• Wren that Has Flought to Russia on a Plane and NOT Her Feathered Wings(Wrenkit/Feather/Wren) says:

    Feather –
    Feather huffed. Well ice is cold and freezes from water. She put her tail on Dune’s flank reassuringly. “Its going to be all right. Sky will look after us. And we still have Wren and Blizzard” She looked fondly at the two 9-moon-old(i said in the form that they were 9 moons old) cats. Feather saw Sky floating above the water. She looked at their kits. They didn’t seem aware of the spirit. “Look,there she is!”she whispered.
    (I didn’t want Sky o die off completely so she’ll appear in cats’ dreams and in real life sometimes)

    Blizzard –
    Blizzard glanced at the water. I think its ice! A few cats had come to the water and froze it. Yup!

    Wren –
    Wren saw Feather staring at something above the center of the pond. She padded over. “What is it?”Wren asked,looking at her father.

  • (Hi, Maple, Sky told me to tell you that she can’t roleplay right now due to issues with wifi on her vacation. She’ll be back on Tuesday. 🙂 )

    Echo glanced around frantically. Whipping her head around, she spotted another she-cat (Azalea). Padding over, she asked, “What are your powers? Mine are shadow manipulation and invisibility, but they’re still very weak.”

  • Robin watched in awe at the cats gathering and working it out.
    She already new what it was ice as harnor practically said it but she couldn’t help she didn’t even now what her powers might be…

  • Ollie pranced around excitedly, joining all the other cats and using more of his powers to help build the bridge.

    Tess did what she did best. Sulk.

    • Quintessa looked over and saw a she cat sulking. Near her was a tom, looking bright and happy, out of place in a place like the Tests. She wondered if she should talk to them…
      The sulker looks like what I used to when I first arrived…
      But I’ve hardly ever talked to the toms, besides Palm and Dune.

      She decided to take her chances with the tom. She padded secretively over to him, not wanting to attract attention or distract him. She stopped a few feet away, then sat down. Act natural.

      (O O F Quintessa what are you dooooooing 😛 idk I can’t wait to see what Ollie does 😛 and Quintessa to be awkward again 😛 )

  • Dune –
    “Well I can’t do anything about this can I !!” What a stupid Test this was, he couldn’t even take part in it !

    Mieginck –
    Mieginck sought out Eclipse, where could she be, it wasn’t his power but he had been speerated during the movement between Wait and Test

    Palm –
    Palm sat depressed because no one ever talks to him and he’s inactive

    Iciclefur – Iciclefur has starting to feel really unwell, he knew he would never last after he was injected with something at the lab but still, he had hoped it would be longer than this

    Ami –
    “ITS NOT A POWER !” She cried to all the cats, tears now streaming down her cheeks. Each time she saw a cat do something the chance it was a power got more likely and the chance that her father would die got higher and higher and higher

  • Thor –
    Thor swiped his paw,claws unsheathed,at the nearest cat(Tess). He then ran into the crowd,pushing cats,until he came across a black tom(Loki because I ship them). Thor hissed at the cats around him.

    Moss –

    Moss looked around. So many new cats! She padded up to a bouncy she-cat(Ollie). “Hi! What’s your name? I’m Moss!”

    • Bonita was pushed into another cat by a tom.
      “Hey!” She snapped, glaring at him. “I know you’re new amigo but you can’t threaten everyone here.” Her voice was low as she lowered into a defensive position.

    • Tess glared at the tom, swiping a paw at the blood running down her shoulder. He’s not worth it. Instead of going after him, like she usually did, she sat in the same spot, her eyes trained on the ginger tom just a few feet away from her.

  • (posted this on the wrong page oops)

    Natrix looked around, having no idea what to do.

    (I have no idea what’s going on um)

  • The water froze around the cats paws (I think three cats did it ) and a bridge of glassy ice grew across the water.
    One by one, the cats crossed the water and padded into the next room.
    In this room, there was a pile of wood infront of a door, and only one word was written on the wall.


    Alright I think most of you will be able to work this out

    • Azalea had no idea who Wren was, but she knew exactly what to do with wood.

      She lit the smaller pieces first, letting them smolder and slowly consume the larger logs and branches.

      “Get over here and help me!” she snarled to the other cats.

  • “Great. That’s three ice cats. Hurry up with that bridge,” Azalea hissed. “Or I’ll make you.”

    It was an empty threat, but a threat nonetheless.

  • Rattlesnake panicked. It was his power, but he couldn’t do anythoing! He padded up to the wood pile, and started shaking.
    He placed his paw on the wood, and tried to light it on fire. It didn’t work, so he tried again.
    A small fire appeared on the wood,and he let out a sigh of relief and scampered to the back of the group once again.

  • “Does anyone else have shadow and invisibility powers?” Echo asked around despairingly.

    • Robin emerged from the darkness and meowed ” I do ”
      Again the test to her was easy and very clear but she didn’t now who wren was.