Storm approached Dune and Feather. “I don’t have healing powers,” she mewed, “But I’m quite skilled with herbs and finding them… and I know how to use very rare ones. Would you like my help?”

  • “So,” Marina mewed to Quintessa, “Want to practice powers together? We can invite Storm too, she has telekinesis and air like you.”

    • Quintessa shrugged. “Sure, I guess,” she said. Now I’ll get to meet Storm, she thought. She padded into the forest. “I’ll be in the forest, waiting.” She trotted away. Her mind wandered, like it always did when she was alone and didn’t think about anything in particular. Everything’s different now, she thought. I have actual cats who actually care about me, nobody’s at my throat (except maybe Harnor), and sometimes I just want to… be weird. Silly. Like I was when I was a kit. She smiled as she thought of her kithood. Albeit being lonely in a big shed, she had many ways of entertaining herself. Like looking in the mirror, or practicing hunting on mice. Or counting the days when I thought my parents would come back. She winced. Her parents were always a touchy subject that she never told anyone about. Maybe she’d mention them, but talking about them directly hurt. A lot. Her memories soured as they turned to that one day everything changed.

      She woke up. Time for food, she thought. Her parents were nowhere to be found. Probably just hunting, she thought. She cuddled into her nest, pretending to be apart of it. They’ll never find me here! The hours passed by, and the first snowflakes fell. Winter was here, the little she-kit thought. Food will be scarce, but I know my parents will help. Papa will hunt, and Mama will warm me with her fur. She will purr and tell me that everything will be ok. “Mama!” she mewed. “Where are you?”

      The days turned to weeks, the weeks turned to months, the months turned to years. Her parents had abandoned her for dead.

      Quintessa realized she had tears on her face. She shook her head. No, she thought. The past is in the past. Nobody can know of it. Not until they gain my trust, at least.
      She started to hunt a rabbit, happy to change the course of her thoughts.

      (Wow that’s a lot of words 😛 ok so little bit of sadness right there, but it’s all good…. all good…)

  • (Wait what if Wren(the kit) is Wren(the cat who was killed) reincarnated? 😮

    Also, who plays Wren, Sky, and Blizzard?)

  • Robin shyly approached the group after hearings the rumpus and shouting, all she heard was something about water but she didn’t dwell on it. As she approached them she felt nervous never meeting new people before and said ” ummm…. Hello I’m Robin…” ( awkward silence follows…)

    • Ummmmmm who should introduce them selves

      Iciclefur, he’s not had much to say :
      “Hey, I’m Iciclefur,” the white tom mewed, swishing the stump of his tail as he went, suddenly, he had a hacking cough and had to stop for breath for a few seconds.
      “Why don’t you come and meet some new cats, I think that that black she cat over there, Luana I think her name is. She’s really nice, has a crush on that tom Dune I think (sorry Potato I had to)”
      He gestured over to Luana and called out to her

      • Luana-
        Luana pricked her ears as she heard her name. Padding over to the cats, she smiled nervously.
        “Hi I’m Luana. And I, um, don’t have a crush on Dune.” She laughed awkwardly, her face lighting up in embarrassment. “But, Anyway! Hi, how did you get here?” She purred.

      • As Luana came over robins heart raised but when she came closer Robin suddenly calmed as if she had met Luana before. Robin glanced away quickly and saw a cat which iciclefur called dune but before she could even look really at him Luana was already standing straight in front of her.

        • Robin quickly replied ” my two children died and my only love disappeared in the woods so I came here as a repayment to my daughters” ( Starts sobbing quietly) ” Sorry I must look like an idiot to you let me start over I’m Robin it’s lovely to meet you Luana and ok no crush on dune noted…”

  • Frost was sleeping but she was uncomfortable so she opened up her eyes stood up and made her sleeping spot more comfortable. “Pebble, are you sleepy too?” Frost asked as she curled her tail around herself, put her head in her paws and closed her eyes again, actually sleeping this time

    Flame- I cant just go to sleep, I’m still hungry. I trust this other cat to not hurt Frost so I guess I can go hunting and get a drink too. Flame walked over to where Frost and this other cat are and nuzzled Frost then she went to sleep. he continued along and saw other cats, lots were looking at a cat with some kits and he saw two cats together (Tawny and Thunder) he thought he should make some friends, but that could wait until tomorrow or until his sister was ok, maybe he will talk to these cats later. then he scented mouse, pounced on it and went back to his place near the bush and ate it

    • Pebble smiled. “Not really, though you are. Go on to sleep, you need it more than I. I’ll wake you if anything exciting happens.”

