Spiritwind analyses CrowxLeaf and CrowxFeather!
Hi everyone! I’m Spiritwind, but I prefer Spirit that Runs In Wind. Keep in mind this is my own opinion, everyone has their own. With both she-cats, he loved both of them, so honestly, we can’t tell which one he loves more in any way. Let’s be honest, he’s had 3 mates in his lifetime, it’s hard to tell. Yeah, he forms lots of love inside that stone heart. I’ll stop blabbering. Let the article begin, starting with Feathertail!
We all know that Crowfeather, then Crowpaw, was and is a bit of a grump at (most) times. But during the journey, I believe, that Feathertail had normally calmed him when he was mad at something or someone. Feathertail defended Crowpaw, and loved him, we could all tell. To add on top of that, the journey took 10 days. Everyone had time to form a liking for each other. Off-topic, there was Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, who formed a love for each other during this time. Feathertail saved not only the Tribe from Sharptooth, but all the Clans, and in my thoughts, Feathertail was number one thinking of the Tribe, and number two thinking of Crowfeather. That’s what I think, anyway, Erin never specified it.
Onto Leafpool! LeafxCrow seems a much more popular ship than FeatherxCrow, maybe because they had kits together, or ran away together. (Not to mention it has better art.) LeafxCrow, and I know you’ve heard this many times, is rushed. Leafpool thinks Crowfeather is cute, and Crowfeather thinks Leafpool is cute, and so later in Twilight I think it is, Crowfeather confesses his love for her and wants to meet him at Twilight. They talk at gatherings, and eventually run away. They were out for like 2 days. I think it’s super cute when they run away. That shows love. They ran away from everything, their parents, their siblings, their life, everything they knew.
I think it’s funny that Crowfeather only falls in love with cats from other Clans. He can pick any she-cat in his Clan, but he picks the ones outside of his Clan. That was off topic but still. In conclusion, I believe that FeatherxCrow is better, and he should pick her in StarClan. Thank you so much if you read this! Have an amazing day. I don’t know if I should say the art on the cover isn’t mine but- it’s not. Spirit out.(Spirit fades out)
Great Article!!
Great article! I think Crowfeather should choose Feathertail.
I agree! (And if I’m being honest, I would gladly run away with Crowfeather in Leafpool’s place 😅)
I think that Leafpool is kind of dissed for leaving, but if your old friends and family were all going to be murdered, you would want to maybe stop that. She suffered so much hardship, and deserves respect and not to be looked down on even if crowxfeather is a much better ship.
Great article!
Great article! I disagree, but I love CrowXFeather too! I hope he chooses Leafpool in StarClan.
Great article but he chose Leafpool I think, tbh there love was way to rushed and was more like oh I like you let’s take a risk together, feather x crow is way better.
Great article! Your right, Crow and Leaf seemed kinda rushed which is why I can never decide who I ship Crow with.
great article LeafXCrow forever
Great article! Personally, I prefer LeafXCrow. It’s a little rushed, but it started on the Great Journey, not in Starlight or Twilight. Also it’s been fun to see them try to deny the feelings they still have for each other. FeatherXCrow is great too, though! But one thing you have to remember is that Feathertail walks in two skies, so she’d only be with Crowfeather for half the time. Honestly, I think he’ll choose Leafpool because there was a lot of ship teasing in Squirrelflight’s hope.
Great article!! I agree
Good article, but I politely disagree. Leaf+Crow is an amazing one because they broke the code because they loved eachother that much, and with out then both of my tied first place favourite cats wouldn’t exist ( Jayfeather and Hollyleaf) and Crow+Feather was more of a childhood crush. Great article though!
I think CrowxLeaf is better because Feathertail was just like a high school crush also on of the Erin’s (I forgot her name) confirmed it was just a high school crush.
I agree! Great article! You had amazing points!
I am fine with LeafxCrow. But I think that FeatherxCrow is AMAZING! When it comes to ships where one cat has had a mate before I usually choose the first mate. Also I love GrayxSilver and I mean… Feathertail’s their kit soo…. I just like FeatherxCrow more. BOOOO MILLLIIEEE!
I agree :3
Okay so I agree with BOO! MILLIE! though they were never really mates they were just a high school crush