• Cricketsong –

    Cricketsong sat in camp, her ears perked up. She was rather bored, and she knew if she went hunting by herself she’d probably just get herself lost. Again, She reminded herself unintentionally.

    • Honeymint –

      Seeing Cricketsong sitting alone, the healer walked over and settled down next to her
      “Cricketsong ! How are you ? I was just about to go out looking for herbs, do you want to come with me ?”
      Shuffling her paws awkwardly, Honeymint smiled slightly
      “If you want to, I’m not saying you have to or anything, I’m not rude, at least I wasn’t trying to be rude. I hope I wasn’t rude. Did I sound rude ? I hope I didn’t sound rude. Wait have I said that already.”
      Honeymint sighed and buried her head in her fur. She was completely useless in conversations.
      “Sorry, I should probably go now, sorry to bother you, I’m just not very good with other cats.”
      Honeymint rose to her paws slowly and began to walk away to get herbs, a little embarrassed.

      • Cricketsong-
        Once Cricketsong finally realized what Honeymint was telling her, she immediately got to her paws. “Sure! I’d love to!” She exclaimed.

        • Honeymint –

          “Wait you’re coming with me ! I didn’t think you would !”
          Honeymint smiled at Cricketsong, and started to walk out of camp,
          “Come on ! I only really need to find a few cobwebs and poppy seeds so it shouldn’t take too long !”
          Dropping back to walk besides, Cricketsong, she made sure to keep and eye out for anything that might be useful. If she hid the herbs that BrookClan cats weren’t necessarily allowed to use then she could still use them if a cat was really, really unwell.

          • Cricketsong –
            She purred. I enjoy being useful, Cricketsong thought to herself, padding alongside Honeymint.

            • (Some info, the main reason that Honeymint is especially super duper awkward around Cricketsong is that she has a little crush 😛 )

              Honeymint –

              Ooh look, poppies ! Honeymint thought to herself, racing over to a patch of the red flowers. Trying to scrape out the seeds of the flower into a leaf, Honeymint narrowed her eyes in concentration. This was hard. When she had finally managed to get out a decent number of seeds, Honeymint lifted her head, and the little black seeds cascaded out of the leaf bundle. Laughing, she smiled sheepishly.
              “Ummm it might be easier just to take a few flowers back, then we won’t drop loads of seeds everywhere. Apart from this one, I’ve already taken out all the seeds !”
              Honeymint nipped a little bit of the stem off, and placed the flower behind cricketsong’s ear
              “At least then it’s not going to waste ! I heard some cats love putting flowers in there fur ! It does look pretty !”
              The healer grabbed a few more poppy stems, making sure not to drop the seeds anywhere

  • Embersnap
    Embersnap padded into camp, clutching a large salmon. They placed the fish on the fresh-kill pile and searched for the familiar sight of the BrookClan deputy. For their plan to work, they had to befriend Brookripple. If they didn’t… well, best not to dwell on what-ifs.

  • Silverflower burst into camp.
    “Robinsky smelled FoxClan!” His pelt was bristling, his heart pounding as he scanned the camp.
    “By the river!”

    • Cricketsong –

      “Robinsky did??” She yowled from across camp, shock in her mew. “W-Why was FoxClan by the river?” Cricketsong added, slightly frightened by the fact that FoxClan had been scented by the river.

    • Reedstep’s heart started beating in a mixture of nervousness and excitement. “Is it an invasion?” Her tail puffed up to twice it’s normal size.

    • Riverfrost-
      Snarling Riverfrost ran to the front of the camp entrance. “We should attack them. They have no right to come over onto out territory, and it we don’t do anything the next thing we see is that they changed up the borders.” he growled, looking over the ranks of the cats.

  • (Guys if you look at FoxClan’s page you’ll see it’s impossible to scent them, as Darkmoon is a professional and knows how to hide her scent. She’s been a scout for a while.No cat’s ever been able to scent her, and won’t be able to now, as she’s done the same thing thousands of times.)

  • Violetnight ~
    Stretching out her paws, she padded outside of the warriors’ den and yawned. I hope Ivydance is alright back in FoxClan… She wondered, feeling her thoughts wander away from herself. Hopefully no one’s found us out yet. FoxClan or BrookClan wouldn’t like it if they found out that the two of us were seeing each other… The fisher glanced around, sitting nearby the center of camp. I can’t wait for nightfall so I can see Ivydance again.

