Art by Vialir
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Recent Purrs
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- moonbreeze (she/her) 🌙🪼 | the (very busy) nta mod!! on BlogTeam Den
- 🌌🔶Rowanpaw🔶🌌 "Sir, it's quite possible this astroid is not entirely stable."🦅🐢 App to the pawsome Hazelwhisker🐾✴️ Plat mates with the amazing Nutpaw✴️🐾Rowny, Rolo, Flick🌘🐙 on Please Introduce Yourself
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Wildflower (they/them)
Wildflower watched Quintessa drift off to sleep, and suddenly felt the need to protect her. She was going to need water soon. Wildflower needed water too. Then she remembered that Wren was Dune’s sister. Why was he over here? Perhaps he thought Quintessa could be the ‘fire’, or Wildflower. What if he was the ‘fire’? And wasn’t Dune an old grouchbag that didn’t like anybody?
“Sit down,” they decided. “But not too close to Quintessa, sharing body heat isn’t the greatest idea right now. I’ll go get you guys some water. And don’t you Dare lay a Single claw on her.” Wildflower spotted a patch of cacti little way away, and headed there with a huff.
Was leaving Quintessa with the traitor’s brother a good idea?
They were in a test to become immortal, after all. What if he kills her, just so he has one less cat to compete with?
Probably not, they thought, not in his condition.
Or is it all a lie?
Dune –
“Ok, ok,” he hissed, “as long as she doesn’t talk I’m fine, we just don’t have the best last that’s all. But if she says one word against me or any of my friends, then she is done for”
Frostsong padded back to the cave. “Dune, what are you doing here?” Frostsong asked suspiciously.
What was the point of being here with nobody who cares about you? I asked myself.
Palm –
Palm saw a tom standing at the edge of the desert looking bored and confused.
He sprinted over to him
“Hey get your butt off the ground and help us, you useless pile of fur !” Palm joked , “Don’t worry, I don’t really mean it, that was my Dune impression, it’s pretty good isn’t it ! Do you want to come with me, I’ve just noticed that Wren’s fire shield has dropped down behind her, maybe we can attack there !”
He hoped that the tom would like him, no cat had really taken to him, or even tried to talk to him apart from Chao.
What was the point in being here, if he came to save his friends, if he had no friends to save ?
Chao noticed that Palm and another cat were going behind Wren. He wondered why they were doing that, as the last cat had caught on fire. Had they not seen? But upon further inspection, he noticed that the fire was mostly in front of the burning monster. He cursed the tom who had rendered his right eye useless, is was getting harder to observe things. He ran over to the two cats, knowing that he couldn’t stay on the sidelines forever.
“How can I help? You all think I’m useless just because I’m not involved!”
(He is getting slightly mad)
Palm –
“Nobody said you were useless ! Just come with me and we can try and distract her from behind, then Feather can hopefully kill her, and get this hell over and done with.”
Palm started to sprint towards the gap in the flames.
“You coming ?”
Chao reached Palm and the other cat. “Hope you don’t mind if I help.” He said. He couldn’t get through this alone, not anymore.
Wren –
Wren saw a grey cat charging at her, the she cats classmates ripped deep into her flank.
Wren yelled in pain, and weakened to fire wall round her back, putting more energy into the fire infront of her, hoping to stop that stupid grey cat.
She felt like there was something she recognised about that cat and caught a black she cat who was standing out of her flames eye, and saw tears rolling down her cheeks.
Did Wren know that cat ?
She didn’t know anymore. All that was important was protecting her fire and killing the cats.
Cats ! She saw the grey she cat still next to her and lashed out her paw, hoping to knock her over.
