• Jamie poked her head back through the door way, two girls standing behind her. “Also, two more girls are joining this cabin! Lily Pool and Rose Song” she announced. Turning to the girls, she said, “You two can be bunkmates, okay?” without waiting for an answer, she turned and walked toward the main cabin, leaving the girls outside the bustling cabin. 🙂

  • Lily blinked at Rose Song. “Is it okay if I just call you Rose?”
    Rose laughed. “It’s okay, but only if I can call you Lily.”
    “Fine by me! I usually go by Lily anyways…” Lily smiled at her newfound friend.
    With an excited gasp, she noted the shirt that Rose was wearing.
    “Is that…. A Warriors’ shirt?!”
    Okay. Noodles! I have an idea! Maybe we can do a thing where we realize EVERYONE LOVES WARRIORS. And that by night POOF we become a small band of cats. For twelve hours each night, we are MAGICALLY TRANSPORTED to an alternate dimension where we are cats. Sort of like Avatar. and it is day. and when we fall asleep we are transported to whichever dimension we are not in.

    that’s a bad idea actually way complicated NEVER MIND

  • Can I join?

    Foxtail: Dark reddish brown she-cat with a stripe of dark brown fur running down spine, a white muzzle and chest fur, large fox-like ears and dark colored paws, a thick bushy tail and forest green eyes

    I will also join the roleplay (I’ll write if I have time):

    Blogclan name: Foxtail
    Nickname: Foxie
    Who do you want to bunk with? – Bluefire, Wavey, anyone who considers me as their friend 🙂
    Who do you want to share a cabin with? – Bluefire, Wavey, once again anyone who considers me as their friend

  • Rose smiled. “Yep, because I LOVE Warriors!! I also love singing, dancing, and friends!! Not that I have many,” she added sadly. Then she perked up. “Top bunk or bottom bunk?” she asked Lilypool. “It dosen’t matter to me much. So what do you think we’ll get to do? Maybe there’ll be magical unicorns in the forest!!” Rose took a unicorn horn from her bag and put it on. “NEIGH!”

    • Lily laughed. She was liking her cabinmate more and more! And she liked Warriors, no less!
      “No, what’s going to happen is the unicorn will pass through a portal into our realm and-” She paused. Was someone else supposed to be in their cabin?
      A small girl with red-brown hair stood in the doorway. “Hello? Is this the cabin with Jamie as leader?”
      Wave looked up from her bunk near the roof. “Yup! I’m Wavesplash(last name or warrior name???), that’s Otterfrost-” she pointed to the girl on the bunk beneath her. “And over there is Spidersong….. um, that’s Cheetah…. over by that window is Lilypool-” Lily smiled a little and waved. “That girl right next to Lily is Rosesong. There are a couple of other girls, but I think they’re in the bathroom.”
      From her vantage point, Lily could see that the new(er) girl’s nerves had calmed a little at the rapidfire sureness of Wavey. “What’s your name?”
      The girl grinned. “My name’s Foxtail. But you all can call me Fox, or Foxie.”

      Sorry for writing other people’s dialogue, but Foxie needed to be introduced. Also refresher on names… *smiles sheepishly*

      • Rose smiled at the newcomer. “Hi, I’m a magical unicorn!” she said as she waved crazily. “Neigh! Neigh!” She turned to the other girls. “So what do we do here? Are there boys here? Are pets allowed? GAH I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!” Rose flopped onto the bottom bunk of the closest bunk bed. Her unicorn horn fell down her nose. “I really hope I get accepted,” she said after checking her email on her phone. “I’ve entered a singing school,” she explained to the girls. “And if I get accepted, I’LL BE SO HAPPY!! Sorry, that was a bit loud,” she giggled, her messy, curly dark brown hair bouncing around her face.

