Reedpaw puts BlogClanner names through Google Translate.
![[image description: mistyfoot, thistleclaw, brambleclaw, firepaw, and ravenpaw are depicted with literal representations of their names]](
[image description: mistyfoot, thistleclaw, brambleclaw, firepaw, and ravenpaw are depicted with literal representations of their names]
* Ahem *
You may or not know me, but I go by Reedpaw—nicknames extend as far as Reedorito, Reedough, and Reedomino (the last of which I invented on the spot). She-cats and toms (and everything in between too), I hereby present:
Note: If you don’t completely understand what’s going on here, refer to my first and second articles, which have the same title (just without the “Part Three” or “Blogclanner Edition”). Also, I’m extremely sorry if I exclude several blogclanners. Please understand that it’s because the translation was not translating. Moving on!
First up, we have…
Translation (Latin): Anser sinum
Translation (English): Goose pocket
Explanation: *cough times infinity* Pretty simple! Pocket, from English → Latin, is “sinum”. Creek, from English → Latin, is also “sinum”. Hence, “Goose pocket”.
Translation (Latin): Caelum coruscis
Translation (English): The sky is twinkling
Explanation: Well… that sounds a bit like a tribe name, doesn’t it? The meaning is roughly the same. Sky, from English → Latin, is “caelum”. Shimmer, from English → Latin, is “coruscis”. However, “coruscis” from Latin → English is “you blink” —a rough approximation of “twinkling”. Context clues, people, context clues.
Translation (Latin): tremere ventus
Translation (English): The wind trembled
Explanation: Again, like the “sky is twinkling” case, Google Translate took things very literally and was like “Welp, tremble is close enough to shiver, I guess!”
Translation (Latin): falco tempestate
Translation (English): Falcon in the storm
Explanation: Google Translate decided to pop in a lil random “in the” because why not, I guess.
Translation (Latin): resurrexit manu
Translation (English): he rose with his hand
Explanation: Sigh… “paw” translates roughly to “manu”, or hand. What’s weird is that “rose” when entered individually translates to “rosa”, the flower, but when “paw/hand” is added, it turns to resurrexit manu.
Translation (Latin): seta umbra
Translation (English): Bristle shade
Explanation: Well, that was a tad bit disappointing 😛 “Bristle”, obviously, translates to “seta”, and “shadow” shares “umbra” as a translation with “shade”.
Translation (Latin): vulpes stria
Translation (English): Fox stripes
Explanation: That makes sense, doesn’t it? A vixen is a female fox. Google Translate was simply not specific enough.
Translation (Latin): fungus aura
Translation (English): Mushroom wind
Explanation: I think that is rather self-explanatory.
Translation (Latin): Aenean song
Translation (English): Aeneas song
Explanation: WHA— okay okay don’t panic Reedough, we can figure this out… “Jasmine”, for some weird reason, turns to “Aenean” from English → Latin. “Aenean” from Latin → English turns to “Aeneas”… a greek hero of Troy. Hmm, a life mystery!
Translation (Latin): tempestas nube
Translation (English): Cloud storm
Explanation: *engaging theme music* LOST IN TRANSLATIOOOON
Translation (Latin): ilex dente
Translation (English): Holly tooth
Explanation: “Fang” from English → Latin is “dente”, which — you guessed it! — also means “tooth”. Hence, “Holly tooth”.
Translation (Latin): melodiam manu
Translation (English): Melody by hand
Explanation: That’s right, my poor misguided Google Translate, feel free to assign “paw” to “manu”, which translates roughly to “by hand”.
Translation (Latin): argentum vesperum
Translation (English): Silver evening
Explanation: So… “silver” from English → Latin is “argentum”… yada yada… ahh. “Dusk” translates to “vespera, vesperum”, which of course translates from Latin → English to “the evening”.
Translation (Latin): Aura nebulosum
Translation (English): A misty breeze
Explanation: That’s — that’s — wow. Just WOW, Google Translate.
Aaand that’s a wrap, folks! Here are the completed translations. Goosecreek → Goose pocket, Skyshimmer → The sky is twinkling, Shiverwind → The wind trembled, Falconstorm → Falcon in the storm, Rosepaw → he rose with his hand, Bristleshadow → Bristle shade, Vixenstripe → Fox stripes, Mushroombreeze → Mushroom wind, Jasminesong → Aeneas song, Stormcloud → Cloud storm, Hollyfang → Holly tooth, Melodypaw → Melody by hand, Silverdusk → Silver evening, Mistybreeze → A misty breeze. Please comment below your favorite translation! (Personally, I think Warrior names were funnier than BlogClanner names.) Again, apologies for excluding anyone. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and tell me if you want a part four down below!
Cool article!! :3
noooo mine’s so boring 😛 thanks for including me tho!!! great article!
Amazing article! a love that you used Latin!!
Great article!
“Goose pocket” lol. Great article!
*me looking back on my article and realizing part 4 shall never be spawned*
aww man :///
Great article Reedo
Epic names!!!I am a huge fan
Great article!