• Bluefire bursts out of the forest. “Finally! I made it to the camp!” She slows down, braiding her shoulder-length dark blonde hair as she walks. Her eyes, shifting from blue to blue-grey to grey as a cloud passes over the sun, dart left and right as she searches for someone. There! “Sunny,” she hisses, getting the other girl’s attention. “Hey. I just got here, can I bunk with you?”

  • Lily frowned at her plate. She could eat cookies? And CAKE? AND CUPCAKES AND BROWNIES AND- Wow. When was the last time she had eaten a brownie? Just then, she heard Justin’s announcement. Karaoke? She loved to sing, but… really? In front of STRANGE HUMAN BEINGS THAT COULD LAUGH AND LAUGH AND LAUGH AND LAUGH. Nah… but… was that Hamilton she heard? Tilting her head to the side, she could see Iris talking to Rose and… another new person? New people. They kept popping up. Not a bad thing, this just meant more people to sing in front of… She could deal with that. Rising off the wooden bench, she slowly started towards the small trio. What song from Hamilton? Hmmm… Aaron Burr, Sir was an option. Or… “The Schuyler Sisters!” Sated with her new plan, Lily picked up her pace.
    quickly quickly! 😀 I love Hamilton 😛

    Also, Loathing from Wicked.
    sorry I haven’t been around much

    • Bluefire lingered in the doorway to the mess hall, staring over the people gathered there. Her eyes lighted on the table of food. Moving faster than could be seen, she darted over to it, filling a plate with everything chocolaty and sugary that she could find and shoving individually wrapped candies into her pockets. When she had two towering plates of treats and food, she wandered about looking for a table. Finding an empty table near a corner, she set down her plates and took a book out of her backpack. Settling down and opening the book to the marked page, she shoved a brownie into her mouth as she started to read.

    • Iris turned toward Lily.
      “Yasss” she said,” If we do Schylur Sisters, I call Angelica! But Loathing is one of my fav songs… ahh!” Iris didn’t know what to decide
      “Have any a=of you guys listened to Into the Woods? There are plenty of roles to choose from if we choose that, everyone could have a part if we do the Prolouge.”

  • Bluefire shifts position, leaning against the trunk of the tree as she digs in her satchel for a pencil. Finding one, she sets her notebook on a branch and starts scribbling. Random thoughts, tiny sketches, whatever comes to mind. Something shifts in the corner of her eye, and her pencil pauses on the page. She peeks over her shoulder, but nothing is there. With a shiver, she turns back around– only to see something perched on a branch, inches from her face. She almost screams, instead clapping a hand over her mouth. The ‘something’ is a bird, a little blue Stellar’s Jay that blinks at her. Bluefire slowly slides her pencil and notebook back into her bag, then reaches out a hand to the bird. After a second, it hops onto her arm. Their eyes meet.
    ‘Hello, human,’ the bird thinks. Somehow, Bluefire can understand it.
    “Um, hi,” she says aloud.
    ‘You don’t need to speak, I can hear your thoughts.’
    ‘Which isn’t creepy at all,’ Bluefire thinks.
    ‘It’s how I communicate with the people I choose.’
    ‘Oh. Well, I’m Bluefire. What’s your name?’
    ‘I am–‘ the bird makes a series of clicking and chirping sounds. ‘In your language, that means She who Perches on Cliffs. You may call me Perch.’
    ‘Uh, okay. Perch. Nice to meet you,’ Bluefire thinks hesitantly.
    ‘Nice to meet you as well. Do you come here often?’ Perch asks.
    ‘The forest, you mean? Or the camp?’
    ‘The camp is new for me, but I love being in forests.’
    Perch cocks her head. ‘I think I will stay with you a while, if that’s alright.’
    ‘Of course,’ Bluefire thinks honestly. ‘I’d love to have a friend.’
    ‘We are friends?’
    ‘If– if you want to be.’
    Perch seems to consider this. ‘Yes. I would like that.’
    “Brilliant,” Bluefire says aloud. Then, in her head, ‘You’d be my first real friend. I’m kind of shy when it comes to other humans.’
    ‘I have someplace in the forest that you might like to see,’ Perch informs.
    ‘Really? Well, what are we waiting for?’ Perch flutters down from the tree, and Bluefire climbs down as well. Bird and girl head off deeper into the forest.

  • Rose stepped up onto the stage, smiling at the crowds. Sure, she was nervous. But she didn’t care. She started singing, and the others turned to face her.

