[Mapleshade stalks through grass with an angry expression]

The Great Mapleshade Debate by Aspenpaw

Aspenpaw and Duskpaw debate over Mapleshade.

[Mapleshade stalks through grass with an angry expression]
Art by SacredRoses-Art
[Mapleshade stalks through grass with an angry expression]

Heyyy BlogClan, it’s your girl, the woman, the myth, the legend, Aspenpaw! Today on Dreamchannel, me, and a certain someone, will be dissecting Mapleshade’s story like this is science class. We’ve got 3 questions to answer, so what are they?

1. Were her actions justified?
2. Did the cats she kill deserve it?
3. Does she deserve StarClan or Dark Forest?

And now’s the part where I dramatically reveal who my partner for this is. The one and only: Duskpaw/feather (my boyfriend!)
[There might be another blogclanner named Duskfeather, the Dusk I’m talking about isn’t on the blog]

This was done over Discord, so here’s basically the transcript or whatever it’s called.

[A]: (this was done after a bit of just chatting and explanation) So today, we’re discussing the great Mapleshade debate.
[D]: This is gonna get heated.
[A]: Which is what I’m saying! Anyway, you know the rules, let’s get to the summary.
[D]: I’ll get it, she’s my favorite character after all.
[A]: That’d be great.
[D]: Alright, yapping time. So basically, Mapleshade had feelings for this guy named Appledusk, and vice-versa. Then at some point she was expecting his kits, but everyone in ThunderClan just believed that they were this other guy named Birchface’s kits. Birchface dies… and Appledusk was indirectly responsible for it. When some kid named Ravenwing breaks the truth that Appledusk is the father, Birchface’s sister, Frecklewish, is angry. But more on that later. For now, they all make the decision to kick her out. Forgot to mention that the kits were born before the discovery. So Mapleshade runs away with her 3 kits to RiverClan. but some big accident happens and the kits drown. Appledusk manages to save Mapleshade, but not the kits. RIP. And then Darkstar thinks it’s a good idea to ban Mapleshade too. Then there’s villain arc, but I’ll let you cover that in all of your reporter glory.
[A]: Aw, thanks. Anyway, Mapleshade’s revenge plot begins. Haha. Did you get it? Mapleshade’s Revenge..?
[D]: … *insert Aspen’s real life name here*
[A]: Erm, forget I said that. Anyway, Mapleshade starts by killing Ravenwing, y’know, the guy who ratted her out. Then she goes after Frecklewish, because she hears that Frecklewish watched the kits drown and didn’t do anything. Then the whole adder thing happens. Her last victim was Appledusk, because apparently that guy was seeing this other cat named Reedshine!!! Who’s also expecting kits!!!! So the lures in Appledusk with his apprentice, Perchpaw, and Reedshine follows. She makes a jump for Reeshine, but Appledusk protects her. Then dies. Then Mapleshade dies to Perchpaw. Then that’s where her alive story ends.
[D]: Quite climactic. Question time!!!
[A]: Were her actions justified?
[D]: Totally. I mean, she was just living life to it’s fullest then suddenly she was exiled, then her kits died, then found out her husband was cheating on her, like, man, that’s one heck of a life.
[A]: We can agree on that one. Everyone was just a hater.
[D]: Facts. Anyway, second question?
[A]: Did the cats she kill deserve it?
[D]: Oh, I gotta think. Everyone kinda sucked.
[A]: Same here. But I don’t think anyone deserved it. Like, sure, they were bad people-
[D]: Cats, actually, cats.
[A]: Shut up. Anyway, they were bad, but not many people- yes, people- deserved to be killed. The closest I can think in a fictional sense is Andie Bell from A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder.
[D]: Don’t know that book, but it sounds like one you would read.
[A]: It’s really good. Anyway: last question for the night. Dark Forest or StarClan?
[D]: This one doesn’t require any thinking: Dark Forest.
[A]: Woah, didn’t you say she was your favorite character?
[D]: Yeah, because she’s evil. I don’t defend her because I like that she’s evil. Like… you get it?
[A]: I love the evilness too. Even if she did her actions because of the things they did to her, I mean, she still killed three cats. That’s gotta be enough to get you into DF, right?
[D]: Truth! Just because you like a character doesn’t mean they’re actually a good person. Like, you can like her and say she deserved the DF.
[A]: COOK! Anyway, it’s like, 12, and I have a show tomorrow so-

The rest of the call was me trying to defend myself while he yells at me. We settle it and say good night!

So, tell me if y’all want to see more of Duskfeather ze Great. Until next time, this is Aspenpaw, signing off.

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