Art by WeHaveCandy
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Recent Purrs
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- 🌷🌹Love's not a thing you get to choose🌹🌼Redfawn🌼🪻(she/her)🌿🦋Foampaw's mentor!☀️🪽It might be safer on the ground, but baby, I was meant to be up in the sky🪽🪶 on Polls
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- 🌷🌹Love's not a thing you get to choose🌹🌼Redfawn🌼🪻(she/her)🌿🦋Foampaw's mentor!☀️🪽It might be safer on the ground, but baby, I was meant to be up in the sky🪽🪶 on BlogClan Tavern
Feather purred. “I couldn’t let everyone just . . . die. It’s not your fault for not fighting. Wren’s your sister. She had already died once. No one would want their littermate to die in front of them after only having a very little amount of time with them after their first death. Anyways . . . Sky looks sick . . . “
Dune and Ami and Iciclefur –
Dune started to panic, if his kits died he could cope
“Does anyone’s know anything about herbs !” he cried
“I do !” Iciclefur hobbled forward, “but I haven’t seen any herbs that we need, we need a cat with Healing magic, but from what I’ve seen no cat has Healing magic string enough.”
Ami huffed, their dad was so annoying !
“It’s not magic ! And also there is only a 10% chance that this kit will die if it remains in its current state. I wouldn’t worry.”
Storm approached. “I don’t have healing powers,” she mewed, “But I’m quite skilled with herbs and finding them… and I know how to use very rare ones. Would you like my help?”
Chao looked around the deserted city, hoping to find Palm. He hadn’t seen the tom who had saved his life since the fight with Wren. He saw him talking to another cat, and Chao supposed it wouldn’t hurt to get to know them both. You can never have too many friends. He walked over to Palm and his companion and introduced himself.
Palm and Mieginck-
“Chao !” Palm happily yowled, “this is Mieginck !”
Mieginck smiled at Chao, “ you can call me Mie, most cats can’t say my name well.”
By this point, Palm was jumping around, Electric sparks dancing at his paws, and Mieginck looked over to Chao, a strange sadness coming over him.
Palm could enjoy his power but Mieginck couldn’t, his past haunted him too much
Quintessa panted. “I…. I don’t know… what happened,” she mewed. She noticed herself glowing. “What the…” My power! Her mind raced. She tested her power on a heap of sand. Float. Float. Float. They floated three inches off the ground. “My power…” she murmured. It must’ve gotten stronger when I passed out. Before I could only just move a leaf. Now I can levitate clumps of sand. She remembered her screams. Will it always be like that? So agonizingly painful? She noticed another cat, a long-legged she cat. “Who are you?” Quintessa asked, then winced. Her throat hurt after that loud scream. Her head turned, and saw cats crowded around something. “Wonder what that is,” she said quietly. She padded over, reaching the edge of the cats, where, in the center, were Feather and Dune. And their kits. They’re…. so cute. She curiously stepped forward, but stepped back, thinking Dune and Feather needed space.
(Even if Dunessa isn’t romantic I still ship it)
(But I completely support Deather too, if that’s what happens)
Bonita let out a small sigh.
“I’m Bonita. Who are you? You brought everyone over here with your screaming.”
Quintessa looked around. “Pretty sure everyone’s over there,” she said, pointing her tail towards the kits. “I mean, a scream? Not as important as kits, amiright?” Her voice tinged with sarcasm. Mental list: People who pay attention to me:
Sometimes Dune
Well, so much for being popular. Maybe I should talk to the others more.
Her thoughts veered towards her powers. “I’m going to try my powers,” she said to Bonita. She padded out, into the forest. “Ok,” she muttered. “I haven’t practiced my powers, and now that’s they’ve grown stronger, I need to take control. I can’t let my emotions get in the way.” With a determined look, she paced, wondered what to try. I know! Her gaze met a small mouse. She focused, becoming pinkish orangish again. Float. Float. Float. The mouse floated, squeaking and freaking out. Quintessa bit its neck, killing it. I’ll try myself now. Float. Float. Float. She flew up six inches. Higher. Seven inches. Higher. But her power allowed her no more. She sighed, floating down softly. “Good start,” she murmured. “Now I’ll try the other one.” She focused on making the air around her move. She felt a slight breeze, and the wind rustling her fur. Yes! Her focus lost. The wind stopped. Dangit. She picked up the mouse. What to do with you? She already knew, of course. She padded over to Dune and Feather and their kits. They smell of milk-scent, she thought. “Here you are,” she said. “You can share it.” And she padded away, without another word.