Wow I was listening to Thief by Imagine Dragons while doing this and I was nearly crying and almost regretted doing this
But not enough, I’m still killing off Wren
feather won’t be able to kill when on her own, so you will need to help her
I listened to it, and: “When the stars look down on me what do they see?” Made me sad😭
Thunder ran into the flames and lashed out at wren,trying to distract her.the water in his let was evaporating but it was still protecting him from catching fire
Quintessa felt movement. She heard the faint rumbling of cats paws. Her eyes opened to see Dune and Frostsong standing near her. Oh great, she thought, the grumpbag has returned. She pushed herself up, feeling her paw slightly ache. Her mind wandered. Who could be destined to defeat the demon-cat? Definitely not me. Probably not Dune. Wildflower? Some other cat I haven’t noticed? Hmmm… She sat there, wondering how his sister’s death would effect Dune. It almost makes me feel sorry for him.
“Quintessa, I heard Feather tell Dune earlier that she was the fire. We have to help her. Come on!” Frostsong said, leaping out of the cave. “It’s okay! She’s heavily weakened! Come help!”
Luana padded numbly towards shelter before collapsing. I can’t… “Wren…” She whimpered.
“Thunder, wait! It won’t work! We need to stand back now,” She shrieked. It was no use. They were not stronger than fire. No cat was. What was Harnor doing to them . . .?
(Maplepaw, we should write a book about the Tests! The main characters would be Dune, Wren, Luana and Feather. Then off of that, we can all write our own books about our characters, like Firestar’s Quest and Hollyleaf’s Story.)
(That would be soooooo coool !!!! I think that Fringe and Bird would need a spin off to show how they struggled through the tests, as Bird is angry that he is unable to form relationships and Fringe is just ummmmmmmmm I’m not sure how to describe Fringe’s current mental state)
That’d be awesome!
That would be so fun!
Feather stumbled as Wren’s paw slightly hit her. She let out a batch of coughing and tried to grab ahold with her claws of Wren’s huanch,hoping that she could swing over and grab the other one.
I sighed. I didn’t care about the stupid fire thing. Besides, I felt like none of them liked me. I watched as the fight went on
Stemwhisker sighed, jumping out of the battle since he now knew he didn’t have the fire to defeat Wren.
Fringe roared, charging at the cat who had been Wren. She swiped and clawed, pouring every ounce of hatred, anger, and fear into her blows. She knew she wouldn’t be the one to kill her, that was Feather’s job, but it didn’t stop her from trying. She attacked again and again, hoping to distract Wren enough that Feather could kill her. Then Fringe would finish the tests. She would win. She would get her power. And she would find her sister.
Frost just layed there because she couldnt move due to the incredible pain on her side and pretty much everywhere, she was just hoping nobody would step on her and the fire wouldent hit her. but just as fast as she was awake thinking of everything that could go wrong she fell back asleep again
Pebble, seeing a she-cat laying on the ground near the fire, gasped. She ran to her and dragged her away, hoping she didn’t hurt her in the process. When she decided the she-cat was far enough away, she left her there and stood guard in front of her. No one was going to hurt this she-cat. One who was defenceless. No one.
“thank you” Frost gasped when some cat dragged her away from the fire
Quintessa got up. “What are we waiting for?” she asked while grinning. “Let’s get dangerous.” She sprung out, quick as lightning outside, watching other cats claw and bite Wren with fury, sorrow and other horrible feelings fueling them. She jumped through the fire, right behind Wren, near some other cats (Palm and Chao I think). Her claws lashed out, hoping to distract the demon-cats attention away from Feather.
Palm –
Palm lashed out his claws, imagining that the form of Wren was really Alex, not the gentle she cat
Every time the fire got near him, he gasped and ran back, but kept coming back. He was coughing and spluttering from the smoke and the fur on the right side of his face was nearly completely burnt off but he kept fighting
Chao used up all of the fight left in him attacking wren. He slashed and bit at Harnor’s creation until he had to back away and collapse on the ground. He would give himself 5 seconds to rest, and then he would get up. Five. He hated this monster that had been made so forcefully made by Harnor. Four. He hated the pain in the right side of his face. Three. He hated the cat that had cuased the pain. Two. He hated Harnor. One He hated himself. He got up and went at wren with everything he had. He would never be the same.