    Cricketwhisper ~
    She took a scrawny looking rabbit and snatched it up, padding away to munch on something before getting on with today’s duties. Spotting Violetnight shaking anxiously, Cricketwhisper rolled her eyes. With an attitude like that, anyone would think she’s hiding something! Then again, Cricketwhisper could care less. She’s a fisher, anyways. Competition.

    (Someone feel free to yeet their cats at them)

    • Pouncestem –

      The healer padded across camp, flicking his tail from side to side and mewing friendly greetings at cats has he passed. Lost in thought, he crashed in one of the clans chasers, and awkwardly lifting his head with a grin, smiled
      “Hey Cricketwhisper, sorry about that, I’m just a little concerned how our herb stocks will do over the winter. They’ve been awful this whole year and I know its what MoonClan intends, but I can’t help but worry. Would you mind coming out and looking for poppy seeds with me, we’re incredibly low and I can’t think that MoonClan would willingly deprive me of the ability to give cats peace before their death.”

      • Cricketwhisper ~
        “Oh, sure!” She replied, swallowing another bite of rabbit. “The Clan definitely could use some more, I think.” And maybe it’ll prove that the chasers are much more useful than those fishers- Immediately she cut her thoughts short. Herb gathering isn’t a competition between fishers and chasers, Cricketwhisper. You mouse-brain.

        • Pouncestem –

          “Oh thank MoonClan ! With those fox hearted tribe cats lurking around every corner I feel so much safer with a warrior besides me.” He flicked his tail and sat down besides Cricketwhisper, waiting for her to finish eating her prey. It was strange how fishers and chasers rarely even ate the prey provided by the other cats. Silly really, he would very happily eat fish or rabbit when provided to him, but frogs he drew the line at.

          • Cricketwhisper ~
            Gulping down the rest of her prey, she smiled. “Alrighty, let’s go! Where are we headed to, anyways?”

  • Peonymoon –

    Peonymoon lay on her side, soaking up the warm light of the sun. Watching her cats through slitted eyes, she let her cerulean gaze fall on Violetnight, sitting alone. Strange one, she is. Flicking her tail, she stared for a moment more before closing her eyes.

    • Coottail –

      Respectfully dipping her head to the leader, Coottail almost continued on her way before pausing and padding towards Peonymoon.
      “Greetings Peonymoon, I hope I’m not disturbing you too much, yet I have a question. The kittens are beginning to hear about the tribes invasion, and I’ve seen some get nightmares as a result of this, what should I do ? I don’t wish to tell a blatant lie to their faces yet they can’t go on in the knowledge we never know when the tribe may come.”

      • Peonymoon –

        Peonymoon lifted her head, lip beginning to curl as she thought of that horrid Tribe. “Are we not the fastest runners, Coottail? The strongest swimmers? The most skilled fighters?” She meowed in her typical sharp tone. “We are blessed, Coottail. Blessed by MoonClan. Our ongoing faith makes us ever stronger. Should those mongrels come, we will not fail.” She cleared her throat, taking a breath. “Tell the little shrimps something similar.”

        • Coottail –

          Dipping her head and closing her eyes, in a sort of bow in front of Peonymoon, Coottail mewed passively to her leader
          “Yes Peonymoon, thank you Peonymoon. I shall make sure not a single kitten in the nursery shall ever doubt BrookClan’s might. They have no more need to fear the tribe than they do those weaklings in BriarClan.”
          She spat out BriarClan’s name, her mind briefly flicking to that traitorous sister of hers.
          “You truly are the best leader we have had in a long time. MoonClan has blessed our path ever since you came into leadership.”
          Turning for a second, Coottail remember what else she had come to the leader to ask about, and turned back around, bowing low to the ground again in front of Peonymoon.
          “I hate to take up more of your time Peonymoon, yet I have a request. The fishers have already been spending longer in the water and the sun is growing higher in the sky with each passing day, with your permission, I should like to arrange a water rest soon, Pouncestem and Ripplewind have been working so hard recently with dwindling herbs, and the warriors have been bringing back piles of prey.”

          • Peonymoon –

            The she-cat’s eyes sparkled at Coottail’s praise. She was certain of herself for the most part, but a bit of praise never hurt. “Very well.” She mewed. “You have my permission.” She angled her ears towards the nursery. “Perhaps the kits will assist you in choosing adequate petals. It may take their minds away from thoughts of war.” She looked away, eyes narrowing. “But I cannot know for sure,” she said quietly, “as I have none of my own.”

              • Peonymoon –

                Peonymoon offered Brookripple a slight dip of her head. Brookripple was, she had come to accept, one of the few cats who was not completely incompetent. “Eavesdropping, Brookripple? It isn’t becoming of you, dear.” She purred, but her tone suggested amusement.

