• What are the approximate ages of your OCs? Here are mine:
    Solavem is like, around 5,000 years old. Basically, the only OC that has a number while everything else is just approximations and comparisons.
    Cel, Flo, Fy, and Ru are all old enough to lead Pelidi, but younger than Kat #1, Cirtie, Cae, and Thae.
    Luna, Fovalos, and Trospitha are all younger than the Celflofyru, and were most likely trainees or kids when TCoW took place oh frick another loophole within the book. *facepalms*
    Kat #1 and Cirtie are around the same age but Kat #1 is most likely older than Cirtie.
    Kat #2 is younger than the Tempestan Trio, definitely younger than Kat #1 and Cirtie, and the youngest leader in all the camps. So basically, younger than the Celflofyru and younger than Luna, Fovalos, and Trospitha.
    Veru, Parev, Sipergia, and Maclusca (The Tempestan Trio) are about young adults during the beginning of TCoW, and middle-aged / senior soldiers at the beginning of the next story. sheesh, why are all the leaders making their young adults elite soldiers?!
    Loxie, Nixie, Denagma, Nagoudi, and Pamidaki are all young adults at the beginning of the next book, so therefore Parevma can’t fall in love with Nixie during TCoW and I have to rewrite the entire story. Loxie is about the age of a graduate and yet was still made an elite soldier.
    I do not know the exact ages of Aurubes and Lux, but all I know is that they are old enough to be second-in-command and elite soldier respectively in the next book which doesn’t help because the 4 OG Camps all have tendencies to make their graduates elite soldiers / second-in-commands
    I do not know the age of Megapavla but all I know is that he acts like a child.
    Cae and Thae are around the same age, older than the Celflofyru, younger than Kat #1 and Cirtie.
    I don’t know any of the ages of their elite soldiers and second-in-commands, but I think that Paligonia is around the same as Rikardia or Macula.
    Rikardia is older than Kat #1 and Cirtie yet sounds like an edgy four-year-old. Corusca is also around the same age and sounds like an edgy teen.
    Macula is younger than Rikardia. That’s all I know.
    Patachoros and Sanguis are probably around the same age as Rikardia and Corusca and Sanguis is literally the only one that acts their age as Rikardia and Corusca both act like emo teens and Patachoros acts like a literal four-year-old

    TL;DR all of them are adults and the OG camps seem to enjoy immediately making graduates into elite soldiers / second-in-commands.

    • Let’s see…. I actually have quite a few adult characters, but the main characters are teenagers. There’s also a lot of species that age differently in my story 😛
      In order from youngest to oldest:
      -Kale Hayes, the twin’s younger brother, is 11
      -Marcus is 15 and a grade lower than Sage and Basil
      -Simon, Corvus, and Ev are all 15 and in the same grade as Sage and Basil
      -Sage and Basil turn 16 during the first book
      -Guild Quinton Deveroux is in his 30s, and is the youngest Guild member
      -Wren is 33 (young elf)
      -Xander Crayton is 14 when you first meet him in the prequel era, and dies at 35
      -Guild Finley Reyes is in xyr early 40s
      -Emma, Rio, Piper, Ava, Flynn, and all the other people from Xander’s era were around 20 when first met, and are now approaching their 50s
      -Guild Fergus Alderton, along with most of the rest of the Guild, is in his 50s
      -High Guild Felix Ipsum is 65
      -Guild Alika is 99 (Elves are immortal)
      -Ferris is 102 (Ventus age much slower than human types)
      -Most of Ferris’ relatives are around 200 (more ventus)
      -Kallen is also around 200 (Dryads have the lifespan of the tree they take after)
      -Ignis is around 300 (elf)
      -Occisor is around 800 (elf)
      -The shapeshifters have been around since the beginning of life on earth

    • Yuri is 5 dog years old, which is approx. 40 human years for medium dogs, which is the category Shiba Inus fall under.

      That’s all I actually know. 😛

    • I have literally no clue how old any of my OCs are. Like, it never occurred to me to figure it out.
      Swallowing Shadows

    • To answer that question, I would first have to decide which characters I count as OC’s.😛

    • well for a story ive been planning Commander Suki is 39, Lieutenant Arisha is 42, Corporal Anita is 27, Rachel is 15, Sergeant Jacob is 34, Evangeline is 13, Soona is 9, Captain, Major Jason is 45, General Officer Anis is 23 and Colonel Ryan is 30.

  • What’re some of your favorite OC couples?

    Of my OC loveboats, my OTP is probably Willowbranch X Wishspring- after all, Willowbranch is my favorite OC.

    Then it’s probably Fuzzystar X Honeywing, because they’re just so cute.

    Then probably Flamestar X Tigerstripe, because they’re so loyal to each other- Tigerstripe literally left his Clan for Flamestar!

