BlogClan Holiday Gift Exchange 2022: Your Gifts!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! I’m so glad to have been able to host this and to have so many wonderful people involved in making this happen! 🙂 All your gifts were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with the talent you have!

To find your name easiest in this big post, if you’re on a computer, do (ctrl + f). If you can’t find it, try your warrior name or nickname. Ex: Goldenpaw is named as Goldenfawn or Goldi.

Thank you SO MUCH to the amazing volunteers who helped with replacements for gifts that weren’t turned in: Nightwind, Mosspaw/flame, Lilybreeze, Viperfrost, Darkwing, Pineblossom, Eagleflight, Ospreysplash, and Fawnspots. Please send them all your love and appreciation in the comments, they deserve it! 😀

Thank you all for being patient as we worked to complete back-up gifts. ❤️ I hope y’all had an amazing holiday season and happy new year. 🙂 Now, onto the gifts!

(Some of you may receive multiple gifts due to last minute submissions!)

To Meadowpoppy

“Meadowpoppy, thanks for being a BlogClanner! I loved how this turned out and I hope you feel the same. I read your articles and they’re great. I hope you keep being the amazing person you are! :D”

To Scorchpaw/light

“Merry Christmas, Scorchpaw! I hope you have a fun time hanging out with your family! It came out browner than I would have liked so just crank up the brightness. ~Lilypaw”

To Lakeshine

To Blueheart

To Echoheart

To Lionpaw/spirit

To Hollymist

To Frogstorm

To Sandtrot
“Hi Sandtrot! My name is Woodheart! I just joined 3-4 months ago but I have never had the chance to say hi to you! I hope you have/are having the best holiday EVER! Here’s a acrostic poem for you :D”

Super cool!
Have the bestest of days fellow blogclanner!

To Cypressheart

To Valleykit/stream

To Paintedpaw/Dustpaw

“Merry Christmas Paintedpaw/Dustpaw! I hope you like the drawing I made. Since you said you liked riddles, here’s a little joke for you: If a lion had a Christmas music album, what would it be called? Jungle Bells!

Your secret santa,

To Amberpaw

To Mapleshine

To Falconstorm

To Hazelpaw/splash

“Merry Christmas, Hazle!
I just thought Id let you know that you are an amazing member of the blog, and that you make our days with a simple comment! I hope you have the best of christmases this year!
~Your buddy, Valleykit/stream

Cooking, Backing, Watching movies,
Reading, Shopping, and singing,
Its that time when cats are ringing bells of all
Sorts, and when I, you’re buddy, reach out to give you a big hug! 
The merry time of cookie trays and snowy displays, when we drink coco out of a mug!
Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Christmastime
A Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Christmastime to Hazle!
So, thank you for your jolly good cheer!
Thank you for just being here!
Its a happier season with you near!
My dear buddy, you are so very special, and I wish you the best Christmas ever!
Eagerly, I wish you a merry christmas!”

To Dawnshimmer

To Dinosaurpaw

To Frostpaw/shine

To Hazelmist

To Lilypaw/pelt

To Rootheart

To Icemist

To Blazepuddle

“Hi Blazepuddle! I hope you have an amazing holiday season and New Year! I had so much fun drawing these gifts, and I hope you enjoy them ❤️”

To Cherrypaw/branch

“Through valleys and clouds/painting our bright future/love you forever

thanks for everything, vin. I love you so so much, i hope i can see you again some time. i’m sorry my gift is rushed. It’s just that above everything, i’m so busy… ily x

To Aurapaw/gleam

“A wisp of smoke in the air

Uncontrollable leaves falling down

Roasting food with family

A cheerful place to be

Gray skies on this day

Leaves on the ground everywhere

Eating warm and delicious food all together

A glistening tree in the living room full with ornaments and a star

My family with me all connecting with one another”

To Freepaw/flame

To Eggpaw/snake

To Vinepaw

To Mountainstorm

To Frostwillow

To Quickmoon

To Maplepaw/thunder

You received two gifts! 🙂

Click here for a short story!


To Mosspaw/flame

“happy holidays mosspaw! i hope you enjoy the art and have a good day!!”

To Thunderpaw

“You are an amazing person, and you always seem to make others happy! Wishing you a very merry christmas!”

To Woodpaw/heart

“You are a wonderful BlogClanner, Woodheart and the blog wouldn’t be the same without you! Merry christmas <333”

To Ripplepaw/frost

To Sandpaw/breeze

To Blueflower

To Maypaw/petal

Click here for secret page!

To Icepaw/pelt

To Brambleheart

To Violetsong

To Ashtail

To Riverspirit

““happy holidays comrade! enjoy this time of year and take time to enjoy a plenty of food 🙂 here’s a piece of a silver tabby cat which can be interpreted as your purrsona? 😛 apologies it was rushed so it’s not my best work but i hope you still like it ❤️ happy holidays!””