    [insert lyrics to “This Is Me” from The Greatest Showman]

    Rose sung the last note out with all her vocal might. Boy, she loved to sing. She waited for the crowd’s reaction, unsure they would take her song well. (For the karaoke thing. If we aren’t doing that, then I’ll make something else.)

    • Bluefire cheered as the song ended. ‘I love that song,’ she thought to Perch.
      ‘Me too, I really like the lyrics.’ Perch twittered, getting a couple of weird looks, but both bird and girl ignored them. As the girl stepped off of the stage, Bluefire bounced up to her, Perch on her arm.
      “Hi! I’m Bluefire, and this is She who Perches on Branch – Perch. That was awesome, you’re really good at singing!”

      • Rose smiled at Bluefire happily. She felt proud that she was good at singing, since she enjoyed it so much.
        “Hello Bluefire,” she said cheerfully. “My name is Rosesong, but you can call me Rose.” Rose looked at the bird, a flash of curiousity in her eyes. “She Who Perches On Branch-what a very lovely name!” Birds were one of her favorite animals, besides cats, dogs, horses, a bunch of other species. “It kinda sounds like a Tribe name,” she said thoughtfully.

        • “Wow, I guess it does,” Bluefire laughed. “I never thought of that.”
          ‘This one likes people like me,’ Perch thought.
          ‘Oh! You mean… is it rude to call you animals?’
          ‘No, though some don’t appreciate it. I don’t mind.’
          “Perch and I can communicate telepathically,” Bluefire added. “Perch says you like… people like her? Um, animals, I mean.”

          • Rose grinned. “OF COURSE I like, how you put it, people like her. Heck, she’s probably very much like a person, except she has wings and a beak.” She thought for a moment. “Telepathic communication? If only that were something humans could do. Then when you want to ask somebody out, instead of stumbling over words, you just think to the person, ‘Hey, you wanna go catch lunch? 12:30?’” She laughed at her little joke. “But, in all seriousness, that’s really cool.” She looked at Perch, and bowed politely. “It is my honor to meet such an esteemed individual.” (Rose is serious, I promise. 😀 )

            • ‘Wow, she’s really cool,’ Perch thought to Bluefire.
              “Perch thinks your cool,” Bluefire told Rose. “And so do I! I don’t think I would’ve been able to get up on stage, no matter how good of a singer I am.”

              • Rose chuckled. “It may take a little courage, but once you get up there the first time, it gets easier. At least, for me it did,” she smiled. “Anyways, it’s getting late, so I’m going to walk back to my cabin. See ya!” And with that, Rose swiftly walked away from the dinner hall and walked into her cabin, before anything too…unusual happened….

  • Snowy decided to walk back to the cabin but got side tracked and wandered into some nearby woods and found a little clear patch with a little waterfall and a creek/stream and sat down on a rock and pulled out her gameboy from her pocket and played tetris for like 5 minutes and then saw a horse came into the little clearing and drank some water and like the curios person she was, she went over to the horse after it was done drinking and the horse nuzzed her and they played together and they had fun as if they could communicate and then they layed down on the grass and looked at shapes made out of clouds. the horse said goodbye and then Snow picked up her gameboy from the rock she left it on and walked back towards the cabin and she realised that it was very far. then the horse offered to give her a ride over to the cabin and she sat on the bunk

  • Short story contest ✍️📝
    Hello! I’m going to be using this secret page for a short story contest. So for this contest, I would like you to take the death of your favorite character, and rewrite it so it ends with them surviving. If your favorite character is still alive, you can write about any other character that died. Make it as happy as you can! Here are the rules/things to know:

    -You can write as much or as little as you like, though I would prefer if it was more then 300 words. 🙂
    -There will be first, second, and third place. The prize is secret, but there will be a prize.🤐 🏆 -You can only write one story. -This contest will only last 1 week. Next Sunday, March 21, is the last day you can enter, but I’m flexible, so if you still really want to enter, or need time, I will stretch the deadline.
    -This is the most important rule of them all…..have fun!!! And good luck! I can’t wait to read all your wonderful stories! 🙂 🐈 🍀 
    ✨May StarClan light your path!✨

  • A quick reminder: Short story contest starts March 14, and ends March 22. March 21 is the last day you can enter. So enter while you can because it wouldn’t take long! If you need more time, or still want to enter, I can extend the deadline. 🙂

  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! I will answer as fast as I can! 😉