    • Dune –
      “Ok I guess.” Dune meowed, settling down around the kits. His plan had to be to go look for herbs with Luana and Quintessa but he could look after the kits, just until they were older, then he would never have to talk to Feather again

        (idek 😛 just those too ships that may or may not be become canon)
        (My bet’s on LuanaxDune rn)
        (But of course I want Dunessa)
        (But the again I don’t really care???)
        (I’m a weird person 😛 )

        • (I couldn’t decide whether to say he wanted to see Quintessa or Luana, so I decided to build suspense and make you scream by putting them both)

  • Wildflower padded off to the side and caught a mouse in a bramble bush. It was still pouring rain, and as Wildflower settled down to eat they felt the urge to heat up again. They willed a small fire to start in front of her and light of a small patch of dandelions, but instead of killing it with fire, the plant just withered. At the same time, they noticed an amber glow, like when they used their fire powers, but this time, they were unaware of where it came from. Startled, Wildflower got up to sniff through the dead stem, only to be surprised again by their fur glowing golden and the dandelion burst up in flames. Flames…

    Wildflower was with her siblings again, Starshine and Sunflower. They were in their den, a small juniper bush, and a dry summer breeze ruffled the tops of their ears. The summer heat was brutal, and Wildflower couldn’t get much sleep. She could tell that her siblings were dying of the heat, too. Wildflower decided to get a drink of water from the nearby stream. Sunflower shuffled in his sleep.
    “Starshine?” he mumbled their sister’s name.
    “No,” Wildflower whispered. “Wildflower. I’m getting a drink, sleep well.” She ducked out from under the bush and breathed in the hot summer night air. The stream she was going to flowed through the meadow that she lived in, parallel to the forest. Perhaps she could catch a mouse there for later, too.
    Wildflower lapped at the stream, feeling the warm water refresh her insides. Suddenly, she felt the heat intensify, and look up into the sky, to find flocks of birds flooding the skies. Weird, she thought. It’s nowhere near fall yet. She realized that small rodents and water voles swarmed at her feet, and was about to jump at one in the grass when she saw it. A bright red, malicious wall of flames stood where the trees used to be, and catching to the dry grass much too quickly.
    “No!” Wildflower gasped. She ran as fast as her small body could towards her siblings, towards the flames. “Starshine! Sunflower!” The fire was catching too quick, and when she was close enough to see the dip in the meadow where their bush was, the fire had already spread past the juniper bush, and Wildflower couldn’t even tell where it was. “Starshine! Sunflower!” Where did they go? The flames were about to take Wildflower too. She ran back to the stream, yelling for her siblings with her dry throat. They couldn’t have died, the fire must have been too hot, they couldn’t have stayed there…

    Wildflower had been up searching for hours. The sun was barely up and was already spreading heat across the lands. The fire had stopped at the stream, leaving one side of the meadow completely burnt and the other side untouched. The flames had died down when there was no more grass to be burnt. Wildflower stared into the sky. Where did they go?

    It had been four moons since the wildfire. The summer heat had passed, and the air was cool and refreshing. Wildflower still had seen no trace of her siblings. They seemed to have disappeared, and the only reasonable explanation is that they died in the fire, or a fox killed them. And Wildflower was starting to adjust to the fact that they were gone.

    Another half-moon. Prey at this time of year was the best, yet Wildflower was thin. She wouldn’t survive the winter. The moon was shining, and Wildflower was about to settle down in a clearing. She did this so hopefully a fox could kill her in the night. Or she’d freeze.
    She was just about to fall asleep when she felt something poking her flank. Hopefully a fox, she thought.
    “Hey,” a soft voice said, an old she-cat. Wildflower opened her eyes to find a white tortoiseshell, her silhouette against the moon. “Get up, a fox will kill you,” she whispered.
    “Let me die in peace,” Wildflower said back, and rested her chin on her paws.
    “Isn’t she lovely,” the she-cat said to herself. “I’m Twisted Violet. Call me Violet.” Wildflower wasn’t going to introduce herself, but suddenly felt a wave of pain, reminding her of her sorrow, and the endless suffering this world could cause. Her father, her mother and her brother, her other two siblings, Starshine, Sunflower… She wanted nothing to do with that.
    “Call me Wildflower,” they murmured. “And call me by they.”

