Male Leadership Dominance by Whitepaw

Whitepaw notices a pattern in the lists of leaders and deputies.

Artwork by Lithestep

Hi, this is Whitepaw (Whiterabbit). So, I was just thinking about warriors and then I starting thinking about ThunderClan and then I started thinking about Firestar and his deputies being all male and Bluestar’s deputies also being all male, and there are so many males for ThunderClan leaders and deputies and so I decided to write something about it. This includes spoilers for who becomes leader or deputy including most of the serieses. Anyway, let’s start looking at stuff.
The first leader of ThunderClan, Thunder or Thunderstar was male
His first deputy, Lightning Tail, was also male
The second leader of ThunderClan, Thunderstar’s second deputy, Owl Eyes or Owlstar, was male
Oakstar was male, but I don’t remember any of his deputies
I don’t think Doestar was male, but at least one of her deputies, Pinestar, was
One of Pinestar’s deputies, Sunfall, who became Sunstar, was male I think
Sunstar’s first deputy I think was Tawnyspots who was male
The next leader, Bluestar, wasn’t male, but her first deputy as far as I can remember, Redtail, was
Bluestar’s second deputy, Lionheart, was male
Bluestar’s third deputy, Tigerclaw, was male
Bluestar’s fourth deputy, Fireheart or Firestar, was male
Firestar’s first deputy, Whitestorm, was male
Firestar’s second deputy, Graystripe, was male
Firestar’s third deputy, Brambleclaw or Bramblestar, was male
Bramblestar’s first deputy, Squirrelflight, was not male, but his second deputy, Berrynose, was
Bramblestar’s third deputy was not male either, and towards the end of the series the genders seem to even out a little. Bramblestar’s first deputy, Squirrelflight’s deputy is a male though, Lionblaze
So, that was sixteen males and only Doestar, Bluestar, Squirrelflight, and Bristlefrost were females. Also, now that I think about it, there has been a lot of male dominance with leadership stuff in other clans too.
For ShadowClan, they had Cedarstar, Raggedstar, Cloudpelt, Brokenstar, Blackfoot, Nightstar, Cinderfur, Tigerstar I, Rowanstar, Tigerstar II, and Russetfur, Tawnypelt and Cloverfoot are the only females I can think of for them, and they had absolutely no female leader since the very beginning with Tall Shadow.
For WindClan, they had Tallstar, Deadfoot, Mudclaw, Onestar, Harestar, Crowfeather, but they also had Ashfoot and Heatherstar.
For RiverClan, they had Hailstar, Shelloopsiforgot, Crookedstar, Oakheart, Stonefur, Reedwhisker, but they also had Leopardstar and Mistystar.

This is interesting. I guess that even if a male has a mate with kits in the nursery, that doesn’t really affect the ability to be a good deputy or leader. Just look at Bluestar’s sacrifice! Some cats were queens when their leader was choosing a deputy, and even if they could have been deputy according to the warrior code and deserved to be a deputy, they still have to take care of their kits for the clan. Males are just more likely to become leaders and deputies because there are usually more of them serving as deputies. So, I hope you enjoyed my article! Goodbye!

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