To Peanutpaw/fluff

To Silverdusk

To Spiritpaw/willow

The she-cat passed out into the clearing, gentle flicks of white floated down from the sky and onto her fur, mixing into the silvery fur, a small purr of happiness exploded from her throat. Her eyes gently flicked around, the Warriors of Willowclan moved around, kits and apprentices running around and playing, warriors cuddled together and speaking, elders telling stories to those interested. It was the best time of the year, the one week of the moons that all clans refused to fight and instead cherished one another for the time they spent together. 

A small purr escaped her throat again as a kit ran up to her, dropping a leaf in front of her. 

“Happy Snowday Spiritpaw!” 

The kit called to her as they ran away, going to give more leaves to those who hadn’t yet relieved a gift. A light smiled as she leaned down, picking up the leaf between her teeth and tucking it into her tail. The fluff would secure it until she got back to her nest. She wandered over to the apprentices. 

“Spiritpaw!” one of the tabbys called out, jumping up to meet her. 

“You won’t believe what games Willowstrike has set up for us today! Ooh this will be so fun! He has catch the warrior tails, leaf pouncing, leaders call, mimic, AND!! A secret secret game for us apprentices only! Can you wait? I know I can’t! “

She smiled as she watches the cat bounce around, leading her towards the small cluster if her friends. She settled down next to them, their fur brushing up against her own as they squeezed together again to keep one another warm. A black they-cat started up conversation again. 

Soon it dissolved into a challenge to get one of the appretinces to bust into laughter, which only brought laughter from the group. Time to time somebody would run off to go get the little group of friends some food, but nonetheless, it was a comfortable evening. The flakes of white decorating their bodies as they all smiled and shared jokes, their fur keeping them all warm. 

It was turning late into the evening when they moved inside their dens, shaking the snow off their pelts they pushed their nests together, circling around and laying next to one another. 

“Spiritpaw! Tell us a story!” one piped up

“Yeah! You’re the best!” 

The she-cat laughed, tucking the leaf into her nest before sitting up, opening he mouth and beginning her story. 

“Long ago lived four clans. .”


Since the story is short, have a little poem! 

Super cool! 



Really funny! 


The kindest cat ever! 




Merry Christmas, Spiritpaw!

To Lilacpaw

To Shadedheart

Click here for a short story!

To Cloudfall

To Moonspirit

To Shadedpaw/heart

“Happy Holidays, Shadedheart! – Your Buddy ;)”

To Ripplepaw/shade

~ Time for bed~ said Sandstorm entering the nursery ~

Aw! Sparkkit and Alderkit pleaded “ Could you tell us a story?”

~ Sandstorm sighed ~

“Kits let me tell you a story about your mother” . Your mother was not just an honorable warrior , she was also a shark tamer.

~ Alderkit and Sparkkit exchanged glances ~

Sandstorm tells the story..: I remember when there was a massive flood and a bunch of sharks moved into the lake.. Cats were eaten and hope was soon lost . But your mother squirrelflight was able to tame the sharks.

“Really?” asked Alderheart “Of course she could,” said Sparkkit. She is our mother of course she did that! Sandstorm nodded and continued the story. Your mother began to observe the sharks and studied their actions , she had a brilliant plan. She was going to tame the sharks using fish.
“Eww “ Fish Sparkkit said

She told the clans about her plan to tame the sharks , and Riverclan helped by providing fish . The other clans wanted to know what would happen. Squirrelflight ended up taming the sharks with no problems. From then on the clans were able to coexist with the sharks however Squirrelflight always stayed close to them. And one day she would like you both to be close to the sharks too.

Suddenly a wave of water rushed into the nursery and carried both Sparkkit and Alderkit to the lake. Before they knew it they were above the water on top of a gray rough and wet skinned creature.

“We are riding a shark “ said Sparkkit cheerfully
On the head of the shark standing there was Squirrelflight, their mother.

Squirrelflight wrapped her tail around her kits .” I both want you to know that sharks are not dangerous as long as you be patient and bond with them”

~“And one day… they may even talk to you”~

The mother and her kittens watch the sunset on top of the back of a shark … and ride off into the distance.

To Daykit/dream

“Happy holidays Day! You’re an amazing member of the Blog, and you’re a light on the Blog, and for all the time I’ve been here, you’ve been a friendly face 😀 I hope you enjoy my gift!”

