Amberpaw gives their take on the Sunningrocks problem.
![[in a painted style, a cat sits on a flat stone in the evening]](
[in a painted style, a cat sits on a flat stone in the evening]
WHO did Sunningrocks REALLY belong to?
And WHY did the two other forest clans not get involved?
Sunningrocks was, in the simplest way possible, a place that two clans meaninglessly fought for, for a reason only StarClan knows. And RiverClan and ThunderClan, of course, as they’re the ones who fought for it.
Originally, it was RiverClan territory, right? And even though the river’s course changed or something, and ThunderClan had accessibility to it, and it was basically in ThunderClan territory, it would still be RiverClan’s claim. Right?
No, not to ThunderClan.
Either ThunderClan was just being cheeky and wanted to have it for themselves, or they really thought they had a claim to it. I mean, I guess they did, if it was basically half-in half-out of their territory.
I guess both RiverClan and ThunderClan had an equal claim to Sunningrocks if it was in both their territories. They could’ve made a treaty or an agreement or something, where they could both peacefully be at Sunningrocks without fighting.
But this is Warrior Cats, and these are the Warrior Clans; peaceful agreements aren’t really their thing.
Personally, I feel like if they were just going to fight over it, just give it to WindClan or something. Or make it neutral, no-clan territory. It’s not like every piece of neighboring land belongs to the Clans.
And, hey, didn’t both Redtail and Oakheart die at Sunningrocks? Wouldn’t that be the perfect time for the leaders of ThunderClan and Riverclan, (Bluestar and Crookedstar), to have an agreement? Like, ‘hey, both of our clans have lost our deputies fighting for this land. Why don’t we agree on something to stop this from happening again?’.
What I would’ve have done would be similar, if not exactly, to this: Every half-moon, they rotate. Let’s say, the day after the Gathering, RiverClan gets Sunningrocks and will have Sunningrocks until the medicine cat Half-Moon meeting, which is when ThunderClan will take over and have Sunningrocks. ThunderClan will have them until the next Gathering, and then RiverClan will have them again. During Leaf-Bare, it could still be the same cycle, or it could change and be no-clan territory, or both of the clans just refuse to go. It would make sense, considering that during Leaf-Bare, nobody really goes to Sunningrocks anyway.
They’d have a good agreement going, until they ultimately leave and go to the lake. It would’ve saved a lot of bloodshed and fights, and multiple cats’ lives.
It doesn’t have to be that exact example I had up there — they could even just decide to play Capture The Flag, and it’s whichever Clan can get to it first and set boundaries in the morning. That would help, considering the Clans’ competitive nature.
Honestly? I would prefer Sunningrocks to belong to, like, WindClan or ShadowClan or something, if ThunderClan and RiverClan were just going to fight about it.
Okay, that’s it. Sunningrocks was a problem in TPB, especially since both Redtail and Oakheart died there, and Tigerclawstar lied about it, though Sunningrocks has nothing to do with that besides being the place of the deaths.
And, see? I told you this would be a totally serious article.
Amberpaw out >:D
Great article!!! Honestly I think at this point ThunderClan was just greedy LOL -Also btw seeing the Sunningrocks battle in the prolouge of the first book gave me the idea that like warrior cats just randomly fought over territory on a dialy basis 😛
Great article! I agree!
cool article! I like your ideas! Personally, I think that Sunningrocks should’ve been like a less serious version of fourtrees, where ThunderClan and RiverClan cats could both enjoy a sunbathe IN PEACE (WC and SC were so chill they weren’t jealous or anything that RC/TC had Sunningrocks they just lived where they lived without complaint-)🤦 I love how these cats came up with the idea of doctors but couldn’t see how they could share a rock in peace-
I firmly believe that Sunningrocks rightfully belongs to RiverClan. Change my mind.
Great article!
This is a good idea, though Sunstar and Hailstar had tried something similar to this in the past and it didn’t quite stick.
Great article! Good idea!
Awesome article! I agree on the half-moon rotation.
The solutions you suggest would have been good, had the clans been willing to try them. Unfortunately, before the advent of Firestar, cats rarely negotiated. The battles over Sunning Rocks were always about pride and prestige, rather than any practical value of the territory. As I have said elsewhere, that rockpile was not worth a single drop of the blood shed over it. The only real solution came when the clans moved to the lake, leaving the Sunning Rocks behind.
They should’ve just made it a place for elders from all Clans to sun and gossip!
Awesome article 😀
I agree with ur idea of swapping every half moon or they could of just split it in half lol anyway great article!