Marina bounded up to Quintessa. “Aren’t out powers cool? I wonder if the kits have powers. What do you think?”
“Well,she still would suffer the pain!” Feather snapped. “And it would get worse if she isn’t treated soon and there would be a greater chance of Sky dying!”
Jaoien looked at Sky, as a small electric shock poked at her paws.
“I…I know a few herbs, but Miegenic-whatever-his-name-was is right…None of them grow here…At least, the only herbs I’ve seen were marigold, which helps infection so that won’t help, and..actually lot that was the only herb I’ve seen…” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I’m no good with herbs…”
Luana trotted over to Feather and Dune.
“Feather,” She soothed, brushing her tail lightly over the new mothers back. “It’s probably just something small. Kits need to get sick to get strong.” She looked over the kits and for a moment saw an empty nest. Shaking her head, she looked back at the kits. Sky did seem to be sick, but it couldn’t be anything serious, right?
Chao smiled when he saw that Palm had discovered his power. It had been a while since he had seen someone happy. A quick glance around their current location revealed Quintessa recovering from… Something, Feather, Dune, Iciclefur, and others huddled around the newborn kits, arguing about… Something, and the other cats all looking unhappy about something else. “So how have you been doing?” He asked.
Mist sented the air for prey. He looked around for a good spot for a mouse to hide, eventually finding a old twoleg den that smelled promising. He activated his power, and walked into the odd structure. He drew the air toward himself, and went after a mouse’s sent trail.when he came across the little creature, he flipped it on it’s side using telekinesis, then pounced on it and killed it with a bite to it’s neck. Mist exited the building and found a quiet place to eat.
(This is my fifth post with Mist practicing his powers, can he level up now?)
“Well,you should all go now. Give them some breathing space.” As she watched cats leave,Feather curled around her kits. At her touch,Sky woke up. She stood up and let out a weak mew. Her tail swished and hit Blizzard,who woke up. To her surprise,his eyes were open. “Hey!” he squealed. Sky’s eyes opened up slightly. Blizzard pounced on Sky and the kits started wrestling. Wren woke up to all the commotion. “What’s going on?” she asked,padding tiredly to Feather’s head. “They’re just playing. How about you join in?” Wren shook her head. “But I want to stay with you.” Feather licked her head. “Well that’s just fine.” Blizzard had now pinned his sister down. She let out a batch of coughing. “Okay,that’s enough,” Feather meowed,pulling Blizzard off and Sky towards her. She licked her head and chest. “Everything’s going to be alright,dear.”
Ambi saw a commotion on the far side of the road. Hm. Wonder what’s happening? Ambi padded over. Someone’s had kits! He heard a cat saying that something wasn’t magic, and all sorts of scientific things. Like I used to… “Congratulations! Who’s kits are they?” He said dreamily. But his attention was focused on the scientific cat. All that belief in science could lead to her destruction someday…
Wildflower woke up from the sound of Feather screaming in the distance. The kits? Wildflower suddenly felt guilty for leaving the others. Were the powers that scary? Scary enough for me to not care about everyone else? They were so far away from the others, but started to sprint back anyway.
Wildflower had been running for a while before their pelt was soaked through from the rain. At this rate, I might not make it back alive… They decided try and heat themselves up again. They concentrated for a while, still running, when suddenly, they felt it. Their body temperature shot up, and flames started to appear in their tracks. Their pelt glowed golden in ripples.
This isn’t so bad. Have I just been a coward? Wildflower heard another scream. Quintessa’s this time, they thought. No! Quintessa’s been so nice, why did I run away?
It was another while before Wildflower found a clump of cats. It sounded like one of the kits were sick. I missed so much. And all because I was scared of the stupid powers. They remembered Quintessa, and found her padding away from the group.
“Quintessa!” they trotted up to her, almost burying themselves into her fur before stopping themself. Am I that starved for physical affection? “I heard you scream, what happened?”
Storm approached Dune and Feather. “I don’t have healing powers,” she mewed, “But I’m quite skilled with herbs and finding them… and I know how to use very rare ones. Would you like my help?”
(What do you mean when you say we can only level up once using the Fanfic, drawing, or posting? Will we be able to level up any other way?)
