[starry silhouettes of three cats float in the night sky in a forest]

StarClan’s Inconsistencies by Briarpaw

Briarpaw takes a critical look at StarClan’s decisions over the course of the series.

[starry silhouettes of three cats float in the night sky in a forest]
Official art by Wayne McLoughlin
[starry silhouettes of three cats float in the night sky in a forest]

Hello! I’m back, writing another article 😀 This article is about StarClan’s inconsistencies, as there are a LOT in the series. But before I get into it, SPOILER WARNING for the most recent Warriors book at the time I’m writing this, Wind. Also, credits to Bright Guardian Akira for a lot of this evidence, as I got it from her video!
All right, so let’s start with the first inconsistency. In the first arc, Bluestar establishes that StarClan can give omens and visions, but cannot interfere with actual Clan life, as the Clans wouldn’t be “actually free” to make their own choices. “‘StarClan cares for every cat in the forest,’ Bluestar continued, ‘from the blind, helpless kit to the oldest Elder lying in the sun. We watch over them. We send omens and dreams to the Medicine Cats. But the storm was no doing of ours. Scourge and Tiger[claw]star wade through blood to power because that is their nature. We watch,’ the former Leader repeated, ‘but we do not interfere. If we did, would you truly be free? Firestar, you and every cat have the choice on wether or not to follow the Warrior Code. You are not the playthings of StarClan.'” With this quote, it has been stated that the cats of the Clans are free to make their own decisions, and StarClan cannot interfere, which is why Tigerclawstar and Brokenstar were allowed to become Leaders.
However, this is contradicted in the very next arc when StarClan interferes with Mudclaw attempting to take over WindClan by crushing a tree on him. Yes, Tallstar did appoint Onestar as his Deputy in his death and removed Mudclaw, but Onestar basically went and did the same thing that Tallstar was worried Mudclaw would do, which was invade ThunderClan, so… :/
Then, they interfered with Squirrelflight and Leafpool, practically forcing Squirrelflight into taking care of Leafpool’s kits for her. Sure, it ended up being a good thing, and Squirrelflight probably would have ended up agreeing to do it without StarClan pushing her to, but it still was not okay. If StarClan still followed what Bluestar had said in “not interfering,” then they wouldn’t have pressured Squirrelflight into taking care of Leafpool’s mistakes for her.
They then caused a storm meant to kill all of the Clans at the end of A Vision of Shadows in The Raging Storm. They did this because SkyClan was deciding to leave, but like… SkyClan had already been gone for so long??? If this was their plan all along, why didn’t they cause a storm earlier, intended to have the Clans go find SkyClan? It’s just very baffling to me.
I also think that StarClan interfered in the most recent A Starless Clan book, Wind, when a tree fell on the WindClan camp, meant to kill INNOCENT kits. They then gave Frostpaw a vision about it, which she told WindClan of, and it ended up proving to be true. I think that this was a plan from StarClan to convince WindClan, specifically Harestar and Kestrelflight, that Frostpaw was the rightful Medicine Cat Apprentice of RiverClan, and that Splashtail and Podlight are lying. If they wanted to tell them this, they could have just given Kestrelflight a vision, which is what he wanted, which would mean it wouldn’t be too much of an interference if the cats WANT it.
That is my evidence for why StarClan is very inconsistent on it’s morals, and something needs to be done about it.
I hope you enjoyed! And here’s the link to Bright Guardian Akira’s video, credits to her for some of the stuff mentioned in the article!
Feel free to share your opinions in the comments!
*Mic drop*

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