• Ash~
    Ash’s kits finished their milk, and just curled up next to their mother.
    Ash absentmindedly stroked them with her tail as she thinks about their father.


    Dead. Long dead.
    Ash misses him.
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    • ~Rain~
      Rain notices sadness in Ash’s eyes. Slowly, she walks up to her. “Ash… are you alright?”

    • Turtle doesn’t care what anyone else says, Millie ain’t Graystripe’s true mate! Silverstream is! says:

      “I think talking about him would help,” mewed Ash. “Aspen was very brave. I knew him since I was a kitten.
      “We grew up in the same group of cats, but realized that it wasn’t the life for us.
      “When we were old enough, we decided to leave.
      “After traveling together for many, many moons, Aspen and I fell in love.
      “We became mates, and were talking about having kits.
      “Several moons after becoming mates, I realized I was expecting kittens.
      “Aspen was so happy. He couldn’t wait to be a father.”
      Ash sadly whispered, “But he never got that chance.
      “We were attacked by vicious cats. Aspen fought so hard, and so did I.
      “One cat started to press down on my throat. I could hardly breathe.
      “Aspen shoved me out of the way, taking my place.”

      Ash squeezed her eyes shut; she didn’t know if she could go on.
      “Aspen died saving me.” she finished.
      Sorrow crept through Ash, as fresh as the day Aspen died.
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  • Jazzy~
    Jazzy calls to Kordi and Cherryshine, “Do you want to race?”
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    • Kordi~
      “You’ll never beat me! Last one to the flowers is a rotten egg!” crows Kordi as she starts to run.
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    • ~Cherryshine~
      “Yes!” With a squeal of excitement, Cherryshine dashes across the grass.

    • ~Forest~
      “I’ll join!” Forest called cheerfully, rushing over to them, “I might not beat you but don’t worry- I won’t be too much of a sore loser!”

      • Kordi~
        “You’ll never catch me!” Kordi says to Jazzy, flicking her tail playfully.
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        • Jazzy~
          “We’ll see about that! We won’t let her win,” she says to Forest and Cherryshine with a smile.
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          • ~Forest~
            “You bet we won’t!” Forest agrees, her eyes shining.


    Raven padded into the forest. It’s been too long.
    She went deeper, and lay down. She lay there for ages.
    Suddenly she heard a creak from behind her. She turned around. Three trees were moving, towards her.
    “They’re falling!” Raven whipped her tail round, and a sharp pain sliced through it. She turned around further. No… no…
    Her tail was caught in a Twoleg shiny silver trap. It had fangs, and was biting down on her tail. She couldn’t run.
    “Hel-” She stopped howling. They wouldn’t saw her, not after her betrayal. She sighed. She wouldn’t save her if she was them either. She could feel the tree coming closer. She put her head on her paws.

    • Yuri’s ears prick up. She could hear a howl from the forest! She starts running. Faster. Faster. RAVEN! She spots the trap on her tail. “Get away!” Yuri calls. She pushes Raven away from the rapidly falling tree. It falls with a mighty force that sends Yuri flying against a tree trunk. She closes her eyes.

      After a few minutes, Yuri opens her eyes, and feebly stands up. “Raven? Raven, are you okay?”

    • ~Slash~
      Patrolling the woods, Slash noticed someone in the distance- right where the trees were about to fall. It was Raven! Slash rushed towards Raven but was still quite far away. “Raven, dig under the trap!” she called loudly, still running towards her, “I’m coming to help you, but I might not get there in time if you don’t start- just dig under the trap, it’ll free you!”

        • (lol, I actually thought someone might have replied already! 😛 At least our two work kinda well together since Slash didn’t get there yet so maybe she didn’t notice Yuri yet 😛 I made a second comment in reply to Yuri though (it’s not modded yet))

      • ~Raven~
        Raven froze. “I can’t. I… can’t feel my tail. I can’t feel my forepaws. I don’t think…” Her eyes closed, and she went limp.
        Cody had rushed into the clearing straight after Raven had given way. She gasped. “Raven! Don’t worry, I’ll help!” She instantly leapt beside the black she-cat, putting her paw to her chest. “She’s breathing.” Cody sighed with relief and terror. “She’s not dead! Oh, Raven.” Cody started tugging at the silver thing. “I don’t… I can’t…”

    • ~Slash~
      Slash reaches Raven and Yuri. “Wow, good job!” she says to Yuri admiringly, “I couldn’t have possibly gotten here in time- Raven’s lucky you were here!” She then leans over Raven. “You alright?” she clucks softly.
      Slash takes out her sword. “Don’t worry,” she tells Raven, “I’ll be gentle.” Using the tip of her sharp sword, she carefully cuts through the trap to get it off Raven’s tail. “There, that should be better,” she says, tossing the trap aside. “But that cut looks deep. We’ll have to get the doctor. Elderberry- I think that’s what she’s called.”

  • ~Forest~ (to Starflame on the previous page)
    Through the corner of her eye, Forest glimpsed a large cat disappearing into the alley. She looked kind of like a tiger, but a bit like a lion, too.
    “Hi!” Forest ran up to her, smiling. “Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around before- but then again, maybe I’m blind.”