        • (Sorry for adding that last part about the school in, btw I’m changing it to a school that is recognized by it’s really great singing group,I kinda wanted to give my character depth lol
          My personality: Bubbly, perky, sweet, loud, singer, weird, wonderful, voracious reader, quiet when thinking, fun loving. Just for people writing me ;))

      • Yay! Thanks Lily! 🙂 I’ll write at some point hopefully (when I’m brain isn’t so tired, lol), but in the meantime, you all can just add me in 😛

        Note: I am an ambivert btw (I think that means both). This is the short version of my personality: VERY honest, sweet, quiet at times but then becomes a chatterbox, very literal, indecisive, and well I guess someone you can rely on 🙂 And of course loves Warriors 😝 (and Marvel, Harry Potter, and Once Upon A Time)

  • (Can I make Moon my twin? 😛 )

    Silv walked into her cabin, a smile on her face. I’m sharing a bunk with Moon! Glancing around, she saw that her twin wasn’t in the cabin yet. She picked bottom bunk and sat down, opening her backpack. Inside were her laptop, some new books, a journal, clothes, and some other stuff she couldn’t make out in the dim light.

    Silv pushed her falling glasses up on her nose, then stood up and looked for Moon. After all, she’s much better at making friends than I am. . .

    (Wait Iris, who am I sharing a cabin with?)

    • (we (everyone on this page) is sharing one cabin 😛 )
      Iris cringed as Justin voice rang out over the trees, “Come to the main Cabin!! Dinner!”
      They must’ve set up a PA system in the trees or something, Iris thought as she and Ottie walked into the main cabin. There weren’t many people there yet, so Iris sat down at an empty table. Ottie plopped down next to her, waiting for the rest of the kids to come in.

      • Rose sat next Iris, bursting with questions. “I wonder if we get served, or if we make our own food,” she said thoughtfully. “Right now, I am craving chocolate cupcakes.” She instinctively tied her curls into a ponytail, and thought about back home. All her books, except for a few she had especially chosen, were back in her room. Hopefully her little brother and sister wouldn’t dare pick one up.

        • Lily gasped. “You like chocolate too?!”
          Rose laughed. “Your face… does no one you know like chocolate?”
          “Not really… my mom likes to eat UBER healthy. My dad just likes food… so, no. Not many.”
          “ATTENTION CAMPERS!” Lily jumped. It was Justin, TRYING to direct giggly campers. And HOW was he so LOUD?! “THE DINING HALL IS THATAWAY! TOWARDS THE LARGE GLOWING HOUSE! IT’S PRETTY OBVIOUS!”
          “Gee, you’d think they expected us to be deaf or something,” Lily muttered. Her nearest cabinmates heard and grinned. At this, Lily smiled. She always loved when others laughed.
          “Now… where’s those cupcakes?”


    • (Scratch my above comment)
      “Silv!” I cried. We embraced and laughed. “I’ll take top I guess,” I smiled. She laughed as I climbed the ladder. I threw my sleeping bag and backpack on it, along with my pillow. Opening my backpack, I took out my tablet, phone, keyboard, a few books, and a sketchbook. Plus a pencil case… And a note book… I always over pack!

  • Rose grabbed a hold of her bag. “Here we go!!” She grabbed a box of chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Her mouth watered. She grabbed one, and started passing them around to everyone around the table. “Enjoy!!” she said smiling. She took a bite out of her own cupcake. “Mmmmm. You know what they say, chocolate keeps the doctor away!” She gobbled away all of her cupcake. “Also, desert first is what I say!” She said before getting out a packed dinner of pizza. “My mom packed me some dinner for the first day,” she explained. Then she dug right in!

    • Iris grabbed one of the chocolate cupcakes that Rose offered her, and took a tentative bite. She watched in astonishment as Rose gobbled her cupcake and dug into a piece of pizza. She was saying something first eating desert, or else the doctor will be mad, or something like that. It was hard for Iris to tell with Rose’s mouth full of pizza. Still, she smiled, and took another bite from her cupcake.
      “So, I’m going to go grab some dinner” Iris said, indicating to the table at the front of the room with lots of food on it. “Anyone want to come?”