                • Peonymoon tipped her head to the side, much like a curious kitten. “And you need what, exactly?” She mewed sweetly. “Permission? An invitation? Would you like me to personally announce that you’re organizing a patrol?”

                • Coottail –

                  Sensing the air of tension growing between the two cats, Coottail decided it was well time for her to take her leave of this discussion. Nodding at Peonymoon, she mewed politely
                  “Thank you Peonymoon, I’m sure that choosing petals will bring the kittens a much needed distraction.”
                  Noticing the slight strange tone of her voice…. (could that be a pang of regret or sadness in her leader’s words ? ), Cootrail decided it was definitely time for her to go.
                  “Well Brookripple, I do hope it all goes adequately.”
                  She met the eyes of the clan deputy with a slight glare, which would make some cats wonder, perhaps that rumour about Coottail’s ambitions were true after all. Yet swiftly the turned away and dipped down in a quick bow.
                  “Thank you Peonymoon, I do hope this water rest is a success.”
                  The nursery helper turned her tail and padded away
                  (Ooof we need kittens rip )
                  (We have 0 😛 )

                • (I just signed two up 😛 )

                  Peonymoon nodded. “Off you go, then.” She mewed, preparing to leave herself.

                • “No.” Peonymoon replied. “Perhaps the little rebels formed a patrol of their own.” She stood to leave, huffing a bit as she rose to her feet. “If we’re quite done here, I have elsewhere to be.”

  • Aqua –

    Aqua tumbled into the middle of camp, all flailing paws and large ears. “Coottail!” He squawked, blue eyes large and round. “Coottail, I got a thorn in my paw!” He whined, holding a forepaw aloft.

    Fallen –

    “Then maybe you shouldn’t have jumped in the thornbush, you beebrain.” Fallen hissed at her brother. How idiotic could he be?

    • Coottail –

      Rolling her eyes, Coottail padded over to Aqua, settling down besides the small kitten. Holding his paw between her paws, Coottail carefully turned it around, being sure not to pull the fur too much
      “Now stay still, like a brave warrior.”
      Leaning down, she grasped the thorn between her teeth and pulled it out, tossing it to the ground. Swiftly, she buried the thorn in a dusty patch of soil, turning to the kittens with a serious expression
      “Neither of you dig that up and try and hide it in anyone’s nest.”
      She mewed seriously, flicking her tail from side to side, recalling the prank she had one played on Pouncestem when they were younger. She would NOT think of who else she pulled that trick on.
      ” I have exciting news, but you two better help me tidy up this mess you made before you can hear it !”
      Sighing as she looked at the mess that was the nursery, Coottail knew that two kittens wouldn’t be too much help, yet it was the thought that counted. It planted early seeds of obedience to those in authority, and was something that her mouse brained sister obviously hadn’t learnt enough about when she ran off.

      • Aqua –

        Aqua breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Coottail!” He looked back towards the nursery. “A surprise? Yay!”

        Fallen –

        Fallen tipped her head, looking a bit sad. “You know I would never, Coottail,” she mewed, gesturing towards the thorn. “You know I don’t want to hurt anyone.” She set off back towards the nursery, her steps slow and deliberate, unlike her brother’s clunky gait.

        • Coottail –

          Coottail smiled as she saw the little tom sprint off, yet sighed as she watched the other kitten practically wilt before her eyes.
          “Fallen ! Come over here quickly, your brother can get along with the job, after all, he was the one who jumped into a thorn bush !”
          As the little she cat came closer, Coottail dipped down her head to the level of the kitten, which wasn’t actually too hard as they were growing quickly
          “I know you wouldn’t but I wouldn’t want your brother getting any ideas, and you have to understand I can’t treat you kittens differently. Before you go and help Aqua, I have one more thing to ask you. You really don’t want to be a warrior do you ? There are other paths you can follow, like being a nursery helper. Or, if you really want me to, I can talk to my brother about a possible healers apprenticeship. But you have to understand that once you make that choice the decision is final, and you won’t ever be able to have a mate or kits.”

          • Aqua –

            Aqua haphazardly tossed bits of leaves and twigs out of the nursery, gleefully unaware his sister wasn’t there.

            Fallen –

            Eyes brightening, the little she-kit lifted her tail. “Really? She breathed. “I would love that. Do you think Pouncestem would take me?” She cocked her head hopefully.

            Peonymoon –

            Peonymoon hovered over the nursery, watching Aqua, who, in his excitement, was really just digging a hole now. She squinted against the dust, then looked up towards Coottail. “Coottail, dear.” She called. “This kitten is defective.”

