• Feather nodded sadly. She licked her chest. “They’ll come in a few days(even though I won’t be here “in a few days”),”she guessed. Feather padded inside of a building. “Ok. If I just . . . ” Sparks appeared at her paws. She moved them around. Suddenly,images of Wren’s last moments flashed in her mind. “No . . . I–I can’t . . . I’ll grow to be like her demon. I–I can’t handle it.” She collapsed,crying.

  • Watching her fur glowing a bright blue, she looked at the nearest puddle and managed to create a small bubble. That was kind of cool. She wondered if she could do anything else.

  • Quintessa nodded. “I’m still getting the hang of my powers,” she said after Frostsong finished. “And I’m sure you’ll soon be able to make an icy blast of awesomeness.”

    (She said that so seriously I can’t wait for Frostsong’s reaction)

    • “Thanks…? I’m sure you’ll be great at you’re powers too. You are the queen of awesomeness. You’ll obviously be the best at your power. Soon you’ll be lifting things bigger than me. And you will also fly awesomely in the sky.” Frostsong replied. Then Frostsong laughed. “I’m not used to you saying that. You’re usually so, I dunno, serious.”
      (Yes, I tried to use awesome as much as possible. But seriously, icy blast of awesomeness?)

  • Fringe-
    She walked along the alley, staying in the shadows. They danced around her paws as she flickered in and out of view.

    (note: Palm just tried to talk to him)
    He slashed at the unfamiliar tom. “Stay away from me!” He snarled.

  • “thank you Pebble, are you also thirsty? you can have some moss, I wont need it all” Frost offered and shoveled some un-eaten moss towards Pebble

  • Flame walked around a little bit, looking for his sister, Frost. after a little while of walking he found her, laying on her side bleeding everywhere *gasp* he ran over as fast as he could, then he saw a different she-cat next to her. “Frost what happened? who did that? how? I will get revenge on whoever or whatever hurt my sister!” he flooded Frost with questions

    Frost- “calm down Flame, this is Pebble” she said while gesturing to Pebble “she saved me and brought me water filled moss, Wren did it, it was partially my fault for running in and trying to hit her, you cant get revenge on her…..” Frost explained

  • Tess began to inch closer to Ollie, noticing him forming patches of ice on the ground with ease. She seethed with anger. How come this mouse-brain can use his powers but I can’t? Leashing her rage, she slowly began to pad up to him. “Can you show me how to do that?” She asked.

    Ollie snapped his head back to her, as if noticing her for the first time. “Do what?”

    Tess rolled her eyes. “Use your powers, duh.”

    “I think…” Ollie began. “I think you have to use your heart, not your head.”

    “What does that even mean?” Tess snapped.

    Ollie shrugged. “I guess you’ll have to figure it out if you want to use your powers.”

    Tess seethed. But before she could give him a retort, the tom began to walk towards another group of cats. Whatever “using your head and not your heart” means, he can bet that I’ll figure it out. And when I do, he’ll be the first to know, Tess thought before plopping onto the ground.

  • Mist- (because I forget again 😛)

    Mist couldn’t wait to level up his power. He had been moving leafs and floating in the air as much as he could. He looked around the city until he found Dune, who was noticeably stronger, and a new determination overcame him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them, they were a solid dark blue. He wanted to try and shift something bigger, so he looked around until he found a rock that was as big as his paw. He stared at it until his eyes hurt, but the rock didn’t move. He broke the connection, gasping for air. He tried again with similar results. The effort was killing him, so he tried it on a smaller rock. This time, he was able to push it a small ways. Mist collapsed on the ground, exhausted, and let the rain soak his fur. He hated limits.

  • (Hehe, yeah sorry about going to Quintessa every time Wildflower wants to be social)
    Wildflower watched as Quintessa lifted a leaf and Frostsong arrived with ice an her pelt. Wildflower almost wanted to heat up again to get rid of the rain in their pelt.
    “No,” they meowed. “No, don’t you see what’s happening? Harnor gave these powers to us. Who knows what could happen? We could turn into…” They glanced at Dune, then shut their mouth.
    (DunexQuintessa is a thing?? But what about Featherr??? The poor thing had no choicee also why is Dune saying that Feather is a traitor when Wren was the traitor or is it just personality)

    • Dune x Quintessa isn’t a thing, they have forgiven each other and are now friends, I’ve kinda got to choose between Dune x Luana and Dune x Quintessa, I’ve nearly made up my mind but I can’t tell you yet !