  • Rose look up, mouth full of pizza, when Iris said something about dinner. She swallowed. “No thanks, I’m full,” she said, patting her belly. “I’m gonna go back to the cabin,” she said, and quickly hurried back to her cabin. There, her phone buzzed eargerly. Rose picked it up, and saw a gazillion messages from her friend Hilariousclaw. “What are you doing?” “Are there any boys?” “Answer meeeeeee”. Rose quickly typed away, telling Hilariousclaw all about her first day. Then she picked up a Warriors manga, flopped onto the bottom bunk of her bed, and started reading.
    Yeah I actually haven’t read any of the manga, so I don’t really know what happened. Just saying.

  • Cheetah jerked her head up, realizing Wavey was speaking to her. “Oh, yeah. Sorry. I’m okay with either one, but I guess I’ll take the top.” She said, slinging her backpack onto the top bunk. Cheetah surveyed the cabin, realization dawning on her face. “I must have been zoned out longer than I thought.” She muttered. “Everyone’s at dinner already.”
    She ran out of the cabin and to the dining hall, sitting down in a seat just in time. “What did I miss?” She asked everyone at the table.

    • “You missed cupcakes! Actually, no. Rose has more. Rose, why did you make so many?!”
      A laugh from Rose. “Why not?”
      A quiet cough came from behind Lily. She turned around. A small girl with straw gold hair was staring at a small sheet. “Um… is this the cabin with-” A squint at the paper. “Wave… Splash? And Iris Mist?”
      “Yup! That’s us!” Foxie bounced over to the New(est-er) girl. “Hi! I’m Foxie!”
      “Well, hi. Foxie. Um, I’m Sunny Dream. Nice to meet you all. And… are those chocolate cupcakes there?!”

      well then
      I introduced Sunny. sorry…
      I kinda stole them???
      Bye noodles!!! 😀

      Also Sunny? Sorry I made you stammer… 😛 🙁

      • Lily, right now we are all in the main cabin, not Cabin 1, and also, as a general rule, we only act out our characters, not other peoples 🙂 Sorry if I sound bossy, that just the way role play works 😛
        (wow, I originally wrote boosy instead of bossy, I spell bad 😛 )

        • no it’s fine 😛 😀 and English so confuzzling, I don’t know how it iquebwhfco8yb???

          And I meant that the group as a cabin, at camps(that I have been to) the counselors call everyone by cabin name? so that??? sorry again!!! 😛 :l

  • Snowy put her Tetris playing device (again probably a Gameboy or something similar) into her sweater pocket and went to the main dining cabin place, and found a table to sit down and eat some food. She is assuming this is where the other people from her cabin are, “umm hello?” she said to the person next to her. (whoever wants to sit next to me they can 😛 )

    • Rose smiled from across the table at the new(isher)comer. (Ok so apparently we are still in the cabin so I’m still here too 😛 in my other post…. Is there a delete button? Dang…. oh well I’ll just pretend that never happened. Except my cupcakes. Those totally did happen :P)
      “Hello, new person, my name is Rosesong, but you can call me Rose! I love love love the following!
      Singing dancing hugging friends Warriors books reading movies watching cats dogs horses riding horses playing running being free roses texting talking eating sleeping and living. I’m probably talking a bit fast I kinda do that when I’m excited and right now I’mreallyexcitedomgoshomgoshomgosh!!!!” She nearly squealed. Another friend! How much better could this camp get? She handed the newcomer a cupcake and began to mentally list all of her new friends names. Well, there’s Iris, and Ebony, and Cheetah, and Lily, and Foxie, and Sunny, and Wavey, and so many others!! . She smiled. She hadn’t had many friends back home, save her best friend Hilariousclaw. Now she would have more friends!
      (Btw the above list includes stuff I really do like. Just an extremely shortened list :P)

      • Spidey wakes up from her bunk from all the noise. Rubbing her face, she realizes that everybody was already at dinner. Smelling food, she runs toward that direction and sees a whole bunch of people talking and laughing. And in the midst of it all… chocolate cupcakes. Spidey would usually be shy to ask for one in a situation like this, but it’s CUPCAKES! “Can I have one, Rose Song?”

