Official spoiler page for the fifteenth super edition, Onestar’s Confession!
The fans have the opportunity to choose the cover for this upcoming super edition, which you can find the link to here! Voting is open until January 31st, 2022.

Welcome to the official spoiler page for Onestar’s Confession!
Follow the journey of WindClan leader Onestar from his apprentice days to his many moons leading his Clan through battle, hardship, and the long journey to the lake territories—and the checkered legacy he left behind.
Happy discussing, all! We look forward to hearing your theories and predications! 😀
Aaa this is so exciting. I picked red!
Can’t wait! I choose blue 😀
even tho blue is one of my favorite colors im voting red it looks cooler
(comment 11)
I HAD NO CLUE THIS EVEN WAS GONNA COME OUT- I CANT WAIT! Does anybody think that maybe this will explain more in-depth about they drama revolving around Darktail and Onestar? 😀
Top Shelf
No, I voted for REDDDD!!!! ♥️
(Haha, yes, I’m hilarious 😛)
I wonder when the release date will be. Probably September or October.
I chose blue! and my hope is that we get a look throught Onestar’s whole life, it would be nice to see his POV in the battles against Shadowclan, and just seeing what happened throught his windclan life!
Yes, I need to know about Smoke!!!!!!
So excited!!
But pick BLUE please!!
Hey everyone! This is my reminder to you:
The red cover is the best!
Because red is more severe for Onestar and hinting at a more bloody and dark path, as implied already. The red cover seems more serious for this Super Edition.
So if you haven’t voted already – VOTE FOR RED!!! 😛
yeah I agree red looks the BEST!!!!!! everyone vote RED I voted for red it looks so much better blue can’t win
i think the “confession” part might be him admitting how bad he was to firestar. hopefully we’ll see more of his side of the story, since a lot of people hate him (i have a neutral opinion on him)
I chose red 😀
Onestar has never been my favourite character, but hopefully this explains his actions a bit more!
For some reason, I’m desperately needing them to choose red 😛
Hopefully this is better than Leopardstars honor 🙏 (though it’s a more interesting character so highly likely)
Also I hope the allegiances are accurate
Oh my StarClan, I just realized something.
Is the entire Blog gonna break out in war because we can’t decide on Onestar’s cover???? Red vs. Blue, Blue vs. Red!
This will be the downfall of us all… 😛