    • (Idk if it’s okay to do this buuuuuut)
      (Whenever Quintessa levels up she gets extremely giddy, dizzy and eventually passes out. Then when she wakes up she has next level powers. I’ve got her to level 2 already, so this is what I’m gonna do here)
      (And if I can’t we’ll forget I posted this 😛 )
      Quintessa huffed. “We would never be like Dune. Wait, what?” Her head spun. “Guys….. I don’t feel so good….” She lost her footing, and everything went dark.

  • Mieginck (I just love him so much) –

    Talking to Eclipse and Black Bird

    Mieginck felt Eclipse lay her tail on his and smile. He wasn’t quite ready yet to tell her why he was scared of water, or anyone for that matter.
    Slowly and gently, a bubble rose up out of the water, but this time Mieginck was sure it wasn’t Eclipse’s power, or her brother’s. It was his.
    Mieginck stepped back eyes widening, he shook his head, trying to clear the bad thoughts. He felt the tension going through his pelt and a panic attack creeping up on him.
    “No” he spoke defiantly and whispered to himself , “ it’s just water, it’s just water, it’s just…..water.”
    Like the water he had used to drown a cat ?
    Finally Mieginck stood up, his breathing still fast.
    “Don’t worry, I’ve got it under control,” he whispered, before a hacking cough shook his body.
    There at his paws was a few tiny drops of odd looking bluish purple liquid. Mieginck poked it with his paw and it didn’t seem to hurt him so he touched it to the tip of his tongue.
    “Ughhhhhhh” He cried, “ it taste horribble !”
    Trying to find a way to get it off his paws without touching the water or his mouth, he rubbed his paw along the ground.
    “Can anyone else do that ?” Mieginck asked

    • Eclipse was about to decline, though the exact same feeling shot through her. she spit it out, and nodded.

  • Palm –

    “Stay away from me !”
    The tom cried but Palm puffed up his fur as much as possible.
    “In these Tests, it seems to be a good idea to make friends, some cats wouldn’t have survived the second or third test without friends and that could be the same for you if you don’t make friends !”

  • Dune and Ami merged together –
    “I’ve got to go talk to Luana about something.” Dune mewed to Quintessa, she would get the hang of flying on her own, who even likes flying anyway ?
    “Luana !” He cried out and ran over to her, “how’s your power going ?”
    Just to show her, he lifted up a leafand a couple of pebbles into the air with ease
    “It’s not a power !” The she cat next to Luana mewed, “it could be many other things and 99/100 times magic is reported it is show to be fake and the other one time, the person reporting magic has a mental illness.”
    Dune ignored the strange she cat and turned to Luana
    “I’ve got no idea what to do ! Feather is expecting my kits and I love the idea of kits, but I hate Feather, and what if the kits prefer her to me and decide to stay with her !”
    He could tell that his eyes were widening and in his panic he had lost control of his powers and had floated up in the air again.
    “And that’s a fluke in the movement of air currents. “ Ami mewed their tail flicking from side to side.
    Glaring at the cat, Dune landed safely on his paws.
    “Also it’s freezing cold here, “ Dune leant Into Luana for warmth, but the cold was still there.
    He saw ice at both she cats paws.
    “You both have ice powers !”
    Ami huffed at the cat, it wasn’t Powers !
    “It’s not Powers, “ they cried, “ it’s a strange mixture of currently undiscovered compounds of chemicals at least that’s my current theory, it’s not factual until proven, same for all theories about the extinction of dinosaurs and the Big Bang theory !”
    “What are you going on about !” Dune asked.

    • Luana purred as she watched the two bicker.
      “Okay well-“ Her eyes flashed aqua and she saw a flash of Feather and Dune talking. That was weird. “Anyway, first of all, Feather does regret killing her.” Before Dune could open his mouth, she gently cut him off. “Don’t try and tell me she doesn’t. I know you won’t forgive her anyway. Okay, congratulations on being a father!” She lightly teased. “If you want the kits to be close to you, you’ll have to interact with Feather anyway.” She smoothed her tail lightly over his back. “And don’t worry. Of course the kits will like you. And they’ll have to stay with their mother for a while. Just try playing and talking with them! But.” Her pale green eyes filled with worry. “You’re not going to separate Feather from your kits. They’re hers as well.”

      • Dune –

        Dune moved his paws side to side, his head dipped down.
        “I know, but I can’t forgive her. I don’t know why but it’s just so hard, I don’t think I’ll ever learn to love her again, but now I have accepted that.”