To Cinderspark

To Pandaflame

To Winterpaw/snow

To Brightpaw/cloud

“Hello Brightpaw!! You seem like a really great person so I wanted to say that you are…
Brilliant Blogclanner!
Really nice!
Innovative and ingenious!
Positively awesome!
Happy Holidays! And Happy New Year! 😺❤️

To Cedarpaw/splash

To Shadeleap

“Hi Shade! Here’s your gift- I hope you like it 🙂 Merry Christmas!”

Click here for a secret page!

To Streampaw/lark

“Hi Stream! I hope you enjoy the art I made for you. You are an amazing BlogClanner, and you are so incredibly wise, warm-hearted and friendly, and you make BlogClan a better place 🙂 I wish you a very happy holiday season, and an amazing new year!”

To Bluebellsponge

“Happy Holidays Sponge! You’re an amazing member of the Blog, and it wouldn’t be the same without you ❤️ I hope you enjoy my painting of a cat who lives in a pineapple under the sea”

To Moonshade

Poem for Moonshade: From Silverfire

Moon shade, moon shade, dark and white,
Snowflakes on new year’s night.
Your golden amber eyes,
All bright and nice,
And dappled highlights,
Lighting 2023.
Under the moon,
The bells tinkle.
Your beautiful talents,
Reading, Lacrosse, Piano, and trumpet,
Melting the ice.
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas,
This poem might be late,
To wherever on Earth,
You are, Moonshade! Born of star drops and midnight shadows.

To Almondpaw/screech

“Keep reading and writing your fanfics! They make everyone’s day bright!”

To Bristleflight

To Clownpaw/spark

To Silverleap

To Firemoon

To Bluebat/Dawny

To Meadowpaw

“Hi Meadow! I hope you’re having a lovely holiday season 😀 You’re a lovely member of the Blog, and you’re always so caring and welcoming ❤️”

To Mochapaw/bubble

To Cheetahflame

To Scorpiuspaw

You received two gifts!

“Happy Holidays Scorpi! I hope you like my version of your purrsona as an Animal Crossing villager. You’re such a kind BlogClanner, everyone loves having you around ❤️”


To Nightpaw/lily

To Crowpaw/flight

“Hi Crow! I hope you had a good holiday season 😀 You’re such a friendly and wise member of the Blog, we’re lucky to have you here ❤️”

To Flakepaw/patch

To Swiftpaw/feather

To Marblerose

A swirl of red
A splash of pink
A drizzle of white
A whirl of yellow
And a splatter of cream

The colors mix and meld and curl
Coming together to form
A flower much more beautiful than before

The more colors that swirl and splash
Drizzle and whirl
And splatter, of course
The more are those who marvel at it
Who “ooo” and “ahh”

For even spectators can acknowledge
That when different things blend
One can end up with something
That was unattainable than before
Like this rose – marbled petals, the cause of the delight

To Flintpaw/blaze

To Darkwhisper

“I made a poem based on your name, I hope you enjoy it and that you’ve had some happy holidays c:”

A cold breath in the deep
A skitter down your cheek
A hope unfolding
Stars speckling the sky
A moon shining bright
Against the black night

Close your eyes and you’ll miss it
Look away and its gone
A comet falling through the air
A wish you pray will make it there

Laughter bubbling across your lips
You lean in close
And, to whoever may be there
You sing a dark whisper
Said gently, with care

To Eggpaw/snake

To Violetpaw/frost

To Icepaw

Click here for your gift!

To Tansypaw/branch

To Nightpaw/storm

The last leaf falls from the maple tree.
And the squirrels retreat to their dreys.
For, as the Poorwill sings a song of sleep.
It is known.
Fall has come to an end.
And as the clouds gather in the deep blue sky.
And an ocean of white covers the land.
It is known.
Winter is here.

To Flamecloud

Click here for your gift!

To Silverpaw/fire

Sparks darting through the sky
Skidding across my skin
The moon bright above
Light casting an eerie glow
On the flames down below

Laughter joins the heat
Popping and crackling right along the logs
Smoke weaves through the clouds
Spreading their song

And the stars flare brighter
The moon brighter still
Capturing the moment in silver fire
And the giggles never end

To Cheetahheart

To Lynxpaw/lily

Paws brush through the undergrowth
A rumble in their throat
Whispers twitching on fuzzy cheeks

Flowers push through the earth
Bobbing in the breeze
Greeting their furry friends

The paws don’t crush the flowers
And so the petals open in delight
The lilies thank the lynx
For letting them bless the world with their beauty
For another day

To Cinderpaw/spark

Click here for a secret page!

To Malosky

To Dragonpaw/dawn

D is for Daring
R is for Radiant
A is for Awesome
G is for Gifted
O is for Open – minded
N is for Nourishing
D is for Dashing
A is for Amazing
W is for Wholesome
N is for Natural

“Happy Holidays Dragonpaw! My favorite color is teal as well! You are awesome and I hope you have fun :D”

To Frostpaw/leaf

Click here for your first gift!