  • Feather –

    Feather nodded gratefully. She padded out of the building into the fresh air. She sproutedmup plants as she went to the forest,but sadly,the only herbs she found were marigold and juniper berries. Well,those aren’t helpful. What Sky needs is catmint,or at least tansy. A patch of catmint grew a tail-length in front of her. Feather thought that her heart had leapt out of her chest. Catmint! She picked a mouthful of Catmint and galloped as fast as she could towards the kits. On her way,Feather heard a mouse. Dropping the catmint and into a hunting crouch,she stalked it. The mouse was under a building. She snuck in and pounced. Before the mouse could let out a shreik,it was dead. Feather left a few stems and carried the rest of it and the mouse to the den. “Dune! I have the herbs!”

    • Dune –
      “Thank Har….” Dune was about to say Thank Harnor, an old cat saying, but he stopped himself.
      “You feed it to the kits while I distract them.”
      Dune stood up and floated a leaf infront of the kits, his pelt glowing, and his eyes had a purple ring. He made the leaf dance infront of them, hoping it gave Feather a chance to feed them the herbs, then he could check how Luana and Quintessa were doing with their powers, and introduce them to the kits

  • Jaoien looked at the sparks of electricity at her paws. She though, and concentrated hard on the electric. At her wish, static energy crackled once again at her paws, and she smiled. Her power was electricity. She could protect anyone with her power.
    Pebble yawned, though not tired, and closed her eyes. She saw some other cat do this, so she concentrated on doing something. Anything. Everything.
    She opened her eyes once again, and a small bubble of water was there before her eyes. Trying not to wake Frost, she dropped it quickly and hid her excitement. At the puddle where her water had been drawn from, ripples echoed, though no cat had touched it. When a fat raindrop landed in her puddle, she frowned. As she did this, she spit out an awful-tasting goo that landed next to her.
    Hmm…water and poison power, huh? I like water. I’m ok with it. But poison? It could hurt a cat on accident…

  • As Quintessa gnawed on the rabbit, she looked around. She saw lots of cats in their own little groups, talking to who-knows-who about who-knows-what. It’s hard to imagine how many cats are here, she thought. I’ve only talked to a few. Barely interacted with any of them. I wonder if any of them wonder about me, the way I wonder about them? I can’t be that unnoticeable. While I wait for Storm and Marina, how about I go talk to one? It wouldn’t hurt. She swiveled her gaze slowly. How about him? Wasn’t he the one who comforted me in the desert? I think his name was Palm? Yes! That’s him! She padded over to the tom.

    • Palm –
      “Hello !” Palm mewed, Electric sparks dancing round his paws, “ you’re that cat I met in the desert aren’t you ! How’s it going, what powers do you have ? I have electric and ummm I’m not really sure what else !”
      He swished his tail and made the electricity dance round Quintessa’s paws

      • Quintessa smiled. “Air and Telekinesis,” she said. She demonstrated by lifting a handful of dirt a few inches, then lifting herself, glowing her signature sunset color. As she floated down gracefully, she made a soft breeze flow through her and Palm’s fur. “I admit, it’s quite fun,” she said. “And it helps with hunting, too.” She suddenly felt awkward. Talking to Frostsong or Wildflower feels easy, but I hardly talked to this tom at all after the desert!

        (This is a good interpretation of my feelings towards meeting new people irl 😮 😛 poor Quin she’s usually not really awkward. Welp there’s a first time for everything amiright!!)

  • Question – how do you think the kits will cope with a father who gets a new mate? Personally, I’d prefer if Dune got back with Feather or just stayed single…. because how would it affect newborn kits?

    • Well from my own experience,
      It wouldn’t really affect the kits, as you said newborns. They don’t know how relationships work and they need to learn how they work. People breakup, people move on. It’s life.

    • (I’m not sure, but I’m guessing it might be a bit like your parents getting a divorce and then one of them marries again. Also I’m not sure whether the kits know the situation between Dune and Feather)

  • Marina approached Storm, but suddenly a foul taste appeared in her mouth – the same foul taste has before. She spit it out again. Ick.

    “You okay?” Storm asked her sister.

    “Fine. But this horrible liquid keeps on forming in my mouth and I keep on having to spit it out!” she complained.

    “That’s bad,” Storm replied, “But guess what?”


    “I got a level up!” she mewed happily.

    “Nice,” Marina mewed. “Anyways, I was thinking that we could go practice our powers with Quintessa? And maybe stop by the kits meanwhile?”

    “Sounds good,” Storm replied. “How close are you to getting a level up?”

    “Dunno,” Marina sighed, “Just have to practice… a little more.”