• This is the page for the code, in-RP additions, and questions about things in general!
    Be sure to refer back here every few weeks or so– Things might’ve changed!

    (Warrior Code for this RP)

    1; The Whisperer of Omens’ word shall be taken with grave seriousness– It is near criminal to not take their word.
    2; The Winds heal those of injury, but those fallen are led to the Crashpond(Moonpool) by the Whisperer of Omens.
    3; The Gods are all-mighty. Whether Night, day, or storm, the gods of the Cattvolus may demand a Sacrifice of whoever they desire.
    4; The Winds are never to be a Sacrifice unless the gods themselves say.
    5; Those born with genetic deformities shall never have chips. Blindness is the only exception.

  • RANKINGS AMONG THE CATTVOLUS (Evolved Clan and Tribe cats)


    God; Off limits, unless explicit permission is given
    Whisperer of Omens; If multiple are asking, I will put their names through a wheel and whoever comes up gets the role.
    Winds; Permission required– three max
    Winds’ Neophyte; Winds’ apprentice– Permission of current Winds required
    Hunter/Huntress; Hunt for food throughout the landscape
    Guard; Guard the entrance and Whisperer of Omens
    Mothers: Mothers for the Chips

    Them; Therapists
    Neophytes; Apprentices
    Chips; Kits

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