Click here for your second gift!

To Lilykit/tail

Click here for your gift!

To Redblaze

To Larkfeather

“‘Hi Larkie! I saw on your form you said you liked playing a moth collection game so I drew your purrsona collecting a moth! Hope you like it! ❤️ – Your Buddy! :D'”

To Honeypaw/frost

When summer bleeds to fall
We hardly notice
Dew no longer buds the flowers
And birds rarely sing
Leaves fall off trees
And colors begin to shift, begin to change
And we smile, and comment on it
Announcing it as bittersweet

When fall changes to winter
We begin to shiver
The flowers begin to freeze
And no birds ever sing
Branches are bared to the world
Navies, ceruleans, pearls – new colors begin to form
And we nod, and comment on it
Announcing it as cozy…if we ignore the chill

Bees used to buzz in the summer and the spring
Creating stores of golden liquid
Dancing across those flowers
Bumbling from one to another
But as the seasons change
They take advantage of the clouds and the cold
And retreat to their hives
Leaving the flowers behind

And so we rely on all that they created before,
And so do they
Praying that honey won’t frost for another day
We bundle up tight, and hope away the wind
And let snowflakes and laughter begin again

To Goldpaw/claw

To Hollowpaw/hope

Some say feelings are empty
That apathy should reign
But a hope, however hollow, is better than air

Because while some say that hope is spider webs
Empty dreams
Desolate streets
That it means nothing
And does nothing
The good ones know,
That hope is what makes our hearts beat
No matter what goes on below
Or around, or beside, or above
For hope exists for you and because of you

And so you should cling to that feeling
However hollow
Because something hollow
Is simply waiting to be filled

To Icepaw

To Dewtail

To Maplekit/fall

To Tinyfrost

To Glitchedstorm

To Rustflame

To Dreampuff

To Moonseeker

To Skypaw/mist

To Forestbreeze

To Pebblenose

To Callistopaw

To Dovestream

You received two gifts. 🙂


Merry Christmas, Dovestream! It’s that festive time of year again – perfect for celebrating and gift-giving with friends and overall communities – so I wanted to say, “Happy Holidays!” You are the entirety of the things above, and so many more: intelligent, creative, amiable, and compassionate. BlogClan is so fortunate to have such a warm-hearted, gifted member like you! You deserve all the festivities and treats of Christmastime for your wonderful personality and behavior towards others. Please know that you are valued and appreciated by all. Thank you for casting such a warm light upon your fellow BlogClanners! So, may your days be merry and bright, and may you have the happiest of holidays!”
-Your Gift Exchange Buddy

A poem for you

The sparkling stream, frozen
The meadow, blanketed in snow
The fire, crackling, flaming,
Scattering embers aglow

The air is cold, the wind chill,
Frost coating the ground,
Winter’s beginning,
Just listen to that festive sound

‘Tis dove song in the inky night,
Melodies of the sky-
Ringing with love, hope, and possibilities –
And heard by all nearby

‘Tis music our hearts hunger for,
Not forceful ambitions
Here, amidst the cold,
Their efforts come to fruition

So melodic are these singing birds;
So joyous are the hearts
Of the gathered wildlife,
From spotted fawn to lark

The doves swoop and soar,
Streaking the horizon with white
They harmonize so beautifully
Illuminating the night

Their reflections displayed in the shining stream,
They emanate togetherness
Until the fires of dawn appear,
And the night becomes featherless


To Nightwind

To Willowpaw/song

To Mangopaw/frond

To Spicepaw/heart

To Spongepaw/frost

To CrookedLarkEye

To Foampaw/sea

To Maplethorn

To Birchfoot

u received two gifts <3

“Hi Birchy! I hope you had an amazing holidays! You’re an amazing mod, and when I was in the mod training process, you were always so helpful, and now, you still answer any queries I have. From proofreading articles to moderating comments, you help keep the Blog running, and everyone here is so grateful for that. Thank you Big Friendly Tree :)”

To Ospreysplash

To Lilybreeze

To Snowbreeze

To Pineblossom

To Moonbreeze

To Eagleflight

“Hi Eagleflight! I was excited to find out that I’d be your secret santa for this year’s gift exchange! After doodling your gift back in November, I ended up procrastinating submitting it till the deadline day -but that’s water under the bridge, I suppose XD. I hope you like your gifts, and I hope you have/had a sensational holiday season. You’re going to have a great time this year ❤️-Your not-so-secret secret santa buddy”

To Viperfrost

“hi i made two gifts for you hope you like them
– that one eggpic gamer”

To Darkwing



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