        • Rose smiled. “Sure, Spidey! And you can just call me Rose. It’s what everyone calls me!”
          She handed over a cupcake to Spidey. She then took out her unicorn horn again, and placed it promptly onto her head. “Guys, look who’s back! Neigh!! Neigh!!”

          • Greedily stuffing the chocolate cupcake into her face (XD what is this…) Spidey realized she didn’t even feel nervous at all anymore. She had already met Iris, who was super nice, and Rose seemed to be funny and cool as well. She can’t control her laughing at Rose’s impression of a horse.

      • “hi Rose, my name is Snow Swirl. You can call me Snow or Snowy” she said reaching over for some food

    • Iris smiled at the girl who had just sat down on her other side.
      “Hi!” she said, “I’m Iris! Want a cookie?”
      Iris held up a pink frosted cookie she had just grabbed from the food table, and picked up a piece of pepperoni pizza with her other hand, taking a bite.

      • “sure” Snowy said as she grabbed a cookie, thinking of when she could go back to the cabin and play some games. She looked around the table “hey is my bunk mate here?” Snowy asked around (I think its Ivy thats my bunk mate, I will check though 😛 )

        • (Ivy isn’t really active on here, so Sunny can be your bunkmate instead 🙂 )
          Iris looked around, but couldn’t see Sunny anywhere.
          Just then, Justin’s voice rang out over the seats. “It’s cherokee night!!! Now, everyone partner up, grab a friend, and get your butts up here when I call your name to sing a song!”
          “What a nice guy.” Iris looked at her food, inwardly panicking. singing, in front of everyone?! she thought, pushing her mashed potatoes around her plate.
          She looked up, and turned to her cabinmates. Who wants to sing with me?” 😛

          • Rose smiled widely. “I will! I LOVE singing!!!!!!” She got up, wiped off the cupcake residue on her face, and waited eagerly to be chosen. She ran all of her favorite songs in her head. Hmmmm. Which one? Oh well, she thought. I’ll just sing whatever pops in my head first. No wait! She was supposed to sing WITH her partner, right? She turned to Iris. “What shall we sing?” She asked.

          • (ok thats ok 🙂 ) “I’ll sing if I know the song” Snowy said nervously walked up on stage with Iris. She also brought the remaining of her cookie and grabbed a second one for something to do if she didn’t know the song

          • Iris smiled nervously at Snowy and Rose. “Um… do either of you guys know any songs from plays? Like Hamilton or Wicked? Those are my fav, if not though, we could sing… uh… maybe ‘Cups, or Once I was 7 years old”?”
            Iris knew that wasn’t the real name of the song, but she didn’t mind. It covered the theme pretty well.
            She also hated that she sounded so uncertain, she was a little uncomfortable being put on the spot, but hey! Light up, she though… looking around for another cookie. 😛

            • Rose frowned, for once. “Sorry, Iris, I haven’t seen any musicals.” Rose felt like she had let everyone down, and her shoulders sagged. Her dark brown hair fell in front of her face, and she dejectedly sat back on the table, eating a cupcake sadly.
              OH RIGHT
              THIS IS LIKE ME IRL 😛
              LIKE WHAT THE HECK ME 😛 😛 :P)

  • Robin woke up and realized that she had fallen asleep. She saw that no one was there, so she assumed they were at dinner. She walked toward the dinner hall, found a seat, and sat down. “Hi there!” she said cheerfully. “Are those cupcakes?! Er, I mean, of course they are!” Robin winced at her choice of words. Sometimes she wished she could have a rewind button, to do some things differently. “Um… I’m gonna go get dinner!” she blustered, and walked up to the dinner line.

    • Spidey saw Robin at the dinner line, and walked up to her. “Hi…” she said shyly “I’m Spider Song, but you can call me Spidey. What’s your name?”