• Fringe-
    She padded out of an alleyway and saw another she-cat, Feather. “Hi, Feather,” she greeted. “Is something wrong?”

    He watched as his mother talked to the other she-cat. “There are no friends here,” he hissed.

    • Palm –
      Palm saw a Tom talking to himself near Fringe, so he padded over to say hi.
      “Hey are you new here ?” He mewed, “ I’m Palm !”

  • Wildflower was watching everyone, lifting leaves, making ice, using fire, crackling with electricity, disappearing… They shuddered. All of these powers, they only made them feel all the closer to Harnor. And that wasn’t good, they decided. If Harnor could give them these powers so easily, what else could he do? Wildflower felt an unnerving tingle along their spine, and their body temperature rising. No, they thought. No, not yet. They weren’t ready yet. They ran into the rain, desperately trying to cool down. Help. Who would help them? They found Feather and Dune, Chao… They didn’t know any of them. Quintessa? She had been friendly, and grumpy, but Wildflower felt something was off.
    “Quintessa?” they meowed, still soaking wet.

    • Quintessa turned slowly. “Oh, hi,” she mewed quietly and unenthusiastically. “You look wet. Why don’t you come into the dryness under the boulder?” She padded to her makeshift nest, her thoughts racing ahead. Why is Wildflower soaking wet? Wouldn’t they found a shelter already? Ugh. This is why I shouldn’t listen to myself, dangit. I waste time on myself I could’ve spent helping others not catch sickness outside. Her face scowled. No, no, no! They’ll think your angry at them! Her face softened into a light frown. Her thoughts then turned to the break up of the century-or so she thought of it. Dune and Feather… sigh. I bet Dune feels how I used to feel: lonely. Maybe I should go comfort him again. Her mind-head shook. No. It’s too soon after we last talked. If I want to ever have a stable friendship with him, I need to take it slow. Maybe I’ll take him a piece of prey later. Yes, later. She remembered Wildflower. Fox dung! Her gaze snapped back to the cat.

      (Yay, maybe Quintessa and Dune can finally be friends.)

    • Ami –

      Ami was suddenly in an area with loads of new cats, where were they! It wasn’t scientifically possible for them to have been so quickly transported from one location to another, and the current air pressure and weaather suggested that they were far away from their starting location. There were many possibilities, the most likely being that some freak weather had drastically changed the microclimate here as they really werent that far away from home, or they had been in a medically induced coma by the scienctists and transported to this location with their father to save him.
      “Be very careful, “ Iciclefur mewed next to them, “you never know.”
      He didn’t get to finish before Ami did
      “If cats are deadly murderers or thieves from far away labs, I know I know can I go meet some cats now !”
      Iciclefur nodded and Ami ran off over to meet some new cats.
      They ran into a white tabby cat with copper eyes.
      “Hello !” Ami mewed loudly , “ I’m Ami, what’s your name ! Do you know what’s going on here, I’m very confused as the sudden change in climate from the previous location to here suggests that i travelled a long distance over a very short time. Also how come a strange glow seems to be emitted from some cats, have they eaten something that causes that otherwise it is scienctificallg impossible for cats to glow like that.”
      Ami paused for breath, their tail swishing from side to side, there was so much to talk about.
      “Also, what lab did you come from, mine was in a desert, and I was the smartest cat there (she doesn’t know that some cats lived in the wild)”
      Smiling, Ami suddenly couldn’t see that cat anymore, and a scene appeared before her eyes. Cats were fighting each other, and blood soaked the ground. “The future brings pain.” A voice resonated all around her. She shook her head and it was gone.
      I’ll have to look out for that, she thought, I could have a seriously problem with hallucinations.

      (Well this is my adorable little geek Ami)

  • Frostsong panicked. What’s going on? How do I get these ice shards off of me? As she looked down she shrieked. “What in the world is happening?!” A small ice rink had formed under her paws, causing her to panic and slip. Her fur glowed an icy white (does this color work for ice powers?). I have to go find Quintessa. Now! And she ran out of the abandoned building to find Quintessa.

  • Rattlesnake arrived at the edge of the river, knowing that you can’t burn something that close to water. He just stayed there,not moving, even when the rain came down. He looked at the plants, and wondered. Could he be like Wren? Or was he just Rattlesnake, who needed to get back to his family before he died? One of the plants grew a tiny bit, and he smiled. He didn’t just make fire, he didn’t just make death. He could bring something to life, too.

  • Guys if you want an example of a level up drawing , although I did more than I needed to, my drawing is on the art page

    • Let me just go check
      They are
      Water and Poison !

  • Tess hissed as fat drops of rain began to fall onto her, and she looked around nervously. The closest shelter she could spot was the overhang she had been under earlier, with the tom she had met was still sitting under, but with the company of another tom. Tess sighed and quickly ran back under the overhang, inching into the shadows to distance herself from the other cats.

    “Look who’s back.” Ollie said smoothly.

    “Shut up.” Tess hissed.

