• I will post here at some point, it’s just I need sleep right now so I’m not bothered

    • Just ignore this

      Mieginck –
      Mieginck padded to the water and started to summon a bubble. His breath quickened as he saw it rise and he looked to his side hoping to find comfort in Eclipse

  • Wren Who is Sad that It's Summer and School is Over and is Flying to Russia (Wrenkit/feather/Wren) says:


    Feather nudged Sky. She can’t be dead! Feather started crying into Dune’s shoulder. She felt a cat’s tail on her spine. Looking up,Feather saw a white tom with black stripes next to her. “B-Blizzard? You aren’t a kit anymore. A-and so is Wren.”
    “Sky said she would watch over us,so she did. She knew it’s hard to survive here as a kit,so she made us older.”

  • “thanks for reasuring me about Pebble” Flame said (he has bad conversation skills) “so how are you?” Flame asked while sitting down next to Jaoien curling his tail up to cover his front paws

      • “have you figured out your power yet?” Flame asked “do you like it here? you dont have to stay in this bush if you want, you can leave and catch up with Pebble if you want. Oh, Frost woke up, you could go and see Pebble if you like but um maybe they want to be alone, I dont know. I’m sorry, I’m just bad at talking with other cats and I’m just rambling at this point and ah I am sorry you can leave and talk to cats who are more capable of communicating than me” Flame said and looked down at his paws

        • “I, Hm…? I really don’t know my powers yet…” Jaoien smiled. “But I am ok with that. And you’re fine at talking, you’re doing it anyways! It’s easy for me when you barely once the cat because you can ask a lot of questions, but it must be the better you know them for you.” She said.

          • “thanks Joaien, what is your relation to Pebble anyways, if your ok with me asking” Flame asked

            • “Oh! Her mom and my mom were friends, so for three moons we played with each other like littermates. Then my mom and our litter had to leave, as Pebble’s mom died and Mom didn’t want to see Pebble as she reminded her so much of mom’s old friend.” Jaoien explained.

  • Frost woke up (I want to role play with her but she has been asleep 😛 ) she saw that some of her little cuts were less open as they were what she presumed was yesterday, she sat up next to Pebble as she was still waking up

  • (My device I access BlogClan From is being taken away today. Please don’t kill me off. I’ll try to access from my mom’s iPad.)
    Panther post 4:
    Panther was getting a bit stronger everyday. He glowed a bright red when he used his fire powers, and glowed a soothing green when he grew plants, and glowed a withering pine green that withered plants.

    • Post 5:
      Panther was confident in his powers. He was strong, he could do anything! He tried to make one last flame, stronger than ever before. Then he glowed very brightly, and passed out.

      (Panther’s on level two now)

  • Storm saw Skykit’s lifeless body. She froze, tears selling up in her eyes. And then she began sobbing in front of Dune, Feather, Quintessa, Luana, and the two living kits, her tears rolling down her cheeks and falling on the grass.

    No. Why did a kit have to die? Just like her family’s baby… just like her baby, all those moons ago.

  • Quintessa lay there, unable to move, unable to think. Unable to do anything. She had promised to help with the kits, maybe not out loud, but in her mind. She had tried to make sure they were okay. But obviously I did the worst job of that. Her tears were long gone, as there were no more to be shed. All that was left of them were the dark trails on her face, hardly visible through her dark pelt. She noticed another cat crying. Storm. She thought about padding over, but couldn’t, not even if she wanted to. She was still full of grief, her eyes blank and staring at the live kits. She glanced at Luana, who was trying to help them, sweeping her tail against them. At least she’s trying, said a voice in her head. And what are you doing? Laying down. That’s what. She gritted her teeth, getting up slowly, then walking over to Luana. “I’m going to hunt,” she choked out. Then she ran off, hoping to catch something for them to eat.

    (Them being the kits, Luana, Quintessa, and Dune)

    • Dune –

      Dune was glad that Luana and Quintessa seemed to be helping out, he had noticed that the kits had grow lots, very recently, it might soon be ok for them to take part in the next test

      (The kits are now the size of four moons)

      • Luana smiled at Quintessa.
        “Okay.” Luana purred at the kits who had grown and weren’t used to their legs. “Hehe, s-sorry! Uh, here lemme try this!” She formed a couple small harmless bumps rather than spikes for the kits to walk on.

  • Wildflower had been out hunting for a while. They just couldn’t find a single piece of prey that wasn’t hiding from the rain. Finally, they found a mouse burrow beside a beech tree and dislodged an entire family, catching seven of them. I can share this with the Feather and the kits, they thought. Devouring half a mouse, they picked up the rest padded through the pouring rain to the others. As they neared, they heard anguished cries. No, not another tragedy, please. They turned the corner of an old house, and found Feather, Storm, Dune, Luana and the kits. And Sky’s lifeless body. Wildflower gently placed the mice off to a side and padded to Storm’s side.
    No,” they whispered. They pressed themelves into Storm’s fur and cried.
    (Is that weird? They’re looking for warmth and everyone is broken right now anyway so idk)

  • Fringe gasps, staring at the cats crowded around the dead kit. “What happened?” She murmured. She briefly remembered two other kits, Loki’s littermates, who hadn’t lived past three moons. The first, Trixy, had been an adorable ginger tabby she-cat who hadn’t even gotten to open her eyes. The second, Dangle, had been a white tom with Fringe’s blue eyes. He’d died of greencough nearly three moons after his birth. Loki alone had survived… and this was what he’d become. Maybe if Perch hadn’t died… if Loki had grown up with a father… he wouldn’t be how he was today. Fringe new how it felt to lose kits. So she stepped into the group, staring at the lifeless, tiny body. “May the stars accept you into their ranks,” she whispered, remembering Perch’s many talks about the Heaven-fields, the star-strewn resting place of the spirit-cats. “May you always have good hunting and fair winds.” Perhaps this kit would meet Perch in the afterlife, and her two kits. Maybe they’d become friends. Fringe only hoped that this kit’s mother would take it better than she had. She would always regret her part in Loki’s evil nature.