    A couple I would like to write more about is Pinetooth and Rabbitjump.

    Like, Rabbitjump was Willowbranch/star’s deputy at one point, so he was a bigger character, but I like, invented Pinetooth, decided he could be mates with Rabbitjump, and really didn’t do a lot with their relationship.

    Swallowing Shadows

    • Hmmmm that’s a hard one 😛 I don’t really like writing romance, because it always ends up feeling fake to me.

      -I guess maybe I’ll go with Basil x Ferris, which is probably my most developed ship. I tend to switch between liking them as a couple and wanting them to be just friends, but either way their relationship makes me happy.

      -Also Flynn and Chimex are a good couple, pretty minor though because Chim dies before the series starts.

    • For once I’m going to talk about my human OCs

      I think my top favorites are Keigan X Markus and Issac X Lucas. Kiegan and Markus have been through a lot and would definitely take a bullet for each other. Issac and Lucas are just really cute and I love them.

    • well for another story im planning
      -Wishwing and Honeybranch (girlxgirl)
      -WHitesongxsilvershadow (boyxboy)

    • I don’t even have a single couple. The only thing that could even remotely be considered a relationship is YurixCraig, but that’s only a strong friendship and I have no intentions of anyone in Starlight ever getting married. 😛 I highly doubt they have time for that is a space war is going on 24/7…

  • I can’t remember if I’ve asked this before, but what’re some of your oc’s personality types? (I like to use the 16 personalities test on mine for fun 😛 )

    Main Fang Gang:
    Sage= Architect (INTJ-T)
    Basil=Entertainer (ESFP-A)
    Simon=Advocate (INFJ-T)
    Ferris=Entrepreneur (ESTP-T )

    Prequel folks:
    Xander Crayton=Advocate (INFJ-T)
    Ferris=Entrepreneur (ESTP-T )
    Piper= Campaigner (ENFP-A)
    Ava=Logistician (ISTJ-A)
    Flynn= Mediator (INFP-T)
    Jay= Logician (ISTP-T)

  • I changed the names of my characters. AGAIN. This was because 1. The names didn’t really suit the environment, and 2. Some of the names are too Greek and could be seen as appropriative, so I changed their names into something like the Ancients and slowly it becomes more obvious on what they are based on
    Just in case you get confused, here’s the key:
    Solavem > Sun Bird
    Celeri > Swift Blaze
    Flomichilli > Flame Haze
    Fyneiro > Leaf Dream
    Luna > Moon Wing
    Rubrestas / Ru > Red Storm
    Fovalos > Fear Dapple
    Trospitha > Terror Spark
    Minaetus > Tiny Flake
    Katainia / Kat #1 > King Storm I (Storm Stripe)
    Kataiki / Kat #2 > King Storm II (Storm Wind)
    Ryatia > Princess Brook (Brook Splash)
    Astrama > Princex Lightning (Lightning Stream)
    Verugnis > Spitting Fire
    Parevma > Frosted Stream
    Sipergia > Iron Strike
    Maclusca > Spotted Shimmer
    Cirtesta / Cirtie > Tenlet Ring (Ring Shards)
    Loxulus > Laser Eye
    Nixuma > Snowy Feather
    Denagma > Fang Flick
    Nagoudi > Gray Song
    Pamidaki > Icy Speckle
    Aurubes > Golden Cloud
    Megapavla / Zudashu > Furze Bounce (this is the 6th time I’ve changed his name…)
    Luxumbra > Light Shadow
    Caelus > Blue Sky
    Thaeraki > Ocean Wind
    Paligonia > Tide Frost
    Rikardia > Shivering Heart
    Corusca > Shimmering Ferns
    Patachoros > Dancing Potato
    Sanguis > Bloody Pelt

  • I have decided something about Willowbranch. I really need to bring this into a fanfic one day, so for now it’s more of a head canon. 😛

    She is a terrible flirter, and was insanely obvious about her crush on Wishspring before she became mates with her.

    I may have borrowed this from my own terrible flirting ability. I only tried like, once, but I was awful at it. And I was also trying to do it without my crush realizing I had a crush on her, which is REALLY freaking difficult. :p

    And He Runs

  • I just realized how similar to Thrushpelt my OC Waterwhisker is.
    Waterwhisker had a crush on his friend Longbranch, but she liked Shellripple, so she became mates with him. Waterripple was happy for them, though, and wasn’t terribly upset.
    Thrushpelt always supported Bluefur/star, even though she didn’t love him back. He was caring.
    WolfStar 4 Life

  • My main protagonist Fireblaze is a lot like me. Basically acts like me but much more feisty. She’s by no means me in chicken form, though- I see her more as a friend who shares my interests.

    But I did give her a lot of my traits, and especially my opinions. I find it a lot easier to write about her this was because I can relate to her motives and emotions.

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