• Let’s get a little realistic. Flowerpaw demanded to Coldstar that her warrior name becomes Flowersong because she thought it was a beautiful name and didn’t want a name she was unsatisfied with. For the virtues you list when I become a warrior, I think the right virtues for me would be bravery and resilience (so you’d say “StarClan honors your bravery and resilience”). And since Stripeheart is now a warrior, should I become a warrior soon? I know that it would mean Gracepaw would have to make Dustpaw a warrior earlier than she planned because she wanted him to become a warrior in 4-5 months, but I want Flowerpaw and Dustpaw to become warriors at the exact same time because it feels right having a mate the same age as me, sorry Gracepaw. And also, since we’re talking about it, can I become a warrior tomorrow? I mean, it’s almost night rn where I live but idk about you, Coldstar. And also Rainpaw it might be a good time for you to become a warrior too.
      Edit: Oops sorry Rainy I didn’t see that you decided to stay a warrior a little longer, this comments was modded an hour after it was written

    • Rainingbreeze chooses my name… lol
      I prefer Gracesplash over anything, but if not, Gracestorm, although there are too many cats with the -storm suffix

  • Coldstar: I, Coldstar, leader of SnowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.
    Coldstar: Stripepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?
    Stripepaw: I do.
    Coldstar: Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Stripepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Stripeheart. StarClan honors your courage, wisdom,justness and kindness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SnowClan.

  • The leader rests their muzzle on the apprentice’s head, and the former apprentice licks the leader’s shoulder. The rest of the Clan then greets the new warrior by calling them by their new name. The warrior will sit a silent vigil guarding the camp that night.

    • Stripeheart!” Moonpaw yowled. She hadn’t known the she-cat very well, but she knew that Stripeheart had deserved this.
      I’m not sure that I’m going to be a warrior though, Moonpaw thought with dread. I think I’ve been mooning over Duskpaw more then I’ve been training to be a warrior, but no longer.
      Stripeheart, Stripeheart!” A shy voice joined her’s and Moonpaw looked over to see Firepaw chanting along with everyone else, his kind leaf-green eyes shining.
      At least SnowClan and LightClan are finally settling.

    • “Stripeheart! Wow, you’re a warrior!” Gracepaw purred to the new warrior.

    • “Stripeheart! Stripeheart! Stripeheart! Stripeheart! Stripeheart! Stripeheart!” (copied and pasted with autocorrect every time that I fixed lol) Flowerpaw was happy for Stripeheart, but also felt jealousy. That…must…be…me…soon! she thought. After Stripeheart’s warrior ceremony, she went into the forest and let it all out. She was crying. Will I ever be a good warrior? “Are you okay?” asked a voice. It was Cherrypaw. “After seeing Stripeheart become a warrior,” said Flowerpaw. “I think that… I might not be a good warrior if I’m not a warrior yet.” “It’s okay,” Cherrypaw mewed softly. “In fact, I probably shouldn’t say this… but I overheard some warriors talking about which apprentices will become warriors soon… and you were listed. In fact, you were the first one listed!” Flowerpaw froze. “Oh.”
      (No offense Stripheart congratulations)

  • In Flowerpaw’s dream, she was about to attack Rustpaw. How he attacked her during the FlameClan-SnowClan battle repeated in her dream, and she was about to get revenge in this dream. She scratched him, and then noticed his scared and sad face. Flowerpaw then woke up. I need to forgive him, she thought. I’ve been mad at him for attacking me for way too long. It’s time to go to FlameClan and tell him that I forgive him. She snuck out of her den and ran to the SnowClan-FlameClan border. Then she realized something about Rustpaw’s name. Rustpaw sounds like… Dustpaw! But, he’ll never be as charming as Dustpaw. Flowerpaw then dashed past the border. When she was in the camp, she saw Whitecloud. “Hello, Flowerpaw,” said Whitecloud. “Um… may… FlameClan help you?” “I’m looking for Rustpaw,” Flowerpaw explained. Whitecloud cautiously scanned Flowerpaw’s face. It must be to make sure I’m not going to attack him, she thought, “I’ll go get him!” Whitecloud finally said. She then entered the apprentice’s den and came back out with Rustpaw. “Flowerpaw…” mewed Rustpaw. “I’ll leave you two be,” said Whitecloud as she turned away. “Rustpaw,” said Flowerpaw. “I just wanted to say that… I forgive you. For attacking me during the battle.” Rustpaw smiled. “Thank you, Flowerpaw,” he said. “And don’t worry, it’s not like I love you or anything. Pineprickle knows what I’m about to tell you, and so does Dawnpaw, but I trust them. Hopefully I can trust you… So, I like… Songpaw.” Flowerpaw was glad that Rustpaw loved someone from his own Clan, and knew she should keep it, so he can tell her own his own. “I won’t tell her,” said Flowerpaw. Rustpaw smiled. Then, Flowerpaw turned around, and right when she was about to leave FlameClan territory, she saw something she couldn’t believe. It was Coldstar… sharing tongues with Flamestar. This is bad! She thought. If the other Clans find out that SnowClan’s leader is letting forbidden love happen, it will make us look bad – especially if the other Clans never find out that it’s Flamestar she’s meeting with! This can’t happen! Flowerpaw then pictured Dustpaw, giving her a cheery look. But what if it’s the Clan leader being disloyal? Flowerpaw then turned around. A FlameClan cat has to know, too. She ran back to Rustpaw. “Rustpaw!” she said quite loudly. “Flowerpaw?” said Rustpaw. “Why are you still here?” “Look who I found meeting up,” said Flowerpaw. She ran back to where she caught Coldstar talking to Flamestar, with Rustpaw following her. As soon as Rustpaw saw the two leaders, he gasped loudly. Flowerpaw looked at him. “Okay, Rustpaw,” she said. “I think we must not tell any other cat what we have seen.” “Agreed,” said Rustpaw. “I’ll be the only cat in FlameClan to know, and you will be the only cat in SnowClan to know.” (The two are unaware that there are already SnowClan cats who know lol)

    • We’re in a hole. You can’t just see us from there. Plus, we’re on the Gathering island. I’m not worrying about Rustpaw, because I have a major plot twist(that will end with him dying, but still) for him.

  • Stripeheart stayed quiet but beamed with delight. She was finally a warrior! “Hi Stripeheart.” Cloudnose said “And nice name too” She smiled even more. She had be crushing on this tom since he arrived,but no one knows.

  • About the Pearlpaw gender thing, I was planning to make him a potential mate, so yeah.. 😛

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