• Question (that may have already been answered on the google docs but idk): can more than one Tribe cat have the same animal? Like can there be a “Yew of the Starling” and a “Flight of the Starling” at the same time?

    • Yep ! That’s perfectly fine !
      The herbs they are given kinda cause hallucinations in cats, and as they believe they will see an animal, they usually do, and if two cats see a starling, then that is perfectly fine !

  • ​Hey Maple! It’s me, Lapis. I have a question, though it’s less to do with this roleplay and more to do with another one, though I’m not sure if you check that one anymore. So, do you remember your roleplay Divided Society? The one where they differentiate by eye color? Well, I really loved that roleplay, and I felt super close to my characters in it. But it’s seemed dead recently and I was kind of wondering if we could bring it back? I understand if you’re busy… I can help out though! I can advertise it and everything, and accept characters. Only if you’re okay with it… Again, if you’re busy, I understand. See you on the rp pages! 😀

    • Hey Lapis !!!
      I don’t know whether you were there when I said this, but I kind of fell out of love with it. And also lots of stress in my life, but after the 4th of Feb I may consider starting it up again, don’t ask why that date I do have a reason

      • Maple, I said that I’ld take over the divided society, when you asked on the Tavern who would take it over, but I kinda stopped looking at it, and didn’t do anything on it so I’ll give it back to you, if it’s okay with you. Especially if you want to restart it.

    • Yes the judge would take on normal duties if they aren’t needed, and sometimes if there is nothing to do they might start taking charge of managing the prey pile, deciding which cats look hungrier, so need larger amounts of food.
      And yes, the judge will take on an apprentice, basically after they have finished their general training the apprentice can continue to train for another moon with the judge

  • Ryestar called form the top of the rock jutting out from the dip in the moor. “Me and pantherstar are going to have to go to the Mesa over the crest to get a special herb needed. We will be back soon in the mean time (pretend I said a name anyone in fieldclan or the deputy and volunteer) so long”

      • “No, I need you here to watch the warriors and make sure they stay on track” she purred

        • Willowwhisper let out a purr of amusement as she padded out of the nursery and scooped Softkit up with her tail. “I have a very important task for you Softkit, we have to go on a journey of our own to get moss for the elders. If you are brave while you do it, I’m sure they will tell you a story.” Willowwhisper smiled. (Can Willowwhisper be Softkit’s mother? If not, it is fine.)

  • Dark kit stalked out of the nursery flicking her tail in annoyance at softkits antics and sat by the prey pile

    • Willowwhisper glanced over at Darkkit and beckoned her over. “Do you want to come get moss for the elders with me?” She asked.

      • “Sureeeeee” she said sarcastic and rolled her eyes. “No ive got way better things to do than help the elders” she wrinkled her nose like she smelled the stench of the elders and their den already. Then she stalked away.

        She sighed at darkkit and walked over to willowwhisper. “Shes had a rough past” she whispered glancing at the kit. “I’ll help you collect moss, I know our clan is short due to the two legs dogs, but with new kits on the way we will grow strong again, Intel then I would be glad to help you” she smiled

        • Willowwhisper-
          She nodded slightly. “Do you want to see if Acornstripe wants to join us?”

          • Acornstripe-
            At the sound of his name,Acornstripe perked his ears. “Is there something I should be doing?” he asked worriedly. Acornstripe was a new warrior,and there were so many more responsibilities,it was hard to keep up with. Still,he was determined to serve FeildClan the best he could,even if it took a while.

            • Willowwhisper-
              “We were just wondering if you wanted to come with us to gather moss.”

              • Acornstripe-
                Acornstripe calmed down,glad he wasn’t in trouble. “Sure,we need all we can get.” he commented while standing up.

                • “Let’s get it done then” ryestar smiled and led them into the forest to get the moss.

                • Acornstripe-
                  Acornstripe walked along with the others and eventually found a tree with many clumps of moss growing at it’s roots. “Here’s some.” he said,nodding at it.

                • “Good eye, not many trees on the moor” ryestar meowed grabbing a clump off moss carefully getting it off the tree.

                • Willowwhisper-
                  She nodded in agreement, taking another clump.

                • Acornstripe-
                  Acornstripe ducked his head,smiling. He hooked his claws into a clump of moss and picked it up with his teeth. “I’m just glad we found some. There’s not much nest making material out here.” the tom said awkwardly.

                • Willowwhisper-
                  She smiled slightly, pulling off another clump. “At least we have some material.”

  • Acornstripe-
    Acornstripe padded into camp carrying a sparrow and a shrew. He sat the prey on the pile and started cleaning himself.

  • Burrblossom-
    Burrblossom sat in the clearing. He was the deputy, so he had to organize patrols.
    He looked around, wondering if any cat would be interested.
    WolfStar 4 Life

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