kaya watched from her spot on top of a crate as Clovea and Ariel spoke. Wondering what they were talking about, she took a bite out of her fruit.

    (Sorry if I was supposed to wait for you to accept my character Turtle)

    • (It’s ok, you can start role playing straight away- no waiting needed!)
      Spotty is a bean.

  • Rainbow Turtle That Waves Pride Flag 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈(Turtlepaw/ dapple 🐢🐢🐢) says:

    (Stormy, do you think I should get rid of this part of the role play? The Imperial part seems way more active, and it’s more interesting.)
    Rewrite the Stars.

      • Rainbow Turtle That Waves Pride Flag 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈(Turtlepaw/ dapple 🐢🐢🐢) says:

        I think I’ll keep it around, but if they don’t travel to Naboo, I might ditch this part.
        Rewrite the Stars

  • Do you have any ideas for this part of the role play, Stormy? Any ideas for what can happen?
    Silverstream defender

  • (Yay, we’ll finally be able to start role playing on this page again! 😀 )
    Star Wars is awesome

  • Ariel~
    Ariel walked next to Kaya, keeping an eye out for any danger. Then she heard a sound, something that sounded like a person.
    “D-did you hear that?” she asked Kaya.
    Star Wars is awesome

      • Ariel~
        “It sounded like a person walking,” explained Ariel.
        She glanced around, having the creepy feeling that she and Kaya were being watched.
        Star Wars is awesome

        • ~Kaya~
          Kaya wasn’t a typically nervous person, but the sound of a person walking? That would make anyone nervous. Trying to push her worry aside, she said to Ariel, “Just be on your guard. There’s no harm in being cautious.” Kaya tried to say this in a calm voice, but she didn’t know how successful she was in doing that.

          • Ariel~
            “Sure. Just be on guard,” repeated Ariel, trying to act calmer.
            Honestly she wasn’t.

            Walking ahead a few feet, she said, “I don’t hear the sounds anymore, maybe I was just being paranoid…”

            A whooshing sound.

            Something struck Ariel.

            A bullet?
            Star Wars is awesome

  • (She’s alive, but seriously hurt. She’s going to die very soon, though.)
    Star Wars is awesome

    • ~Kaya~
      “Ariel?” It has sounded like a blaster had been fired. Kaya looked for Ariel and quickly spotted her. “Ariel are you alright?” Ariel didn’t look alright, but Kaya was no medic.

      • Ariel~
        Ariel was aware of two things. One, a growing crimson puddle surrounded her. She realized it was blood.
        Two, Kaya was staring at her, looking worried.
        “I’m fine,” she said.
        She obviously wasn’t, though.
        Star Wars is awesome

          • Ariel~
            Ariel feels hurt just thinking about walking.
            “I don’t think so…” she gasps, her breaths getting shallower and shallower.
            “Did you see who shot me? Promise me you’ll find out… Before anyone else gets hurt.”
            Ariel’s eyes close.
            (She’s dead now.)
            Follow the Yellow Brick Road

  • ~Kaya~
    “Ariel?” Kaya checked for a pulse; there wasn’t one. Kaya gently picked up Ariel’s body and carried it back to base. She didn’t want to bury her just yet.

    (Are you going to create another rebel?)

    • (Yes. I was going to make another one yesterday, but kinda forgot. 😛 )
      Follow the Yellow Brick Road

    • Fala~ (a character I just made)
      Fala looked up from the supplies she was unpacking, and saw Kaya carrying a body.
      “Is… is that Ariel?” she gasped.
      Shokki, who was helping Fala, nodded their head sadly. “I think it is.”
      Follow the Yellow Brick Road

      • (Shokki is also a character I just made.)
        Follow the Yellow Brick Road

        • Shokki~
          Shokki was furious. Ariel had been one of their best friends!
          “Who do you think did it? The Empire?” they asked.
          Follow the Yellow Brick Road

        • Fala~
          Ariel’s death hit Fala hard. Could the Empire have done it? Or was something even more sinister at play?
          “Empire or not, we need to make sure nobody else dies!” she said.
          Follow the Yellow Brick Road

  • ~Kaya~
    Kaya turned to Shokki. “It’s possible that it was the Empire, but the Empire would have killed or captured all of us.”

    She then nodded at Fala and responded by saying, “Yes, we must make sure we figure out who murdered Ariel.”

    • Fala~
      “Perhaps we should move our base to somewhere safer,” said Fala.
      “If it WAS the Empire who killed Ariel, then they know that other Rebels must be here.”
      Follow the Yellow Brick Road

      • Shokki~
        “But where?” asked Shokki. “The Empire is everywhere! Wherever we go, we cannot escape their grasp.”
        Follow the Yellow Brick Road

    • Shokki~
      Shokki thought for a moment. “Guards at all times.” they finally said.
      “We can take shifts, but the base must be guarded 24 hours a day. We can take turns sleeping, too.”
      Buy the Stars

      • Fala~
        “But if we’re all getting less sleep, we could be weaker in a battle!” worried Fala.
        Buy the Stars

        • Shokki~
          “Seems fair.” Shokki said.
          I’m probably not allowed to vote for my own idea, though. they thought.
          Ivypool rocks

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