            • (“Coottail dear, this kitten is defective”

              my favourite quote

              im gonna change my signature to that)


              “Oh apologies Peonymoon, I asked him to help clear the nursery, you know to try and teach the young ones to listen to authority, yet I think I may have overestimated his ability to function without supervision.”
              Sprinting over to the nursery, Coottail budged Aqua away from the hole, smiling down at him
              “Well, Aqua, what do you have to say for yourself, now you’ve got a hole ! Do you want to sleep in there without any moss and amongst the stones ? I thought not. Now how about you try something a little simplier. See those bits of stick and leaves outside ? One at a time pick them up, walk over to the other side of camp and drop them in a little neat pile there, ok ? It better be neat or you’ll never know what the surprise is ! ”
              Turning back to Peonymoon, Coottail sighed loudly and drooped her head
              “Apologies again, now I believe that young Fallen here may have a request, if you will most graciously excuse us for a second.”
              Grinning at Fallen, Coottail nodded, happy to see the cream kitten so filled with jpy
              “Of course he’ll take you. Now remember what I’ve told you about good manners, and nicely go and talk to Peonymoon here. I’ll stay right besides you. Unless of course your brother decides to make a mess again.”

              • Aqua –

                Aqua panted, looking down at the hole he had created. “Oh…. Oops.” He mewed. “Sorry, Coottail!” He said, and began carrying debris across the camp.

                Fallen –

                Fallen squeaked a bit. She had never gotten a good read on Peonymoon, but she felt she didn’t like kittens much. Dipping her head low to the leader, she took a breath. “Peonymoon,” she started, thinking of her next words. “Coottail tells me that Pouncestem would have me as an apprentice, and I would love to serve BrookClan as a healer, if it pleases you.” She looked to Coottail for reassurance.

                Peonymoon –

                Peonymoon sniffed the air, eyeing the she-kit. It was no secret that the Clan needed more warriors, more sets of teeth and claws to bring down prey and protect their borders. But….

                “If Pouncestem will take you on, and you prove yourself worthy, then I see no reason to keep you from following your chosen path.” She meowed. “I trust you know the limitations of a healer?” She looked at Coottail, ears twitching. This kit will never have the rights to a family. Something pinched between her ribs, taking her breath away as she looked at the kit’s hopeful eyes. She was projecting her own problems onto another cat. Silly of her.

                • Coottail –

                  Keeping her gaze slightly over her shoulder, to check that Aqua hadn’t somehow made a mess whilst simply carrying items, she smiled reassuringly down at Fallen.
                  “I have informed Fallen fully on the rules and guidelines impacting healers, although I’m certain my brother shall be able to explain the reasoning more thoroughly than I.”
                  As Peonymoon spoke there had been that same, very slight change in emotion once again. Coottail was good at reading cats, having raised multiple generations of kittens, she knew how to see past what the face showed. Something was bothering Peonymoon.
                  “Later I shall go and talk to Pouncestem about this matter. I see no reason why he should disagree, he’s always been passionate about teaching younger generations about healing. Now Fallen, run along and help clean up the den ! Your brother has made a right mess !”
                  Coottail smiled at the kitten, but then turned to face Peonymoon again
                  “Thank you for giving her this opportunity Peonymoon, I’ve seen her around her brother, she doesn’t tussle like other kittens do if there is a chance she could hurt Aqua. It won’t be long until I take them out to help find the petals, and I was wondering, if I may request their precious time, whether some higher ranking cats may wish to accompany us. You see I believe it would be good for them to have some more cats to look up to, some inspiration, and mingling with those both older and wiser could both tone down some… overactive personalities and bring out good things in them.”

                • Fallen –

                  Fallen ducked her head. “Yes, Coottail!” She chirped, running off to help her brother.

                  Peonymoon –

                  Peonymoon twitched her tail. She sniffed, eyeing Coottail. “You may ask a warrior to accompany you, and a healer for Fallen’s sake. But only if it does not interfere with their duties.” She meowed. It would be quite improper of me to go. And Brookripple would sooner eat a snail.

                • Ripplewind twitched her ears, catching wind of Peonymoon and Coottail’s conversation. She tentatively padded up to them. “I could accompany you. I’d be very pleased to meet Fallen and discuss the job of a healer with her.” She allowed the tiniest of smiles on her face. Oh, MoonClan. Peonymoon. Is. Absolutely. Terrifying.

                • Peonymoon –

                  Peonymoon twitched her ear, miffed at all the eavesdropping these days. “Very well.” She said.

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