  • WhaAat? I posted another comment like this by accident . . . Mods may you delete it? Here are virtual cookies for you. 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

    Clover –
    Clover opened her eyes. All she saw were destroyed or old buildings. When she had thought of the tests, she had thought of more than . . . than THIS. More than what she saw before her. But still, she would rather be here than with Nettle . . . or back at her first homes, competing in the trials . . .
    Anyway, she had to find somewhere to shelter . . .

    • (Nu Quintessa x Dune PLZZZZ! I’M SORRY FEATHER 🙁 I HAD TO SAY THIS THO!)
      Wait how about Feather has Dune’s four (I had to say four) kits, then all of them die except from one. Then that one, he raises with Quintessa and Feather is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really *stops to take a huge, unrealistic breath* really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY sad. There we go, I’m finished 🤗 🤗 🤗

  • Luana padded towards a new brown She-Cat. (Ami)
    “Hi, I’m Luana! Who are you? You’re new here aren’t you? How did you even get here?” She purred.

    • Ami –
      “I’m Ami, “ they mewed, “ And I’m not sure how I got here, there are two possible options so it is a 50 / 50 conundrum.”
      Suddenly ice appeared at her paws.
      “Woah, there must be some mixture of chemicals here, that leads to the formation of solid water molecules.”
      Ami looked down at their paws, trying to work out what chemical combinations could cause something like that.
      Then their vision faded again, and she could see blood and cats, and claws. Seconds later the she cat was back, and Ami’s breath was fast.
      “I think I might be unwell, I seem to be having hallucinations.”

  • (Is it just me or is my character really popular lol, at least Wildflower and Frostsong think so)
    (Also I’m sorry but QUINTESSAXDUNE I completely support this Maple)
    (Also also this is after I had brought Wildflower to the place, and a little after Dune bumps into me. Just saying.)
    Quintessa suddenly felt a bump, and her eyes widened as she saw DUNE bumped into her. He was apologizing and making leaves move. Saying that he was sorry for how he treated her. She nodded when he finished speaking. “Yes,” she said. “I’ll try that.” She concentrated on a leaf near her. Move. Move. Move. The leaf tingled and floated a half inch in the air. She gasped. “I did it!” she shouted. “YES!” She looked at Dune and felt her pelt heat. “Heh heh,” she murmured. “Sorry about that outburst.” She then saw Frostsong coming her way, looking panicked. Her heart raced. “Frostsong!” she said loudly. “What happened?!”

    • (Yes. You’re very popular. Remember you had a comment that was like, since when did I become this popular? 😉 )
      “Please help! I’m freaking out, everyone else is totally in control of their powers, but I’m so confused! Ice shards are appearing where the rain was on my pelt, and I’m starting to form an ice rink! I think it’s my powers, but it’s really confusing.” As she talked, the ice on her melted off,

  • thunder sat up a little.
    “im fine, just tired.”he said, “judging from the ice stuck to my pelt, i believe i have ice.”
    “how are you tawny?”

  • Chao fell into a routine. He would practice his power, of which he had discovered a few limitations, hunt, explore, and sleep. He was in the middle of burning a plant he had just grown, when he saw some new cats. He decided that he needed some friends, so he walked over to a cat with a missing leg, and introduced himself.

    • Iciclefur –

      Iciclefur saw a tom padding towards him, and he hobbled over.
      The toms name was Chao, and Iciclefur thought that his eyes made him look quite strange.
      “I’m Iciclefur, I saw you playing with you magic over there, it looks so cool, watch what I can do.”
      Again one of his bright blue eyes turned russet coloured and he moved the shadows around at his paws, and made his body flicker.

      • Chao jumped back when Iciclefur disappeared for an instant, then came back. He hadn’t really been paying attention to the other cats as they practiced their powers, so this was the first time he saw someone with shadow-invisibility. “Woah!” He gasped. “So far, I can make small plants grow or wither, and start small fires. Nothing much.” He looked down at the newcomer’s missing leg and wondered if he should ask about it. He knew that he would gladly tell any cat who asked about his blind eye, but wasn’t sure if Iciclefur was the same. So he settled for a simpler question, one that was usually safe to ask. “Where are you from?”
        Note: also not a good question to ask 😛

  • Jaoien looked around, smiling. She had just randomly appeared. She felt the need to stretch her legs, so she rand around. A lot.
    Without paying attention, she crashed into Ami. She looked at her, smiling, and much to Pebble’s, who wasn’t to far away, dismay.
    “Hiiiiiiii! My name is Jaoien, but you can call me Joa! If you want. What’s your name? You’re pretty. How are you? How old are you? I’m not old but not young either. Where are you from? You look nice. Do you know who else is here? Why are some people glowing? Have you seen a she-cat, she’s grey and she has these really pretty eyes, one’s green and one’s dusky blue. It’s weird, I’ve never been here before.”
    She rambled on for a bit, and then shut her mouth very quickly. Then she burst out laughing.
    “Sorry. I talk too much. ” Jaoien smiled.