• Wildflower was practising their powers when they ran into Frostsong. “You’re Frostsong, right? Quintessa’s friend? I’m Wildflower.”

  • Quintessa felt a yawn coming on. “Sorry Palm, but I’m getting tired,” she said. She padded off. Her nostrils filled with the scent of the forest. Her mind focused on the thought of coming to her makeshift nest to rest. And maybe checking on the kits too, she thought. It’s extremely dangerous to have kits here, especially with that murderous demon-cat around, and Feather’ll need all the help she can get. Quintessa approached the kits and Dune, who was hissing at some random she cat. Like he did to me when I first appeared, she thought with a chuckle. She padded a little always from the protective father, to make sure she wasn’t in his way.

  • Bonita-
    Bonita huffed and padded into the forest. Having grown up in a village, she had little experience hunting in the forest. Stalking through the forest, she hacked and spat out the weird liquid. Ugh, she had to deal with this forever? Her taller legs weren’t very good at stalking so she awkwardly crouched down. Seeing a mouse, she landed on it clumsily, because of her bobtail.
    “Gah! I’ll never get this!¡Bosque mudo!” She snarled at the trees around her.
    (When’s the next test?)

  • “Yeah! I’ve seen you around! How are you doing?” Frostsong asked Wildflower.

  • Azalea knew why she was here. She knew what she was going to do. She knew she had to win.

    The second statement might have been a lie. Azalea had no idea what she was doing, but she knew she would win. Thirteen moons is plenty of time to learn to survive, after all. She had braved lone living, she could brave this. Or so she told herself, anyway.

    She might be young, she might be small, she might appear innocent or naive, but that was to her advantage. Nobody expected her to steal prey from under a cat’s nose, or stab a cat exactly where their vital organs lay, or know exactly what berries could easily poison a cat. She was underestimated, and that was her advantage.

  • I’m doing this. This is the list of all cats powers, in case you have missed what your power is or have forgot.
    I recon next test will be next week, so that gives you a chance to level up if you want

    Ice Luana
    Ice Thunder
    Ice Fini
    Ice Vanilla
    Ice Frostsong
    Ice Ollie
    Ice Ami
    Ice Lantern

    Fire Snow
    Fire Feather
    Fire Wildflower
    Fire Rattlesnake
    Fire Tornheart DEAD
    Fire Chao
    Fire Clover
    Fire Panther
    Fire Ambi
    Fire Azalea
    Water and Poison Eclipse
    Water and Poison Dusk DEAD
    Water and Poison Leaf
    Water and Poison Sunny
    Water and Poison Pebble
    Water and Poison Marina
    Water and Poison Flame
    Water and Poison Mieginck
    Water and Poison Bonita

    Electric and Healing Bird
    Electric and Healing Ivy
    Electric and Healing Palm
    Electric and Healing Frost
    Electric and Healing Tawny
    Electric and Healing Reed
    Electric and Healing Jaoien
    Electric and Healing Moon
    Telekinesis and Air Dune
    Telekinesis And Air Wisp
    Telekinesis and Air Caspian DEAD
    Telekinesis and Air Quintessa
    Telekinesis and Air Storm
    Telekinesis and Air Leafy DEAD
    Telekinesis and Air Mist
    Telekinesis and Air Loki
    Telekinesis and Air Flicker
    Telekinesis and Air Okoye
    Shadow /Invisibility Fringe
    Shadow / Invisibility Black Bird
    Shadow / Invisibility Scratchwind
    Shadow / Invisibility Cobweb
    Shadow / Invisibility Echo
    Shadow / Invisibility Tess
    Shadow / Invisibility Iciclefur
    Shadow / Invisibility Robin

  • “Good!” Wildflower answered Frostsong. “What powers have you got? I’ve got fire powers and various nature-related powers.”

    • “I got ice powers, and something that has to do with time. I keep seeing various flashes of the past.” Frostsong said.

      • “Woah. Like hallucinations? Or something more like visions? That would definitely drive me crazy and insane.”

        • “I guess it’s more like visions. So far, I’ve seen Wren dying, Feather giving birth, and-” Frostsong’s eyes glowed a deep blue. She was yet again swallowed by light. “What now?” She murmured. Frostsong blinked. She saw Dune, Feather, Eclipse, and the others standing near a cliff. Dune was saying something to Feather as tears streamed down their cheeks. She heard Dune say, “I love you” and he hurled himself off the cliff. Frostsong raced forward, but she was swallowed by the light. “Woah. I didn’t know…”

  • I’m going to level up Panther.
    Panther tried to summon larger flames, but the exertion wore him out. He kept to summoning small flames, but for longer periods of time.

  • Feather hissed. “Stupid fox-hearted cat,trying to kill a cat in front of their kits,” she whispered into Dune’s ear,càreful that the other cats wouldn’t hear.
    Sky let out an extremely strong batch of coughing and shuddered. Feather rushed to her side and started licking her. Sky smiled weakly.
    “You can’t do anything to help me. It was my destiny to die. I will watch over you all forever. And my advice to stop their deaths . . . is to stay together . . . ” Sky drifted off to a sleep she would never wake from.
    Wren and Blizzard started mewling sadly and Feather started licking Sky’s body frantically. “No . . . she can’t . . . Sky can’t be dead . . . she can’t be . . . “

  • Lantern padded over to Rattlesnake who seemed to have died because they hadn’t moved in quite a while Jazzy this is the downside to having so many characters do you have to level them up separately cause that would be such a pain. “Hello, I’m Lantern. Are you… okay?”

    • (No Rattlesnake is just such an introvert he just stays away from everyone)
      “Eh…I think…I’m not sure, BUT I WON’T KILL ANYTHING I’M NOT WREN ICANGROWFLOWERSTOO!!!” He started panicking. Cats werent his strongsuit and he really didn’t like being around them anymore.

  • Fringe stalked quietly down the alley, flickering in and out of sight. Shadows that swirled around her also hid her from view. The mouse never stood a chance. She leapt, pinning it to the ground and killing it. “Finally,” she muttered. “Food.” As she sat down to eat, she noticed a shadow flicker out of the corner of her eye. “Whose there?” She growled, dropping the mouse. “Show yourself!”

  • Storm padded at Quintessa. “Hey!” she greeted warmly, “Marina said that she wanted us to do some practice together. Any particular place good for it?”

  • (Rattlesnake is so cute did you say you wanted him to go insane??? Poor thing)
    Lantern respectively backed away. “Well, good luck on the next Test.” He walked away freezing ice at his paws, taking note that he might not want to bother Rattlesnake anymore.