    • Iciclefur –
      Iciclefur hobbled over to a she cat who was in the middle of the crowd, then he saw the body.
      “Oh my gosh.” He mewed and turned away, he couldn’t stand seeing death. In a flash, a coughing fit over took him, it was that thing that had been injected into him in the lab, it was taking effect, it would kill him, he was sure of it
      He accidentally crashed into a she cat
      “Oh sorry, sorry,” He mewed, and tried to lighten the mode by making a shadow bunny dance around

  • Frostsong heard Feather wail, and ran over to Dune. “What happened?” She asked nervously. Then she saw the lifeless body of Sky on the ground, and she froze. Everything stopped. She collapsed, whimpering. “This shouldn’t have happened. No, this shouldn’t…” she whispered. “Is there anything I can do, anything?” She asked Dune and Feather. “I’ll go hunt, or I can… bury… Sky, or…” Frostsong’s voice broke. She wailed to the world, cursing the world for being so cruel to an innocent kit. “Goodbye…” she whispered.

    (If I get Frostsong to level 5, I’m going to have her summon Wren and Sky.)

    Level up for um… Moon!
    Post 2:
    Moon was so suprised. So I have healing powers and electric powers? “That could be useful.” Moon muttered. “When I find Panther.” She summoned all her energy into the static in her paws, and managed to scorch the ground her lightly.

    Ambi was exhausted. Ami was so stubborn, and she just wouldn’t believe in magic. “Well I’ll make her!” Ambi decided, and worked even harder. Gathering his energy, he glowed bright yellow and his paws burst into small flames.

    • Ami –
      Ami saw Ambi focusing hard on fire, and ran towards him.
      “Woah, get back !” She cried, “that fire has a 87% chance of spreading and growing, it has fuel oxygen and heat. And don’t you dare try and tell me it’s magic again, I’m not believing that I have a power to tell the future

      Then the same conversation with Ambi early suddenly filled her eyes but I was gone in a few seconds and replaced by a white tom with three legs lying on the ground , dead.
      Ami screamed and snapped out of it, ice forming at her paws.
      “I WILL NOT LET IT BE MAGIC”she cried out smashing the ice
      (Poor Ambi, he doesn’t realise why Ami won’t accept it, and Poor Ami she’s just seen her father’s death)

  • After Quintessa had caught a few mice, she made them levitate and went back to camp. She came to find several other cats there too, including Wildflower and Frostsong. They all were grieving, she could tell. She walked over to her, or at least, the cats she had come to think of as, friends. She first walked over to Frostsong. “It’ll be okay,” she murmured. “It’ll be alright.” She gave her a tiny lick (a friendly lick) and then padded to Wildflower. “….”She didn’t know what to say to this cat, this cat who had helped her when she had rough times. She felt like crying all over again. But she couldn’t, not now. For once, she needed to be strong. She gave them a small nuzzle, looked them in the eye and tried to say It’s okay like she did with Frostsong. Then she finally padded over to Dune, Luana and the kits, who looked like they had grown. She placed the mice that were still levitating down. She curled up, tired of the world, of this life, and for the first time in forever, started to sing softly, a song she had learned from her mother as a kit. Her eyes sparkled with tears as she remembered her.
    “I am not a stranger to the darkness”
    “Hide away, they say
    ‘Cause we don’t want your broken parts
    I’ve learned to be ashamed of all my scars
    Run away, they say
    No one’ll love you as you are…”
    Her voice cracked, and she felt herself try to sleep, her vision blurring, her breaths slowing as she faded into sleep…

    (My headcanon that just became canon: when she gets really cracked she sings “This Is Me”, a song that her mother taught her, and it helps her cope with these kinds of things. Also this basically her theme song 😛 )

    • (I love that song!!!)
      Frostsong heard a sweet but faint melody fill her ears. She traced the sound to Quintessa, quietly enjoying her singing to comfort her, and when Quintessa fell asleep, she padded over and whispered, “Thank you.” Frostsong padded away.
      (Now I’m gonna level up Frostsong cuz I feel like it)
      Frostsong worked even harder, determined to make sure Sky’s death was not in vain. Suddenly, her eyes flashed a striking black and she was whipped back into the past. She saw Feather wailing, crying, sobbing, over a small dead body. “I was… never… meant to live…” Sky said, and her eyes closed forever.

  • Fini heaved herself up the cliff, reaching the top. Her fur bristled in the wind. After each test, Fini had grown stronger and wiser, and developed better battle strategies. But when her powers kicked in, the was stronger than ever. Until her powers took control of her.

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