  • ~Cherryshine~ (With Jazzy and Kordi)
    Cherryshine races after Kordi, Forest, and Jazzy. As she runs she glimpses a flash of pink. She slows down and sees that it’s a flower- just like Jazzy’s! If she picks it, she might not catch up. But she really wants to surprise her friend. Race or flower? she wonders, Race or flower? She shrugs- Flower! Cherry stops and carefuly picks the flower, then trots towards her friends, holding it in her beak.

    • Jazzy~
      Jazzy stops running when she notices Cherryshine holding a flower.
      “Hey, thanks!” she says. “That’s just the kind I like!”
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      • “You’re welcome!” Cherryshine says as she helps Jazzy bu putting it behind her ear for her.

        • Jazzy~
          Jazzy purrs (I don’t know if tigers can purr, but let’s just roll with it) and sits down, looking at the interesting shapes of the clouds.
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    • ~Forest~
      “Don’t worry, I’ll let you catch up!” Forest calls, stopping to wait for her friends.
      “You don’t have to,” Cherry clucks lightly.
      Forest shrugs. “I wouldn’t want to be arrested for cheating!” she jokes.

      • Turtle doesn’t care what anyone else says, Millie ain’t Graystripe’s true mate! Silverstream is! says:

        “I’m pretty sure you can’t be arrested for cheating.” Kordi says.

        Then, to annoy Jazzy a bit (because that could be fun sometimes)
        “Except Jazzy.”
        Jazzy rolled her eyes, and Kordi grinned.
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  • ~Snake~ (a chicken- but her name is snake and she loves snakes)
    Holding it by the shoelace, Snace drags a sneaker across the concrete. “Could somebody help me get this shoelace snake off the shoe?” she calls, irritated that someone had the idea of getting it stuck in the shoe in the first place. You might think it was an accident, she thinks to herself, or that the snake got stuck by itself. But no- I saw! I saw the shoe factory! They do it on purpose. It’s like they want an innocent child to have to go through all the trouble of pulling their toy snake out the second they buy it! I wonder why they include the shoe part in the first place…

    • Molly~
      Molly tilted her head, confused.
      “Uh, Snake. That’s a shoe. You realize that the shoelace is meant to be there, right?” she says.
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      • ~Snake~
        Snake gives her a puzzled look. “But the shoelace is meant to be a toy snake- is it not?”

    • Carlotta~
      “I heard that shoes are horrible luck!” Carlotta tells Snake.
      “Just by touching that, you’ll have bad luck for seven years!”
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      • ~Snake~
        “Oh, no!” Snake yelped, “The shoelace snake has been touching it for so long- now it’ll have bad luck!” She started yanking it out even more vigorously.

        • Molly~
          “Carlotta, that’s not true.” Molly says.
          “Shoes are fine.You can’t get bad luck by touching them.”
          Then she adds, “There’s no reason to worry, Snake.”
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          • ~Snake~
            “Oh, okay,” Snake sighs with relief, then resumes calmly pulling at the shoelace just as she had before she heard about the shoe being bad luck.

    • Turtle doesn’t care what anyone else says, Millie ain’t Graystripe’s true mate! Silverstream is! says:

      Molly told Carlotta, “Come on, Carlotta! You don’t seriously think that whole ‘shoes are bad luck’ thing is true, do you?”
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      • Turtle doesn’t care what anyone else says, Millie ain’t Graystripe’s true mate! Silverstream is! says:

        “Shoes are ridiculous!” Carlotta insisted.
        “Why would anyone wear them? Their feet are fine without a covering! I’ve never worn shoes in my life, and my feet are fine!”

        “Well, there aren’t any spider sized shoes as far as I know.” Molly admitted.
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    • ~Slash~
      Slash put a wing comfortingly on Raven’s shoulder. “You’re going to be fine,” she said, then turned to Cody and Yuri. “Someone needs to run back to town and get a doctor. Hurry!”

  • Announcement!

    We currently have over 900 comments on this roleplay, almost 1,000!
    I had this idea- maybe when we reach 1,000, we can have a celebration!
    We’ll pretend that the characters have been in this town for a year (so it’s been a year since it’s founding) and they can celebrate.
    I’ve explained my idea through this comment, but I’ll also put another one from Commander (the president) and he can tell the characters about the celebration.

    • (You can just make any post about your character- like, describe where he’s sitting or something, and I’ll help you fit in. My chicken character Snace loves snakes, so she’ll help Slivery fit right in! 😉 )

  • Slivery-
    “I wonder what to do today”Slivery said sitting inside his house.” Well I can’t be inside my house forever”he said starting to go outside

    • ~Snake (aka Snace)~
      Snace spotted a snake crawling out of a nearby house. Ooh, a snake, she thought, I wonder if we could be friends. “Hello,” the yellow hen said, walking up to him, “I’m Snake, but you can call me Snace. I’m a snake, too.” she glanced self-consciously at her feathers, legs, and other chicken qualities, “Or at least… I want to be. What’s your name?”

      • Carlotta~
        Carlotta whispers to Snace, “Snakes don’t eat spiders, do they?”
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          • Carlotta~
            “Only a few. Only a few. Fabulous.” Carlotta says sarcastically.
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  • Moonstream-
    Moonstream watched. And watched some more. She knew what she had to do.

    • Molly~
      “Hi, Moonstream!” said Molly. “What are you doing?” she asks.
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