What if Seekers acted Like Warriors? by Splashpaw

Splashpaw draws connections between Warriors and Seekers

Hi! I’m Splashpaw/pool or Splash that ripples the Pool! Have you ever wondered what would happen if seekers acted like warrior cats?? Well, you’ll find out here!
Names: The names of the bears would be a lot different. There wouldn’t be Kalik, Toklo, Lusa, Ujurak and so on. The suffix for kit rank (the rank in Seekers would probably be called cubs) would probably be ’cub. So Firecub, Whitecub, Violetcub would all be some Seeker name examples. The apprentice rank would probably stay the same, and the suffix might too. Some other suffix examples would be ’little and ’tiny but I think ’paw is just fine. Because Firetiny (or Firelittle), Whitetiny (or Whitelittle), and Violettiny (or little) don’t sound that great. And keeping the normal suffix always sounds good with these nature names. The warrior name would have a nature suffix. The leader, I think, should be either ’trust or ’faith, because I think adding these type word as suffixes sounds great. I mean, Violettrust sounds awesome :). Although, the seekers wouldn’t have any connection with their previous names because warriors (mostly, ignore Heavystep, Loudbelly, Halftail+) name their kit’s nature prefixes. I think I covered everything about names 🙂
Groups/Clans: I think the Seekers would have 3 clans, BlackClan, PolarClan, and GrizzlyClan. Need I explain??
What would happen to the current series if that all was in place during the writing of the first book:
1. Kalik, Toklo, Lusa, and Ujurak would probably only meet at an annual celebration for the longest day (or in warrior terms, a gathering one a year). Lusa and Ujurak would probably still be a ’cub anyway, they wouldn’t meet ’till a while after. Maybe even over a year. Maybe Kalik and Toklo would be delayed in meeting them. But Toklo would know Ujurak the moment he was born.
2. They’d probably live near each other. Not EVERYWHERE!
Overview: The seekers would totally change. The only thing they’d keep about their seeker-self is that they are forever bears, and they only come in three colors. I think the seekers are better off being their seeker-self though!
Comment what you thought!!
– Splashpaw OUT! 🙂

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