• Fringe caught a rabbit and ate it, thinking of her sister Sparrow. “Sparrow loves rabbit,” Fringe muttered to herself.

  • Quintessa looked around, watching the cats hunt. She sighed, then got up from her spot on the ground (which was very comfortable, if you ask her) and went to hunt. She crouched down, sneaking around until she found a good sized mouse. She pounced, swiftly bit its neck, then carried it back to her spot on the ground and starting eating.

    • “What are you looking at?” Frostsong snapped. She was new here, and was uncomfortable around other cats, often acting cold and harsh due to her confusion about how things worked.
      (This is so unlike me!)

  • Frostsong stalked off to hunt. There’s a mouse! Gathering up all her skills, she pounced, determined to seem fierce, though she was trembling on the inside. Frostsong got it! It was a messy kill, but still, it’s food. She padded over to a corner and gulped down her mouse.

  • Eclipse, though slightly sad she basically yelled at a she-cat who might act friendly to her, stalked away with Black Bird. They sat down to wash each other, and lay down to rest. As they both drifted off to sleep, their only thoughts were “We have to win. For Ash.”

  • (Who is modding these posts? They are taking a long time and people who posted after me are not waiting for moderation but I still am)

  • Cobweb was sitting in a oak tree eating her mouse she had caught earlier and hauled up the tree. She enjoyed eating prey from above ground rather than below. It was a lot more enjoyable sitting in a tree looking at the view rather than stay on ground and eat. It had been 1 moon since Star’s death, but the memory of his terrified face and the scent of his cold fur reeked of death and no more smelt like grass and leaves was still was fresh in her mind. The horrific look of his dead face still haunted Cobweb’s dreams and she shuddered. Cobweb used to be SkyClan’s medicine cat but was blamed for not being able to cure the leader’s son Lionclaw who had died of infection from his wounds. She was known as Cobwebpool then but had changed her name to Cobweb when banished. Her brother was Starfrost then but had left with her the instant he found out she was banished, changing his name to Star. They had lived together for a couple of moons until they ran into a rouge named Cosmos. Cosmos, was a rouge who had a passion for gossip, had told both Cobweb and Star about the tests and Star was eager to go. Cobweb wasn’t so sure at first but Star had convinced her like he always did. Star had a talent for persuading cats to do stuff and no matter how hard you tried it was difficult to decline. They set out the next sunrise and a few sunrises later Star had died in a landslide which she herself hardly escaped. After the landslide Cobweb had dug and dug far into the ground until she found Star’s body. She hauled him out with tears streaming down her face and sat with him the whole night. The next morning she dug a whole under Star’s favorite tree he enjoyed climbing and carried Star’s body to the hole and set him at the edge. She had cried heavily that night and had taken Star’s silver chain with a spider web charm off of his front paw and had placed it on her own. Both litter mates had a silver chain to represent their connection with one another. Since birth they were given a silver chain with a charm representing the others name. Cobweb was given a star charm and Star, a spider web charm. She had taken her last look at Star’s silver fur with black spots before she had placed him in the hole and buried him, setting a star shaped crystal she found to mark his grave. She had traveled for days in constant sorrow but had recovered some since then. Still though her present dreams were still haunted by his death she had been able to not burst into tears at every thought of him. She soon finished her mouse and threw the bones off the tree. Energy fizzed in her paws and anticipation flowed through out her. “I have to accomplish the tests! I will not let my brother to have died in vain! I will accomplish them even at the cost of my life! May StarClan guide my paws to victory! For the sake of Star!” Cobweb yowled into the night.

  • Sunny spotted one of the new cats, a she-cat eating a plump mouse. She looked tough, and she scowled so much Sunny wondered if it was permanent. Sunny shot the she-cat the fiercest glare she could muster.

    • “Oh it’s you,” Frostsong said dryly. “I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Frostsong, and I used to be a kittypet. Then I was abandoned, and now I’m here. I’m not looking forward to this at all.” Frostsong paused and took in the look on this new cat. “Why are you glaring at me like that? I’m not evil, you know. I’ve just been through a lot.” She glanced down at her paws, lost in thought. Frostsong suddenly realized what she was saying, and stalked off. I must be more careful! I don’t know who to trust anymore, after I was abandoned.

  • Frost caught a mouse as it was her favorite of the new foods she has discovered and ate it alone because she hasn’t really been with other cats before, just rabid two-leg kits around the park. she was ok to be alone for now, looking at the sky was a nice change to the park. she just sat there thinking to herself about random things and eating her mouse, cat interaction was not necessary to her at this point in her new “group” of cats (just a little socially awkward 😛 )

  • Cobweb payed no notice to Sunny as she jumped down the tree to get some water. “The ‘Tests’ can’t be that hard right? Ugh I’m stupid to think that! If one had died and been brought back from the dead it has to be hard. ” She thought as she lapped at the silver surface.

  • Quintessa was bored. Bored out of her mind. Bored out of her soul. BORED OUT OF HER-let’s not go there. Basically, she was so bored she considered clawing her ears off just so she had something to do. “Ugh,” she groaned. ‘Nobody is going to talk to me, so why even bother?’ Quintessa started examining her claws, while also keeping an eye on the others, just in case.

    • Dune –
      Dune thought he should go and check out some of the new cats so, after eating Feathers rabbit he padded over to a dark brown tabby
      “Why are you here,” he spat , “ I don’t need more competition, I’ve already died once I don’t need any more cats to get in my way.”
      He unsheathed his claws and faked a blow to the she cats muzzle, he didn’t want to hurt her yet, but if she seemed too determined to win then he would kill her
      Just because Dune had his sister back didn’t mean that he still didn’t want to win, if she died in the Tests he would fight even harder and cats would die if they crossed his path

      (Sorry the first cat you spoke to had to be ‘Mr Grumpbag-I’mmad at everyone ‘here, he’s just grumpy and aggressive all the time)

      • Potato loves... CATS! Potato loves... FAIRYTAIL!!! Potato loves... LOTSA THINGS!!! says:

        Luana trotted over the Dune and the new cat. “Dune! There’s no need to pretend to hurt her! She’s new!” Luana scolded. “I’m sorry. This grumpy-fur is loves to scare the new cats. I’m Luana.” She smiled cheekily.

      • Quintessa looked calmly at the attacker, swiftly dodging the fake attack. “For your information, I’m here because if I become a goddess/immortal cat, then I can go home,” she said dangerously quietly. “And I do not want to pick unnecessary fights with a tom who has anger issues, so please leave me alone.” She flicked her tail irritably.


  • Cobweb got up. “I wish this Harnor would have brought Star back.” She mumbled. Cobweb walked down a steep hill lost in thought.

  • Tornheart stepped out of the brambles and into the abandoned Twoleg place “where is she,she should be here” She growled.
    “I am here”a voice sounded from inside the brambles.
    A shadowy black figure with glowing green eyes stepped forward “Shall we do the deed”She meowed
    “Yes, You are the only evil mistress in history that holds enough power”Tornheart Smirked
    “Well here we go: I Shadow the mistress of evil declare you, Tornheart, As the deputy of evil, on one condition” Shadow the mistress of Evil’s eyes flashed a darker green then back to its original colour.
    “Yes?”Tornheart leaned closer
    “You must follow my rules, you mustn’t give away your secret and you must kill everyone in your way, Will you do it?”Shadow disappeared into a black mist……

    • (I’m sorry, but this doesn’t really make sense. You shouldn’t be controlling two characters unless both got accepted in the forms page. Also, this is confusing.)

      • Shut up blossom!

        (I’m just joking I don’t actually mean it and by the way that is like the only time she’s Hurd of)

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