• Quintessa was, let’s see, full, not thirsty, not bored. So now there was one more thing to do: go to sleep. She found a nice, quiet spot away from the others, lied down, and closed her eyes. However, sleep avoided her. The second she closed her eyes, she saw memories of her family. Painful memories. She flung her eyes open, gasping for air as if she had just surfaced from a deep dive underwater. She looked around, making sure that the memory was just a memory. Good, she thought, nobody noticed me. Hopefully.

    • Fringe saw the she-cat, recognizing the plague of bad memories. Shrugging, she padded over. “Um, hi. I’m Fringe.”

      • Quintessa was about to send a death glare to the new she cat, but realizing she wasn’t going to fake attack her or try to intimidate her like somecat tried, she flattened her fur. “My name is Quintessa,” she introduced herself for the second time, “and I’m sorry for… disturbing you. I just had a nightmare, that’s all.” She shuddered involuntarily as she remembered the memory specifically.

        A dark brown she-kit, barely 4 moons old, glanced around, wondering where her mother was. “Momma!” she cried. “Momma!” But no voice could be heard. The little she-kit wandered around, tired and cold and hungry, until she found a small shelter near the mountains, bursting with warmth and mice. The she-kit eventually figured out how to hunt and fight, teaching herself. and eventually left the shelter, being fully capable of taking care of herself. In the end, the she cat grew to love the mountains, favoring them over forests or shelters.

    • Frostsong watched Quintessa silently from the shadows of a large rock in the plains. (Don’t ask me how it got there!) She must be having bad memories. I know what it feels like. Frostsong thought. I hope she can cope well enough to survive… SONG! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! How do you know who to trust? Everyone could be waiting to attack you. I just hope some cats can see beneath my frosty exterior.

  • Sunny saw the she-cat suddenly wake up from her sleep, startled. Sunny studied her. The she-cat looked tough, a cat you wouldn’t want to mess with, but clearly there was more that what met the eye.

    • “Not long.” Rattlesnake replied. His tail flicked every once in a while, and the fluffy part got caught on some bramble. He pulled his tail out, slightly falling over in the process, and successfully leafing fluffy copper fur on the bramble. Rattlesnake sighed. He was never going to get used to more cats watching him be clumsy and shy and stutterish.

  • Hey guys! I’m new, so can you tell me what’s happened so far? What’s this plot that’s been created up to now?

    • I just came a few days ago too. So I recommend you:
      1. Go all the back to the first page for RP and read everything (this will give you an idea of what’s going on)
      2. Go to the questions page. Some people asked how to enter because they just applied.
      3. I’ll just tell you!
      So basically the others (not me) already finished the first test. Dune dies, and then gets revived along with his sister. DunexFeather has become canon, and just go back and READ EVERYTHING.

  • Vanilla opened her eyes, and was stunned by her surroundings. This wasn’t her soft nest, in her twoleg house! That’s when she remembered: She had already left that place, and probably would never go back. But for now, the past did not matter. Vanilla, shaking her head, pricked her ears and became more alert towards her surroundings. There wasn’t a single soul she recognized, just strange cats she had never seen before.
    (Am I doing this right? 😛 )

  • Echo blinked. Wow. There were more cats than she had ever seen in her entire life gathered here. Well, if she wanted to get somewhere in the Tests, she had to at least socialize and know the others. She timidly padded over to a dark brown tabby she-cat (Quintessa). “Hi,” Echo said softly. “What’s your name? Are you new, too?”

  • (Test is tomorrow!!! YAY!)

    Snow blinked, her eyes heavy but not wanting to sleep, her hunger and thirst drove her forward she again tried to hunt, her eyes watchful and alert for any signs of prey or more importantly water.

    • “Mouse dung!” Tawny hissed as leaves rustled behind her. The mouse she was hunting darted away out of sight. Since she arrived, she had decided not to talk to anyone. That was more of her style.
      The mouse would have been the first thing she had eaten since she arrived. She was annoyed, but then she stopped in her tracks. She was sure that she hadn’t made the noise. Tawny sighed and turned to a bush. “Who are you? Your hiding skills definitely aren’t the best. I know you’re there,”

      (Sorry if I sounded rude, it’s Tawny’s personality! 🙂 )

      • Snow turned, she hadn’t meant to rustle the leaves, she had been so close to nabbing the rabbit, but it had darted away before she could have caught it, and when she had stood her tail had rustled the bush behind her. Snow snapped up at the voice, she hadn’t been trying to hide. Snow padded around the bush and found a she-cat staring at her.
        “I’m Snowdapple, but you can call me Snow…” Snow mewed her voice a little flat, trying to ignore the comment. “I’m really tired and hungry, I keep getting thrown off guard when I’m hunting for some reason and I hit the bush with my tail, sorry.”
        ‘Probably because your really tired mouse brain’ she thought admittingly.
        “Anyway, uh, sorry if I ruined your, uh, catch…”

        • Tawny opened her jaws to make a sharp remark, but closed them, deep in thought. “I’m Tawny. I’ve seen you around.” She looked at the she-cat. Snow looked very tired. “You need sleep. You know, Snow, you’re the first cat I’ve actually spoken to. I hope for you to be an ally during the tests,”

  • Sunny slept, curled up in some long grass. In her dreams, she saw Silver and Rain dying in front of her, though sharper and clearer than ever. Than the dream disappeared, and there was only darkness. Suddenly, she saw a familliar light gray tabby tom with amber eyes. Sunny blinked. This was a cat she hadn’t seen in a long time.

    “Rain?” she mewed softly.

  • “I just got here too, not from the cat who brought you, but on my own,kinda ironic isn’t it?” Cobweb said.

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