Frostsong and Panther-
Frostsong saw that Quintessa had ran off to practice her powers. I guess I should do the same. But I should congratulate Feather and Dune first. She caught a small squirrel and padded over with it. “Here,” she said, setting it down in front of Feather. “This is for you and Dune. Congratulations on your kits, by the way.” Frostsong ran off to practice her powers. But before she walked a meter away from the kits, she was swallowed again by blinding light and her eyes glowed a fierce red orange. (I want to change her eye color depending on the mood of the flash back or flash forward) I wonder what it is this time… The light dimmed. She stood before Feather seeing the painful spasms of her body as she writhed with pain. Slowly, a kit popped out. She’s having her kits! Then she was swallowed by the light again. “Ow. That must’ve been painful for Feather.” Frostsong mumbled under her breath. She quickly ran into another torn down building. She concentrated, trying to freeze a small shard of glass. Suddenly, an ice rink formed around her. The shard slowly froze, until it was completely encased in ice. “Wow! That’s so cool!” Panther said. “Were you following me?” Frostsong asked suspiciously. “Well, isn’t it suspicious when your eyes glow red orange and you seem to blank out for a few moments? Plus, watch what I can do!” Panther mewed. Panther scrunched his eyes in concentration. You can do this! You saw those flames while you were excited, you can do it again! Panther concentrated, and melted all the ice on the shard of glass. He stumbled backwards. “Are you okay? You probably shouldn’t exert yourself if you haven’t practiced. Start small.” Frostsong lectured him. Panther suddenly had a flashback.
Panther was climbing a tree, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He was confident he could make it to the top. ‘This is easy!’ He thought. Then he slipped. He fell own the tree, tumbling through the branches. Thankfully, he wasn’t that high off the ground. ‘Are you okay? You probably shouldn’t exert yourself if you haven’t practiced. Start small.’ someone lectured him. It was Moon, his dearest sister. Oh, Moon. He missed her terribly. Where was she now?
“Moon,” he murmured. “What?” Frostsong asked. “Nothing. Can you show how to practice the right way?” Panther said quickly. “Sure! We can practice together!” Frostsong replied. Moon, where are you? I miss you…
Oh you can use fanfic and Roleplay and fanart more than once over the whole time, it’s just you can only level up your power once in every test or wait (unless you are Wrenkit who is going to be away for 2 months)
Ooohhhhh. I thought you could only use fanfic ONCE in the entire Roleplay.
Quintessa saw Marina come up to her. What powers the kits may have, she said. “I don’t know,” she said. “Dune has Air and Feather has Fire, so maybe they’ll have a combination.” She shrugged. Then she saw Wildflower trot up, looking concerned. They probably heard my scream, she thought. “I’m ok,” she said to Wildflower. “Apparently whenever my powers get stronger I pass out, and feel agonizing pain.” She winced as she remembered the pain, so excruciating, so horribly bad. She took a deep breath. “But I’m fine now. At least I have friends, for the first time in my life.”
(And Marina too)
( 😀 )
(And possibly Dunessa)
Fini heard many cats talking, then thinking if she was better off on her own. The she-cat decided to stalk them once more. She heard something about kits, Dune, and Feather. They must have had kits!
Later, Fini had learned the cats’ names- Quintessa and Marina. Suddenly, when Fini crept closer, she had no idea that she was dappling the grass with patches of snow and ice. It began to spread, heading closer to the pair of cats. No!
Fini tried running away, but Quintessa and Marina turning around, Fini’s ears drooping.
Making a bubble of water, she focused at it, causing it to ripple. She then dropped it, spraying her and everyone within a three-inch radius with water.
Mieginck and Palm –
Mieginck saw the water splash him, that she cat had done it on purpose, he thought
“Watch it !” He hissed at her “I’m not water proof”
His claws slid out and he leapt at her, using all his training from the first tribe he had been in, the Sand Body fights, he had been the king of the arena, undefeated.
Palm screamed as Mieginck attacked
“Mieginck This isn’t like you !”
Stopping, the black tom turned, what did Palm mean. Oh. He had flipped out again
“I’m so so sorry,” he mewed to the she cat, “ I can’t control it.”
“Hey!” The tall she-cat hissed. “Leave her alone!” As she snarled at the Black tom, the water around her began rising slightly and suddenly her something dripped out of her mouth. “What the?!” She spat the disgusting liquid and snorted at it. “What the heck kind of thing is this?!” Her head whipped around as the water dropped. Terrified, she turned back towards the three cats. “What’s going on?! What did you do to me?! Tell me!”
Mieginck –
Mieginck turned to the she cat
“That happened to me as well, I think it means you have water and Poison Powers. And sorry for earlier, I get a little bit strange sometimes, I can’t stop it.”
Chao felt water splash him, and shivered. He looked around, and saw a she-cat who was also wet. Suddenly, he saw Mieginck leap at the oblivious cat with a fury that seemed completely unjustified. Then again, there could be something Chao was missing…
(Also, can Mist level up now?)